Tips & Tricks
:source $MYVIMRC Reload .vimrc without restart vim, after reload run :e
:e Reload buffer and trigger FileType event
ESC : Normal Mode
i : Insert Mode
v : Visual Mode
V : linewise Visual Mode
ctrl+v : blockwise Visual Mode
Normal Mode Commands:
- Exit
:q quit
:q! quit without save
:qa quit all
:qa! quit all without save
- Save
:w save a file
:w filename save a file with filename
:wq save a file and quit
:wqa save all files and quit
:up save a file if there are unsaved changes
:x save a file if there are unsaved changes and quit
:xa save all modified buffers and quit
- Edit
:e filename edit a file
:e! filename edit a file and discard current unsaved changes
- Switching between files
$ vim f1 f2 edit multiple files
:n go to the next file
:next go to the next file
:N go to the previous file
:previous go to the previous file
:first go to the first file
:last go to the last file
- Switching between buffers
:e f1
:e f2 edit multiple buffers
:bn go to the next buffer
:bnext go to the next buffer
:bp go to the previous buffer
:bprevious go to the previous buffer
:bfirst go to the first buffer
:last go to the last buffer
- Buffers
:ls list all buffers
:bN go to buffer number N
:b N go to buffer number N
:buffer N go to buffer number N
:b <tab> select the filename and go to buffer of file
ctrl+^ switch to the previous edited buffer
ctrl+6 switch to the previous edited buffer
- Motion
w move to next word
2w move two words forward
e move to end of word
3e move to end of third word
0 move to the start of the line
- Delete
x delete character under the cursor
dw delete until next word
de delete until end of current word
d$ delete until the end of line
d2w delete two words forward
dd delete the line
2dd delete two lines
- Undo
u undo last command
U undo all commands a whole line
ctrl+r redo the commands (undo the undo's)
- Paste/Put and Replace character
p put previously deleted text after the cursor
rx replace the character at the cursor with 'x'
- Change
ce change until the end of word (deletes word and place in Insert Mode)
c$ change until the end of line (deletes until eol and place in Insert Mode)
- Change to Insert Mode
i change to insert mode under the cursor (Insert)
I change to insert mode at the first non white character on the line
o open a new line below the current line and enter insert mode
O open a new line above the current line and enter insert mode
a aove point forward by one character and then enter insert mode (append)
A change to insert mode to end of line (Append)
- Cursor Location and File Status
ctrl+g show your location in the file and the file status.
g ctrl+g show other file status
G move to the bottom of the file
gg move to the start of the file
Copy, cut and paste
Copying and cutting in normal mode
yy yank the current line, including the newline character at the end of the line
Y yank the current line, including the newline character at the end of the line
Pasting in normal mode
p paste after the cursor
P paste before the cursor
- Copy, cut, and paste from the system clipboard
"+y copy to clipboard (Visual mode)
- Search
/text<enter> search in forward direction for the phrase 'text'
/\ctext<enter> search in forward direction for the phrase 'text' and ignore case
?text<enter> search in backword direction for the phrase 'text'
?\ctext<enter> search in backword direction for the phrase 'text' and ignore case
n search again
N search again in opposite direction
crtl+o go back where you came
ctrl+i goes forward
:set ignorecase ignores case sensitive on / search
:set noignorecase no ignores case sensitive on / search
- Match parentheses search
move to any (,),[,],{ or } and type:
% move the cursor to the other matching bracket
- Substitute
:s/old/new substitute 'old' for 'new' in the first occurrence in the line
:s/old/new/g substitute globaly in the line
:%s/old/new/g substitute every occurrence in the whole file
:%s/old/new/gc prompt every occurrence in the whole file to substitute or not
:#,#s/old/new/g substitute globaly occurence between lines two lines '#'
- Execute and external command
:!cmd execute 'cmd' command at the shell
- Using Windows:
ctrl+w w move cursor to another window (cycle)
ctrl+w ctrl+w move cursor to another window (cycle)
- Using Tabs:
gt go to next tab
gT go to previous tab
{i}gt go to tab in position i
:tabe {file} edit specified file in a new tab
:tabedit {file} edit specified file in a new tab
:tabclose close current tab
:tabclose {i} close i-th tab
:tabonly close all other tabs (show only the current tab)
:tabs list all tabs including their displayed windows
:tabm 0 move current tab to first
:tabm move current tab to last
:tabm {i} move current tab to position i+1
:tabn go to next tab
:tabp go to previous tab
:tabfirst go to first tab
:tablast go to last tab
- NERDTree
ctrl+n open NERDTree
o open file in prev window or open & close directory node
go preview file (open file but leave cursor in the NERDTree)
t open file in new tab
T open file in new tab silently (keep the focus on the current tab)
i open file in a split window
gi preview file in a split window (leave the cursor on the NERDTree)
O open directory node recursively
R refresh current root
m display NERD tree menu
NERDTree Menu
a (a)dd a childnode
m (m)ove the current node
d (d)elete the current node
c (c)opy the current node
l (l)ist the current node