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MySQL query for wooCommerce to export products.
SELECT product.ID as product_id, product.post_title as product_name, replace(product.post_content, '"', "'") as product_content, product_sku.meta_value as product_sku, product_price.meta_value as product_price, product_weight.meta_value as product_weight
FROM wp_posts as product
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta as product_sku ON product.ID = product_sku.post_ID
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta as product_price ON product.ID = product_price.post_ID
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta as product_weight ON product.ID = product_weight.post_ID
WHERE (product.post_type = 'product' OR product.post_type = 'product_variation') AND product_sku.meta_key = '_sku' AND product_price.meta_key = '_price' AND product_weight.meta_key = '_weight'
ORDER BY product_id ASC
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