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Created April 28, 2017 12:22
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async = require("async")
Project = require('./app/js/models/Project').Project
_ = require("lodash")
warmup = "55928319efc30e705817817e"
smallproject = "561e86173cfc7400525834a6"
twokproject = "5637a97beafc8c7b5bfc487a"
fourkproject = "55ef4b39f5e895afbaf2085d"
realmassive = "57b1ea8674e706f567b5afe9"
twokimageproject = "55ef4b39f5e895afbaf2085f"
fourkimageproject = "55ef4b39f5e895afbaf20851"
tenRuns = (key, callback)->
findAndTime = (i, cb)->
t = new Date()
Project.findById key, (err, project)->
total = new Date()-t
cb(null, total)
a = [0..10]
async.mapSeries a, findAndTime, (err, times)->
result =
average: _.sum(times) / a.length
times : times
callback(null, result)
jobs =
warmup: (cb)->
tenRuns warmup, cb
smallproject: (cb)->
tenRuns smallproject, cb
twokproject: (cb)->
tenRuns twokproject, cb
fourkproject: (cb)->
tenRuns fourkproject, cb
realmassive: (cb)->
tenRuns realmassive, cb
twokimageproject: (cb)->
tenRuns twokimageproject, cb
fourkimageproject: (cb)->
tenRuns fourkimageproject, cb
async.series jobs, (err, results)->
console.log results
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