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Last active October 27, 2020 12:37
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' Windows Environment Setup Tool '
' @author:Lonelyer '
' @Email: '
' @date:2015-06 '
' '
' description:Add or Remove Path Environment or setup Others Environment variables. '
' (Java Environment etc..) '
' '
Dim Argvc,sysEnv,userEnv,quietMode,fsoObject,argDictionary
Const TristateUseDefault = -2
quietMode = False
Function Init()
If VarType(sysEnv)=0 Then Set sysEnv = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("SYSTEM")
If VarType(userEnv)=0 Then Set userEnv = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("USER")
End Function
Function InitFso()
If VarType(fsoObject)=0 Then Set fsoObject = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
End Function
Function Destory()
If Not sysEnv Is Nothing Then Set sysEnv = Nothing
If Not userEnv Is Nothing Then Set userEnv = Nothing
End Function
Sub MainEnter()
Dim Args,CmdArr,i,keyIndex
Argvs = ArgumentsToString()
If InStr(Argvs,"-q")>0 Or InStr(Argvs,"-quiet")>0 Then
quietMode = True
'use cscript run myself on quietMode is open
If Right(LCase(WScript.FullName),11)<>"cscript.exe" Then
RunCmd = "cscript //nologo " & WScript.ScriptFullName & " " & Replace(Argvs,"|"," ")
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").run RunCmd
End If
End If
Set argDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
CmdArr = Split(Argvs,"|")
keyIndex = 0
For i=0 To UBound(CmdArr)
If CmdArr(i)<>"-q" And CmdArr(i)<>"-quiet" Then
argDictionary.Add keyIndex,CmdArr(i)
keyIndex = keyIndex+1
End If
Call Main()
End Sub
Function Main()
Argvc = argDictionary.Count
Select Case Argvc
Case 3
Select Case LCase(argDictionary.Item(0))
Case "-env","--env","-set","--set"
Call SetEnv(argDictionary.Item(1),argDictionary.Item(2))
Case Else
Call PrintMsg("Involid Command Option, please check!",True)
End Select
Case 2
Select Case LCase(argDictionary.Item(0))
Case "-add","-append","--add","--append"
Call AddPath(argDictionary.Item(1))
Case "-insert","-prepend","--insert","--prepend"
Call InsertPath(argDictionary.Item(1))
Case "-export","--export"
Call ExportPath(argDictionary.Item(1))
Case "-remove","-del","--remove","--del"
Call RemovePath(argDictionary.Item(1))
Case "-read","--read"
Call ReadEnv(argDictionary.Item(1))
Case "-outhelp"
Call ExportHelpInfo(argDictionary.Item(1))
Case Else
Call PrintMsg("Involid Command Option, please check!",True)
End Select
Case 1
Call ParseSingleParam(argDictionary.Item(0))
Case Else
Call PrintUsage("Please use correct commandline options run this script!")
End Select
End Function
' Method:Add String To %PATH%
Sub AddPath(pathStr)
Call Init()
Dim oldPath,newPath,perAddPath
oldPath = sysEnv.Item("PATH")
perAddPath = pathStr
' check the path is exists or not,if exists do exit
If CheckPathHasExists(oldPath,pathStr)=True Then Call PrintMsg("The Path has Exists, script be quit now!",True)
newPath = oldPath
If HasSemi(oldPath,"end")=False And HasSemi(pathStr,"begin")=False Then newPath = newPath & ";"
'Add path at last
newPath = newPath & perAddPath
sysEnv.Item("PATH") = newPath
Call PrintMsg("The Path added to the %PATH% Environment." & vbCrLf & "+" & Space(8) & perAddPath, True)
End Sub
'' parse CommandLine action when only one option
Sub parseSingleParam(args)
Select Case args
Case "-h","/?","--help"
Call PrintUsage("Script example:")
Case "-export","--export"
Call ExportPath("pathenv_export.txt")
Case "-about"
Call showAbout()
Case "-outhelp"
Call ExportHelpInfo("setenv_help.txt")
Case Else
Call SinglePath(args)
'Call PrintMsg("Undefined commandline option " & args, True)
End Select
End Sub
'' description : insert path string at %PATH% beginning
Sub InsertPath(pathStr)
Call Init()
Dim oldPath,newPath,perAddPath
oldPath = sysEnv.Item("PATH")
perAddPath = pathStr
' check the path is exists or not,if exists do exit
If CheckPathHasExists(oldPath,pathStr)=True Then Call PrintMsg("The Path has Exists, script be quit now!",True)
newPath = oldPath
If HasSemi(oldPath,"begin")=False And HasSemi(perAddPath,"end")=False Then newPath = ";" & newPath
'Add path at last
newPath = perAddPath & newPath
'MsgBox newPath
sysEnv.Item("PATH") = newPath
Call PrintMsg("The Path inserted to the %PATH% Environment Now." & vbCrLf & Space(8) & perAddPath & " +", True)
End Sub
Sub RemovePath(pathStr)
Dim tmpReg
Call Init()
Dim oldPath,newPath
oldPath = sysEnv.Item("PATH")
Set tmpReg = New RegExp
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "\","\\")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, ",","\,")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, ".","\.")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "-","\-")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "_","\_")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "+","\+")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, ":","\:")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "[","\[")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "]","\]")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "(","\(")
tmpReg.Pattern = ";?" & pathStr & "(;|$)"
tmpReg.IgnoreCase = True
tmpReg.Global = True
newPath = tmpReg.Replace(oldPath,"")
sysEnv.Item("PATH") = newPath
Call PrintMsg("The Path has be removed Now." & vbCrLf & Space(8) & perAddPath, True)
End Sub
'check the path is a file or a directory
Sub SinglePath(pathStr)
Call InitFso()
If fsoObject.FolderExists(pathStr)=True Then
Call AddPath(pathStr)
ElseIf fsoObject.FileExists(pathStr)=True Then
'if target is a file,Join parentfoldpath to PATH
Call AddPath(fsoObject.GetParentFolderName(pathStr))
