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Created February 12, 2012 21:46
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Save henrik/1811005 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Animate number changes step by step (e.g. "1.1" -> "1.2" -> "1.3") with CoffeeScript and jQuery. And some other methods around number formatting.
# Examples
console.log NumberWrangler.format(123456.78)
console.log NumberWrangler.format("1234")
console.log NumberWrangler.formatDecimalComma("123456.78")
console.log NumberWrangler.parse("123,4 56.78")
console.log NumberWrangler.parseDecimalComma("123.4 56,78")
console.log NumberWrangler.countDecimals(1.2345)
# Requires jQuery:
# Reads the number displayed inside .foo_count and changes the value to 456,
# step by step over the given duration, with the given easing.
NumberWrangler.changeNumber ".foo_count", 456, duration: 1000, easing: "linear"
NumberWrangler.changeNumber ".foo_count", 456.78, decimalComma: true
class NumberWrangler
@changeNumber: (element, newNumber, opts={}) ->
duration = opts.duration || 500 # ms
easing = opts.easing || "swing"
if opts.decimalComma
parser = @parseDecimalComma
formatter = @formatDecimalComma
parser = @parse
formatter = @format
$e = jQuery(element)
oldNumber = parser $e.text()
newNumber = @parse newNumber
decimals = Math.max @countDecimals(oldNumber), @countDecimals(newNumber)
jQuery(value: oldNumber).animate(
{ value: newNumber },
duration: duration,
easing: easing,
step: (value) =>
$e.text formatter(@round(value, decimals))
complete: =>
$e.text formatter(@round(newNumber, decimals))
@format: (stringOrNumber, thousandsSeparator=",", decimalSeparator=".") ->
string = stringOrNumber + ""
[int, dec] = string.split('.')
dec = if dec then decimalSeparator + dec else ""
re = /(\d+)(\d{3})/
while re.test(int)
int = int.replace(re, '$1' + thousandsSeparator + '$2')
int + dec
@formatDecimalComma: (stringOrNumber) ->
NumberWrangler.format stringOrNumber, ".", ","
@parse: (stringOrNumber) ->
string = stringOrNumber + ""
parseFloat(string.replace(/[^\d\.-]/g, ''), 10) || 0
@parseDecimalComma: (string) ->
string = string.replace(/\./, '').replace(",", ".")
@countDecimals: (number) ->
string = number + ""
decimalPart = string.split(".")[1] || ""
@round: (number, decimals=0) ->
pow = Math.pow(10, decimals)
Math.round(number * pow) / pow
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