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Basic neural network with genetics
// NeuralNet.swift
// BestColor
// Created by Stevie Hetelekides on 9/15/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Expetelek. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
enum NeuralError: ErrorType
case InputWeightMismatch
class Neuron
var bias: Double = 0
var weights: [Double] = [ ]
init(weights: [Double])
self.weights = weights
init(inputs: Int, bias: Double = 0)
// initialize random weights
for _ in 0..<inputs
self.weights.append(Double.random(min: -1, max: 1))
self.bias = bias
func computeOutput(inputs: [Double]) throws -> Double
// make sure inputs (+1 for bias) == number of weights
if inputs.count != self.weights.count
throw NeuralError.InputWeightMismatch
// compute sum
var sum: Double = 0
for (index, input) in inputs.enumerate()
sum += input * self.weights[index]
// add bias
sum += self.bias
// return sigmoid of sum
return sigmoid(sum)
class NeuronLayer
private(set) var neurons: [Neuron] = [ ]
init(neurons: Int, inputsPerNeuron: Int)
for _ in 0..<neurons
self.neurons.append(Neuron(inputs: inputsPerNeuron))
func getWeights() -> [[Double]]
var weights: [[Double]] = [ ]
for neuron in self.neurons
return weights
func updateWeight(newWeights: [[Double]])
for (neuronIndex, newNeuronWeights) in newWeights.enumerate()
self.neurons[neuronIndex].weights = newNeuronWeights
class NeuralNetwork
private typealias BackpropagationValues = (gradients: [Double], neuronError: Double)
private(set) var numberOfInputs: Int
private(set) var numberOfOutputs: Int
private(set) var layers: [NeuronLayer] = [ ]
init(inputs: Int, outputs: Int, hiddenLayers: Int, neuronsPerHiddenLayer: Int)
self.numberOfInputs = inputs
self.numberOfOutputs = outputs
// create layers
if (hiddenLayers < 1)
let singleLayer = NeuronLayer(neurons: self.numberOfOutputs, inputsPerNeuron: self.numberOfInputs)
for i in 0..<hiddenLayers
let inputNeurons = (i > 0) ? self.layers[i - 1].neurons.count : self.numberOfInputs
let layer = NeuronLayer(neurons: neuronsPerHiddenLayer, inputsPerNeuron: inputNeurons)
let outputLayer = NeuronLayer(neurons: self.numberOfOutputs, inputsPerNeuron: self.layers.last!.neurons.count)
func updateWeights(newWeights: [[[Double]]])
for (layerIndex, newLayerWeights) in newWeights.enumerate()
func compute(inputs: [Double]) throws -> [Double]
return try forwardPropogate(inputs: inputs).last!
func compute(inputs: [Double], expectedOutputs: [Double]) throws -> (outputs: [Double], cost: Double)
let outputs = try self.compute(inputs)
var cost: Double = 0
// calculate cost
// cost function = (1/2n) * sum of all (expected - actual)^2)
for (index, expectedOutput) in expectedOutputs.enumerate()
cost += pow(expectedOutput - outputs[index], 2)
cost *= 1 / (2 * Double(outputs.count))
return (outputs: outputs, cost: cost)
func compute(inputs: [[Double]], expectedOutputs: [[Double]]) throws -> (outputs: [[Double]], cost: Double)
var totalCost: Double = 0
var outputs: [[Double]] = [ ]
for (index, miniBatchInputs) in inputs.enumerate()
// compute this batch's output
let miniBatchResult = try self.compute(miniBatchInputs, expectedOutputs: expectedOutputs[index])
// add to our outputs array, update the cost
totalCost += miniBatchResult.cost
return (outputs: outputs, cost: totalCost)
private func forwardPropogate(inputs startingInputs: [Double]) throws -> [[Double]]
var inputs: [Double] = startingInputs
var outputs: [[Double]] = [ ]
for layer in self.layers
// create array for new outputs
var currentLayerOutputs: [Double] = [ ]
// for each neuron, compute the output
for neuron in layer.neurons
