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Created October 17, 2012 21:39
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Save hercynium/3908427 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Some insane bash that might end up useful in the future
# Summary:
# This script will set up your environment et al so you can run the Hive
# Query Tool. This script is intended to be sourced, but can be run without
# sourcing. The /path/to/perl argument(s) are optional.
# Usage:
# source setup-hqt [/path/to/perl /path/to/other/perl ...]
# setup-hqt [/path/to/perl /path/to/other/perl ...]
# More Info:
# Use this script to find, fetch, build and install all the CPAN dependencies
# for running the Hive Query Tool (HQT). This includes looking for the most
# recent version of perl installed on your system and using it.
# I have it do this because the HQT requires perl version 5.10.1 or greater
# (which is actually already fairly old) and I have found that a lot of
# systems around here don't have it.
# So, this script will set everything up nice and orderly, if possible.
# If you source this script in a bash shell, it will also set up your
# environment so perl can find the installed dependencies.
# If you wish/need, you can pass as arguments the path(s) to specific
# perl binaries you want to try to use, and those will be checked instead
# of the defaults.
# If you don't have perl 5.10.1 or newer on your system, you'll need to find
# a way to install one. If you have an RPM-based system, you should be able
# to build an RPM for a more modern version by using another script in the
# warehouse source tree:
# $WHTOP/miscprojects/modern-perl/
# It will create an RPM that installs perl 5.16.1 under /opt/perl-5.16.1
# Let's say you have that installed now...
# You can then just source this script.
# @author: Stephen R. Scaffidi <>
# @since: Oct. 2012
# get the version of the given perl binary
get-perlver () {
"$1" -e 'print "$^V"' | sed 's/^v//'
# normalize the perl version so we can do a numeric comparison
normalize-ver () {
local ver=$(echo "$1" | sed 's/[^0-9.]//g')
echo "$ver" \
| awk 'BEGIN{FS="."}{printf "%d", $1; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) printf "%.3d", $i}'
# find the most recent perl on this system that is newer than the specified version
find-best-perl () {
local need_nver=$( normalize-ver "$1" ); shift
local best_nver=0 # track the highest numeric version found
local best_ver="" # ditto for the version-y version
local best_perl="" # track the path to the perl with the highest version
for found_perl in "$@"; do
[[ ! -e "$found_perl" ]] && continue
got_ver=$( get-perlver "$found_perl" )
got_nver=$( normalize-ver "$got_ver" )
[[ "$got_nver" < "$need_nver" ]] && continue
if [[ "$got_nver" > "$best_nver" ]]; then
cat <<END
# prep for script cleanup
# if anything goes wrong, this will restore the shell options
# changed in this script
cleanup-on-exit () {
#echo "$?"
set +e
[[ "$nounset_status" == "off" ]] && set +o nounset
[[ "$pipefail_status" == "off" ]] && set +o pipefail
[[ "$errexit_status" == "on" ]] && set -o errexit # this one must be last!
trap -- ERR
# get the state of the given shopt/set -o option (on or off)
shopt-status () {
local _opt="$1"
if shopt -q -o $_opt; then
echo "on"
echo off
# if this script is being sourced, we'll want to record the current state
# of these shell options so we can change them back on exit
errexit_status=$(shopt-status "errexit")
pipefail_status=$(shopt-status "pipefail")
nounset_status=$(shopt-status "nounset")
trap "cleanup-on-exit" ERR
# Main script
set -e
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
# determine if this script has been sourced or not
SELF_SOURCED="" && [[ "$0" == "bash" ]] && SELF_SOURCED=1
# here are some common places to look for perl binaries
POSSIBLE_PERLS=( `which -a perl` /{opt,usr/local}/perl*/bin/perl )
# if the user specified which perl(s) they want to try, then just use those
[[ $# -gt 0 ]] && POSSIBLE_PERLS=( "$@" )
# now, find the best available perl
FOUND_PERL=( $(find-best-perl "5.10.1" "${POSSIBLE_PERLS[@]}") "" "")
# if a suitable perl could not be found...
if [[ "$BEST_PERL" == "" ]]; then
echo 1>&2 "Could not locate a new enough version of perl."
echo 1>&2 "Please upgrade, or contact for help."
# terminate differently depending on how we were called.
set +e; [[ -n "$SELF_SOURCED" ]] && return 1; exit 1
echo "Found perl $BEST_VER at $BEST_PERL"
# these vars aren't required by perl or the app, but they may come in handy
PERL_BINDIR="$( dirname "$BEST_PERL")"
# should be the dir where this script lives. the code below will get
# the correct path even if the script is sourced.
APP_ROOT=$(cd `dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"` && pwd)
# the external dependencies for this code will be installed here
# make sure your path finds the new perl first
# TODO: make this smarter so we don't keep adding to the path like crazy.
# perhaps use the value in PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT to clean out old LL paths.
# in case local::lib is already in use, clear up those env vars
# setup the symlink to make it easier to deal with
# different versions of perl
echo "Setting up extlib dir"
mkdir -p "$APP_ROOT/.extlib/$PERL_NAME"
rm -f "$APP_EXTLIB"
ln -sf ".extlib/$PERL_NAME" "$APP_EXTLIB"
# if creating a new extlib, record some info about the build.
# if a different user or different perl is running this, record that, too.
# don't bother adding anything if the user or perl or host are all the same.
[[ -e "$BUILD_INFO_FILE" ]] && grep -q -F "$BUILD_INFO" "$BUILD_INFO_FILE"
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "[$(date)] $BUILD_INFO" >> "$BUILD_INFO_FILE"
# install cpanm and local::lib so we can install those deps cleanly
echo "Checking dependency toolchain"
[[ -x "$APP_EXTLIB/bin/cpanm" ]] ||
curl --silent --show-error --location \
| perl - --quiet --local-lib="$APP_EXTLIB" App::cpanminus local::lib
# now setup the environment so perl knows to look there
# and so cpan/cpanm knows to install deps there.
echo "Setting perl env for libs"
eval $(perl -I"$APP_EXTLIB/lib/perl5" -Mlocal::lib="$APP_EXTLIB")
# now instruct cpanm to install all the dependencies
# declared in the Makefile.PL
echo "Making sure all dependencies are installed"
cpanm --quiet --installdeps . \
&& echo "Done!"
[[ -n "$SELF_SOURCED" ]] || cat <<END
Note that you must *source* this script so your shell picks up the vars that
will tell perl how to find the stuff in extlib!
# this is important to end the script!
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