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Last active December 20, 2015 03:58
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GIFs? In MY terminal?!


Seems to run stable for hours!

If you can't see your cursor after killing it, run tput cnorm

Sometimes you may see a seq error if you run it multiple times with different resolutions in the same session. Easier to make a new session, or you can change it unset the variables used initially.

# Play a gif in the terminal indefinitely. Specify the file/url and the horizontal resolution
# Requires the amazing ImageMagick. `(brew|apt-get|yum) install imagemagick`
function playgif ()
    f=$(convert $1 -resize $2 -coalesce txt:-|sed -E 's/ //g;s/#.+:([0-9]+).+/_\1/g;s/.+://;s/\(//;s/\)//;s/#.*//;s/255/254/g;s/([0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+),[0-9]+/\1/;s/_/ /'|tr '\n' 'z');
    w=$(echo ${f::3}|sed -E 's/([0-9]+).*/\1/');
    tput civis;
    while true; do
        for i in ${f[@]};
            j=($(echo $i|tr 'z' '\n'|sed -E '/^[0-9]*$/d;s/(.+),(.+),(.+)/\1\/42.5*36+\2\/42.5*6+\3\/42.5+16/'|bc));
            for r in $(seq 0 $w $((${#j[@]}-$w)));
                p=($(for c in $(seq 0 $(($w-1)));do echo " ${j[$(($r+$c))]} ";done));
                k=$(echo ${p[@]}|sed -E 's/^/\\e[0m\\e[48;5;/;s/\ /m\ \ \\e[0m\\e[48;5;/g;s/$/m\ \ \\e[0m/');
                echo -e $k;
                unset IFS;
            tput cup 0 0;
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heptal commented Aug 3, 2013

Hmm, if 'Report terminal type' (in iTerm) is set to xterm or xterm-256 works for me. It works in Terminal for me as well, and also through ssh. Try running the bash-only version of the still image renderer on and see if you get colors there?

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stecman commented Dec 17, 2013

This is genius! I had the same issue as @scarolan; replacing \\e with \\033 fixed it for me.

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scarolan commented Jan 7, 2014

Confirmed @stecman's solution works. It also seems to only work for me in bash, and not zsh, but that might be because I have a heavily tweaked setup with Oh-My-Zsh, powerline, and a patched font.

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