let neuronOutput = try neuron.computeOutput(inputs)
// add current layer outputs to outputs
// update inputs for next iteration
inputs = currentLayerOutputs
return outputs
private func computeErrors(inputs: [Double], outputs: [[Double]], desiredOutputs: [Double]) throws -> [[Double]]
// array to hold errors for each layer
var layerErrors: [[Double]] = [ ]
// compute output layer errors
// output error = cost function derivative * activation function derivative = (desired - computed) * (computed * (1 - computed))
var outputErrors: [Double] = [ ]
for (neuronIndex, output) in outputs.last!.enumerate()
let desired = desiredOutputs[neuronIndex]
let outputError = (desired - output) * sigmoid_derivative(output)
// add to output layer error to errors array
layerErrors.insert(outputErrors, atIndex: 0)
// compute hidden layer errors
for layerIndex in (outputs.count - 2).stride(through: 0, by: -1)
var currentLayerErrors: [Double] = [ ]
for neuronIndex in 0..<self.layers[layerIndex].neurons.count
var error: Double = 0
// this looks tricky but really isn't. It's just getting the weights that go FROM the current neuron TO the next layer
// it's not setup well (structurally), that's why this looks so hacky
for (nextLayerNeuronIndex, weights) in self.layers[layerIndex + 1].getWeights().enumerate()
error += weights[neuronIndex] * layerErrors[0][nextLayerNeuronIndex]
// compute error
let output = outputs[layerIndex][neuronIndex]
error *= sigmoid_derivative(output) * (1 - sigmoid_derivative(output))
// add to this layers errors
// add to errors array
layerErrors.insert(currentLayerErrors, atIndex: 0)
return layerErrors
private func computeGradient(inputs: [Double], desiredOutputs: [Double]) throws -> [[BackpropagationValues]]
// compute all outputs
var outputs = try forwardPropogate(inputs: inputs)
// compute all errors
let layerErrors = try computeErrors(inputs, outputs: outputs, desiredOutputs: desiredOutputs)
// insert inputs into output layer
outputs.insert(inputs, atIndex: 0)
// represents the gradients of every weight for every neuron for every layer in the network
/* structure:
// LAYER 1
// LAYER 2
var networkGradients: [[BackpropagationValues]] = [ ]
// compute layers' neurons' decents
for (layerIndex, errors) in layerErrors.enumerate()
let layer = self.layers[layerIndex]
// represents the gradients of every weight for every neuron in this layer
/* structure:
var layerGradients: [BackpropagationValues] = [ ]
// loop through each neuron
for (neuronIndex, neuron) in layer.neurons.enumerate()
// get the error for this neuron
let neuronError = errors[neuronIndex]
// represents the gradients of every weight for this neuron
/* structure:
var neuronGradients: [Double] = [ ]
// go through each weight
for weightIndex in 0..<neuron.weights.count
// get the input for this weight
let inputToThisWeight = outputs[layerIndex][weightIndex]
// calculate the gradient (error * the activation of the neuron pointing to this neuron of the previous layer)
// the activation is also the "input to this weight", which is easier for me to grasp, so that's what
// the variable will be anmed
let weightGradient = inputToThisWeight * neuronError
// add to our neuron gradient array
// add this neuron to the layer gradients array
layerGradients.append(BackpropagationValues(gradients: neuronGradients, neuronError: neuronError))
// add this layer to the network gradients array
return networkGradients
func train(inputs: [[Double]], desiredOutputs: [[Double]], learningRate: Double = 1) throws
// holds all the gradients
// I know an array in an array in an array in an array is probably bad programming practice, but whatever
