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Last active August 1, 2019 14:34
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  • Save henrikekblad/c1d652cce16eaf2ef6340eacaefc97b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save henrikekblad/c1d652cce16eaf2ef6340eacaefc97b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Interpreting the logs from your node or gateway can be a bit tedious. On this page you can paste the output and get a more human readable output. [More details about the log messages](
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="parser">
<h4>Paste log from gateway or node here:</h4>
<textarea class="form-control" @change="parse" rows="10" v-model="source"></textarea>
<button @click="parse" class="btn btn-primary">Parse</button>
<button @click="copy" class="btn btn-primary">Copy this log URL to clipboard</button>
<button @click="source=''" class="btn btn-default">Clear</button>
<h4>Human readable output:</h4>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-condensed">
<th>Node Id</th>
<th>Child Sensor</th>
<th>Command Type</th>
<th>Ack Req/Resp</th>
<tr v-for="r in parsed">
<td v-for="c in r" v-html="c"></td>
function copyTextToClipboard(text) {
var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
// *** This styling is an extra step which is likely not required. ***
// Why is it here? To ensure:
// 1. the element is able to have focus and selection.
// 2. if element was to flash render it has minimal visual impact.
// 3. less flakyness with selection and copying which **might** occur if
// the textarea element is not visible.
// The likelihood is the element won't even render, not even a flash,
// so some of these are just precautions. However in IE the element
// is visible whilst the popup box asking the user for permission for
// the web page to copy to the clipboard.
// Place in top-left corner of screen regardless of scroll position. = 'fixed'; = 0; = 0;
// Ensure it has a small width and height. Setting to 1px / 1em
// doesn't work as this gives a negative w/h on some browsers. = '2em'; = '2em';
// We don't need padding, reducing the size if it does flash render. = 0;
// Clean up any borders. = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'none';
// Avoid flash of white box if rendered for any reason. = 'transparent';
textArea.value = text;
try {
var successful = document.execCommand('copy');
var msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful';
console.log('Copying text command was ' + msg);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Oops, unable to copy');
var types = {
"internal": [
command: [
//mysgw: Client 0: 0;0;3;0;18;PING
var rprefix = "(?:\\d+ )?(?:mysgw: )?(?:Client 0: )?";
var match = [
{ re: "MCO:BGN:INIT CP=([^,]+)", d: "Core initialization with capabilities <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "MCO:BGN:INIT (\\w+),CP=([^,]+),VER=(.*)", d: "Core initialization of <b>$1</b>, with capabilities <b>$2</b>, library version <b>$3</b>" },
{ re: "MCO:BGN:INIT (\\w+),CP=([^,]+),REL=(.*),VER=(.*)", d: "Core initialization of <b>$1</b>, with capabilities <b>$2</b>, library version <b>$4</b>, release <b>$3</b>" },
{ re: "MCO:BGN:BFR", d: "Callback before()" },
{ re: "MCO:BGN:STP", d: "Callback setup()" },
{ re: "MCO:BGN:INIT OK,TSP=(.*)", d: "Core initialized, transport status <b>$1</b>, (1=initialized, 0=not initialized, NA=not available)" },
{ re: "MCO:BGN:NODE UNLOCKED", d: "Node successfully unlocked (see signing chapter)" },
