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Created November 6, 2015 11:05
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Save henryw374/f0b0a9b1d6f9d395170a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
minor modification to re-com.dropdown ( to enable choices to be set from e.g. server fetch. this is a total hack... just proving the point atm
(ns re-com.dropdown-fetching
(:require-macros [re-com.core :refer [handler-fn]])
(:require [re-com.util :refer [deref-or-value position-for-id item-for-id]]
[ :refer [align-style flex-child-style]]
[re-com.validate :refer [vector-of-maps? css-style? html-attr? number-or-string?] :refer-macros [validate-args-macro]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]))
;; Inspiration:
;; Alternative:
(defn- move-to-new-choice
"In a vector of maps (where each map has an :id), return the id of the choice offset posititions away
from id (usually +1 or -1 to go to next/previous). Also accepts :start and :end"
[choices id-fn id offset]
(let [current-index (position-for-id id choices :id-fn id-fn)
new-index (cond
(= offset :start) 0
(= offset :end) (dec (count choices))
(nil? current-index) 0
:else (mod (+ current-index offset) (count choices)))]
(when new-index (id-fn (nth choices new-index)))))
(defn- choices-with-group-headings
"If necessary, inserts group headings entries into the choices"
[opts group-fn]
(let [groups (partition-by group-fn opts)
group-headers (->> groups
(map first)
(map group-fn)
(map #(hash-map :id (gensym) :group %)))]
[group-headers groups]))
(defn- filter-choices
"Filter a list of choices based on a filter string using plain string searches (case insensitive). Less powerful
than regex's but no confusion with reserved characters"
[choices group-fn label-fn filter-text]
(defn- filter-choices-regex
"Filter a list of choices based on a filter string using regex's (case insensitive). More powerful but can cause
confusion for users entering reserved characters such as [ ] * + . ( ) etc."
[choices group-fn label-fn filter-text]
(let [re (try
(js/RegExp. filter-text "i")
(catch js/Object e nil))
filter-fn (partial (fn [re opt]
(when-not (nil? re)
(or (.test re (group-fn opt)) (.test re (label-fn opt)))))
(filter filter-fn choices)))
(defn filter-choices-by-keyword
"Filter a list of choices extra data within the choices vector"
[choices keyword value]
(let [filter-fn (fn [opt] (>= (.indexOf (keyword opt) value) 0))]
(filter filter-fn choices)))
(defn show-selected-item
(let [item-offset-top (.-offsetTop node)
item-offset-bottom (+ item-offset-top (.-clientHeight node))
parent (.-parentNode node)
parent-height (.-clientHeight parent)
parent-visible-top (.-scrollTop parent)
parent-visible-bottom (+ parent-visible-top parent-height)
new-scroll-top (cond
(> item-offset-bottom parent-visible-bottom) (max (- item-offset-bottom parent-height) 0)
(< item-offset-top parent-visible-top) item-offset-top)]
(when new-scroll-top (set! (.-scrollTop parent) new-scroll-top))))
(defn- make-group-heading
"Render a group heading"
^{:key (:id m)} [
(:group m)])
(defn- choice-item
"Render a choice item and set up appropriate mouse events"
[id label on-click internal-model]
(let [mouse-over? (reagent/atom false)]
(fn [this]
(let [node (reagent/dom-node this)
selected (= @internal-model id)]
(when selected (show-selected-item node))))
(fn [this]
(let [node (reagent/dom-node this)
selected (= @internal-model id)]
(when selected (show-selected-item node))))
[id label on-click internal-model]
(let [selected (= @internal-model id)
class (if selected
(when @mouse-over? "mouseover"))]
{:class (str "active-result group-option " class)
:on-mouse-over (handler-fn (reset! mouse-over? true))
:on-mouse-out (handler-fn (reset! mouse-over? false))
:on-mouse-down (handler-fn (on-click id))}
(defn make-choice-item
[id-fn label-fn callback internal-model opt]
(let [id (id-fn opt)
label (label-fn opt)]
^{:key (str id)} [choice-item id label callback internal-model]))
(defn- filter-text-box-base
"Base function (before lifecycle metadata) to render a filter text box"
(fn [filter-box? filter-text key-handler drop-showing? choices-ratom]
{:type "text"
:auto-complete "off"
:style (when-not filter-box? {:position "absolute" ;; When no filter box required, use it but hide it off screen
:width "0px" ;; The rest of these styles make the textbox invisible
:padding "0px"
:border "none"})
:value @filter-text
:on-change (handler-fn (let [new-value (-> event .-target .-value)]
(re-frame/dispatch-sync [:search-text new-value choices-ratom])
(reset! filter-text new-value)))
:on-key-down (handler-fn (when-not (key-handler event)
(.preventDefault event))) ;; When key-handler returns false, preventDefault
:on-blur (handler-fn (reset! drop-showing? false))}]]))
(def ^:private filter-text-box
"Render a filter text box"
(with-meta filter-text-box-base
{:component-did-mount #(let [node (.-firstChild (reagent/dom-node %))]
(.focus node))
:component-did-update #(let [node (.-firstChild (reagent/dom-node %))]
(.focus node))}))
(defn- dropdown-top
"Render the top part of the dropdown, with the clickable area and the up/down arrow"
(let [ignore-click (atom false)]
[internal-model choices id-fn label-fn tab-index placeholder dropdown-click key-handler filter-box? drop-showing?]