// to comprehend what's happening here, see the "computeGradient" function's comments
var allNetworkGradients: [[[BackpropagationValues]]] = [ ]
// loop through ever "mini batch" (set of inputs with desired outputs)
for miniBatchIndex in 0..<inputs.count
let batchInputs = inputs[miniBatchIndex]
let batchDesiredOutputs = desiredOutputs[miniBatchIndex]
let miniBatchNetworkGradient = try computeGradient(batchInputs, desiredOutputs: batchDesiredOutputs)
// start with the first batch
var networkGradientsSums = allNetworkGradients[0]
// loop through every batch
for (networkIndex, networkGradients) in allNetworkGradients.enumerate()
// see if it's our first / last
let firstNetwork = networkIndex == 0
let lastNetwork = networkIndex == allNetworkGradients.count - 1
// loop through each neuron / weight
for (layerIndex, layerGradients) in networkGradients.enumerate()
for (neuronIndex, backpropValues) in layerGradients.enumerate()
// if it's not the first network, add it to the sum
// (the first is already included)
if !firstNetwork
networkGradientsSums[layerIndex][neuronIndex].neuronError += backpropValues.neuronError
// if it's the last network, update the bias
if lastNetwork
let averageError = networkGradientsSums[layerIndex][neuronIndex].neuronError / Double(layerGradients.count)
self.layers[layerIndex].neurons[neuronIndex].bias += learningRate * averageError
// sum / update weight gradients
for (weightIndex, gradient) in backpropValues.gradients.enumerate()
// if it's not the first network, add it to the sum
// (the first is already included)
if !firstNetwork
networkGradientsSums[layerIndex][neuronIndex].gradients[weightIndex] += gradient
// if this is the last network, update the weight
if lastNetwork
// compute the average (by dividing by the total number of networks)
let averageGradient = networkGradientsSums[layerIndex][neuronIndex].gradients[weightIndex] / Double(allNetworkGradients.count)
// update the weight
self.layers[layerIndex].neurons[neuronIndex].weights[weightIndex] += learningRate * averageGradient
func sigmoid(input: Double) -> Double
return 1 / (1 + exp(-input))
func sigmoid_derivative(input: Double) -> Double
let sigmoidOuput = sigmoid(input)
return sigmoidOuput - pow(sigmoidOuput, 2)
// NumberExtensions.swift
// BestColor
// Created by Stevie Hetelekides on 9/15/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Expetelek. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
public extension Int
public static func random(upperBound: Int) -> Int
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(upperBound)))
public static func random(min min: Int, max: Int) -> Int
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(max - min + 1))) + min
public extension Double
public static func random() -> Double
return Double(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF
public static func random(min min: Double, max: Double) -> Double
return Double.random() * (max - min) + min
public extension CGFloat
public static func random() -> CGFloat
return CGFloat(arc4random()) / 0x7FFFFFFF
public static func random(min min: CGFloat, max: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
return CGFloat.random() * (max - min) + min
// Sex.swift
// BestColor
// Created by Stevie Hetelekides on 9/15/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Expetelek. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
class Genome : Comparable
var fitness: Double = 0
private(set) var weights: [Double]
private(set) var inputs: Int?
private(set) var outputs: Int?
private(set) var hiddenLayers: Int?
private(set) var neuronsPerHiddenLayer: Int?