Call PrintMsg("missing params or undefined error,please check commandline option! ", True)
End If
End Sub
Sub ExportPath(filePath)
Call Init()
Call InitFso()
Set file = fsoObject.OpenTextFile(filePath,2,True, TristateUseDefault)
file.WriteLine "################## SYSTEM PATH Below ###################"
file.Write sysEnv.Item("PATH")
file.WriteBlankLines 1
file.WriteLine "################### USER PATH Below ####################"
file.Write userEnv.Item("Path")
file.WriteLine "################### End OutPut ####################"
PrintMsg "PATH Environment be exported to the file!" & vbCrLf & " - " & filePath,True
Set File = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ExportHelpInfo(helpFile)
Call InitFso()
Set file = fsoObject.OpenTextFile(helpFile,2,True, TristateUseDefault)
file.Write "Usage: " &vbCrLf &_
"(FilePath|FolderPath) Add file or folder Absloute path to %PATH% Var,support mouse drag operation" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &_
"-add, -append [Path] Add directory Path To %PATH% Var" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &_
"-remove, -del [Path] Add directory Path From %PATH% Var" &vbCrLf & vbCrLf &_
"-insert, -prepend [Path] Insert directory Path To %PATH% Var at The Beginging of the value" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-query Path Query path string in %PATH% Var,this operation allow use wildcard (* and ?)" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-export [Filename|FilePath] Export the %PATH% Var to one file.(include USER Environment)" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-env $ENV_Item Value Set value for other Environment VARS except %PATH% var" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-read, --read $ENV_Item Read value of Environment VARS include %PATH% var" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-h, --help, /? Show this help message box"
PrintMsg "Help message be exported to the file!" & vbCrLf & " - " & helpFile,True
Set File = Nothing
End Sub
Sub ReadEnv(envItem)
Call Init()
Call PrintMsg(sysEnv.Item(envItem), False)
If quietMode=True Then
Call PrintMsg(vbCrLf, False)
End If
'''--------------- print user env,by user custom
Call PrintMsg(userEnv.Item(envItem), True)
End Sub
Sub SetEnv(envItem,envValue)
Call Init()
If envItem<>"" AND envValue<>"" Then
sysEnv.Item(envItem) = envValue
End If
Call PrintMsg("The Environment Var """ & envItem & """ has been set to." & vbCrLf & "+" & Space(8) & envValue, True)
End Sub
Sub showAbout()
PrintMsg "This is an Environment Setting Tool use VBScript programing" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
Space(58) & "- Author: lonely" & vbCrLf & _
Space(45) & "- Email: " & vbCrLf & _
Space(56) & "- Date: 2015-06-15", _
End Sub
Function CheckPathHasExists(EnvPath,pathStr)
Set tmpReg = New RegExp
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "\","\\")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, ",","\,")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, ".","\.")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "-","\-")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "_","\_")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "+","\+")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, ":","\:")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "[","\[")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "]","\]")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, "(","\(")
pathStr = Replace(pathStr, ")","\)")
tmpReg.Pattern = "" & pathStr & "(;|$)"
tmpReg.Global = True
tmpReg.IgnoreCase = True
CheckPathHasExists = tmpReg.Test(EnvPath)
Set tmpReg = Nothing
End Function
Function checkSinglePath(pathStr)
Set tmpReg = New RegExp
tmpReg.Pattern = "^[^;]+$"
tmpReg.Global = True
checkSinglePath = tmpReg.Test(pathStr)
Set tmpReg = Nothing
End Function
Function HasSemi(Str,Pos)
Set tmpReg = New RegExp
Select Case LCase(Pos)
Case "end"
TmpReg.Pattern = ";$"
Case "begin"
TmpReg.Pattern = "^;"
Case Else
TmpReg.Pattern = "^.*([.]+;)+;$"
End Select
tmpReg.Global = True
tmpReg.IgnoreCase = True
HasSemi = TmpReg.Test(Str)
Set tmpReg = Nothing
End Function
Function ArgumentsToString()
Dim tmpArr(),i
For Each Arg In WScript.Arguments
ReDim Preserve tmpArr(i)
ArgumentsToString = Join(tmpArr,"|")
End Function
Sub PrintUsage(Msg)
Wscript.Echo Msg & vbCrLf & "Usage: " &vbCrLf &_
"(FilePath|FolderPath) Add file or folder Absloute path to %PATH% Var,support mouse drag operation" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &_
"-add, -append [Path] Add directory Path To %PATH% Var" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &_
"-remove, -del [Path] Add directory Path From %PATH% Var" &vbCrLf & vbCrLf &_
"-insert, -prepend [Path] Insert directory Path To %PATH% Var at The Beginging of the value" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-query Path Query path string in %PATH% Var,this operation allow use wildcard (* and ?)" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-export [Filename|FilePath] Export the %PATH% Var to one file.(include USER Environment)" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-env $ENV_Item Value Set value for other Environment VARS except %PATH% var" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-read, --read $ENV_Item Read value of Environment VARS include %PATH% var" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"-h, --help, /? Show this help message box" _
End Sub
Sub PrintMsg(Msg,isExit)
If Not quietMode Then
MsgBox Msg,64,"Message Tip"
WScript.Echo Msg
End If
If isExit=True Then WScript.Quit
End Sub
Call MainEnter()
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