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Created July 6, 2021 22:12
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Minimal LSP Autocomplete In Vim / NeoVIm
"------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" Plugins:
"------------------------------------------------------------------- "
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'anott03/nvim-lspinstall'
Plug 'hrsh7th/nvim-compe'
call plug#end()
"------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" LSP:
"------------------------------------------------------------------- "
lua << EOF
-- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys
-- after the language server attaches to the current buffer
local on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
local function buf_set_keymap(...) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, ...) end
local function buf_set_option(...) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, ...) end
-- Enable completion triggered by <c-x><c-o>
buf_set_option('omnifunc', 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc')
-- Mappings
local opts = { noremap=true, silent=true }
-- See `:help vim.lsp.*` for documentation on any of the below functions
buf_set_keymap('n', 'gD', '<Cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', 'gd', '<Cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', 'K', '<Cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', 'gi', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<C-k>', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>wa', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>wr', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>wl', '<cmd>lua print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()))<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>D', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>rn', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>ca', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', 'gr', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.references()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>e', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '[d', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_prev()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', ']d', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap('n', '<space>q', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_loclist()<CR>', opts)
buf_set_keymap("n", "<space>f", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()<CR>", opts)
-- Use a loop to conveniently call 'setup' on multiple servers and
-- map buffer local keybindings when the language server attaches
local servers = { "gopls", "tsserver" }
for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do
require'lspconfig'[lsp].setup {
on_attach = on_attach,
flags = {
debounce_text_changes = 150,
"------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" COMPE (autocomplete):
"------------------------------------------------------------------- "
lua << EOF
-- Set up Compe
require'compe'.setup {
enabled = true;
autocomplete = true;
debug = true;
min_length = 1;
preselect = 'enable';
throttle_time = 80;
source_timeout = 200;
incomplete_delay = 400;
max_abbr_width = 100;
max_kind_width = 100;
max_menu_width = 100;
documentation = true;
source = {
path = true;
buffer = true;
calc = true;
vsnip = true;
nvim_lsp = true;
nvim_lua = true;
spell = true;
tags = true;
snippets_nvim = true;
treesitter = true;
" Compe Mappings
inoremap <silent><expr> <C-Space> compe#complete()
inoremap <silent><expr> <CR> compe#confirm('<CR>')
inoremap <silent><expr> <C-e> compe#close('<C-e>')
inoremap <silent><expr> <C-f> compe#scroll({ 'delta': +4 })
inoremap <silent><expr> <C-d> compe#scroll({ 'delta': -4 })
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