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Last active August 10, 2021 06:26
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Tic Tac Toe for InterSystems Iris 2021.0PYTHON.237.0
/// TicTacToe Game Class
Class dc.Game.TicTacToe
/// Start a new Game match
ClassMethod Start()
Do ##class(TicTacToe.Engine).NewGame()
Write #
Write !,"Let's play Tic Tac Toe"
Set gameStatus = "Not Done"
Set currentPlayer = $Select($Random(2)=0:"human",1:"computer")
Set turn = 0
While (gameStatus = "Not Done") {
Set turn = $Increment(turn)
Do ..DrawBoard(turn)
If (currentPlayer = "human") {
Write !,?20, "Ok Human, it's your turn",!
Read ?20,"Your move coordinates: ",move
} Else {
Set move = ..ComputerMove()
Write !,?20, "Computer move: ", move
Hang 0.5
If ('..CheckMoveIsValid(move)||('..IsSpaceFree(move))) {
Write !,?20, "Invalid moviment, do it again"
Do ..MakeMove(move, $Select(currentPlayer="human":"X", 1:"O"))
Set gameStatus = ..CheckGameResult()
Set currentPlayer = $Select(currentPlayer="human":"computer", 1:"human")
Do ..DrawBoard(turn)
Write !, ?20, gameStatus
/// Draw board with current state
ClassMethod DrawBoard(currentTurn As %Integer)
Set lines = $ListBuild("A","B","C")
Write !, "Turn: ", currentTurn
For i = 1:1:3 {
Write:(i = 1) !,?5,1,?9,2,?13,3,!
Write:(i > 1) !,?5,"-----------"
Write !,?1,$List(lines, i),?6, $Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, i)),"^",1),?7, " | ",
?10, $Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, i)),"^",2)," | ",
?14, $Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, i)),"^",3)
Write !!
/// Iniciate a New Game
ClassMethod NewGame() As %Status
Set sc = $$$OK
Kill ^TicTacToe
Set ^TicTacToe("A") = "^^"
Set ^TicTacToe("B") = "^^"
Set ^TicTacToe("C") = "^^"
Return sc
/// Is Space Empty?
ClassMethod IsSpaceFree(move As %String) As %Boolean
Quit ($Piece(^TicTacToe($Extract(move,1,1)),"^",$Extract(move,2,2)) = "")
/// Check if it is a valid move
ClassMethod CheckMoveIsValid(move As %String) As %Boolean
Set regex = ##class(%Regex.Matcher).%New("(A|B|C){1}[0-9]{1}")
Set regex.Text = $ZCONVERT(move,"U")
Return regex.Locate()
/// Check if Game is Over
ClassMethod CheckGameResult() As %String
Set lines = $ListBuild("A","B","C")
// Check Horizontal
For i = 1:1:3 {
Set line = $Replace(^TicTacToe($List(lines, i)),"^","")
If (($Find(line,"XXX")>0)||($Find(line,"OOO")>0)) {
Return ..WhoWon($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, i)),"^", 1))
// Check Vertical
For j = 1:1:3 {
If (($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 1)),"^",j)'="") &&
($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 1)),"^",j)=$Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 2)),"^",j)) &&
($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 2)),"^",j)=$Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 3)),"^",j))) {
Return ..WhoWon($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 1)),"^",j))
// Check Diagonal
If (($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 2)),"^",2)'="") &&
(($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 1)),"^",1)=$Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 2)),"^",2)) &&
($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 2)),"^",2)=$Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 3)),"^",3)))||
(($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 1)),"^",3)=$Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 2)),"^",2)) &&
($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 2)),"^",2)=$Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 3)),"^",1)))
)) {
Return ..WhoWon($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, 2)),"^",2))
Set gameStatus = ""
For i = 1:1:3 {
For j = 1:1:3 {
Set:($Piece(^TicTacToe($List(lines, i)),"^",j)="") gameStatus = "Not Done"
Set:(gameStatus = "") gameStatus = "Draw"
Quit gameStatus
/// Return the winner
ClassMethod WhoWon(letter As %String) As %String
Return "The "_$Select(letter="O":"Computer", 1:"Human")_" Won!"
/// Make a move
ClassMethod MakeMove(move As %String, player As %String) As %Boolean
Set $Piece(^TicTacToe($Extract(move,1,1)),"^",$Extract(move,2,2)) = player
/// Get Computer Move with MiniMax Algorithm
ClassMethod ComputerMove() As %String [ Language = python ]
import iris
from math import inf as infinity
computerLetter = "O"
playerLetter = "X"
def isBoardFull(board):
for i in range(0, 8):
if isSpaceFree(board, i):
return False
return True
def makeMove(board, letter, move):
board[move] = letter
def isWinner(brd, let):
# check horizontals
if ((brd[0] == brd[1] == brd[2] == let) or \
(brd[3] == brd[4] == brd[5] == let) or \
(brd[6] == brd[7] == brd[8] == let)):
return True
# check verticals
if ((brd[0] == brd[3] == brd[6] == let) or \
(brd[1] == brd[4] == brd[7] == let) or \
(brd[2] == brd[5] == brd[8] == let)):
return True
# check diagonals
if ((brd[0] == brd[4] == brd[8] == let) or \
(brd[2] == brd[4] == brd[6] == let)):
return True
return False
def isSpaceFree(board, move):
#Retorna true se o espaco solicitado esta livre no quadro
if(board[move] == ''):
return True
return False
def copyGameState(board):
dupeBoard = []
for i in board:
return dupeBoard
def getBestMove(state, player):
done = "Done" if isBoardFull(state) else ""
if done == "Done" and isWinner(state, computerLetter): # If Computer won
return 1
elif done == "Done" and isWinner(state, playerLetter): # If Human won
return -1
elif done == "Done": # Draw condition
return 0
# Minimax Algorithm
moves = []
empty_cells = []
for i in range(0,9):
if state[i] == '':
for empty_cell in empty_cells:
move = {}
move['index'] = empty_cell
new_state = copyGameState(state)
makeMove(new_state, player, empty_cell)
if player == computerLetter:
result = getBestMove(new_state, playerLetter)
move['score'] = result
result = getBestMove(new_state, computerLetter)
move['score'] = result
# Find best move
best_move = None
if player == computerLetter:
best = -infinity
for move in moves:
if move['score'] > best:
best = move['score']
best_move = move['index']
best = infinity
for move in moves:
if move['score'] < best:
best = move['score']
best_move = move['index']
return best_move
lines = ['A', 'B', 'C']
game = []
current_game_state = iris.gref("^TicTacToe")
for line in lines:
for cell in current_game_state[line].split("^"):
cellNumber = getBestMove(game, computerLetter)
next_move = lines[int(cellNumber/3)]+ str(int(cellNumber%3)+1)
return next_move
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