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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Grooveshark Python API
#!/usr/bin/env python
import httplib
import StringIO
import hashlib
import uuid
import random
import string
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import gzip
import threading
if sys.version_info[1] >= 6: import json
else: import simplejson as json
_useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.56 Safari/536.5"
_token = None
URL = "" #The base URL of Grooveshark
htmlclient = ('htmlshark', '20130520', 'nuggetsOfBaller', {"User-Agent":_useragent, "Content-Type":"application/json", "Accept-Encoding":"gzip"}) #Contains all the information posted with the htmlshark client
jsqueue = ['jsqueue', '20130520', 'chickenFingers']
jsqueue.append({"User-Agent":_useragent, "Referer": 'http://%s/JSQueue.swf?%s' % (URL, jsqueue[1]), "Accept-Encoding":"gzip", "Content-Type":"application/json"}) #Contains all the information specific to jsqueue
#Setting the static header (country, session and uuid)
h = {}
h["country"] = {}
h["country"]["CC1"] = 72057594037927940
h["country"]["CC2"] = 0
h["country"]["CC3"] = 0
h["country"]["CC4"] = 0
h["country"]["ID"] = 57
h["country"]["IPR"] = 0
h["privacy"] = 0
h["session"] = (''.join(random.choice(string.digits + string.letters[:6]) for x in range(32))).lower()
h["uuid"] = str.upper(str(uuid.uuid4()))
#Generate a token from the method and the secret string (which changes once in a while)
def prepToken(method, secret):
rnd = (''.join(random.choice(string.hexdigits) for x in range(6))).lower()
return rnd + hashlib.sha1('%s:%s:%s:%s' % (method, _token, secret, rnd)).hexdigest()
#Fetch a queueID (right now we randomly generate it)
def getQueueID():
return random.randint(10000000000000000000000,99999999999999999999999) #For now this will do
#Get the static token issued by sharkAttack!
def getToken():
global h, _token
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["secretKey"] = hashlib.md5(h["session"]).hexdigest()
p["method"] = "getCommunicationToken"
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = htmlclient[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = htmlclient[1]
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php", json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), htmlclient[3])
_token = json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Process a search and return the result as a list.
def getResultsFromSearch(query, what="Songs"):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["type"] = what
p["parameters"]["query"] = query
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = htmlclient[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = htmlclient[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("getResultsFromSearch", htmlclient[2])
p["method"] = "getResultsFromSearch"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), htmlclient[3])
j = json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())
return j["result"]["result"]["Songs"]
return j["result"]["result"]
def getAutocompleteEx(query, what="combined"):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["type"] = what
p["parameters"]["query"] = query
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = htmlclient[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = htmlclient[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("getAutocompleteEx", htmlclient[2])
p["method"] = "getAutocompleteEx"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), htmlclient[3])
j = json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())
return j["result"]["song"]
return j["result"]
#Get all songs by a certain artist
def artistGetSongsEx(id, isVerified):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["artistID"] = id
p["parameters"]["isVerifiedOrPopular"] = isVerified
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = htmlclient[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = htmlclient[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("artistGetSongsEx", htmlclient[2])
p["method"] = "artistGetSongsEx"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), htmlclient[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())
#Get the streamKey used to download the songs off of the servers.
def getStreamKeyFromSongIDs(id):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["type"] = 8
p["parameters"]["mobile"] = False
p["parameters"]["prefetch"] = False
p["parameters"]["songIDs"] = [id]
p["parameters"]["country"] = h["country"]
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("getStreamKeysFromSongIDs", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "getStreamKeysFromSongIDs"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Add a song to the browser queue, used to imitate a browser
def addSongsToQueue(songObj, songQueueID, source = "user"):
queueObj = {}
queueObj["songID"] = songObj["SongID"]
queueObj["artistID"] = songObj["ArtistID"]
queueObj["source"] = source
queueObj["songQueueSongID"] = 1
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["songIDsArtistIDs"] = [queueObj]
p["parameters"]["songQueueID"] = songQueueID
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("addSongsToQueue", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "addSongsToQueue"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Remove a song from the browser queue, used to imitate a browser, in conjunction with the one above.
def removeSongsFromQueue(songQueueID, userRemoved = True):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["songQueueID"] = songQueueID
p["parameters"]["userRemoved"] = True
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("removeSongsFromQueue", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "removeSongsFromQueue"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Mark the song as being played more then 30 seconds, used if the download of a songs takes a long time.
def markStreamKeyOver30Seconds(songID, songQueueID, streamServer, streamKey):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["songQueueID"] = songQueueID
p["parameters"]["streamServerID"] = streamServer
p["parameters"]["songID"] = songID
p["parameters"]["streamKey"] = streamKey
p["parameters"]["songQueueSongID"] = 1
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("markStreamKeyOver30Seconds", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "markStreamKeyOver30Seconds"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Mark the song as downloaded, hopefully stopping us from getting banned.
