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Created January 4, 2022 14:44
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stage template for Azure DevOps used to deploy Locust
- name: terraformWorkingDirectory
type: string
default: ''
- name: customPrefix
type: string
- name: locustTargetUrl
type: string
default: ''
- name: numberOfWorkerNodes
type: number
default: 0
- name: testDurationSeconds
type: number
default: 0
- name: locustSpawnRate
type: number
default: 0
- name: locustUser
type: number
default: 0
- name: locustHeadless
type: boolean
default: false
- stage: deploylocust
displayName: 'Run Locust Loadtest'
- job: deploylocustterraform
displayName: 'Deploy Locust Terraform (and run test when in headless mode)'
- checkout: self # checkout github repository
- download: current # download pipeline artifacts
- template: steps-set-pipeline-variables.yaml # load set-pipeline-variables function
- template: steps-terraform-init.yaml
terraformStateFilename: 'terraform-locust-${{ parameters.customPrefix }}.state'
terraformWorkingDirectory: '${{ parameters.terraformWorkingDirectory }}'
# write locustTargetUrl parameter into a pipeline variable
- ${{ if ne(parameters.locustTargetUrl, '') }}:
- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=locustTargetUrl]${{ parameters.locustTargetUrl }}"
# parse global terraform output to gain frontdoor fqdn (used for headless-locust-only)
- ${{ if eq(parameters.locustHeadless, 'true') }}:
- template: steps-parse-terraform-output.yaml
workingDirectory: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/terraformOutputGlobalInfra' # Global infra deploy output directory
# overwrite locustTargetUrl pipeline variable with frontdoor fqdn (used for headless-locust-only)
- ${{ if eq(parameters.locustHeadless, 'true') }}:
- task: Bash@3
name: 'bashsetvariable'
displayName: 'Set locustTargetUrl variable'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=locustTargetUrl]https://$(frontdoor_fqdn)"
- task: Bash@3
name: 'terraformtaintlocustfile'
displayName: 'Terraform taint locustfile and users file'
workingDirectory: '${{ parameters.terraformWorkingDirectory }}'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
set -eux # fail on error
# Taint the locustfile and the usersfile so it will always be replaced with the latest version
terraform taint -allow-missing azurerm_storage_share_file.locustfile
terraform taint -allow-missing azurerm_storage_share_file.usersfile
# Deploy the locust infrastructure. If running in headless mode, the test will automatically start once the infra is provisioned.
- template: steps-terraform-apply.yaml
terraformWorkingDirectory: '${{ parameters.terraformWorkingDirectory }}'
customPrefix: '${{ parameters.customPrefix }}'
environment: '$(environment)'
customAttributes: '-var targeturl=$(locustTargetUrl)
-var queued_by="$(Build.QueuedBy)"
-var locust_workers=${{ parameters.numberOfWorkerNodes }}
-var locust_runtime="${{ parameters.testDurationSeconds }}s"
-var locust_spawn_rate=${{ parameters.locustSpawnRate }}
-var locust_headless="${{ lower(parameters.locustHeadless) }}"
-var locust_number_of_users=${{ parameters.locustUser }}
-var tenant_name=$(b2cTenantName)
-var ropc_policy_name=$(b2cRopcPolicyName)
-var client_id=$(b2cUIClientID)
-var loadtest_user_password=$(loadtestUserPassword)'
# All of the next tasks are only applicable in headless mode
- ${{ if eq(parameters.locustHeadless, 'true') }}:
# Sleep for the duration of the load test
- task: Bash@3
displayName: 'Sleep for ${{ parameters.testDurationSeconds }} seconds'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
echo "Sleeping for ${{ parameters.testDurationSeconds }} seconds while the test is running..."
sleep ${{ parameters.testDurationSeconds }}
# Download locust stats and logs from storage account to build agent so we can then store it as a pipeline artifact
- task: Bash@3
displayName: 'Download Locust stats and logs'
targetType: 'inline'
workingDirectory: '${{ parameters.terraformWorkingDirectory }}'
script: |
# Retrieve Azure Files URL and SAS token
storageurl=`terraform output -raw locust_storage_url`
sastoken=`terraform output -raw locust_readwrite_sas_token`
# Download logs and stats via az CLI
mkdir locust/
azcopy copy "$storageurl/stats/*$sastoken" locust/
azcopy copy "$storageurl/logs/*$sastoken" locust/
# Creating an HTML report based on the locust results
wget -O locust-reporter
chmod u+x locust-reporter
./locust-reporter -dir locust -failures -outfile locust/Report_${{ parameters.customPrefix }}.html -prefix ${{ parameters.customPrefix }}
# Clean up storage file share. Otherwise terraform cannot delete it
echo "Deleting all files on file share using azcopy"
azcopy remove "$storageurl$sastoken" --recursive --exclude-pattern "stats;logs"
# Publish Loadtest results stats and logs as pipeline artifacts
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: 'Publish Locust Results and Logs'
pathToPublish: '${{ parameters.terraformWorkingDirectory }}/locust/'
artifactName: 'locust-test-results'
# Parse load test results
- template: steps-parse-loadtest-output.yaml
customPrefix: ${{ parameters.customPrefix }}
statsPath: '${{ parameters.terraformWorkingDirectory }}/locust/'
# Destroy Locust infrastructure at the end
- template: steps-terraform-destroy.yaml
terraformStateFilename: 'terraform-locust-${{ parameters.customPrefix }}.state'
terraformWorkingDirectory: '${{ parameters.terraformWorkingDirectory }}'
customAttributes: '-var prefix="${{ parameters.customPrefix }}"'
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