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Last active January 2, 2025 21:31
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Simple class for loading a PE file in Unicorn
from typing import List
from capstone import *
from capstone.x86 import *
from unicorn import *
from unicorn.x86_const import *
from pefile import PE
class Emulator():
Base class for emulators.
emu: Uc
image_base: int
entry_point: int
stack_base: int
stack_size: int
_pe: PE
_cs: Cs
_memory_alignment: int
_mode: int
_debug: bool
_trace: bool
def __init__(
pe_data: bytes,
image_base: int = None,
stack_base: int = None,
stack_size: int = None,
mode: int = 32,
debug: bool = False,
trace: bool = False,
Initializes the Emulator instance.
self._debug = debug
# Load pe file
self._pe = PE(data=pe_data)
# Get the base address of the module
if image_base is None:
self.image_base = self._pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
self.image_base = image_base
# Get the entry point of the module
self.entry_point = self._pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint
# Get virtual alignment
self._memory_alignment = self._pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment
# Load PE into emulator
# Get lower bounds of allocated memory from emulator
memory_base = self.get_memory_lower_bound()
# Get upper bounds of allocated memory from emulator
memory_top = self.get_memory_upper_bound()
# Get the stack base
if stack_base is None:
self.stack_base = self.memory_align(0x1000)
self.stack_base = self.memory_align(stack_base)
# Get the stack size
if stack_size is None:
self.stack_size = self.memory_align(0x5000)
self.stack_size = self.memory_align(stack_size)
# Adjust the stack base and size if needed
if self.stack_base + self.stack_size > memory_base and self.stack_base < memory_top:
self.stack_base = self.memory_align(memory_top + 0x1000)
# Map the stack
self.emu.mem_map(self.stack_base, self.stack_size)
if self._mode == 32:
tmp_ESP = self.stack_base + self.stack_size // 2
self.emu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_ESP, tmp_ESP)
self.emu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_EBP, tmp_ESP)
elif self._mode == 64:
tmp_RSP = self.stack_base + self.stack_size // 2
self.emu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_RSP, tmp_RSP)
self.emu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_RBP, tmp_RSP)
# Enable trace
self._trace = trace
if self._trace:
self.emu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, self.trace_code)
self._debug = True
def debug_print(self, message: str) -> None:
Prints a debug message if debugging is enabled.
if self._debug:
def _set_mode(self, mode: int) -> None:
Sets 32/64 bit mode for the emulator.
self._mode = mode
if mode == 32:
self.emu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32)
self._cs = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32)
self._cs.detail = True
elif mode == 64:
self.emu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_64)
self._cs = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64)
self._cs.detail = True
raise Exception("Invalid mode")
def get_memory_lower_bound(self) -> int:
Returns the lower bound of the allocated memory.
memory_segments = list(self.emu.mem_regions())
memory_segments.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
memory_base = 0
if len(memory_segments) > 0:
memory_base = memory_segments[0][0]
return memory_base
def get_memory_upper_bound(self) -> int:
Returns the upper bound of the allocated memory.
memory_segments = list(self.emu.mem_regions())
memory_segments.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
memory_top = 0
if len(memory_segments) > 0:
memory_top = self.memory_align(memory_segments[0][1])
return memory_top
def memory_align(self, address: int) -> int:
Aligns the given address to the nearest multiple of alignment.
return ((address + self._memory_alignment - 1) // self._memory_alignment) * self._memory_alignment
def add_data_sections(self) -> None:
Adds sections to emulator
# For each section in the PE file add it to the emulator
for section in self._pe.sections:
# Get the section data
data = section.get_data()
# Get the section size
size = section.Misc_VirtualSize
# Align the section size
size_aligned = self.memory_align(size)
# Get the section address
address = self.image_base + section.VirtualAddress
permissions = 0
# Check if the section is readable
if section.Characteristics & 0x40000000:
permissions |= UC_PROT_READ
# Check if the section is writable
if section.Characteristics & 0x80000000:
permissions |= UC_PROT_WRITE
# Check if the section is executable
if section.Characteristics & 0x20000000:
permissions |= UC_PROT_EXEC
# Map the memory with the combined permissions
self.debug_print(f"Mapping section {section.Name.decode()} at 0x{address:x} with size 0x{size_aligned:x} and permissions {permissions}")
self.emu.mem_map(address, size_aligned, permissions)
self.emu.mem_write(address, data)
def get_iat_address_from_import(self, library: str, import_name: str) -> int:
Get the address of the import address table entry for the given import name.
orig_pe_base = self._pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
for entry in self._pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT:
if entry.dll.decode().lower() == library.lower():
for imp in entry.imports:
if == import_name.lower():
return imp.address - orig_pe_base + self.image_base
return None
def trace_code(self, uc: Uc, address: int, size: int, user_data: object) -> None:
Adds an emulator hook for UC_HOOK_CODE used to print all executed instructions.
# Get the current instruction
insn = next(self._cs.disasm(uc.mem_read(address, size), address))
self.debug_print("0x%x:\t%s\t%s" % (insn.address, insn.mnemonic, insn.op_str))
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