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Last active May 18, 2022 12:56
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  • Save henryhamon/e9483aa4821a7a63a9840a1b0f0fbeef to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Iriszord poc
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<!doctype html>
<script type="module" src="drawflow-element.js"></script>
import { css, LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import { style } from '../dist/';
import '../dist/drawflow.min';
class DrawflowElement extends LitElement {
static get styles() {
return [
#drawflow {
display: block;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 800px;
render() {
return html`
<div id="drawflow"></div>
firstUpdated() {
const container = this.shadowRoot?.getElementById('drawflow');
const editor = new Drawflow(container);
editor.reroute = true;
editor.reroute_fix_curvature = true;
const data = {
name: ''
editor.addNode('foo', 1, 1, 100, 200, 'foo', data, 'Foo');
editor.addNode('bar', 1, 1, 400, 100, 'bar', data, 'Bar A');
editor.addNode('bar', 1, 1, 400, 300, 'bar', data, 'Bar B');
editor.addConnection(1, 2, "output_1", "input_1");
editor.addConnection(1, 3, "output_1", "input_1");
customElements.define("drawflow-element", DrawflowElement);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>Drawflow | Simple Flow program libray</title>
<meta name="description" content="Simple library for flow programming. Drawflow allows you to create data flows easily and quickly.">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-KzZiKy0DWYsnwMF+X1DvQngQ2/FxF7MF3Ff72XcpuPs=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
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<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="col">
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="facebook">
<i class="fab fa-facebook"></i><span> Facebook</span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="slack">
<i class="fab fa-slack"></i><span> Slack recive message</span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="github">
<i class="fab fa-github"></i><span> Business Process </span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="telegram-recive">
<i class="fab fa-telegram"></i><span> Telegram recive message</span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="telegram">
<i class="fab fa-telegram"></i><span> Telegram send message</span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="aws">
<i class="fab fa-aws"></i><span> gRPC</span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="aws">
<i class="fab fa-aws"></i><span> Rest API</span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="aws">
<i class="fab fa-aws"></i><span> AWS S3</span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="log">
<i class="fas fa-file-signature"></i><span> File Log</span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="google">
<i class="fab fa-google-drive"></i><span> Google Drive save</span>
<div class="drag-drawflow" draggable="true" ondragstart="drag(event)" data-node="email">
<i class="fas fa-at"></i><span>SMTP - Email send</span>
<div class="col-right">
<div class="menu">
<li onclick="editor.changeModule('Home'); changeModule(event);" class="selected">workbench</li>
<div id="drawflow" ondrop="drop(event)" ondragover="allowDrop(event)">
<div class="btn-export" onclick="{ title: 'Export',
html: '<pre><code>'+JSON.stringify(editor.export(), null,4)+'</code></pre>'
<div class="btn-clear" onclick="editor.clearModuleSelected()">Clear</div>
<div class="btn-lock">
<i id="lock" class="fas fa-lock" onclick="editor.editor_mode='fixed'; changeMode('lock');"></i>
<i id="unlock" class="fas fa-lock-open" onclick="editor.editor_mode='edit'; changeMode('unlock');" style="display:none;"></i>
<div class="bar-zoom">
<i class="fas fa-search-minus" onclick="editor.zoom_out()"></i>
<i class="fas fa-search" onclick="editor.zoom_reset()"></i>
<i class="fas fa-search-plus" onclick="editor.zoom_in()"></i>
var id = document.getElementById("drawflow");
const editor = new Drawflow(id);
editor.reroute = true;
//const dataToImport = {"drawflow":{"Home":{"data":{"1":{"id":1,"name":"welcome","data":{},"class":"welcome","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"title-box\">👏 Welcome!!</div>\n <div class=\"box\">\n <p>Simple flow library <b>demo</b>\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Drawflow</a> by <b>Jero Soler</b></p><br>\n\n <p>Multiple input / outputs<br>\n Data sync nodes<br>\n Import / export<br>\n Modules support<br>\n Simple use<br>\n Type: Fixed or Edit<br>\n Events: view console<br>\n Pure Javascript<br>\n </p>\n <br>\n <p><b><u>Shortkeys:</u></b></p>\n <p>🎹 <b>Delete</b> for remove selected<br>\n 💠 Mouse Left Click == Move<br>\n ❌ Mouse Right == Delete Option<br>\n 🔍 Ctrl + Wheel == Zoom<br>\n 📱 Mobile support<br>\n ...