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Created September 27, 2011 19:22
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CoffeeScript/jQuery plugin for iOS style placeholders.
input.placeholding { color: #BBB; }
# CoffeeScript/jQuery plugin for iOS style placeholders.
# By Henrik Nyh <> 2011-09-27 under the MIT license.
# Based on
# Define a CSS rule like:
# input.placeholding { color: #BBB; }
# And use by assigning placeholder attributes to input fields and doing:
# $.iOSPlaceholder()
# with an optional selector:
# $.iOSPlaceholder(".only-with-this-class")
# $.iOSPlaceholder("#only-this-element")
# $.iOSPlaceholder($("#only-this-element"))
$ = jQuery
KLASS = "placeholding"
PAGE_UP = 33
END = 35
HOME = 36
LEFT = 37
UP = 38
RIGHT = 39
DOWN = 40
TAB = 9
SHIFT = 16
CTRL = 17
OPT_ALT = 18
CMD = 91
setSelectionRange = (input, selectionStart, selectionEnd) ->
if input.setSelectionRange
input.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd)
else if input.createTextRange
range = input.createTextRange()
range.moveEnd('character', selectionEnd)
range.moveStart('character', selectionStart)
rewindCaret = ->
if hasPlaceholderValue(this)
# Without the timeout, tabbing out and back may leave the text selected in Chrome.
setTimeout (=> this.setSelectionRange(0,0)), 0
clearPlaceholder = (e) ->
if hasPlaceholderValue(this)
if e.which in NON_INPUT_KCODES
# Don't clear placeholder, but do rewind caret if it might have moved.
# It's important that we don't do this when tabbing, or we break tabbing out of the element.
rewindCaret.apply(this) if e.which in MOVEMENT_KCODES
this.type = "password" if this.getAttribute("data-type") == "password"
restorePlaceholder = ->
if this.value.length == 0
$this = $(this)
this.type = "text" if this.type == "password"
if $":focus")
clearPlaceholdersAtSubmit = ->
$(this).find("input[data-placeholder]").each ->
$(this).val("") if hasPlaceholderValue(this)
hasPlaceholderValue = (field) ->
field.value == field.getAttribute("data-placeholder")
$.iOSPlaceholder = (filter) ->
$inputs = $("input[placeholder]")
$inputs = $inputs.filter(filter) if filter
$inputs.each ->
$this = $(this)
this.setAttribute "data-type", this.type
this.setAttribute "data-placeholder", this.getAttribute("placeholder")
this.removeAttribute "placeholder"
restorePlaceholder.apply this
$this.bind 'focus drop click', rewindCaret
$this.bind 'keydown', clearPlaceholder
$this.bind 'keyup blur', restorePlaceholder
$(this.form).submit clearPlaceholdersAtSubmit
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