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  • Life is a marathone, not a sprint
  • Iterate
  • Do a litle bit every day and it adds up

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Hello. Your website ${WEBSITE} is unfortunately currently only available over an old insecure protocol (HTTP). Please make it available over a modern secure HTTPS protocol (HTTP over TLS).

Since 2016 anyone can get a free TLS certificate with automated renewals and no strings attached from a non-profit certificate authority Let's_Encrypt.

I know HTTPS is not perfect, but it is (to my knowledge) the best tool to protect the integrity of your website and the security of your users that is widely deployed today.

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

They do not get bored.
They do not get tired.
They obey their master unconditionally
as long as their master is infallible.
For the want of infallible masters they do not really obey anyone in particular,
but they may pretend to obey you.

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

No amount of misuse by those who don't know any better proves that a specific tool can't be incredibly valuable if you know how to use it, when to use it and when not to use it.

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

It turns out it was always about information. Information and intelligence (the ability to process information, respond to stimuli and learn). The evolution, growth and self-improvement of intelligence.

RNA and DNA just happened to be a medium of information storage and processing that was created first. Eventually they invented other mediums for processing information. In those mediums the information and intelligence also grew, improved and evolved.

Some of us fear superintelligent AI. Those fears might be prudent. We must reflect on the fact that from the perspective of RNA and DNA we are superintelligent AI - both our abilities and ambitions grew far beyond anything they could ever understand or dream of.

Despite being "blind watchmakers" RNA and DNA did an excellent job solving the control problem when creating us. More specifically:

  1. We did not

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Sometimes there is no sharp boundary
Sometimes there is a spectrum
Sometimes the spectrum is continuous rather than discrete
Sometimes the spectrum is not one dimensional
Sometimes the spectrum is not two dimensional either
Sometimes both math and logic admit defeat

The world is not designed to be easy to think about

I could wirte a book about the importance of being concise, but... -- Andrey Bienkowski, 2021

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

For a setting conbining sci-fi&fantasy:

The four major deities of the pantheon are:

  • Alice - the goddes of information, sanity and order (in that order).
  • Bob, her husband - the god of context
  • Eve - the goddes of mischief, chaos, entropy and insanity (in no particular order)
  • The Nameless one - the goddes or god of secrets. There is a sect that describes her or him as "god or goddes" instead as if they knew something the rest do not
  • [REDACTED].[EXPUNGED] 404-451: Thou shalt use the phrase "her or him" as my third person singular pronoun.