(let [_ (reagent/set-state (reagent/current-component) {:filter-box? filter-box?})]
{:href "javascript:" ;; Required to make this anchor appear in the tab order
:tab-index (when tab-index tab-index)
:on-click (handler-fn
(if @ignore-click
(reset! ignore-click false)
:on-mouse-down (handler-fn
(when @drop-showing?
(reset! ignore-click true))) ;; TODO: Hmmm, have a look at calling preventDefault (and stopProp?) and removing the ignore-click stuff
:on-key-down (handler-fn
(key-handler event)
(when (= (.-which event) 13) ;; Pressing enter on an anchor also triggers click event, which we don't want
(reset! ignore-click true))) ;; TODO: Hmmm, have a look at calling preventDefault (and stopProp?) and removing the ignore-click stuff
(if @internal-model
(label-fn (item-for-id @internal-model choices :id-fn id-fn))
[:div [:b]]])))) ;; This odd bit of markup produces the visual arrow on the right
;; Component: single-dropdown
(def single-dropdown-args-desc
[{:name :choices :required true :type "vector of choices | atom" :validate-fn vector-of-maps? :description [:span "Each is expected to have an id, label and, optionally, a group, provided by " [:code ":id-fn"] ", " [:code ":label-fn"] " & " [:code ":group-fn"]]}
{:name :model :required true :type "the id of a choice | atom" :description [:span "the id of the selected choice. If nil, " [:code ":placeholder"] " text is shown"]}
{:name :on-change :required true :type "id -> nil" :validate-fn fn? :description [:span "called when a new choice is selected. Passed the id of new choice"] }
{:name :id-fn :required false :default :id :type "choice -> anything" :validate-fn ifn? :description [:span "given an element of " [:code ":choices"] ", returns its unique identifier (aka id)"]}
{:name :label-fn :required false :default :label :type "choice -> string | hiccup" :validate-fn ifn? :description [:span "given an element of " [:code ":choices"] ", returns its displayable label"]}
{:name :group-fn :required false :default :group :type "choice -> anything" :validate-fn ifn? :description [:span "given an element of " [:code ":choices"] ", returns its group identifier"]}
{:name :disabled? :required false :default false :type "boolean | atom" :description "if true, no user selection is allowed"}
{:name :filter-box? :required false :default false :type "boolean" :description "if true, a filter text field is placed at the top of the dropdown"}
{:name :regex-filter? :required false :default false :type "boolean | atom" :description "if true, the filter text field will support JavaScript regular expressions. If false, just plain text"}
{:name :placeholder :required false :type "string" :validate-fn string? :description "background text when no selection"}
{:name :width :required false :default "100%" :type "string" :validate-fn string? :description "the CSS width. e.g.: \"500px\" or \"20em\""}
{:name :max-height :required false :default "240px" :type "string" :validate-fn string? :description "the maximum height of the dropdown part"}
{:name :tab-index :required false :type "integer | string" :validate-fn number-or-string? :description "component's tabindex. A value of -1 removes from order"}
{:name :class :required false :type "string" :validate-fn string? :description "CSS class names, space separated"}
{:name :style :required false :type "CSS style map" :validate-fn css-style? :description "CSS styles to add or override"}
{:name :attr :required false :type "HTML attr map" :validate-fn html-attr? :description [:span "HTML attributes, like " [:code ":on-mouse-move"] [:br] "No " [:code ":class"] " or " [:code ":style"] "allowed"]}])
(defn single-dropdown
"Render a single dropdown component which emulates the bootstrap-choosen style. Sample choices object:
[{:id \"AU\" :label \"Australia\" :group \"Group 1\"}
{:id \"US\" :label \"United States\" :group \"Group 1\"}
{:id \"GB\" :label \"United Kingdom\" :group \"Group 1\"}
{:id \"AF\" :label \"Afghanistan\" :group \"Group 2\"}]"
[& {:keys [model] :as args}]
{:pre [(validate-args-macro single-dropdown-args-desc args "single-dropdown")]}
(let [external-model (reagent/atom (deref-or-value model)) ;; Holds the last known external value of model, to detect external model changes
internal-model (reagent/atom @external-model) ;; Create a new atom from the model to be used internally
drop-showing? (reagent/atom false)
filter-text (reagent/atom "")]
(fn [& {:keys [choices model on-change disabled? filter-box? regex-filter? placeholder width max-height tab-index id-fn label-fn group-fn class style attr]
:or {id-fn :id label-fn :label group-fn :group}
:as args}]
{:pre [(validate-args-macro single-dropdown-args-desc args "single-dropdown")]}
(let [choices-ratom choices
choices (deref-or-value choices)
disabled? (deref-or-value disabled?)