{ re: "!MCO:BGN:TSP FAIL", d: "Transport initialization failed" },
{ re: "MCO:REG:REQ", d: "Registration request" },
{ re: "MCO:REG:NOT NEEDED", d: "No registration needed (i.e. GW)" },
{ re: "!MCO:SND:NODE NOT REG", d: "Node is not registered, cannot send message" },
{ re: "MCO:PIM:NODE REG=(\\d+)", d: "Registration response received, registration status <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "MCO:PIM:ROUTE N=(\\d+),R=(\\d+)", d: "Routing table, messages to node <b>$1</b> are routed via node <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "MCO:SLP:MS=(\\d+),SMS=(\\d+),I1=(\\d+),M1=(\\d+),I2=(\\d+),M2=(\\d+)", d: "Sleep node, duration <b>$1</b> ms, SmartSleep=<b>$2</b>, Int1=<b>$3</b>, Mode1=<b>$4</b>, Int2=<b>$5</b>, Mode2=<b>$6</b>" },
{ re: "MCO:SLP:MS=(\\d+)", d: "Sleep node, duration <b>$1</b> ms" },
{ re: "MCO:SLP:TPD", d: "Sleep node, powerdown transport" },
{ re: "MCO:SLP:WUP=(-?\\d+)", d: "Node woke-up, reason/IRQ=<b>$1</b> (-2=not possible, -1=timer, >=0 IRQ)" },
{ re: "!MCO:SLP:FWUPD", d: "Sleeping not possible, FW update ongoing" },
{ re: "!MCO:SLP:REP", d: "Sleeping not possible, repeater feature enabled" },
{ re: "!MCO:SLP:TNR", d: " Transport not ready, attempt to reconnect until timeout" },
{ re: "MCO:NLK:NODE LOCKED. UNLOCK: GND PIN (\\d+) AND RESET", d: "Node locked during booting, see signing documentation for additional information" },
{ re: "MCO:NLK:TPD", d: "Powerdown transport" },
{ re: "TSM:INIT", d: "Transition to <b>Init</b> state" },
{ re: "TSM:INIT:STATID=(\\d+)", d: "Init static node id <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "TSM:INIT:TSP OK", d: "Transport device configured and fully operational" },
{ re: "TSM:INIT:GW MODE", d: "Node is set up as GW, thus omitting ID and findParent states" },
{ re: "!TSM:INIT:TSP FAIL", d: "Transport device initialization failed" },
{ re: "TSM:FPAR", d: "Transition to <b>Find Parent</b> state" },
{ re: "TSM:FPAR:STATP=(\\d+)", d: "Static parent <b>$1</b> has been set, skip finding parent" },
{ re: "TSM:FPAR:OK", d: "Parent node identified" },
{ re: "!TSM:FPAR:NO REPLY", d: "No potential parents replied to find parent request" },
{ re: "!TSM:FPAR:FAIL", d: "Finding parent failed" },
{ re: "TSM:ID", d: "Transition to <b>Request Id</b> state" },
{ re: "TSM:ID:OK,ID=(\\d+)", d: "Node id <b>$1</b> is valid" },
{ re: "TSM:ID:REQ", d: "Request node id from controller" },
{ re: "!TSM:ID:FAIL,ID=(\\d+)", d: "Id verification failed, <b>$1</b> is invalid" },
{ re: "TSM:UPL", d: "Transition to <b>Check Uplink</b> state" },
{ re: "TSM:UPL:OK", d: "Uplink OK, GW returned ping" },
{ re: "!TSM:UPL:FAIL", d: "Uplink check failed, i.e. GW could not be pinged" },
{ re: "TSM:READY:NWD REQ", d: "Send transport network discovery request" },
{ re: "TSM:READY:SRT", d: "Save routing table" },
{ re: "TSM:READY:ID=(\\d+),PAR=(\\d+),DIS=(\\d+)", d: "Transport ready, node id <b>$1</b>, parent node id <b>$2</b>, distance to GW is <b>$3</b>" },
{ re: "!TSM:READY:UPL FAIL,SNP", d: "Too many failed uplink transmissions, search new parent" },
{ re: "!TSM:READY:FAIL,STATP", d: "Too many failed uplink transmissions, static parent enforced" },
{ re: "TSM:READY", d: "Transition to <b>Ready</b> state" },
{ re: "TSM:FAIL:DIS", d: "Disable transport" },
{ re: "TSM:FAIL:CNT=(\\d+)", d: "Transition to <b>Failure</b> state, consecutive failure counter is <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "TSM:FAIL:PDT", d: "Power-down transport" },
{ re: "TSM:FAIL:RE-INIT", d: "Attempt to re-initialize transport" },
