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Created June 24, 2021 16:30
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Glass shader for URP.
Shader "SimpleLit/Glass"
[MainTex] _BaseMap ("Base Map", 2D) = "white" { }
[MainColor][HDR] _Color ("Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_BlurStrength("Blur Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 1
_Gloss("Gloss", Range(0, 1)) = 1
_Thickness("Thickness", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
"Queue" = "Transparent"
"RenderPipeline" = "Universal"
Cull Back
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha, One OneMinusSrcAlpha
ZTest LEqual
ZWrite Off
#pragma vertex Vert
#pragma fragment Frag
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DeclareOpaqueTexture.hlsl"
struct Attributes
float4 PositionOS : POSITION;
float3 NormalOS : NORMAL;
float2 UV : TEXCOORD0;
struct VertexToFragment
float4 PositionHCS : SV_POSITION;
float3 NormalWS : NORMAL;
float2 UV : TEXCOORD0;
float3 PositionWS : TEXCOORD1;
float4 PositionSS : TEXCOORD2;
float4 _CameraOpaqueTexture_TexelSize;
float4 _BaseMap_ST;
float4 _Color;
float _BlurStrength;
float _Gloss;
float _Thickness;
float4 ComputeScreenPos(in const float4 PositionHCS, in const float ProjectionSign)
float4 Output = PositionHCS * 0.5f;
Output.xy = float2(Output.x, Output.y * ProjectionSign) + Output.w; =;
return Output;
float4 GetBaseColor(in const float2 UV)
const float2 MainTexUV = TRANSFORM_TEX(UV, _BaseMap);
const float4 MainTex = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_BaseMap, sampler_BaseMap, MainTexUV);
const float4 BaseColor = MainTex * _Color;
return BaseColor;
float GetDirectLightFalloff(in const float3 Normal, in const float3 LightDirection)
const float LightFalloff = clamp(dot(Normal, LightDirection), 0, 0.7);
return LightFalloff;
float GetSpecularFalloff(in const float3 Normal, in const float3 PositionWS, in const float3 LightDirection)
const float3 ViewReflect = reflect(normalize(PositionWS - GetCameraPositionWS()), Normal);
float SpecularFalloff = max(0, dot(ViewReflect, LightDirection));
SpecularFalloff = pow(SpecularFalloff, pow(2, 10 * _Gloss));
return SpecularFalloff;
float3 GetBlurredScreenColor(in const float2 UVSS)
#define OFFSET_X(kernel) float2(_CameraOpaqueTexture_TexelSize.x * kernel * _BlurStrength, 0)
#define OFFSET_Y(kernel) float2(0, _CameraOpaqueTexture_TexelSize.y * kernel * _BlurStrength)
#define BLUR_PIXEL(weight, kernel) float3(0, 0, 0) \
+ (SampleSceneColor(UVSS + OFFSET_Y(kernel)) * weight * 0.125) \
+ (SampleSceneColor(UVSS - OFFSET_Y(kernel)) * weight * 0.125) \
+ (SampleSceneColor(UVSS + OFFSET_X(kernel)) * weight * 0.125) \
+ (SampleSceneColor(UVSS - OFFSET_X(kernel)) * weight * 0.125) \
+ (SampleSceneColor(UVSS + ((OFFSET_X(kernel) + OFFSET_Y(kernel)))) * weight * 0.125) \
+ (SampleSceneColor(UVSS + ((OFFSET_X(kernel) - OFFSET_Y(kernel)))) * weight * 0.125) \
+ (SampleSceneColor(UVSS - ((OFFSET_X(kernel) + OFFSET_Y(kernel)))) * weight * 0.125) \
+ (SampleSceneColor(UVSS - ((OFFSET_X(kernel) - OFFSET_Y(kernel)))) * weight * 0.125) \
float3 Sum = 0;
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.02, 10.0);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.02, 9.0);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.06, 8.5);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.06, 8.0);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.06, 7.5);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.05, 7);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.05, 6.5);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.05, 6);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.05, 5.5);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.065, 4.5);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.065, 4);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.065, 3.5);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.065, 3);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.28, 2);
Sum += BLUR_PIXEL(0.04, 0);
#undef OFFSET_X
#undef OFFSET_Y
return Sum;
float3 BlendWithBackground(in const float4 Color, in const float2 UVSS)
const float3 BlurredScreenColor = GetBlurredScreenColor(UVSS);
const float3 MixedColor = BlurredScreenColor * Color.rgb;
const float3 AlphaInterpolatedColor = lerp(MixedColor, Color.rgb, Color.a);
return AlphaInterpolatedColor;
VertexToFragment Vert(const Attributes Input)
VertexToFragment Output;
const float4 PositionHCS = TransformObjectToHClip(;
Output.PositionHCS = PositionHCS;
Output.NormalWS = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(Input.NormalOS);
Output.UV = Input.UV;
Output.PositionWS = TransformObjectToWorld(;
const float3 RefractionAdjustedPositionOS = Input.PositionOS - (Input.NormalOS * _Thickness);
const float4 RefractionAdjustedPositionHCS = TransformObjectToHClip(RefractionAdjustedPositionOS);
Output.PositionSS = ComputeScreenPos(RefractionAdjustedPositionHCS, _ProjectionParams.x);
return Output;
float4 Frag(const VertexToFragment Input) : SV_Target
const float3 SmoothNormal = normalize(Input.NormalWS);
// const float4 ModifiedPositionSS = ComputeScreenPos(TransformWorldToHClip(Input.PositionWS - (SmoothNormal * _Thickness)), _ProjectionParams.x);
const float4 ModifiedPositionSS = Input.PositionSS;
float4 BaseColor = GetBaseColor(Input.UV);
const Light MainLight = GetMainLight();
// apply direct
BaseColor += GetDirectLightFalloff(SmoothNormal, MainLight.direction).xxxx * float4(MainLight.color.rgb, 0);
// apply specular
BaseColor += GetSpecularFalloff(SmoothNormal, Input.PositionWS, MainLight.direction);
// apply background color
const float2 UVSS = ModifiedPositionSS.xy / ModifiedPositionSS.w;
BaseColor = float4(BlendWithBackground(BaseColor, UVSS), 1);
return BaseColor;
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