def markSongDownloadedEx(streamServer, songID, streamKey):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["streamServerID"] = streamServer
p["parameters"]["songID"] = songID
p["parameters"]["streamKey"] = streamKey
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("markSongDownloadedEx", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "markSongDownloadedEx"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
def download():
getToken() #Get a static token
i = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) #Get the search parameter
#i = raw_input("Search: ") #Same as above, if you uncomment this, and comment the first 4 lines this can be run entirely from the command line.
print "Searching for '%s'..." % i
m = 0
s = getResultsFromSearch(i) #Get the result from the search
l = [('%s: "%s" by "%s" (%s)' % (str(m+1), l["SongName"], l["ArtistName"], l["AlbumName"])) for m,l in enumerate(s[:10])] #Iterate over the 10 first returned items, and produce descriptive strings.
if l == []: #If the result was empty print a message and exit
print "No results found"
print '\n'.join(l) #Print the results
songid = raw_input("Enter the Song IDs you wish to download (separated with commas) or (q) to exit: ")
if songid == "" or songid == "q": exit() #Exit if choice is empty or q
#songid = eval(songid)-1 #Turn it into an int and subtract one to fit it into the list index
queueID = getQueueID()
for curID in inputtedIDs:
addSongsToQueue(s[songid], queueID) #Add the song to the queue
print "Retrieving stream key.."
stream = getStreamKeyFromSongIDs(s[songid]["SongID"]) #Get the StreamKey for the selected song
for k,v in stream.iteritems():
if stream == []:
print "Failed"
cmd = 'wget --post-data=streamKey=%s -O "%s - %s.mp3" "http://%s/stream.php"' % (stream["streamKey"], s[songid]["ArtistName"], s[songid]["SongName"], stream["ip"]) #Run wget to download the song
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
markTimer = threading.Timer(30 + random.randint(0,5), markStreamKeyOver30Seconds, [s[songid]["SongID"], str(queueID), stream["ip"], stream["streamKey"]]) #Starts a timer that reports the song as being played for over 30-35 seconds. May not be needed.
p.wait() #Wait for wget to finish
except KeyboardInterrupt: #If we are interrupted by the user
os.remove('%s - %s.mp3' % (s[songid]["ArtistName"], s[songid]["SongName"])) #Delete the song
print "\nDownload cancelled. File deleted."
print "Marking song as completed"
markSongDownloadedEx(stream["ip"], s[songid]["SongID"], stream["streamKey"]) #This is the important part, hopefully this will stop grooveshark from banning us.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import httplib
import StringIO
import hashlib
import uuid
import random
import string
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import gzip
import threading
if sys.version_info[1] >= 6: import json
else: import simplejson as json
_useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.56 Safari/536.5"
_token = None
URL = "" #The base URL of Grooveshark
htmlclient = ('htmlshark', '20130520', 'nuggetsOfBaller', {"User-Agent":_useragent, "Content-Type":"application/json", "Accept-Encoding":"gzip"}) #Contains all the information posted with the htmlshark client
jsqueue = ['jsqueue', '20130520', 'chickenFingers']
jsqueue.append({"User-Agent":_useragent, "Referer": 'http://%s/JSQueue.swf?%s' % (URL, jsqueue[1]), "Accept-Encoding":"gzip", "Content-Type":"application/json"}) #Contains all the information specific to jsqueue
#Setting the static header (country, session and uuid)
h = {}
h["country"] = {}
h["country"]["CC1"] = 72057594037927940
h["country"]["CC2"] = 0
h["country"]["CC3"] = 0
h["country"]["CC4"] = 0
h["country"]["ID"] = 57
h["country"]["IPR"] = 0
h["privacy"] = 0
h["session"] = (''.join(random.choice(string.digits + string.letters[:6]) for x in range(32))).lower()
h["uuid"] = str.upper(str(uuid.uuid4()))
#Generate a token from the method and the secret string (which changes once in a while)
def prepToken(method, secret):
rnd = (''.join(random.choice(string.hexdigits) for x in range(6))).lower()
return rnd + hashlib.sha1('%s:%s:%s:%s' % (method, _token, secret, rnd)).hexdigest()
#Fetch a queueID (right now we randomly generate it)
def getQueueID():
return random.randint(10000000000000000000000,99999999999999999999999) #For now this will do
#Get the static token issued by sharkAttack!
def getToken():
global h, _token
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["secretKey"] = hashlib.md5(h["session"]).hexdigest()
p["method"] = "getCommunicationToken"
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = htmlclient[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = htmlclient[1]
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php", json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), htmlclient[3])
_token = json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Process a search and return the result as a list.
def getResultsFromSearch(query, what="Songs"):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["type"] = what
p["parameters"]["query"] = query
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = htmlclient[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = htmlclient[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("getResultsFromSearch", htmlclient[2])
p["method"] = "getResultsFromSearch"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), htmlclient[3])
j = json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())
return j["result"]["result"]["Songs"]
return j["result"]["result"]
def getAutocompleteEx(query, what="combined"):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["type"] = what
p["parameters"]["query"] = query
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = htmlclient[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = htmlclient[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("getAutocompleteEx", htmlclient[2])
p["method"] = "getAutocompleteEx"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), htmlclient[3])
j = json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())
return j["result"]["song"]
return j["result"]
#Get all songs by a certain artist
def artistGetSongsEx(id, isVerified):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["artistID"] = id
p["parameters"]["isVerifiedOrPopular"] = isVerified
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = htmlclient[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = htmlclient[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("artistGetSongsEx", htmlclient[2])
p["method"] = "artistGetSongsEx"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), htmlclient[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())
#Get the streamKey used to download the songs off of the servers.
