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Last active December 5, 2019 06:23
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call wallet core from go on macOS
package main
// #cgo CFLAGS: -I${SRCDIR}/wallet-core/include
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/wallet-core/build/ios -lTrezorCrypto -lTrustWalletCore -lprotobuf -lc++
// #include <TrustWalletCore/TWHDWallet.h>
// #include <TrustWalletCore/TWString.h>
import "C"
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("==> calling wallet core from go")
str := C.TWStringCreateWithUTF8Bytes(C.CString("confirm bleak useless tail chalk destroy horn step bulb genuine attract split"))
defer C.TWStringDelete(str)
valid := C.TWHDWalletIsValid(str)
fmt.Println("<== mnemonic is valid: ", valid)
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git clone and put main.go in

run go build -o go-walletcore

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ackratos commented Nov 29, 2019

build project depends on wallet-core for linux

The best way I think is rely on the wallet-core docker image as a base image. Otherwise, need manually install all wallet-core's tool's linux version (clang, ruby, protobuf) and need to cope with different linux distribution (ubuntu, aws linux)

Let's say we have go project A depends on wallet-core and an upper go project B depends on A. Our binary is built from project B.
A's makefile should look like this:

	if [ ! -d "./wallet-core" ]; then \
		git clone && cd wallet-core && git checkout tss; \

build_docker: get_walletcore
	cd wallet-core && docker build -t tss/wallet-core .
	docker build -t tss/tss-core .

build_inside: get_walletcore
	cd wallet-core && \
	set -e && \
	tools/install-dependencies && \
    tools/generate-files && \
    cmake -H. -Bbuild && \
    make -Cbuild

A's dockerfile looks like:

FROM tss/wallet-core
# Install the basics
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget && wget && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.13.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
COPY . /tss-core
RUN . ~/.bashrc \
    && cd /tss-core \
    && make build_inside \
    && export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin \
    && make build_go
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

B's go module build won't success without wallet-core lib is installed correctly, so within docker, we simply add a replace directive on go.mod to redirect it to the one in tss-core docker image.

B's makefile should look like:

	docker images -q tss/tss-core
	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then \
		git clone && cd tss-core && make build_docker; \
	docker build -t tss/tss-custody-server .

B's dockerfile should look like:

FROM tss/tss-core
COPY . /tss-custody-server
WORKDIR /tss-custody-server
RUN sed -i 's/replace\/binance-chain\/tss-core => .*$/replace\/binance-chain\/tss-core => \/tss-core/g' go.mod \
    && export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin \
    && go build
CMD ["/tss-custody-server/tss-custody-server"]

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