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Created March 3, 2020 17:02
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STSP Subtour Elimination with half-done Callback Interface
using CPLEX
using JuMP
using Test
# TSPLIB could be more clear on how to compute the distances.
function euclidean_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
round(√((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2))
function get_instance()
# See:
# The optimal value is 33523 but we get 33522 because of rounding.
att48 = [
(6734, 1453),
(2233, 10),
(5530, 1424),
( 401, 841),
(3082, 1644),
(7608, 4458),
(7573, 3716),
(7265, 1268),
(6898, 1885),
(1112, 2049),
(5468, 2606),
(5989, 2873),
(4706, 2674),
(4612, 2035),
(6347, 2683),
(6107, 669),
(7611, 5184),
(7462, 3590),
(7732, 4723),
(5900, 3561),
(4483, 3369),
(6101, 1110),
(5199, 2182),
(1633, 2809),
(4307, 2322),
( 675, 1006),
(7555, 4819),
(7541, 3981),
(3177, 756),
(7352, 4506),
(7545, 2801),
(3245, 3305),
(6426, 3173),
(4608, 1198),
( 23, 2216),
(7248, 3779),
(7762, 4595),
(7392, 2244),
(3484, 2829),
(6271, 2135),
(4985, 140),
(1916, 1569),
(7280, 4899),
(7509, 3239),
( 10, 2676),
(6807, 2993),
(5185, 3258),
(3023, 1942)
n = length(att48)
d = zeros(n, n)
for i = 1:n, j = (i+1):n
d[i, j] = euclidean_distance(
att48[i][1], att48[i][2], att48[j][1], att48[j][2]
return n, d
# Based on:
# n: number of nodes/vertexes
# edges: the current set of edges in the to-be-accepted-or-rejected
# solution; each edge needs to pertain to exacly one cycle, there may
# be one or more cycles.
# return: an array of all cycles, each cycle is an array of the vertexes
# in the order they are visited (starting/finishing in an arbitrary vertex
# of the cycle)
function tours(
n :: N,
edges :: Vector{Tuple{N, N}}
) :: Vector{Vector{N}} where {N}
# visited: each node is processed a single time; visited[i] is true if
# node i has been already processed (assigned to a cycle).
visited = fill(false, n)
# cycles: the list of tours that is returned at the end of the method.
cycles = Vector{Vector{N}}()
# linked: for every node, an array of the other two nodes that connect
# to them. Ex.: if there is a cycle 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 1, then linked[3]
# will have a vector [2, 4] (i.e., the neighbors of 3).
linked = [Vector{N}() for i in 1:n]
# The loop below just initizalize 'linked' to be as described above.
for (a, b) in edges
push!(linked[b], a)
push!(linked[a], b)
# This outer loop only finishes when every node of the graph was already
# visited. Note that this is not when all the nodes of the first cycle
# are visited, but all nodes in the whole graph (all cycles).
while true
# Gets the first node that was not yet visited (from the whole graph).
current = findfirst(i -> !visited[i], 1:n)
# Create a cycle with this node.
thiscycle = [current]
# The inner loop builds a single cycle and then finishes. It is started
# one time for each cycle, and iterate the number of nodes in that cycle.
while true
# The current node is always already inserted in the cycle, and now that
# their neighbors will be checked it can be marked as visited to never
# be considered again.
visited[current] = true
# From the two neighbors of the current link we get only the not visited.
unvisited_neighbors = [v for v in linked[current] if !visited[v]]
# If all neighbor were visited, then this means we have already iterated
# the whole cycle and ended up in the first node visited (the one found
# by findfirst before this loop). This loop may be ended.
isempty(unvisited_neighbors) && break
# If there is yet a unvisited neighbor, then we can keep walking the
# cycle by going to its direction (i.e., having it as the next current
# node). We may also already register this new current node as
# pertaining to the same cycle.
current = first(unvisited_neighbors)
push!(thiscycle, current)
# Just after the loop 'thiscycle' has a new complete cycle (built in the
# inner loop), we add it to the complete list of cycles (to be returned at
# the end of the method).
push!(cycles, thiscycle)
