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Last active November 9, 2020 15:21
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drop-in-replacement for clojure.core/atom which records count of updates and attempts to update
(ns com-widdindustries-statsatom
"A drop-in replacement for clojure.core/atom
The difference is that this record the following stats, held in the atom's metadata:
- number of times updated via swap!/swap-vals! and
- number of attempts made to do those updates
Clearly these stats themselves need to be atomically updated so there's some overhead added there.
(:refer-clojure :exclude [atom])
(:import (clojure.lang IAtom2 ARef)
(java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicReference AtomicLong)))
(defn- validate [this new-v]
(when-let [validator (.getValidator this)]
(when-not (boolean (validator new-v))
; todo - this is not exactly like ARef#validate
(throw (IllegalStateException. "Invalid reference state")))))
(defn- bod [^ARef this ^AtomicReference state f]
(let [{::keys [^AtomicLong attempts ^AtomicLong updates]} (.meta this)]
(loop []
(.incrementAndGet attempts)
(let [v (.deref this)
new-v (f v)]
(validate this new-v)
(if (.compareAndSet state v new-v)
(.incrementAndGet updates)
(.notifyWatches this v new-v)
[v new-v])
(defn- just-new-bod [this state f]
(let [[_ new-v] (bod this state f)] new-v))
(defn- stats-atom [^AtomicReference state]
(proxy [ARef IAtom2] []
([f] (just-new-bod this state f))
([f x] (just-new-bod this state #(f % x)))
([f x y] (just-new-bod this state #(f % x y)))
([f x y more]
(just-new-bod this state #(apply f % x y more))))
([f] (bod this state f))
([f x] (bod this state #(f % x)))
([f x y] (bod this state #(f % x y)))
([f x y more] (bod this state #(apply f % x y more))))
(deref [] (.get state))
(compareAndSet [v new-v]
(validate this new-v)
(if (.compareAndSet state v new-v)
(do (.notifyWatches this v new-v)
(reset [new-v]
(let [v (.deref this)]
(validate this new-v)
(.set state new-v)
(.notifyWatches this v new-v)
(resetVals [new-v]
(let [v (.deref this)]
(validate this new-v)
(.set state new-v)
(.notifyWatches this v new-v)
[v new-v]))))
(defn- add-stats [a]
(doto a
(.alterMeta (fn [m]
(assoc m
::attempts (AtomicLong.)
::updates (AtomicLong.))) '())))
(defn atom
"drop-in replacement for clojure.core/atom"
([x] (-> (stats-atom (AtomicReference. x))
([x & options] (-> (#'clojure.core/setup-reference (atom x) options)
(def a (atom 1))
(def a (atom 0 :validator (fn [x] (#{0 1} x)) :meta {:foo 1}))
(add-watch a :foo (fn [& _] (println "hello")))
(reset-vals! a 3)
(reset! a 3)
(swap! a inc)
(swap! a + 2 3 4)
(meta a)
(def p (java.util.concurrent.Executors/newCachedThreadPool))
(dotimes [n 10]
(.submit p (fn []
(swap! a
(fn [v]
(Thread/sleep (rand-int (* n 1000)))
; eval (meta a) repeatedly to track progress
{:paths ["."]}
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depend on this from deps e.g.

com.widdindustries/stats-atom {:git/url ""
                               :sha     "f35fb32cfa6d4d0781c1c03983f9589cb04cbe4f"}```

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