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Last active April 14, 2023 02:47
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🐸 Emoji prefix in the commit message
# ==== Prefix ====
# fix
# feat
# docs
# style
# refactor
# test
# chore
# ==== Emojis ====
# 🦋 :butterfly: Fix a bug (fix)
# ✨ :sparkles: Introduce a new feature (feat)
# ⚡ :zap: Improve an existing feature (feat)
# ⚠️ :warning: Improve an existing feature with destructive change (feat)
# 📝 :memo: Add/Update/Delete documents (docs)
# 🎨 :art: Improve structure/format/design (style)
# 👕 :shirt: Fix lint errors/warnings (refactor)
# ♻️ :recycle: Refactor code (refactor)
# ✅ :white_check_mark: Add, update or pass tests (test)
# 🆙 :up: Upgrade dependencies (chore)
# 💚 :green_heart: Fix/change about CI build system
# 🔖 :bookmark: Release/Version tags
# 🚧 :construction: Work in progress
# ⏪ :rewind: Revert changes
# 🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merge branches
# 🌱 :seedling: First commit
# 🎉 :tada: Celebrate something
# 🍺 :beer: Drinking amber ale
# (rarely use)
# 🩹 :adhesive_bandage: Simple fix (fix)
# 🗑️ :wastebasket: Remove code or files (refactor)
# 🧪 :test_tube: Experimental code
# ==================== Format ====================
# :emoji: Subject
# Commit body...
# ==== Prefix ====
# fix
# feat
# docs
# style
# refactor
# test
# chore
# ==== Emojis ====
# 🦋 :butterfly: バグ修正 Fix a bug (fix)
# ✨ :sparkles: 新機能の実装 Introduce a new feature (feat)
# ⚡ :zap: 既存の機能の改善 Improve an existing feature (feat)
# ⚠️ :warning: 仕様の変更(破壊的変更) Improve an existing feature with destructive change (feat)
# 📝 :memo: ドキュメントの追加/更新/削除 Add/Update/Delete documents (docs)
# 🎨 :art: フォーマット/スタイル/デザイン面の改善 Improve structure/format/design (style)
# 👕 :shirt: Lintエラー/警告の修正 Fix lint errors/warnings (refactor)
# ♻️ :recycle:  リファクタリング Refactor code (refactor)
# ✅ :white_check_mark: テストの追加/更新/修正 Add, update or pass tests (test)
# 🆙 :up: 依存ライブラリのアップグレード Upgrade dependencies (chore)
# 💚 :green_heart: CIに関する変更 Fix/change about CI build system
# 🔖 :bookmark: バージョンタグ Release/Version tags
# 🚧 :construction: 作業中 Work in progress
# ⏪ :rewind: 変更の取り消し Revert changes
# 🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows: ブランチのマージ Merge branches
# 🌱 :seedling: 初めてのコミット First commit
# 🎉 :tada: お祝い Celebrate something
# 🍺 :beer: 乾杯! Drinking amber ale
# (滅多に使用しない)
# 🩹 :adhesive_bandage: 簡易的な修正 Simple fix (fix)
# 🗑️ :wastebasket: 不要なファイルやコードの削除 Remove code or files (refactor)
# 🧪 :test_tube: 実験的なコード Experimental code
# ==================== Format ====================
# :emoji: Subject
# Commit body...

Add missing emoji to Git Graph on VS code

Add below in settings.json

    "git-graph.customEmojiShortcodeMappings": [
        {"shortcode": ":butterfly:", "emoji":"🦋"},
        {"shortcode": ":up:", "emoji":"🆙"},
        {"shortcode": ":beer:", "emoji":"🍺"},
        {"shortcode": ":test_tube:", "emoji":"🧪"},
        {"shortcode": ":warning:", "emoji": "⚠️"}
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