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Last active August 9, 2019 02:36
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  • Save herrcore/5095fd47b7435ee26f90f0b38872812a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save herrcore/5095fd47b7435ee26f90f0b38872812a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ksearch provides a simple search interface for the amazing Koodous platform:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Ksearch provides a simple search interface for the amazing Koodous
# platform:
# With Ksearch you have a simple way to integrate Koodous search into
# any of your python projects. This gives you the ability to quickly
# crowdsource the analysis of potentially malicious Android files.
# You must first register for API access:
# WARNING! Ksearch uses undocumented APIs that may break at any point!
# DOUBLE WARNING!! The Ksearch author is _not_ affiliated with Koodous!!
# TRIPLE WARNING!!! Use at your own risk, responsibility is 100% yours!!!
__author__ = '@herrcore'
__version__ = 0.3
import json
import urllib
import hashlib
import argparse
import time
import sys
import os
import hashlib
import time
import requests
except ImportError:
print "ERROR: You must have the requests installed in your path. For installation see here:"
# ** This is really what matters, easy integration of APK crowdsource
# malware analysis into all your Python projects with one simple class.
class Ksearch:
Class for searching Koodous API.
WARNING: relies on undocumented APIs
API_URL = ''
def __init__(self, token=None, proxies=None, verify_ssl=None):
token: Koodous token
proxies: {<type>: <domain>:<port>} ex. {'https': 'socks5://'}
verify_ssl: true/false !!DANGER!! setting this to False will ignore SSL certificate warnings!
if token is not None:
self.TOKEN = token
if proxies is not None:
self.proxies = proxies
self.proxies = {}
if verify_ssl is not None:
self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl
self.verify_ssl = True
self.headers = {'Authorization': 'Token %s' % self.TOKEN}
def get_info(self, sha256):
Get info for apk
url = self.API_URL % ('apks/', sha256, '')
return requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.verify_ssl)
def search_koodous_db(self, term, page=1, page_size=100):
Search Koodous APKs for matching term
url = self.API_URL % ('apks', '?search=%s&page=%i&page_size=%i' % (term, page, page_size), "" )
return requests.get(url=url, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.verify_ssl)
def get_detections(self, sha256):
Function to get detections for APK
WARNING: relies on undocumented API
#access undocumented detections API
url = self.API_URL % ('apks/', sha256, '/detections')
return requests.get(url=url, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.verify_ssl)
def get_rule(self, ruleset_id):
Function to get rule
#access undocumented rule API
url = self.API_URL % ('public_rulesets/', ruleset_id, '')
return requests.get(url=url, headers=self.headers, proxies=self.proxies, verify=self.verify_ssl)
def get_rule_yara(self, ruleset_id):
Function to get rule yara signature
r = self.get_rule(ruleset_id)
if r.status_code == 200:
return r.json().get("rules")
return ""
def get_apk_detections_by_name(self, apk_name):
Return dictionary of APK hashes that match package name
and the detections for each hash.
[{hash:sha256, detections:[{name,id,link,yara},,,]},,,]
apk_hashes = []
r = self.search_koodous_db(apk_name)
#get sha256 hashes for APKs that have same package name
#and have been analyzed
if r.json().get('count') > 0:
for result in r.json().get('results'):
if result.get('package_name') == apk_name:
if result.get('analyzed') == True:
#get detections for each APK hash
results =[]
for apk_hash in apk_hashes:
detections = self.get_apk_detections_by_hash(apk_hash)
results.append({"hash":apk_hash, "detections":detections})
return results
def get_apk_detections_by_hash(self, sha256):
Return list of detections and description link.
detections = []
i = self.get_info(sha256)
if i.status_code == 200:
if i.json().get("detected") == True:
d = self.get_detections(sha256)
if d.status_code == 200:
for detection in d.json():
if detection.get("detected") == True:
for rule in detection.get("rulesets"):
r_name = rule.get("name")
r_id = str(rule.get("id"))
detections.append({"name":r_name, "id":r_id, "link":self.PUBLIC_RULE_URL+r_id, "yara":self.get_rule_yara(r_id)})
return detections
# This is just some fun CLI stuff to demonstrate how Ksearch might
# be integrated into your projects : ))
def banner():
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
print '####################################################################'
print '#'
print '# _ __ _ _____ _ _____ '
print '# | | / / | | / __ \ | |_ _|'
print '# | |/ / ___ ___ __| | ___ _ _ ___ | / \/ | | | '
print '# | \ / _ \ / _ \ / _` |/ _ \| | | / __| | | | | | | '
print '# | |\ \ (_) | (_) | (_| | (_) | |_| \__ \ | \__/\ |____| |_ '
print '# \_| \_/\___/ \___/ \__,_|\___/ \__,_|___/ \____|_____|___/ '
print '#'
print '# Bringing the magic of Koodous to a CLI near you!'
print '#'
print '# Version %s' % __version__
print '#'
print '####################################################################\n'
