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Last active February 14, 2023 12:24
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import re
import os
testCaseRegex = re.compile(r"TEST\s*\((\w+),\s*(\w+)\)")
testFixtureRegex = re.compile(r"TEST_F\s*\((\w+),\s*(\w+)\)")
expectRegex = re.compile(r"EXPECT_(\w+)\s*\((.*)\);")
assertRegex = re.compile(r"ASSERT_(\w+)\s*\((.*)\);")
leadingWhitespaceRegex = re.compile(r"^([\s/]*)")
module = "[unknown]"
def IsShiftOrComparison(c, i, check):
if c in {"<", ">"}:
# we can be the second or first character
# look ahead first, could be = as well there
if (i + 1) < len(check):
if check[i + 1] in {"<", ">", "="}:
return True
# look behind, this is only needed for >> and <<
if i > 0:
if check[i - 1] == c:
return True
# there's also ->
if c == ">":
if check[i - 1] == "-":
return True
return False
def SplitCheck(check):
# we start from the left, increment when we see anything of {, <, (,
# decrement if we see }, >, ), and if we're at level 0 and see a , -- we
# split at that location
nesting = 0
inString = False
for i, c in enumerate(check):
# Handle strings - we ignore everything inside quotes, but we still need
# to check for escaped quotes
# This handles "\"" and also correctly ignores "\\"
if c == '"':
if not inString:
inString = True
# escaped quote inside a string - ignore
if i > 0 and check[i - 1] == "\\":
# Check again if the backslash was escaped
if i > 1 and check[i - 2] != "\\":
inString = False
inString = False
if inString:
# Next problem case are shift and comparison operators, we might have
# <=, <<, >=, >>, <, >. Unfortunately, we have no hope in figuring out
# whether something like a<b,c> means a<b and c or a<b,c> with b,c being
# template parameters. Thus, we're only going to handle the simple cases
# for now, which are <=, <<, >=, >>
if IsShiftOrComparison(c, i, check):
if c in {"{", "<", "("}:
nesting += 1
elif c in {"}", ">", ")"}:
nesting -= 1
elif c == ",":
if nesting > 0:
return check[:i].strip(), check[i + 1 :].strip()
return "/* GTEST-CATCH FIXME */" + check, ""
def ProcessCheck(match, prefix, line):
basicComparisonOps = {
"EQ": "==",
"NE": "!=",
"LE": ">=",
"LT": ">",
"GT": "<",
"GE": "<=",
floatComparisonOps = {
"FLOAT_EQ": "==",
"FLOAT_NE": "!=",
"DOUBLE_EQ": "==",
"DOUBLE_NE": "!=",
"NEAR": "==",
if match[0] == "TRUE":
return prefix + (" ({});\n".format(match[1]))
elif match[0] == "FALSE":
return prefix + (" (!{});\n".format(match[1]))
elif match[0] == "THAT":
res, mat = SplitCheck(match[1])
mat = mat.replace("HasSubstr", "Contains")
if mat.startswith("Not("):
mat = "!" + mat[4:-1]
return prefix + f"_THAT ({res}, {mat});\n"
elif match[0] in basicComparisonOps:
expected, actual = SplitCheck(match[1])
# LE/LT/GT/GE are turned around as EXPECT_LE(a, b) means a <= b, but we
# want this to become b >= a
op = basicComparisonOps[match[0]]
return prefix + " ({} {} {});\n".format(actual, op, expected)
elif match[0] in floatComparisonOps:
expected, actual = SplitCheck(match[1])
op = floatComparisonOps[match[0]]
return prefix + " ({} {} Approx ({}));\n".format(actual, op, expected)
elif match[0] == "THROW":
expected, exception = SplitCheck(match[1])
return prefix + "_THROWS_AS ({}, {});\n".format(expected, exception)
elif match[0] == "NO_THROW":
return prefix + "_NOTHROW ({});\n".format(match[1])
elif match[0] == "STREQ":
expected, actual = SplitCheck(match[1])
return prefix + "_THAT ({}, Catch::Equals ({}));\n".format(actual, expected)
raise Exception('Unknown match: "{}"'.format(line))
def ProcessLine(line):
ws = leadingWhitespaceRegex.match(line).group(0)
if "using ::testing::HasSubstr" in line:
return line.replace("::testing::HasSubstr", "Catch::Matchers::Contains")
elif "using ::testing::Not" in line:
return "\n"
elif '#include "gmock/gmock.h"' in line:
return "\n"
match =
if match:
g0, g1 = match.groups()
return ws + f'TEST_CASE("{g0}: {g1}", "{module}") {{\n'
match =
if match:
app, g1 = match.groups()
return ws + f'TEST_CASE_METHOD({app}, "{g1}", "{module}") {{\n'
match =
if match:
g = match.groups()
return ProcessCheck(g, ws + "CHECK", line)
match =
if match:
g = match.groups()
return ProcessCheck(g, ws + "REQUIRE", line)
return line
if __name__ == "__main__":
module = "[{}]".format(sys.argv[1])
for p in sys.argv[2:]:
with open(p, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
output = map(ProcessLine, lines)
with open(p, "w") as f:
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Anteru commented Feb 14, 2023

I'm a bit late to this party but ... it's <folder with .cpp test files using GTest> <name of the module for Catch>, module is the second argument to each test. So let's say you're testing "foo", you'd use foo/test/src foo (assuming your test files live in foo/test/src. It's destructive, so make sure to make a copy before you run it.

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