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Created September 1, 2012 18:56
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Run some JS in Chrome from the command line and get the return value. Useful for scrapers that require JS and perhaps a session that's tricky to set up otherwise.

This AppleScript opens a page in Chrome (where you presumably have a logged-in session if required), opens the passed-in URL, runs the passed-in JavaScript and returns the JS return value.

Waits for 1 second for the page to load before executing the JS. Optionally, pass in a third argument with the number of seconds to wait.


osascript js_in_chrome.scpt "" "document.title"

# When logged in.
osascript js_in_chrome.scpt "" "szImageURL"

# Custom wait.
osascript js_in_chrome.scpt "" "document.title" 10
on run argv
set theURL to item 1 of argv
set theJS to item 2 of argv
if length of argv > 2 then
set theDelay to item 3 of argv
set theDelay to 1
end if
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell window 1 to make new tab with properties {URL:theURL}
delay theDelay -- Wait for page to load.
set theResult to execute window 1's active tab javascript theJS
delete tab (active tab index of window 1) of window 1
if theResult is not missing value then
end if
end tell
end run
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