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Forked from iomz/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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from boto.dynamodb2.exceptions import ValidationException
from boto.dynamodb2.fields import HashKey, RangeKey
from boto.dynamodb2.layer1 import DynamoDBConnection
from boto.dynamodb2.table import Table
from boto.exception import JSONResponseError
from time import sleep
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print 'Usage: %s <source_table_name> <destination_table_name>' % sys.argv[0]
src_table = sys.argv[1]
dst_table = sys.argv[2]
ddbc = DynamoDBConnection()
# 1. Read and copy the target table to be copied
table_struct = None
logs = Table(src_table)
table_struct = logs.describe()
except JSONResponseError:
print "%s not existing" % src_table
print '*** Reading key schema from %s table' % src_table
src = ddbc.describe_table(src_table)['Table']
hash_key = ''
range_key = ''
for schema in src['KeySchema']:
attr_name = schema['AttributeName']
key_type = schema['KeyType']
if key_type == 'HASH':
hash_key = attr_name
elif key_type == 'RANGE':
range_key = attr_name
# 2. Create the new table
table_struct = None
new_logs = Table(dst_table, schema=[HashKey(hash_key),RangeKey(range_key),])
table_struct = new_logs.describe()
print 'Table %s already exists' % dst_table
except JSONResponseError:
new_logs = Table.create(dst_table, schema=[HashKey('trial'),RangeKey('parallel'),])
print '*** Waiting for the new table %s becomes active' % dst_table
while ddbc.describe_table(dst_table)['Table']['TableStatus'] != 'ACTIVE':
# 3. Add the items
for item in logs.scan():
new_item = {}
new_item[hash_key] = item[hash_key]
if range_key != '':
new_item[range_key] = item[range_key]
for f in item.keys():
if f in [hash_key, range_key]:
new_item[f] = item[f]
new_logs.put_item(new_item, overwrite=True)
except ValidationException:
print dst_table, new_item['trial'], new_item['parallel']
except JSONResponseError:
print ddbc.describe_table(dst_table)['Table']['TableStatus']
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