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Created October 12, 2021 04:56
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// Ref: Writing Shellcode with a C Compiler (
PPEB __declspec(naked) get_peb(void)
__asm {
mov eax, fs:[0x30]
HMODULE __stdcall ResolveModuleHash(DWORD hash)
PPEB peb;
LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY *module_ptr, *first_mod;
peb = get_peb();
module_ptr = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)peb->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink;
first_mod = module_ptr;
do {
if (hash_algorithm((WCHAR *)module_ptr->FullDllName.Buffer) == hash)
return (HMODULE)module_ptr->Reserved2[0];
module_ptr = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)module_ptr->Reserved1[0];
} while (module_ptr && module_ptr != first_mod); // because the list wraps,
FARPROC __stdcall ResolveHash(DWORD moduleHash, DWORD functionHash)
IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dos_header;
IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *nt_headers;
DWORD *names, *funcs;
WORD *nameords;
int i;
HMODULE module;
module = ResolveModuleHash(moduleHash);
dos_header = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)module;
nt_headers = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)((char *)module + dos_header->e_lfanew);
export_dir = (IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *)((char *)module + nt_headers->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress);
names = (DWORD *)((char *)module + export_dir->AddressOfNames);
funcs = (DWORD *)((char *)module + export_dir->AddressOfFunctions);
nameords = (WORD *)((char *)module + export_dir->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
for (i = 0; i < export_dir->NumberOfNames; i++)
char *string = (char *)module + names[i];
if (functionHash == hash_algorithm(string))
WORD nameord = nameords[i];
DWORD funcrva = funcs[nameord];
return (FARPROC)((char *)module + funcrva);
return NULL;
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