{ re: "TSF:CKU:OK,FCTRL", d: "Uplink OK, flood control prevents pinging GW in too short intervals" },
{ re: "TSF:CKU:OK", d: "Uplink OK" },
{ re: "TSF:CKU:DGWC,O=(\\d+),N=(\\d+)", d: "Uplink check revealed changed network topology, old distance <b>$1</b>, new distance <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "TSF:CKU:FAIL", d: "No reply received when checking uplink" },
{ re: "TSF:SID:OK,ID=(\\d+)", d: "Node id <b>$1</b> assigned" },
{ re: "!TSF:SID:FAIL,ID=(\\d+)", d: "Assigned id <b>$1</b> is invalid" },
{ re: "TSF:PNG:SEND,TO=(\\d+)", d: "Send ping to destination <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "TSF:WUR:MS=(\\d+)", d: "Wait until transport ready, timeout <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:ACK REQ", d: "ACK message requested" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:ACK", d: "ACK message, do not proceed but forward to callback" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:FPAR RES,ID=(\\d+),D=(\\d+)", d: "Response to find parent request received from node <b>$1</b> with distance <b>$2</b> to GW" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:FPAR PREF FOUND", d: "Preferred parent found, i.e. parent defined via MY_PARENT_NODE_ID" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:FPAR OK,ID=(\\d+),D=(\\d+)", d: "Find parent response from node <b>$1</b> is valid, distance <b>$2</b> to GW" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:FPAR INACTIVE", d: "Find parent response received, but no find parent request active, skip response" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:FPAR REQ,ID=(\\d+)", d: "Find parent request from node <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:PINGED,ID=(\\d+),HP=(\\d+)", d: "Node pinged by node <b>$1</b> with <b>$2</b> hops" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:PONG RECV,HP=(\\d+)", d: "Pinged node replied with <b>$1</b> hops" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:BC", d: "Broadcast message received" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:GWL OK", d: "Link to GW ok" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:FWD BC MSG", d: "Controlled broadcast message forwarding" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:REL MSG", d: "Relay message" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:REL PxNG,HP=(\\d+)", d: "Relay PING/PONG message, increment hop counter to <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "!TSF:MSG:LEN,(\\d+)!=(\\d+)", d: "Invalid message length, <b>$1</b> (actual) != <b>$2</b> (expected)" },
{ re: "!TSF:MSG:PVER,(\\d+)!=(\\d+)", d: "Message protocol version mismatch, <b>$1</b> (actual) != <b>$2</b> (expected)" },
{ re: "!TSF:MSG:SIGN VERIFY FAIL", d: "Signing verification failed" },
{ re: "!TSF:MSG:REL MSG,NORP", d: "Node received a message for relaying, but node is not a repeater, message skipped" },
{ re: "!TSF:MSG:SIGN FAIL", d: "Signing message failed" },
{ re: "!TSF:MSG:GWL FAIL", d: "GW uplink failed" },
{ re: "!TSF:MSG:ID TK INVALID", d: "Token for ID request invalid" },
{ re: "TSF:SAN:OK", d: "Sanity check passed" },
{ re: "!TSF:SAN:FAIL", d: "Sanity check failed, attempt to re-initialize radio" },
{ re: "TSF:CRT:OK", d: "Clearing routing table successful" },
{ re: "TSF:LRT:OK", d: "Loading routing table successful" },
{ re: "TSF:SRT:OK", d: "Saving routing table successful" },
{ re: "!TSF:RTE:FPAR ACTIVE", d: "Finding parent active, message not sent" },
{ re: "!TSF:RTE:DST (\\d+) UNKNOWN", d: "Routing for destination <b>$1</b> unknown, sending message to parent" },