def color(text, color_code):
if sys.platform == "win32" and os.getenv("TERM") != "xterm":
return text
return '\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m' % (color_code, text)
def red(text):
return color(text, 31)
def green(text):
return color(text, 32)
def bold(text):
if sys.platform == "win32" and os.getenv("TERM") != "xterm":
return text
return '\033[1m%s\033[0m' % text
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Search Koodous for crowdsource APK malware detections!')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='', dest='subparser_name')
parser.add_argument('--key',dest="api_key",default=None,help="Specify Koodous API key. Default is the hardcoded TOKEN in ksearch Class.")
parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose',dest="verbose",default=False,action='store_true',help="Print the Yara signatures responsible for the detections.")
parser.add_argument('--socks_proxy',dest="socks_proxy",default=None,help="Specify socks proxy <domain>:<port> or <user>:<pass>@<domain>:<port>")
parser.add_argument('--http_proxy',dest="http_proxy",default=None,help="Specify http proxy <domain>:<port>")
parser.add_argument('--ignore_ssl',dest="ignore_ssl",default=False,action='store_true',help="DANGER! Ignore SSL certifcate warnings.")
# create the parser for pkgname
parser_pkgname = subparsers.add_parser('pkgname', help='Search by APK package name, this needs to be an exact match. Ex. "com.something.something"')
parser_pkgname.add_argument("pkgname", help="APK package name. Must be an exact match.")
parser_pkgname.add_argument('--bulk',dest="bulk",default=False,action='store_true',help="Bulk lookup. Pass a file with one package name per line.")
# create the parser for hash
parser_hash = subparsers.add_parser('hash', help='Search by APK sha256 hash.')
parser_hash.add_argument("hash", help="APK sha256 hash.")
args = parser.parse_args()
#add in a little flair
#DANGER!! If you ignore SSL errors anyone can snoop on your traffic!
if args.ignore_ssl == True:
verify_ssl = False
verify_ssl = True
#obviously we only want to use one type of proxy so
#socks takes precedent
if args.socks_proxy != None:
print "!!WARNING!! \nSocks is not a default feature in requests! \nMake sure you have installed the additional dependencies or you will get errors. \nSee:\n\n"
proxies = {'http':'socks5://' + args.socks_proxy, 'https':'socks5://' + args.socks_proxy}
elif args.http_proxy != None:
proxies = {'http':'http://' + args.http_proxy, 'https':'https://' + args.http_proxy}
proxies = {}
#Instantiate ksearch class
#if no api_key is specified use hard coded TOKEN
#WARNING! If you have not configured the hard coded TOKEN you must pass an API key!
if args.api_key != None:
k = Ksearch(token=args.api_key, proxies=proxies, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)
k = Ksearch(proxies=proxies, verify_ssl=verify_ssl)
#search Koodous by package name or by hash
if args.subparser_name == "pkgname":
apk_names = []
#if this is a bulk lookup add each line in the bulk file as a new pkgname
if args.bulk:
with open(args.pkgname) as fp:
data = fp.readlines()
for line in data:
print "Accessing Koodous API ...\n"
print "This may take a minute or two ...\n"
for apk_name in apk_names:
hashes = k.get_apk_detections_by_name(apk_name)
print "Results for: %s" % bold(apk_name)
for app in hashes:
if len(app['detections']) > 0:
print "\t %s" % red(app['hash'])
print "\t %s" % green(app['hash'])
for detection in app['detections']:
print "\t\t\_ %s" % bold(red(detection['name']))
print "\t\t\t[-] Link: %s" % detection['link']
if args.verbose:
print "\t\t\t[-] Yara: \n\t\t\t\t####################################################################################"
print "\t\t\t\t#\t %s" % detection['yara'].replace('\n','\n\t\t\t\t#\t')
print "\t\t\t\t####################################################################################"
elif args.subparser_name == "hash":
apk_hash = args.hash
print "Accessing Koodous API ...\n"
print "This may take a minute or two ...\n"
detections = k.get_apk_detections_by_hash(apk_hash)
print "Results for: %s" % bold(apk_hash)
for detection in detections:
print "\t\t\_ %s" % bold(red(detection['name']))
print "\t\t\t[-] Link: %s" % detection['link']
if args.verbose:
print "\t\t\t[-] Yara: \n\t\t\t\t####################################################################################"
print "\t\t\t\t#\t %s" % detection['yara'].replace('\n','\n\t\t\t\t#\t')
print "\t\t\t\t####################################################################################"
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Some usage examples for CLI

Search for the APK package "com.something.something"

python --key <your_api_key> pkgname com.something.something

Search for the APK package "com.something.something" with verbose (show Yara rules that match)

python --key <your_api_key> --verbose pkgname com.something.something

Search for APK with sha256 hash e300cbc1879e6bdb6e0aa2f64299d8bc357c846e3a8a117967c471cbfc95222d

python --key <your_api_key> hash e300cbc1879e6bdb6e0aa2f64299d8bc357c846e3a8a117967c471cbfc95222d

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