# If all nodes were visited, then the outer loop ends. This could be
# the outer while condition.
sum(visited) == n && break
# Finally the list of all cycles in the graph is returned.
return cycles
# Example: [1, 5, 2, 4] -> [(1, 5), (2, 5), (2, 4), (1, 4)]
# Note: the first value of a tuple is always the smallest of the two.
function tour2edges(tour :: Vector{T}) :: Vector{Tuple{T, T}} where {T}
lv = last(tour)
edges = Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}}()
for v in tour
edge = (lv < v ? (lv, v) : (v, lv))
push!(edges, edge)
lv = v
return edges
function stsp_subtour_elimination_example()
# For now, direct_model is needed. For the next versions you can use
# Model instead. It does not make much difference as you will see.
model = direct_model(CPLEX.Optimizer())
# We need to use single-thread to avoid crashes. Julia is not yet
# completely thread-safe in the interaction with C code.
MOI.set(backend(model), MOI.NumberOfThreads(), 1)
n, d = get_instance()
# Create the model (except the lazy constraints).
@variable(model, x[i = 1:n, j = (i+1):n], Bin) # if edge is used or not
for i = 1:n
# For every vertex there should be exactly two edges touching it.
sum(x[j, i] for j = 1:(i - 1)) + sum(x[i, j] for j = (i+1):n) == 2
# Minimize the distance.
@objective(model, Min, sum(d[i, j] * x[i, j] for i = 1:n, j = (i+1):n))
# The callback that will implement lazy cuts. It is a function defined
# inside a function so it will capture the variables like 'model' and 'x'
# and be able to use them.
function my_callback(cb_context::CPLEX.CallbackContext, context_id::Clong)
# Do not run if the callback was called in a moment different from
# "just found an integer solution lets check if its valid".
CPLEX.cbcandidateispoint(cb_context) == 0) && return
# If this is not called, the the MOI.get below do not get the var values.
CPLEX.callbackgetcandidatepoint(backend(model), cb_context, context_id)
# Set of edges in solution.
edges = Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}}()
# Extract the set of edges in the solution.
for i = 1:n, j = (i+1):n
# If using JuMP master branch:
# xval = callback_value(cb_data, x[i, j])
# If using latest JuMP release:
#@show backend(model).variable_info
xval = MOI.get(
index(x[i, j])
# If the edge is used add it to the edge set.
xval > 0.5 && push!(edges, (i, j))
# From the solution edges to one or more tours.
ts = tours(n, edges)
# If it is just one tour, then the solution is valid
# (not many disconnected subtours).
length(ts) == 1 && return
# Now some dark magic is needed.
for tour in ts
tedges = tour2edges(tour)
tvars = [x[i, j] for (i, j) in tedges]
# To get the CPLEX variable column index from the JuMP variables,
# the line below is needed.
ind = Cint[backend(model).variable_info[index(var)].column - 1 for var in tvars]
# This is the CPLEX function for rejecting a solution and giving a
# lazy constraint that invalidates it. It is documented in:
cb_context, # one of the callback parameters
Cint(1), # rcnt: number of constraints to add
Cint(length(tvars)), # nzcnt: number of nonzeros of added constraints
Cdouble[length(tvars) - 1], # rhs: righthand sides for the constraints
Cchar['L'], # sense: sense for the constraints
Cint[0], # rmatbeg: indexes of the two arrays below where
# each constraint start (the two arrays below may have a
# variable number of elements for each constraint)
ind, # rmatind: indexes of nonzero columns
Cdouble[repeat([1.0], length(ind))...] # rmatval: coefficients of nonzero columns
# This function annex the callback to the model.
MOI.set(model, CPLEX.CallbackFunction(), my_callback)
@test termination_status(model) == MOI.OPTIMAL
@test primal_status(model) == MOI.FEASIBLE_POINT
# Show the objective value (from the solver), the objective value
# (recomputed from the variables), the edges of the solution and
# the tour it makes.
@show objective_value(model)
edges = Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}}()
iobj = 0.0
for i = 1:n, j = (i+1):n
if value(x[i, j]) > 0.5
push!(edges, (i, j))
iobj += d[i, j]
@show iobj
@show edges
stours = tours(n, edges)
@test length(stours) == 1
solution = first(stours)
@show solution
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