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Last active October 15, 2021 17:55
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exec scala "$0" "$@"
// Finds busy beaver state machines of two symbols and four states
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.language.implicitConversions
* start state: x
* state -> (see -> [move (<0 or >0), write (0 or 1), movetonode], see -> ...)
* movetonode == -1 is halt
object Turing {
val moves = Array('L', 'R')
val symbols = Array(0, 1)
type Direction = Char
type Symbol = Int
type Transition = Int
type SubState = (Direction, Symbol, Transition)
type State = (SubState, SubState)
implicit def intToBoolean(x: Int): Boolean = x != 0
implicit def directionToInt(dir: Direction): Int = if (dir == 'L') -1 else 1
def printState(state: State) = println(s"""{
| 0: { move: ${state._1._1}, write: ${state._1._2}, goTo: ${state._1._3} },
| 1: { move: ${state._2._1}, write: ${state._2._2}, goTo: ${state._2._3} },
type Tape = Array[Int]
def simulate(machine: Seq[State]) = {
val tape = Array(0)
def step(tape: Tape, to: Transition, position: Int, recCount: Int): Option[Tape] =
if (to == -1) Some(tape)
else if (recCount > 100) None
else if (tape(position) == 0) machine(to)._1 match {
case (newDir, newWrite, newTo) =>
tape(position) = newWrite
val newPos = position + directionToInt(newDir)
val newTape = if (newPos >= tape.length) tape ++ Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
else if (newPos < 0) Array(0) ++ tape
else tape
step(newTape, newTo, if (newPos < 0) 0 else newPos, recCount + 1)
case _ => None
else machine(to)._2 match {
case (newDir, newWrite, newTo) =>
tape(position) = newWrite
val newPos = position + directionToInt(newDir)
val newTape = if (newPos > tape.length) tape ++ Array(0)
else if (newPos < 0) Array(0) ++ tape
else tape
// println(s"newTape: ${newTape.toSeq}")
step(newTape, newTo, if (newPos < 0) 0 else newPos, recCount + 1)
case _ => None
// Always see 0 at first move
step(tape, machine(0)._1._3, 0, 0)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// all possible states (all combinations of transitions, see and write)
val allStates = for {
move1 <- moves
move2 <- moves
write1 <- symbols
write2 <- symbols
moveTo1 <- 0 until 4
moveTo2 <- 0 until 4
haltTransition <- List(0, 1)
halt <- List(false, true)
} yield {
if (halt)
if (haltTransition)
((move1, write1, -1), (move2, write2, moveTo2))
((move1, write1, moveTo1), (move2, write2, -1))
((move1, write1, moveTo1), (move2, write2, moveTo2))
lazy val allTuring = (allStates combinations 4) filter { machine =>
val noHaltAtStart = machine(0)._1._3 > -1
val noInfiteLoop1 = machine(0)._1._3 != 0 & machine(0)._2._3 != 0
val noInfiteLoop2 = machine(1)._1._3 != 1 & machine(1)._2._3 != 1
val noInfiteLoop3 = machine(2)._1._3 != 2 & machine(2)._2._3 != 2
val noInfiteLoop4 = machine(3)._1._3 != 3 & machine(3)._2._3 != 3
noHaltAtStart & noInfiteLoop1 & noInfiteLoop2 & noInfiteLoop3 & noInfiteLoop4
// The one found in wikipedia
val perfectBeaver = Seq(
(('R', 1, 1), ('L', 1, 1)), // 0
(('L', 1, 0), ('L', 0, 3)), // 1
(('R', 1, 2), ('R', 0, 0)), // 2
(('R', 1, -1), ('L', 1, 2)) // 3
println("Testing machines")
Future.traverse(allTuring) { machine => Future {
simulate(machine) match {
case Some(tape) =>
val sum = tape.sum
if (sum >= 7) println(s"${tape.sum} -> ${machine.toSeq}") // A beaver!
case None => false
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