{ re: "TSF:RRT:ROUTE N=(\\d+),R=(\\d+)", d: "Routing table, messages to node (<b>$1</b>) are routed via node (<b>$2</b>)"},
{ re: "!TSF:SND:TNR", d: "Transport not ready, message cannot be sent" },
{ re: "TSF:TDI:TSL", d: "Set transport to sleep" },
{ re: "TSF:TDI:TPD", d: "Power down transport" },
{ re: "TSF:TRI:TRI", d: "Reinitialise transport" },
{ re: "TSF:TRI:TSB", d: "Set transport to standby" },
{ re: "TSF:SIR:CMD=(\\d+),VAL=(\\d+)", d: "Get signal report <b>$1</b>, value: <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:READ,(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+),s=(\\d+),c=(\\d+),t=(\\d+),pt=(\\d+),l=(\\d+),sg=(\\d+):(.*)", d: "<u><b>Received Message</b></u><br><b>Sender</b>: $1<br><b>Last Node</b>: $2<br><b>Destination</b>: $3<br><b>Sensor Id</b>: $4<br><b>Command</b>: {command:$5}<br><b>Message Type</b>: {type:$5:$6}<br><b>Payload Type</b>: {pt:$7}<br><b>Payload Length</b>: $8<br><b>Signing</b>: $9<br><b>Payload</b>: $10" },
{ re: "TSF:MSG:SEND,(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+),s=(\\d+),c=(\\d+),t=(\\d+),pt=(\\d+),l=(\\d+),sg=(\\d+),ft=(\\d+),st=(\\w+):(.*)", d: "<u><b>Sent Message</b></u><br><b>Sender</b>: $1<br><b>Last Node</b>: $2<br><b>Next Node</b>: $3<br><b>Destination</b>: $4<br><b>Sensor Id</b>: $5<br><b>Command</b>: {command:$6}<br><b>Message Type</b>:{type:$6:$7}<br><b>Payload Type</b>: {pt:$8}<br><b>Payload Length</b>: $9<br><b>Signing</b>: $10<br><b>Failed uplink counter</b>: $11<br><b>Status</b>: $12 (OK=success, NACK=no radio ACK received)<br><b>Payload</b>: $13" },
{ re: "!TSF:MSG:SEND,(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+),s=(\\d+),c=(\\d+),t=(\\d+),pt=(\\d+),l=(\\d+),sg=(\\d+),ft=(\\d+),st=(\\w+):(.*)", d: "<u><b style='color:red'>Sent Message</b></u><br><b>Sender</b>: $1<br><b>Last Node</b>: $2<br><b>Next Node</b>: $3<br><b>Destination</b>: $4<br><b>Sensor Id</b>: $5<br><b>Command</b>: {command:$6}<br><b>Message Type</b>:{type:$6:$7}<br><b>Payload Type</b>: {pt:$8}<br><b>Payload Length</b>: $9<br><b>Signing</b>: $10<br><b>Failed uplink counter</b>: $11<br><b>Status</b>: $12 (OK=success, NACK=no radio ACK received)<br><b>Payload</b>: $13" },
// Signing backend
{ re: "SGN:INI:BND OK", d: "Backend has initialized ok" },
{ re: "!SGN:INI:BND FAIL", d: "Backend has not initialized ok" },
{ re: "SGN:PER:OK", d: "Personalization data is ok" },
{ re: "!SGN:PER:TAMPERED", d: "Personalization data has been tampered" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:SGN REQ", d: "Signing required" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:SGN REQ,TO=(\\d+)", d: "Tell node <b>$1</b> that we require signing" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:SGN REQ,FROM=(\\d+)", d: " Node <b>$1</b> require signing" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:SGN NREQ", d: "Signing not required" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:SGN REQ,TO=(\\d+)", d: "Tell node <b>$1</b> that we do not require signing" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:SGN NREQ,FROM=(\\d+)", d: "Node <b>$1</b> does not require signing" },
