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Last active June 4, 2022 12:45
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How does Harvester mount volumes from Longhorn to virtual machine?

Q: How does Harvester mount volumes from Longhorn on virtual machine?

Q1: How does Harvester start a new virtual machine?

HTTP server route handler:

Call Kubernetes REST client directly:

End of investigation on Harvester side.

Since I knew that Harvester is based on KubeVirt, I went to KubeVirt next.

Refer to, I knew that virt-launcher is responsible to communicate with libvirt:

So I searched something like CreateVMI in virt-launcher but I found nothing.

So I alternatively located VirtualMachineInstance struct, see if any method in virt-launcher used it, and I found about 143 usages. I filtered methods one by one, then I found a method called SyncVMI.

It called CreateWithFlags to create virtual machine:

...which was actually a C binding to libvirt:

Surprisingly, libvirt called virtual machine domain, which was very unusual.

Q2: How does Harvester mount volumes?

Followed how I resolved the previous question, I focused on virt-launcher. SyncVMI called getAttachedDisks to get list of disk to be attached on virtual machine:

...but after I check checkIfDiskReadyToUse method, I was getting confusing:

It called os.Stat internally to check whether the disk is ready, so the disk must existed on node before SyncVMI got things done:

Since Longhorn can provide volume as iSCSI target, I presumed one or more components must do the following things...

  1. A component requests Longhorn mount a volume as iSCSI target
  2. A component mounts the iSCSI target on specific nodes
  3. A component on specific node receives virtual machine or virtual machine instance request from scheduler, starts a new virtual machine and mount the iSCSI target in traditional Linux way (that's why we need open-iscsi package installed on node), and manipulates qemu to mount the disk

Then I found nothing related in code-base, so I go back to documentation, search for keyword "iSCSI", then I found a Markdown file:

So I put it simply:

  1. User puts information about iSCSI target on Kubernetes cluster, which is built-in function:
  2. virt-handler converts VMI spec (YAML on Kubernetes) to libvirt configuration (XML on node)
  3. libvirt mounts iSCSI target directly with XML configuration
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