</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{},"outputs":{},"pos_x":50,"pos_y":50},"2":{"id":2,"name":"slack","data":{},"class":"slack","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"title-box\"><i class=\"fab fa-slack\"></i> Slack chat message</div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{"input_1":{"connections":[{"node":"7","input":"output_1"}]}},"outputs":{},"pos_x":1028,"pos_y":87},"3":{"id":3,"name":"telegram","data":{"channel":"channel_2"},"class":"telegram","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"title-box\"><i class=\"fab fa-telegram-plane\"></i> Telegram bot</div>\n <div class=\"box\">\n <p>Send to telegram</p>\n <p>select channel</p>\n <select df-channel>\n <option value=\"channel_1\">Channel 1</option>\n <option value=\"channel_2\">Channel 2</option>\n <option value=\"channel_3\">Channel 3</option>\n <option value=\"channel_4\">Channel 4</option>\n </select>\n </div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{"input_1":{"connections":[{"node":"7","input":"output_1"}]}},"outputs":{},"pos_x":1032,"pos_y":184},"4":{"id":4,"name":"email","data":{},"class":"email","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"title-box\"><i class=\"fas fa-at\"></i> Send Email </div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{"input_1":{"connections":[{"node":"5","input":"output_1"}]}},"outputs":{},"pos_x":1033,"pos_y":439},"5":{"id":5,"name":"template","data":{"template":"Write your template"},"class":"template","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"title-box\"><i class=\"fas fa-code\"></i> Template</div>\n <div class=\"box\">\n Ger Vars\n <textarea df-template></textarea>\n Output template with vars\n </div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{"input_1":{"connections":[{"node":"6","input":"output_1"}]}},"outputs":{"output_1":{"connections":[{"node":"4","output":"input_1"},{"node":"11","output":"input_1"}]}},"pos_x":607,"pos_y":304},"6":{"id":6,"name":"github","data":{"name":""},"class":"github","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"title-box\"><i class=\"fab fa-github \"></i> Github Stars</div>\n <div class=\"box\">\n <p>Enter repository url</p>\n <input type=\"text\" df-name>\n </div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{},"outputs":{"output_1":{"connections":[{"node":"5","output":"input_1"}]}},"pos_x":341,"pos_y":191},"7":{"id":7,"name":"facebook","data":{},"class":"facebook","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"title-box\"><i class=\"fab fa-facebook\"></i> Facebook Message</div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{},"outputs":{"output_1":{"connections":[{"node":"2","output":"input_1"},{"node":"3","output":"input_1"},{"node":"11","output":"input_1"}]}},"pos_x":347,"pos_y":87},"11":{"id":11,"name":"log","data":{},"class":"log","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"title-box\"><i class=\"fas fa-file-signature\"></i> Save log file </div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{"input_1":{"connections":[{"node":"5","input":"output_1"},{"node":"7","input":"output_1"}]}},"outputs":{},"pos_x":1031,"pos_y":363}}},"Other":{"data":{"8":{"id":8,"name":"personalized","data":{},"class":"personalized","html":"\n <div>\n Personalized\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{"input_1":{"connections":[{"node":"12","input":"output_1"},{"node":"12","input":"output_2"},{"node":"12","input":"output_3"},{"node":"12","input":"output_4"}]}},"outputs":{"output_1":{"connections":[{"node":"9","output":"input_1"}]}},"pos_x":764,"pos_y":227},"9":{"id":9,"name":"dbclick","data":{"name":"Hello World!!"},"class":"dbclick","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"title-box\"><i class=\"fas fa-mouse\"></i> Db Click</div>\n <div class=\"box dbclickbox\" ondblclick=\"showpopup(event)\">\n Db Click here\n <div class=\"modal\" style=\"display:none\">\n <div class=\"modal-content\">\n <span class=\"close\" onclick=\"closemodal(event)\">&times;</span>\n Change your variable {name} !\n <input type=\"text\" df-name>\n </div>\n\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{"input_1":{"connections":[{"node":"8","input":"output_1"}]}},"outputs":{"output_1":{"connections":[{"node":"12","output":"input_2"}]}},"pos_x":209,"pos_y":38},"12":{"id":12,"name":"multiple","data":{},"class":"multiple","html":"\n <div>\n <div class=\"box\">\n Multiple!\n </div>\n </div>\n ","typenode": false, "inputs":{"input_1":{"connections":[]},"input_2":{"connections":[{"node":"9","input":"output_1"}]},"input_3":{"connections":[]}},"outputs":{"output_1":{"connections":[{"node":"8","output":"input_1"}]},"output_2":{"connections":[{"node":"8","output":"input_1"}]},"output_3":{"connections":[{"node":"8","output":"input_1"}]},"output_4":{"connections":[{"node":"8","output":"input_1"}]}},"pos_x":179,"pos_y":272}}}}}
//editor.addNode(name, inputs, outputs, posx, posy, class, data, html);
/*editor.addNode('welcome', 0, 0, 50, 50, 'welcome', {}, welcome );
// Events!
