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Last active December 7, 2020 15:03
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WPGraphQL ACF Flexible Layout mapping
import loadable from '@loadable/component';
const AcfComponents = {
Hero: loadable(() => import('../Hero/Hero')),
Grid: loadable(() => import('../Grid/Grid')),
export default AcfComponents;
import React from 'react';
import AcfComponents from './AcfComponents';
const FlexibleLayout = ({ layout }) => {
if (!layout?.__typename) {
return (
<section id={layout?.id} className="page missing">
<div className="inner">
Some ACF component is missing, which is not passed as layout. This means something in the schema is broken for
this component. Check build console errors.<span>🙅‍</span>
const indexOfLastUnderscore = layout?.__typename.lastIndexOf('_');
const type = layout.__typename.substring(indexOfLastUnderscore + 1);
const ComponentName = AcfComponents[type];
if (!ComponentName) {
return (
<section id={layout?.id} className="page missing">
<div className="inner">
The ACF component <strong>"{layout.__typename}"</strong> is missing. <span>🙅‍</span>
return (
<ComponentName data={layout} />
export default FlexibleLayout;
import React from 'react';
import { graphql } from 'gatsby';
import FlexibleLayout from '../../components/Acf/FlexibleLayout';
import ContentLayout from '../../components/ContentLayout/ContentLayout';
import SEO from '../../components/SEO/SEO';
export default ({ data, pageContext }) => {
const { page } = data;
const { title, seo } = page;
return (
<SEO seoData={seo} uri={page.uri} />
<ContentLayout pageContext={pageContext}>
{flexibleLayout?.flexibleChildren &&
flexibleLayout?, index) => {
return (
export const query = graphql`
query page(
$databaseId: Int!
) {
page: wpPage(databaseId: { eq: $databaseId }) {
export const fragments = graphql`
fragment PageContent on WpPage {
seo {
flexibleLayout {
flexibleChildren {
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