{ re: "!SGN:PRE:SGN NREQ,FROM=(\\d+) REJ", d: "Node <b>$1</b> does not require signing but used to (requirement remain unchanged)" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:WHI REQ", d: "Whitelisting required" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:WHI REQ;TO=(\\d+)", d: "Tell <b>$1</b> that we require whitelisting" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:WHI REQ,FROM=(\\d+)", d: "Node <b>$1</b> require whitelisting" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:WHI NREQ", d: " Whitelisting not required" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:WHI NREQ,TO=(\\d+)", d: "Tell node <b>$1</b> that we do not require whitelisting" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:WHI NREQ,FROM=(\\d+)", d: "Node <b>$1</b> does not require whitelisting" },
{ re: "!SGN:PRE:WHI NREQ,FROM=(\\d+) REJ", d: "Node <b>$1</b> does not require whitelisting but used to (requirement remain unchanged)" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:XMT,TO=(\\d+)", d: "Presentation data transmitted to node <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "!SGN:PRE:XMT,TO=(\\d+) FAIL", d: "Presentation data not properly transmitted to node <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:WAIT GW", d: "Waiting for gateway presentation data" },
{ re: "!SGN:PRE:VER=(\\d+)", d: "Presentation version <b>$1</b> is not supported" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:NSUP", d: "Received signing presentation but signing is not supported" },
{ re: "SGN:PRE:NSUP,TO=(\\d+)", d: "Informing node <b>$1</b> that we do not support signing" },
{ re: "SGN:SGN:NCE REQ,TO=(\\d+)", d: "Nonce request transmitted to node <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "!SGN:SGN:NCE REQ,TO=(\\d+) FAIL", d: "Nonce request not properly transmitted to node <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "!SGN:SGN:NCE TMO", d: "Timeout waiting for nonce" },
{ re: "SGN:SGN:SGN", d: "Message signed" },
{ re: "!SGN:SGN:SGN FAIL", d: "Message failed to be signed" },
{ re: "SGN:SGN:NREQ=(\\d+)", d: "Node <b>$1</b> does not require signed messages" },
{ re: "SGN:SGN:(\\d+)!=(\\d+) NUS", d: "Will not sign because <b>$1</b> is not <b>$2</b> (repeater)" },
{ re: "!SGN:SGN:STATE", d: "Security system in a invalid state (personalization data tampered)" },
{ re: "!SGN:VER:NSG", d: "Message was not signed, but it should have been" },
{ re: "!SGN:VER:FAIL", d: "Verification failed" },
{ re: "SGN:VER:OK", d: "Verification succeeded" },
{ re: "SGN:VER:LEFT=(\\d+)", d: "<b>$1</b> number of failed verifications left in a row before node is locked" },
{ re: "!SGN:VER:STATE", d: "Security system in a invalid state (personalization data tampered)" },
{ re: "SGN:SKP:MSG CMD=(\\d+),TYPE=(\\d+)", d: "Message with command <b>$1</b> and type <b>$2</b> does not need to be signed" },
{ re: "SGN:SKP:ACK CMD=(\\d+),TYPE=(\\d+)", d: "ACK messages does not need to be signed" },
{ re: "SGN:NCE:LEFT=(\\d+)", d: "<b>$1</b> number of nonce requests between successful verifications left before node is locked" },
{ re: "SGN:NCE:XMT,TO=(\\d+)", d: "Nonce data transmitted to node <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "!SGN:NCE:XMT,TO=(\\d+) FAIL", d: "Nonce data not properly transmitted to node <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "!SGN:NCE:GEN", d: "Failed to generate nonce" },
{ re: "SGN:NCE:NSUP (DROPPED)", d: "Ignored nonce/request for nonce (signing not supported)" },
{ re: "SGN:NCE:FROM=(\\d+)", d: "Received nonce from node <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "SGN:NCE:(\\d+)!=(\\d+) (DROPPED)", d: "Ignoring nonce as it did not come from the desgination of the message to sign" },
{ re: "!SGN:BND:INIT FAIL", d: "Failed to initialize signing backend" },
{ re: "!SGN:BND:PWD<8", d: "Signing password too short" },
{ re: "!SGN:BND:PER", d: "Backend not personalized" },