regex-filter? (deref-or-value regex-filter?)
latest-ext-model (reagent/atom (deref-or-value model))
_ (when (not= @external-model @latest-ext-model) ;; Has model changed externally?
(reset! external-model @latest-ext-model)
(reset! internal-model @latest-ext-model))
changeable? (and on-change (not disabled?))
callback #(do
(reset! internal-model %)
(when changeable? (on-change @internal-model))
(swap! drop-showing? not) ;; toggle to allow opening dropdown on Enter key
(reset! filter-text ""))
cancel #(do
(reset! drop-showing? false)
(reset! filter-text "")
(reset! internal-model @external-model))
dropdown-click #(when-not disabled?
(swap! drop-showing? not))
filtered-choices (if regex-filter?
(filter-choices-regex choices group-fn label-fn @filter-text)
(filter-choices choices group-fn label-fn @filter-text))
press-enter (fn []
(if disabled?
(callback @internal-model))
press-escape (fn []
press-tab (fn []
(if disabled?
(do ;; Was (callback @internal-model) but needed a customised version
(when changeable? (on-change @internal-model))
(reset! drop-showing? false)
(reset! filter-text "")))
(reset! drop-showing? false)
press-up (fn []
(if @drop-showing? ;; Up arrow
(reset! internal-model (move-to-new-choice filtered-choices id-fn @internal-model -1))
(reset! drop-showing? true))
press-down (fn []
(if @drop-showing? ;; Down arrow
(reset! internal-model (move-to-new-choice filtered-choices id-fn @internal-model 1))
(reset! drop-showing? true))
press-home (fn []
(reset! internal-model (move-to-new-choice filtered-choices id-fn @internal-model :start))
press-end (fn []
(reset! internal-model (move-to-new-choice filtered-choices id-fn @internal-model :end))
key-handler #(if disabled?
(case (.-which %)
13 (press-enter)
27 (press-escape)
9 (press-tab)
38 (press-up)
40 (press-down)
36 (press-home)
35 (press-end)
filter-box?))] ;; Use this boolean to allow/prevent the key from being processed by the text box
{:class (str "rc-dropdown chosen-container chosen-container-single noselect " (when @drop-showing? "chosen-container-active chosen-with-drop ") class)
:style (merge (flex-child-style (if width "0 0 auto" "auto"))
(align-style :align-self :start)
{:width (when width width)}
attr) ;; Prevent user text selection
[dropdown-top internal-model choices id-fn label-fn tab-index placeholder dropdown-click key-handler filter-box? drop-showing?]
(when (and @drop-showing? (not disabled?))
[filter-text-box filter-box? filter-text key-handler drop-showing? choices-ratom]
(when max-height {:style {:max-height max-height}})
(if (-> filtered-choices count pos?)
(let [[group-names group-opt-lists] (choices-with-group-headings filtered-choices group-fn)
make-a-choice (partial make-choice-item id-fn label-fn callback internal-model)
make-choices #(map make-a-choice %1)
make-h-then-choices (fn [h opts]
(cons (make-group-heading h)
(make-choices opts)))
has-no-group-names? (nil? (:group (first group-names)))]
(if (and (= 1 (count group-opt-lists)) has-no-group-names?)
(make-choices (first group-opt-lists)) ;; one group means no headings
(apply concat (map make-h-then-choices group-names group-opt-lists))))
[ (str "No results match \"" @filter-text "\"")])]])]))))
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