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Created December 13, 2012 13:19
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for marking graphs according to intrisic time model with excel vba
Option Explicit
Public Const iTREND_UP As Integer = 1
Public Const iTREND_DOWN As Integer = 1
Public Const iTRUE As Integer = 1
Public Const iFALSE As Integer = 0
Type trend
newTrend As Integer 'only zero or one value, not using bool to line up with excel sheet
trendOvershoot As Integer 'only zero or one value, not using bool to line up with excel sheet
trendReversal As Integer 'only zero or one value, not using bool to line up with excel sheet
End Type
newLowThreshold As Double
newHighThreshold As Double
End Type
Public Function ArrayMarketStep(MidRange As Range, percent As Double, firstTrend As Integer, firstLowThres As Double, firstHighThres As Double) As Variant
Dim vaInMidData As Variant
vaInMidData = MidRange.Value
Dim vaOutData As Variant
ReDim vOut(LBound(vaInMidData, 1) To UBound(vaInMidData, 1), 1 To 7)
Dim vaCurRowData As Variant
ReDim vaCurRowData(1 To 1, 1 To 5)
vaCurRowData(1, 1) = vaInMidData(LBound(vaInMidData, 1), 1)
vaCurRowData(1, 2) = percent
vaCurRowData(1, 3) = firstTrend
vaCurRowData(1, 4) = firstLowThres
vaCurRowData(1, 5) = firstHighThres
Dim vOutRowCounter As Long
Dim vaCalcTemp As Variant
For vOutRowCounter = LBound(vaInMidData, 1) To UBound(vaInMidData, 1)
vaCalcTemp = MarketStep(vaCurRowData)
vOut(vOutRowCounter, 1) = vaCalcTemp(1, 1)
vOut(vOutRowCounter, 2) = vaCalcTemp(1, 2)
vOut(vOutRowCounter, 3) = vaCalcTemp(1, 3)
vOut(vOutRowCounter, 4) = vaCalcTemp(1, 4)
vOut(vOutRowCounter, 5) = vaCalcTemp(1, 5)
vOut(vOutRowCounter, 6) = vaCalcTemp(1, 6)
vOut(vOutRowCounter, 7) = vaCalcTemp(1, 7)
If vOutRowCounter < UBound(vaInMidData, 1) Then
vaCurRowData(1, 1) = vaInMidData((vOutRowCounter + 1), 1)
vaCurRowData(1, 2) = vOut(vOutRowCounter, 1)
vaCurRowData(1, 3) = vOut(vOutRowCounter, 2)
vaCurRowData(1, 4) = vOut(vOutRowCounter, 3)
vaCurRowData(1, 5) = vOut(vOutRowCounter, 4)
End If
Next vOutRowCounter
ArrayMarketStep = vOut
End Function
Public Function RangeMarketStep(inRange As Range) As Variant
Dim vaInData As Variant
vaInData = inRange.Value
Dim vOut() As Variant
vOut = MarketStep(vaInData)
RangeMarketStep = vOut
End Function
Public Function MarketStep(vaInArray As Variant) As Variant
Dim vaInData As Variant
vaInData = vaInArray
'inputs from inRange
Dim mid As Double
mid = vaInData(1, 1)
Dim percent As Double
percent = vaInData(1, 2)
Dim curTrend As Integer
curTrend = vaInData(1, 3)
Dim curlowThres As Double
curlowThres = vaInData(1, 4)
Dim curhighThres As Double
curhighThres = vaInData(1, 5)
Dim uTrend As trend
uTrend = TrendCalc(mid, curTrend, curlowThres, curhighThres)
Dim uThresholds As THRESHOLDS
uThresholds = ThresholdCalc(uTrend, mid, percent, curlowThres, curhighThres)
Dim sEventText As String
sEventText = EventText(uTrend, uThresholds)
Dim vOut() As Variant
ReDim vOut(1 To 1, 1 To 7)
vOut(1, 1) = percent
vOut(1, 2) = uTrend.newTrend
vOut(1, 3) = uThresholds.newLowThreshold
vOut(1, 4) = uThresholds.newHighThreshold
vOut(1, 5) = uTrend.trendOvershoot
vOut(1, 6) = uTrend.trendReversal
vOut(1, 7) = sEventText
MarketStep = vOut
End Function
Public Function TrendCalc(mid As Double, curTrend As Integer, lowThres As Double, highThres As Double) As trend
Dim uOut As trend
uOut.trendOvershoot = iFALSE
uOut.trendReversal = iFALSE
If mid > highThres And curTrend = iTREND_UP Then
uOut.trendOvershoot = iTRUE
uOut.newTrend = curTrend
ElseIf mid > highThres And curTrend = iTREND_DOWN Then
uOut.trendReversal = iTRUE
uOut.newTrend = iTREND_UP
ElseIf mid < lowThres And curTrend = iTREND_DOWN Then
uOut.trendOvershoot = iTRUE
uOut.newTrend = curTrend
ElseIf mid < lowThres And curTrend = iTREND_UP Then
uOut.trendReversal = iTRUE
uOut.newTrend = iTREND_DOWN
uOut.newTrend = curTrend
End If
TrendCalc = uOut
End Function
Public Function ThresholdCalc(uNewTrend As trend, curMid As Double, curPercent As Double, curLowThreshold As Double, curHighThreshold As Double) As THRESHOLDS
If NoTrendEvent(uNewTrend) Then
If uNewTrend.newTrend = iTREND_UP Then
uOut.newHighThreshold = curHighThreshold
uOut.newLowThreshold = WorksheetFunction.Max(curLowThreshold, curMid * (1 - curPercent))
Else 'this is uNewTrend.newTrend = iTREND_DOWN
uOut.newLowThreshold = curLowThreshold
uOut.newHighThreshold = WorksheetFunction.Min(curHighThreshold, curMid * (1 + curPercent))
End If
uOut.newLowThreshold = curMid * (1 - curPercent)
uOut.newHighThreshold = curMid * (1 + curPercent)
End If
ThresholdCalc = uOut
End Function
Public Function NoTrendEvent(uTrend As trend) As Boolean
NoTrendEvent = uTrend.trendOvershoot = iFALSE And uTrend.trendReversal = iFALSE
End Function
Public Function EventText(uTrend As trend, uThresholds As THRESHOLDS) As String
Dim sOut As String
If NoTrendEvent(uTrend) Then
sOut = "NO EVENT"
ElseIf uTrend.trendOvershoot = iTRUE Then
If uTrend.newTrend = iTREND_UP Then
sOut = "TREND: UP OVERSHOOT NLOW: " & uThresholds.newLowThreshold & " NUP: " & uThresholds.newHighThreshold
sOut = "TREND: DOWN OVERSHOOT NLOW: " & uThresholds.newLowThreshold & " NUP: " & uThresholds.newHighThreshold
End If
ElseIf uTrend.trendReversal = iTRUE Then
If uTrend.newTrend = iTREND_UP Then
sOut = "REVERSAL NEW TREND: UP NLOW: " & uThresholds.newLowThreshold & " NUP: " & uThresholds.newHighThreshold
sOut = "REVERSAL NEW TREND: DOWN NLOW: " & uThresholds.newLowThreshold & " NUP: " & uThresholds.newHighThreshold
End If
End If
EventText = sOut
End Function
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