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Last active June 17, 2022 01:44
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P5 Backup2Go Command Line Cheat Sheet
# Archiware Cheat Sheet - Backup2Go
# These are some useful commands which I stumbled upon while setting up automatic P5 configurarions
# web interface URL
# start backup (from client) - depending on which server you wish to initate a backup with you may need to change this
/usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat -c Server 10001 start now
# stop the deamon
# start the deamon
# connect to server (from client)
/usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat -c Server configure <backup-server-host-name> <port> <backup-user> <backup-password> <backup-template>
eg : /usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat -c Server configure 20000 mrbackup super!secr3ts 1000
# removes deleted workstation records on the server and all references to deleted workstation's snapshots
# it will leave the data (files and folders) in the B2Go repository.
nsdchat -c Backup2Go cleanup
# removes deleted workstation records on the server and all references to deleted workstation's snapshots
# also removes the files and folders from the B2Go repository.
nsdchat -c Backup2Go cleanup snapshots trashes
# change user password (newer versions of P5 B2Go.
/usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat -c User <username> password <newpassword> <oldpassword>
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# (C) 2013 Henri Shustak
# Licenced under the Apache Licence
# This script is a part of an example packge build sub system which is bunlded with Total Configuration :
# Usage :
# Create the following directory / file structure
# - > myproject (top level directroy)
# - - > build.bash (this build script)
# - - > root (directory)
# - - > scripts (directory
# - - - > installation_components (directory)
# - - - - - > P5-Workstation-5.6.4-Install.pkg (download the latest installer for P5 Workstations)
# - - - > InstallPKG (download from :
# - - - > (optional)
# - - - > postinstall (p5-backup2go-client-connect-example.bash - rename it)
# Run the build.bash script (you may need to make it executable - chamod +x build.bash
# If you require a signed package as output, then you will want to modify this script to include packagebuild signing
# Example build script
# version 1.0 - initial release
# version 1.1 - minor updates
# Notes :
# If you have no payload for your package then --nopayload may be a good option to specify.
# User varibales
# Intenral variables
parent_directory="`dirname \"${0}\"`" ; if [ "`echo "${parent_directory}" | grep -e "^/"`" == "" ] ; then parent_directory="`pwd`/${parent_directory}" ; fi
temporary_build_directory=`mktemp -d /tmp/p5_build_directory.XXXXXXXXXXXXX`
realitve_package_output_directory="build_output/`date \"+%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S\"`"
function clean_exit {
cd /
rm -Rf "${temporary_build_directory}"
exit ${exit_status}
# change directory to the temporary build directory
cd "${temporary_build_directory}"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "ERROR! : Unable to swtich to temporary build directory." ; exit_status=1 ; clean_exit ; fi
# populate temporary build directory with approriate files
rsync -aE --exclude="/build_output" "${parent_directory}/" "./"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "ERROR! : Unable to copy files to temporary build directory." ; exit_status=1 ; clean_exit ; fi
# generate build output directory
echo $absolute_path_to_package_build_directory
mkdir -p "${absolute_path_to_package_build_directory}"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "ERROR! : Unable to generate output build directory." ; exit_status=1 ; clean_exit ; fi
# build that package
pkgbuild --identifier ${package_identifier} --version ${package_version} --root ./root --scripts ./scripts --install-location / "${absolute_path_to_package_build}"
# Remove the odd directory if it shows up.
if [ -d "${absolute_path_to_package_build_directory}/(A Document Being Saved By pkgbuild)" ] ; then rmdir "${absolute_path_to_package_build_directory}/(A Document Being Saved By pkgbuild)" ; if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "ERROR! : Unable to remove the \"(A Document Being Saved By pkgbuild)\" directory." ; exit_status=1 ; clean_exit ; fi ; fi
# Version 1.1
# Note : This script will delete the client settings on the machine.
# This will result in the removal of servers which may have been configured in the past.
# example script which will connect up to the server.
# Copyright 2016 - Henri Shustak
# Released under the MIT Licence :
#configuration - add your server details into this spot
#configure path
# script parent directory
parent_directory_path=`dirname "$0"`
cd "${parent_directory_path}"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo “ERROR! : Unable to switch to this scripts parent directory.”
exit -128
sleep 5
# stop the P5 server
if [ -e /usr/local/aw/ ] ; then sudo /usr/local/aw/stop-server ; fi
# remove configruarion
if [ -e "/usr/local/aw/config/customerconfig/resources.db" ] ; then
sudo rm -Rf "/usr/local/aw/config/customerconfig/resources.db"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo "ERROR! : Unable to remove local configuration"
exit -129
sleep 1
#install installpkg
installer -pkg ./InstallPKG.pkg -target /
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo “ERROR! : Unable to install installpkg onto this system.”
exit -128
sleep 2
#install P5
installpkg ./installation_components/*
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo “ERROR! : Unable to install P5 Workstation onto this system.”
exit -128
# start P5 server
if [ -e /usr/local/aw/ ] ; then sudo /usr/local/aw/start-server ; fi
sleep 10
# configure p5
/usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat -c Server configure ${SERVERNAME} ${SERVERPORT} ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD} ${TEMPLATE}
# Stop the P5 server
if [ -e /usr/local/aw/ ] ; then sudo /usr/local/aw/stop-server ; fi
sleep 10
# start P5 server
if [ -e /usr/local/aw/ ] ; then sudo /usr/local/aw/start-server ; fi
sleep 20
/usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat -c Server 10001 start now
exit $exit_status
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# (C) 2013, Henri Shustak - MIT LICENCE
# This script is desinged to work with ArchiWare (AKA P5 Backup)
# This is a script to check a workstation for the last succesfull backup - you may need to select a differnt ID
# This is a pre-production script needs more work but you would be able to setup push notifications / emails etc
# When the backup has not been completed in a certian ammount of time.
require 'time'
@current_ruby_time = Time.parse(`date`) # alterantivly you could use ''
@max_number_of_seconds_since_previous_backup_successully_completed = "604800" # 86400 seconds is one day. 604800 is one week.
@last_succesfull_backup = `/usr/local/aw/bin/nsdchat -c Workstation 10001 lastend`
puts @current_ruby_time.to_i
puts @max_number_of_seconds_since_previous_backup_successully_completed
puts @last_succesfull_backup
@number_of_seconds_since_succesful_last_backup = @current_ruby_time.to_i - @last_succesfull_backup.to_i
puts @number_of_seconds_since_succesful_last_backup
#puts DateTime.strptime("#{@last_succesfull_backup}",'%s').strftime("%d %m %y")
puts `date -r #{@last_succesfull_backup}`
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