{ re: "!SGN:BND:SER", d: "Could not get device unique serial from backend" },
{ re: "!SGN:BND:TMR", d: "Backend timed out" },
{ re: "!SGN:BND:SIG,SIZE,(\\d+)>(\\d+)", d: "Refusing to sign message with length <b>$1</b> because it is bigger than allowed size <b>$2</b> " },
{ re: "SGN:BND:SIG WHI,ID=(\\d+)", d: "Salting message with our id <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "SGN:BND:SIG WHI,SERIAL=(.*)", d: "Salting message with our serial <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "!SGN:BND:VER ONGOING", d: "Verification failed, no ongoing session" },
{ re: "!SGN:BND:VER,IDENT=(\\d+)", d: "Verification failed, identifier <b>$1</b> is unknown" },
{ re: "SGN:BND:VER WHI,ID=(\\d+)", d: "Id <b>$1</b> found in whitelist" },
{ re: "SGN:BND:VER WHI,SERIAL=(.*)", d: "Expecting serial <b>$1</b> for this sender" },
{ re: "!SGN:BND:VER WHI,ID=(\\d+) MISSING", d: "Id <b>$1</b> not found in whitelist" },
{ re: "SGN:BND:NONCE=(.*)", d: "Calculating signature using nonce <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "SGN:BND:HMAC=(.*)", d: "Calculated signature is <b>$1</b>" },
// NodeManager
{ re: "NM:INIT:VER=(.*)", d: "NodeManager version <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "NM:INIT:INO=(.*)", d: "Sketch <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "NM:INIT:LIB VER=(.+) CP=(.+)", d: "MySensors Library version <b>$1</b>, capabilities <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "NM:INIT:RBT p=(\\d+)", d: "Configured reboot pin <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "NM:BFR:INIT", d: "Connecting to the gateway..." },
{ re: "NM:BFR:OK", d: "Connection to the gateway successful" },
{ re: "NM:BFR:INT p=(\\d+) m=(\\d+)", d: "Setting up interrupt on pin <b>$1</b> with mode <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "NM:PRES:(\\w+)\\((\\d+)\\) p=(\\d+) t=(\\d+)", d: "Presented to the gateway <b>child $2</b> for sensor <b>$1</b> as <b>{type:0:$3}</b> with type <b>{type:1:$4}</b>" },
{ re: "NM:STP:ID=(\\d+) M=(\\d+)", d: "This node has id <b>$1</b> and metric is set to <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "NM:STP:SD T=(\\d+)", d: "Connected SD card reader, type <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "NM:STP:HW V=(\\d+) F=(\\d+) M=(\\d+)", d: "CPU Vcc is <b>$1 mV</b>, CPU frequency <b>$2 Mhz</b>, free memory <b>$3 bytes</b>" },
{ re: "NM:LOOP:(\\w+)\\((\\d+)\\):SET t=(\\d+) v=(.+)", d: "New value for <b>child $2</b> of sensor <b>$1</b> with <b>{type:1:$3}</b> = <b>$4</b>" },
{ re: "NM:LOOP:INT p=(\\d+) v=(\\d+)", d: "Interrupt received on pin <b>$1</b>, value <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "NM:LOOP:INPUT\\.\\.\\.", d: "Waiting for input from the serial port" },
{ re: "NM:LOOP:INPUT v=(.*)", d: "Received an input from the serial port: <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "NM:TIME:REQ", d: "Requesting the time to the controller" },
{ re: "NM:TIME:OK ts=(\\d+)", d: "Received the time from the controller: <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "NM:SLP:WKP", d: "Wakeup requested" },
{ re: "NM:SLP:SLEEP s=(\\d+)", d: "Going to sleep for <b>$1</b> seconds" },
{ re: "NM:SLP:AWAKE", d: "Waking up from sleep" },
{ re: "NM:SLP:LOAD s=(\\d+)", d: "Loaded configured sleep time: <b>$1</b> seconds" },
{ re: "NM:MSG:SEND\\((\\d+)\\) t=(\\d+) p=(.+)", d: "<b>Child $1</b> sent <b>{type:1:$2}</b> = <b>$3</b>" },
{ re: "NM:MSG:RECV\\((\\d+)\\) c=(\\d+) t=(\\d+) p=(.+)", d: "Received a <b>{command:$2}</b> message for <b>child $1</b> with <b>{type:$2:$3}</b> = <b>$4</b>" },
