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Created January 5, 2022 10:24
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This PowerShell core script compares a given locust stats csv against a baseline json
function Compare-LocustStats {
[CmdletBinding()] # indicate that this is advanced function (with additional params automatically added)
param (
if (Test-Path -Path "$baselineFile") {
$baselineJson = Get-ChildItem $baselineFile | Get-Content | ConvertFrom-JSON | Sort-Object -Property @{expression={$_.operator};Descending=$true} # sorted by test name
} else {
throw "*** ERROR - File $baselineFile not found."
if (Test-Path -Path "$statsFile") {
$statsCsv = Import-CSV "$statsFile" # load csv stats file
} else {
throw "*** ERROR - File $statsFile not found."
$fail = 0 # set fail to zero - >0 will fail the test
$baselineJson | ForEach-Object {
# browse through baseline definitions
$name = $
$values = $_.values
$operator = $_.Operator
# default to le (lowerequal)
if ($operator -ne 'ge') { $operator = 'le' }
Write-Verbose "Baseline Item $name"
$statsCsv | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $name } | ForEach-Object {
$statsCsvData = $_
$values | Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" } | ForEach-Object {
$name = $($ # metric name
$resultValue = $($statsCsvData."$($") # load test result value
$baselineValue = $($values."$($") # base line target value
# switch based on the operator set in baseline json
switch ($operator)
'ge' {
# when operator is set to ge (greater or equal)
if ( $resultValue -ge $baselineValue ) {
Write-Verbose "PASS - $name of $resultValue is greater or equal than $baselineValue"
} else {
Write-Verbose "FAIL - $name is lower than $baselineValue ($resultValue)"
'le' {
# when operator is set to le (lowerequal)
if ( $resultValue -le $baselineValue ) {
Write-Verbose "PASS - $name of $resultValue is lower or equal than $baselineValue"
} else {
Write-Verbose "FAIL - $name is greater than $baselineValue ($resultValue)"
return $fail
# Example how to test Compare-LocustStats
# $baselinePath = "./.ado/pipelines/config/loadtest-baseline.json"
# $statsPath = "aoe2e2f40_stats.csv"
# Compare-LocustStats -baselineFile $baselinePath -statsFile $statsPath
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