def getStreamKeyFromSongIDs(id):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["type"] = 8
p["parameters"]["mobile"] = False
p["parameters"]["prefetch"] = False
p["parameters"]["songIDs"] = [id]
p["parameters"]["country"] = h["country"]
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("getStreamKeysFromSongIDs", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "getStreamKeysFromSongIDs"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Add a song to the browser queue, used to imitate a browser
def addSongsToQueue(songObj, songQueueID, source = "user"):
queueObj = {}
queueObj["songID"] = songObj["SongID"]
queueObj["artistID"] = songObj["ArtistID"]
queueObj["source"] = source
queueObj["songQueueSongID"] = 1
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["songIDsArtistIDs"] = [queueObj]
p["parameters"]["songQueueID"] = songQueueID
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("addSongsToQueue", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "addSongsToQueue"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Remove a song from the browser queue, used to imitate a browser, in conjunction with the one above.
def removeSongsFromQueue(songQueueID, userRemoved = True):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["songQueueID"] = songQueueID
p["parameters"]["userRemoved"] = True
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("removeSongsFromQueue", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "removeSongsFromQueue"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Mark the song as being played more then 30 seconds, used if the download of a songs takes a long time.
def markStreamKeyOver30Seconds(songID, songQueueID, streamServer, streamKey):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["songQueueID"] = songQueueID
p["parameters"]["streamServerID"] = streamServer
p["parameters"]["songID"] = songID
p["parameters"]["streamKey"] = streamKey
p["parameters"]["songQueueSongID"] = 1
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("markStreamKeyOver30Seconds", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "markStreamKeyOver30Seconds"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
#Mark the song as downloaded, hopefully stopping us from getting banned.
def markSongDownloadedEx(streamServer, songID, streamKey):
p = {}
p["parameters"] = {}
p["parameters"]["streamServerID"] = streamServer
p["parameters"]["songID"] = songID
p["parameters"]["streamKey"] = streamKey
p["header"] = h
p["header"]["client"] = jsqueue[0]
p["header"]["clientRevision"] = jsqueue[1]
p["header"]["token"] = prepToken("markSongDownloadedEx", jsqueue[2])
p["method"] = "markSongDownloadedEx"
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(URL)
conn.request("POST", "/more.php?" + p["method"], json.JSONEncoder().encode(p), jsqueue[3])
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=(StringIO.StringIO(conn.getresponse().read()))).read())["result"]
def download():
getToken() #Get a static token
i = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) #Get the search parameter
#i = raw_input("Search: ") #Same as above, if you uncomment this, and comment the first 4 lines this can be run entirely from the command line.
print "Searching for '%s'..." % i
m = 0
s = getResultsFromSearch(i) #Get the result from the search
l = [('%s: "%s" by "%s" (%s)' % (str(m+1), l["SongName"], l["ArtistName"], l["AlbumName"])) for m,l in enumerate(s[:10])] #Iterate over the 10 first returned items, and produce descriptive strings.
if l == []: #If the result was empty print a message and exit
print "No results found"
print '\n'.join(l) #Print the results
songid = raw_input("Enter the Song IDs you wish to download (separated with commas) or (q) to exit: ")
if songid == "" or songid == "q": exit() #Exit if choice is empty or q
#songid = eval(songid)-1 #Turn it into an int and subtract one to fit it into the list index
queueID = getQueueID()
for curID in inputtedIDs:
addSongsToQueue(s[songid], queueID) #Add the song to the queue
print "Retrieving stream key.."
stream = getStreamKeyFromSongIDs(s[songid]["SongID"]) #Get the StreamKey for the selected song
for k,v in stream.iteritems():
if stream == []:
print "Failed"
cmd = 'wget --post-data=streamKey=%s -O "%s - %s.mp3" "http://%s/stream.php"' % (stream["streamKey"], s[songid]["ArtistName"], s[songid]["SongName"], stream["ip"]) #Run wget to download the song
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True)
markTimer = threading.Timer(30 + random.randint(0,5), markStreamKeyOver30Seconds, [s[songid]["SongID"], str(queueID), stream["ip"], stream["streamKey"]]) #Starts a timer that reports the song as being played for over 30-35 seconds. May not be needed.
p.wait() #Wait for wget to finish
except KeyboardInterrupt: #If we are interrupted by the user
os.remove('%s - %s.mp3' % (s[songid]["ArtistName"], s[songid]["SongName"])) #Delete the song
print "\nDownload cancelled. File deleted."
print "Marking song as completed"
markSongDownloadedEx(stream["ip"], s[songid]["SongID"], stream["streamKey"]) #This is the important part, hopefully this will stop grooveshark from banning us.
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