{ re: "NM:PWR:RBT", d: "Rebooting the node as requested" },
{ re: "NM:PWR:ON p=(\\d+)", d: "Powering <b>on</b> the sensor(s) through pin <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "NM:PWR:OFF p=(\\d+)", d: "Powering <b>off</b> the sensor(s) through pin <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "NM:OTA:REQ f=(\\d+) v=(\\d+)", d: "Over-the-air configuration change requested, function <b>$1</b> value <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "NM:EEPR:CLR", d: "Clearing the EEPROM as requested" },
{ re: "NM:EEPR:LOAD i=(\\d+) v=(\\d+)", d: "Read from EEPROM at position <b>$1</b> the value <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "NM:EEPR:SAVE i=(\\d+) v=(\\d+)", d: "Wrote to EEPROM at position <b>$1</b> the value <b>$2</b>" },
{ re: "NM:EEPR:(\\w+)\\((\\d+)\\):LOAD", d: "Restoring from EEPROM the value of <b>child $2</b> of sensor <b>$1</b>" },
{ re: "NM:EEPR:(\\w+)\\((\\d+)\\):SAVE", d: "Saving to EEPROM the value of <b>child $2</b> of sensor <b>$1</b" },
{ re: "NM:SENS:([^:]+):(.+)", d: "Sensor <b>$1</b>: $2" },
{ re: "!NM:SENS:([^:]+):(.+)", d: "Error in sensor <b>$1</b>: <b style='color:red'>$2</b>" },
// Init regexes
for (var i=0, len=match.length;i<len; i++) {
match[i].re = new RegExp("^" + rprefix + match[i].re);
var stripPrefix = new RegExp("^" + rprefix + "(.*)");
function getQueryVariable(variable)
var query =;
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
if(pair[0] == variable){return pair[1];}
var splitWithTail = function(value, separator, limit) {
var pattern, startIndex, m, parts = [];
if(!limit) {
return value.split(separator);
if(separator instanceof RegExp) {
pattern = new RegExp(separator.source, 'g' + (separator.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + (separator.multiline ? 'm' : ''));
} else {
pattern = new RegExp(separator.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'), 'g');
do {
startIndex = pattern.lastIndex;
if(m = pattern.exec(value)) {
parts.push(value.substr(startIndex, m.index - startIndex));
} while(m && parts.length < limit - 1);
return parts;
new Vue({
el: "#parser",
data: function() {
return {
source: decodeURIComponent(getQueryVariable("log") || ""),
parsed: []
mounted: function() {
watch: {
source: function() {
methods: {
selector: function(cmd) {
switch (cmd) {
case "0":
return "presentation";
case "1":
case "2":
return "subtype";
case "3":
return "internal";
case "4":
return "stream";
type: function(cmd, type) {
var t = types[this.selector(cmd)]
return t !== undefined ? t[type] || "Undefined" : "Undefined";
match: function(msg) {
var self = this;
var found = false;
for (var i=0, len=match.length;!found && i<len; i++) {
var r = match[i];
if ( {
msg = msg.replace(, r.d);
msg = msg.replace(/{command:(\d+)}/g, function(match, m1) { return types.command[m1] });
msg = msg.replace(/{pt:(\d+)}/g, function(match, m1) { return types.payloadtype[m1] });
return msg.replace(/{type:(\d+):(\d+)}/g, function(match, cmd, type) {
return self.type(cmd, type);
parse: function() {
var self = this;
var rows = this.source.split("\n");
this.parsed =, function(r) {
//var p = r.split(";");
var p = splitWithTail(r, ";", 6);
if (p.length !== 6) {
var desc = self.match(r);
return ["","","","",desc?"":"Unknown", r, desc];
var sel = self.selector(p[2]);
var desc = "";
if (p[2] == "3" && p[4] == "9") {
desc = self.match(p[5]);
var node = stripPrefix.exec(p[0]);
return [
copy: function() {
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