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Created July 5, 2017 02:10
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import hashlib
import time
import xmltodict
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
WECHAT_TOKEN = "wechat_token"
# Check if the message XML is valid, this simple bot handles TEXT messages only!
# To learn more about the supported types of messages and how to implement them, see:
# Common Messages:
# Event Messages:
# Speech Recognition Messages:
def validate_message(message):
return (
message is not None and
message['xml'] != None and
message['xml']['MsgType'] != None and
message['xml']['MsgType'] == 'text' and
message['xml']['Content'] != None
# Format the reply according to the WeChat XML format for synchronous replies,
# see:
def format_message(original_message, content):
return (
) % (
# From and To must be inverted in replies ;)
original_message['xml']['ToUserName'], # Same as above!
def verify_backend(request):
# Get the parameters from the query string
signature = request.args.get('signature')
timestamp = request.args.get('timestamp')
nonce = request.args.get('nonce')
echostr = request.args.get('echostr')
# Compute the signature (note that the shared token is used too)
verification_elements = [WECHAT_TOKEN, timestamp, nonce]
verification_string = "".join(verification_elements)
verification_string = hashlib.sha1(
# If the signature is correct, output the same "echostr" provided by
# the WeChat server as a parameter
if signature == verification_string:
return echostr
return ""
@app.route('/wechat', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def echo_server():
error = None
if request.method == 'GET':
# The WeChat server will issue a GET request in order to verify the chatbot backend server upon configuration.
return verify_backend(request)
elif request.method == 'POST':
# Messages will be POSTed from the WeChat server to the chatbot backend server,
# see:
message = xmltodict.parse(
# If the message is valid, echo it back to the user or send an error message.
# Some kind of response, even an empty one, is *REQUIRED* by WeChat
# within the mandatory timeout limit of 5 seconds.
# Otherwise, the user will see an error in the app.
if validate_message(message):
reply = "You typed: %s" % (message['xml']['Content'])
return format_message(message, reply)
return "Message was sent in a wrong format."
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