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Created July 8, 2016 00:23
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Bitmap generator in erlang
-export([generate/0, header/2, i/2, c/1]).
header(FileSz, Offset) ->
info(Width,Height,ImageSize) ->
40:32/little, % Header size
1:16/little, % Planes
24:16/little, % Bits per pixel
0:32/little, % Compression
0:32/little, % X Pixels per meter
0:32/little, % Y Pixels per meter
0:32/little, % Colors in color table
0:32/little % Important color count
padpx(N) when (N * 3) rem 4 =:= 0 -> 0;
padpx(N) -> 4 - ((N * 3) rem 4).
padrow(R, W) -> [R| lists:duplicate(padpx(W),0)].
generate() ->
W = 3,
H = 3,
Matrix = [
[<<213, 45, 133>>,<<64, 76, 32>>, <<0, 0, 0>>],
[<<76, 0, 0>>, <<234,32, 15>>, <<0, 0, 0>>],
[<<76, 0, 0>>, <<234,32, 15>>, <<0, 0, 0>>]
write_image(W, H, l(c(Matrix),1,1,<<128,128,128>>)).
write_image(W, H, Matrix) ->
MatrixReversed = lists:reverse(Matrix),
MatrixPadded = lists:map(fun(R) -> padrow(R,W) end, MatrixReversed),
Pixels = erlang:list_to_bitstring(MatrixPadded),
PixelsSize = erlang:bit_size(Pixels),
Offset = 14 + 40, % Header Size + InfoSize
Size = Offset + PixelsSize,
Header = header(Size, Offset),
Info = info(W, H, PixelsSize),
whitePixel() -> <<255,255,255>>.
changePixel(L, P, E) ->
lists:sublist(L, P-1) ++ [E] ++ lists:nthtail(P,L).
% getPixel(Matrix, X, Y) ->
% lists:nth(X,lists:nth(Y,Matrix)).
% I M N
% Create MxN matrix.
i(M, N) -> lists:duplicate(N, lists:duplicate(M, whitePixel())).
% C
% Clean matrix
c(Matrix) when is_list(Matrix) ->
lists:map(fun(E) -> c(E) end, Matrix);
c(_) -> whitePixel().
% L X Y C
% color pixel (X,Y) in color C.
l(Matrix, X, Y, C) ->
lists:sublist(Matrix, Y-1) ++
[changePixel(lists:nth(Y, Matrix), X, C)] ++
lists:nthtail(Y, Matrix).
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