init(weights: [Double])
self.weights = weights
convenience init(inputs: Int, outputs: Int, hiddenLayers: Int, neuronsPerHiddenLayer: Int)
var numberOfWeights = 0
var neuronsInPreviousLayer = inputs
for _ in 0..<hiddenLayers
numberOfWeights += (neuronsPerHiddenLayer + 1) * (neuronsInPreviousLayer + 1)
neuronsInPreviousLayer = neuronsPerHiddenLayer
numberOfWeights += (neuronsPerHiddenLayer + 1) * outputs
self.init(numberOfWeights: numberOfWeights)
self.inputs = inputs
self.outputs = outputs
self.hiddenLayers = hiddenLayers
self.neuronsPerHiddenLayer = neuronsPerHiddenLayer
init(numberOfWeights: Int)
self.weights = [ ]
for _ in 0..<numberOfWeights
self.weights.append(Double.random(min: -1, max: 1))
class Population
var crossOverProbability: Double = 0.7
var mutatationProbability: Double = 0.05
var mutationAmount: Double = 10
var fittestCopies = 1
private(set) var generation: Int = 1
private(set) var genomes: [Genome] = [ ]
init(size: Int, numberOfWeightsPerGenome: Int)
for _ in 0..<size
// generate a new genome
let genome = Genome(numberOfWeights: numberOfWeightsPerGenome)
init(genomes: [Genome])
self.genomes = genomes
func computeWorstAverageBest() -> (worst: Double, average: Double, best: Double)
var best: Double = 0
var worst: Double = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
var sum: Double = 0
// calculate worst, best, average
for genome in self.genomes
if < worst
worst =
if > best
best =
sum +=
let average = sum / Double(self.genomes.count)
return (worst, average, best)
private func rouletteSelectGenome() -> Genome
let maxFitness = self.genomes.maxElement()!.fitness
while true
// generate threshold
let randomIndex = Int.random(self.genomes.count)
let threshold = self.genomes[randomIndex].fitness / maxFitness
// if the random value is greater than the threshold, return
if (Double.random() < threshold)
return self.genomes[randomIndex]
private func crossOver(parent1: Genome, parent2: Genome) -> [Genome]
// check pre conditions
let sameParent = parent1 == parent2
let amountOfWeightsDontMatch = parent1.weights.count != parent2.weights.count
let shouldPerformCrossOver = Double.random() <= self.crossOverProbability
if (sameParent || amountOfWeightsDontMatch || shouldPerformCrossOver)
return [ Genome(weights: parent1.weights), Genome(weights: parent2.weights) ]
// get number of weights (both parents are the same), get random point
let numberOfWeights = parent1.weights.count
let crossOverPoint = Int.random(min: 1, max: numberOfWeights - 1)
// execute cross over
var babies = [ Genome(numberOfWeights: numberOfWeights), Genome(numberOfWeights: numberOfWeights) ]
for i in 0..<crossOverPoint
babies[0].weights[i] = parent1.weights[i]
babies[1].weights[i] = parent2.weights[i]
for i in crossOverPoint..<numberOfWeights
babies[0].weights[i] = parent2.weights[i]
babies[1].weights[i] = parent1.weights[i]
return babies
private func mutateGenome(genome: Genome)
for index in 0..<genome.weights.count
// see if we should mutate this chromosome
if (Double.random() <= self.mutatationProbability)
// mutate it +- mutationAmount * random
genome.weights[index] += Double.random(min: -1, max: 1) * self.mutationAmount
func mutatePopulation()
let originalGenomeCount = self.genomes.count
// copy the fittest genome
let fittestGenome = self.genomes.maxElement()!
if == 0
let weightsPerGenome = self.genomes[0].weights.count
self.genomes.removeAll(keepCapacity: true)
for _ in 0..<originalGenomeCount
// generate a new genome
let genome = Genome(numberOfWeights: weightsPerGenome)
for _ in 0..<self.fittestCopies
// create new genome
var newGenomes: [Genome] = [ ]
while newGenomes.count < originalGenomeCount
// select parents
let parent1 = self.rouletteSelectGenome()
let parent2 = self.rouletteSelectGenome()
// make babies
let babies = self.crossOver(parent1, parent2: parent2)
// mutate babies
// update current genome
self.genomes = newGenomes
func ==(left: Genome, right: Genome) -> Bool
return ==
func <=(left: Genome, right: Genome) -> Bool
return <=
func >=(left: Genome, right: Genome) -> Bool
return >=
func >(left: Genome, right: Genome) -> Bool
return >
func <(left: Genome, right: Genome) -> Bool
return <
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