editor.on('nodeCreated', function(id) {
console.log("Node created " + id);
editor.on('nodeRemoved', function(id) {
console.log("Node removed " + id);
editor.on('nodeSelected', function(id) {
console.log("Node selected " + id);
editor.on('moduleCreated', function(name) {
console.log("Module Created " + name);
editor.on('moduleChanged', function(name) {
console.log("Module Changed " + name);
editor.on('connectionCreated', function(connection) {
console.log('Connection created');
editor.on('connectionRemoved', function(connection) {
console.log('Connection removed');
editor.on('mouseMove', function(position) {
console.log('Position mouse x:' + position.x + ' y:'+ position.y);
editor.on('nodeMoved', function(id) {
console.log("Node moved " + id);
editor.on('zoom', function(zoom) {
console.log('Zoom level ' + zoom);
editor.on('translate', function(position) {
console.log('Translate x:' + position.x + ' y:'+ position.y);
editor.on('addReroute', function(id) {
console.log("Reroute added " + id);
editor.on('removeReroute', function(id) {
console.log("Reroute removed " + id);
/* Mouse and Touch Actions */
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('drag-drawflow');
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
elements[i].addEventListener('touchend', drop, false);
elements[i].addEventListener('touchmove', positionMobile, false);
elements[i].addEventListener('touchstart', drag, false );
var mobile_item_selec = '';
var mobile_last_move = null;
function positionMobile(ev) {
mobile_last_move = ev;
function allowDrop(ev) {
function drag(ev) {
if (ev.type === "touchstart") {
mobile_item_selec =".drag-drawflow").getAttribute('data-node');
} else {
function drop(ev) {
if (ev.type === "touchend") {
var parentdrawflow = document.elementFromPoint( mobile_last_move.touches[0].clientX, mobile_last_move.touches[0].clientY).closest("#drawflow");
if(parentdrawflow != null) {
addNodeToDrawFlow(mobile_item_selec, mobile_last_move.touches[0].clientX, mobile_last_move.touches[0].clientY);
mobile_item_selec = '';
} else {
var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("node");
addNodeToDrawFlow(data, ev.clientX, ev.clientY);
function addNodeToDrawFlow(name, pos_x, pos_y) {
if(editor.editor_mode === 'fixed') {
return false;
pos_x = pos_x * ( editor.precanvas.clientWidth / (editor.precanvas.clientWidth * editor.zoom)) - (editor.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().x * ( editor.precanvas.clientWidth / (editor.precanvas.clientWidth * editor.zoom)));
pos_y = pos_y * ( editor.precanvas.clientHeight / (editor.precanvas.clientHeight * editor.zoom)) - (editor.precanvas.getBoundingClientRect().y * ( editor.precanvas.clientHeight / (editor.precanvas.clientHeight * editor.zoom)));
switch (name) {
case 'facebook':
var facebook = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fab fa-facebook"></i> Facebook Message</div>
editor.addNode('facebook', 0, 1, pos_x, pos_y, 'facebook', {}, facebook );
case 'slack':
var slackchat = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fab fa-slack"></i> Slack chat message</div>
editor.addNode('slack', 1, 0, pos_x, pos_y, 'slack', {}, slackchat );
case 'github':
var githubtemplate = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fab fa-github "></i> Business Process</div>
<div class="box">
<p>Enter repository url</p>
<input type="text" df-name>
editor.addNode('github', 1, 2, pos_x, pos_y, 'github', { "name": ''}, githubtemplate );
case 'telegram-recive':
var telegrambot = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fab fa-telegram-plane"></i> Telegram Message</div>
