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Created November 14, 2015 23:10
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  • Save hexmoire/88ad1671f09b4e4faba3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hexmoire/88ad1671f09b4e4faba3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
subdividing the faces of a regular octahedron in processing
* subdivision 6.2
* coded in Processing 3.0 IDE
* i appreciate a mention/link back in derivative works
* hexmoire / michael mcknight
* this is cleaned up code, not a representation of the mess i make while developing an idea
* the original code generated the gif at:
int renderCount;
int renderCap;
float t;
boolean exporting;
PVector points[];
void setup() {
//tumblr gif size.
size(540, 540, P3D);
//best antialiasing available using smooth.
//position camera and
//use scale to change axes.
//+x is rightwards
//+y is upwards
//+z is outwards
camera(0, 0, -height*3, 0, 0., 0, 0, -1, 0);
//change field of view, preserving aspect ratio.
//z clipping is an afterthought and does not scale.
perspective(PI/6, width/(float)height, 10, 10000);
//today we will be using white to fill in some happy triangles.
//our friend the lighting model with be making most of them black.
//set up PVector array containing points on an octahedron.
points=new PVector[6];
points[0]=new PVector(0, height*.4, 0);
points[1]=new PVector(height*.4, 0, 0);
points[2]=new PVector(0, 0, -height*.4);
points[3]=new PVector(-height*.4, 0, 0);
points[4]=new PVector(0, 0, height*.4);
points[5]=new PVector(0, -height*.4, 0);
//set export to true to save frames as .gif files.
//number of frames in animation loop.
//target display framerate.
void draw() {
//set variables for current frame of animation.
//this frame's number in animation loop.
//progress in animation loop scaled to [0,1), excluding 1.
//clear screen.
//reorient the coordinate system - a quick hack while composing the scene.
//set up lighting.
//any surface not lit by some explicit lightsource will be completely dark.
//set directional lights. using more than one to exceed max intensity.
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
//rotate by t to spin the octahedron 90 degrees per loop.
//exploiting symmetry to reduce frames.
//offsetting a little for a better look.
float alpha;
//define light vector counter rotated against previous transform.
//it will be compared against pre transform triangles, this keeps its direction consistent
//from the viewer's perspective as the triangles rotate.
//this vector differs from the directionLight definitions in two ways:
//1 - it represent's a light's position vector, not direction vector.
//2 - at alpha==0 it sits on the negative x axis at (-1, 0, 0),
// whereas the light points *from* (-1, 0, 1).
PVector lightV=new PVector(cos(alpha-PI),0,sin(alpha-PI));
//radius of octahedron.
float r = points[0].mag();
//set number of recursions, as triangle wave rounded to int.
//the 3.999 could be a 4 at this point, it's a throwback from a different wave.
int levels=(int)(abs(1-t*2)*3.999+.5);
//visualization of octahedron vertices by index.
//for the line fading to work, each triangle must be defined by
//three vertices in clockwise order when viewed from the outside.
//this makes the results of normal calculation consistent.
| 4
2 |
//call recursive subdivison for each face.
subdivideTri(points[0], points[1], points[2], levels, r, lightV);
subdivideTri(points[0], points[2], points[3], levels, r, lightV);
subdivideTri(points[0], points[3], points[4], levels, r, lightV);
subdivideTri(points[0], points[4], points[1], levels, r, lightV);
subdivideTri(points[5], points[2], points[1], levels, r, lightV);
subdivideTri(points[5], points[3], points[2], levels, r, lightV);
subdivideTri(points[5], points[4], points[3], levels, r, lightV);
subdivideTri(points[5], points[1], points[4], levels, r, lightV);
//if exporting, save frames and exit at end of loop.
if (exporting && renderCount<renderCap) {
saveFrame("frames/f"+nf(renderCount, 3)+".gif");
if (exporting && frameCount==renderCap) {
//finally, the mechanism that makes all of this interesting.
//subdivideTri takes:
// PVector a,b,c - the vertices for a triangle's points
// int levels - representing how many levels are left to recurse
// float radius - the radius of the sphere being approximated
// (it could calculate this, but i think passing it in is cleaner
// and makes for some interesting possibilities in revision.
// probably the only extra code i didn't strip out.)
// PVector lightVector - used to fade lines based on triangle normals
void subdivideTri(PVector a, PVector b, PVector c, int levels, float radius, PVector lightVector) {
//let's start with the end case.
//when levels finally reaches zero, actually draw something.
if (levels==0) {
//define the normal vector so that it can be passed to PVector.cross without a fuss from processing.
PVector normal = new PVector(0,0,0);
//store the cross product of the vector ba and ca in normal.
//if clockwise triangles hadn't been guaranteed, normals might point in or out.
//different alpha than before, this is the angle between the normal and the lightVector.
float alpha=PVector.angleBetween(normal,lightVector);
//use the alpha to determine line opacity. this was tuned until the fade looked good.
//draw the triangle that was passed in. it may have come from draw() or from another subdivideTri.
vertex(a.x, a.y, a.z);
vertex(b.x, b.y, b.z);
vertex(c.x, c.y, c.z);
//if this isn't the last recursion, split the triangle and call subdivideTri for each new one.
else {
//calculate new vertices.
PVector ab = PVector.lerp(a, b, .5);
PVector bc = PVector.lerp(b, c, .5);
PVector ca = PVector.lerp(c, a, .5);
//make new vertices sit on sphere defined by radius.
//call subdivideTri with new triangles, still in clockwise order.
// decrement levels because nobody likes infinite recursion.
// they might say they do until they see an implementation.
subdivideTri(a, ab, ca, levels-1, radius, lightVector);
subdivideTri(b, bc, ab, levels-1, radius, lightVector);
subdivideTri(c, ca, bc, levels-1, radius, lightVector);
subdivideTri(ab, bc, ca, levels-1, radius, lightVector);
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