editor.addNode('telegram', 0, 1, pos_x, pos_y, 'telegram', { "channel": 'channel_3'}, telegrambot );
case 'telegram':
var telegrambot = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fab fa-telegram-plane"></i> Telegram bot</div>
<div class="box">
<p>Send to telegram</p>
<p>select channel</p>
<select df-channel>
<option value="channel_1">Channel 1</option>
<option value="channel_2">Channel 2</option>
<option value="channel_3">Channel 3</option>
<option value="channel_4">Channel 4</option>
editor.addNode('telegram', 1, 0, pos_x, pos_y, 'telegram', { "channel": 'channel_3'}, telegrambot );
case 'aws':
var aws = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fab fa-aws"></i> Aws Save </div>
<div class="box">
<p>Save in aws</p>
<input type="text" df-db-dbname placeholder="DB name"><br><br>
<input type="text" df-db-key placeholder="DB key">
<p>Output Log</p>
editor.addNode('aws', 1, 1, pos_x, pos_y, 'aws', { "db": { "dbname": '', "key": '' }}, aws );
case 'log':
var log = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fas fa-file-signature"></i> Save log file </div>
editor.addNode('log', 1, 0, pos_x, pos_y, 'log', {}, log );
case 'google':
var google = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fab fa-google-drive"></i> Google Drive save </div>
editor.addNode('google', 1, 0, pos_x, pos_y, 'google', {}, google );
case 'email':
var email = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fas fa-at"></i> Send Email </div>
editor.addNode('email', 1, 0, pos_x, pos_y, 'email', {}, email );
case 'template':
var template = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fas fa-code"></i> Template</div>
<div class="box">
Ger Vars
<textarea df-template></textarea>
Output template with vars
editor.addNode('template', 1, 1, pos_x, pos_y, 'template', { "template": 'Write your template'}, template );
case 'multiple':
var multiple = `
<div class="box">
editor.addNode('multiple', 3, 4, pos_x, pos_y, 'multiple', {}, multiple );
case 'personalized':
var personalized = `
editor.addNode('personalized', 1, 1, pos_x, pos_y, 'personalized', {}, personalized );
case 'dbclick':
var dbclick = `
<div class="title-box"><i class="fas fa-mouse"></i> Db Click</div>
<div class="box dbclickbox" ondblclick="showpopup(event)">
Db Click here
<div class="modal" style="display:none">
<div class="modal-content">
<span class="close" onclick="closemodal(event)">&times;</span>
Change your variable {name} !
<input type="text" df-name>
editor.addNode('dbclick', 1, 1, pos_x, pos_y, 'dbclick', { name: ''}, dbclick );
var transform = '';
function showpopup(e) {".drawflow-node").style.zIndex = "9999";[0].style.display = "block";
//document.getElementById("modalfix").style.display = "block";
//[0].style.transform = 'translate('+translate.x+'px, '+translate.y+'px)';
transform =; = ''; = editor.canvas_x +'px'; = editor.canvas_y +'px';
//[0] = -editor.canvas_y - editor.container.offsetTop +'px';
//[0].style.left = -editor.canvas_x - editor.container.offsetLeft +'px';
editor.editor_mode = "fixed";
function closemodal(e) {".drawflow-node").style.zIndex = "2"; ="none";
//document.getElementById("modalfix").style.display = "none"; = transform; = '0px'; = '0px';
editor.editor_mode = "edit";
function changeModule(event) {
var all = document.querySelectorAll(".menu ul li");
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
function changeMode(option) {
if(option == 'lock') { = 'none'; = 'block';
} else { = 'block'; = 'none';
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