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Created February 3, 2013 08:52
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1 The smallest free number
trait Bench {
def bench[A](body: => A) = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val result = body
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
println(s"time: ${end - start}")
object Specification extends Bench {
def minfree(xs: Seq[Int]) = ((Stream from 0) \\ xs).head
implicit class SeqOps[A](us: Seq[A]) {
def \\(vs: Seq[A]) = us.filter(!vs.contains(_))
object ArrayBasedSolution extends Bench {
def search(xs: Seq[Boolean]) = xs.takeWhile(x => x).length
def checklist(xs: Seq[Int]) = {
val n = xs.length
val a = Array.tabulate(n + 1)(_ => false)
xs.foreach(i => if (i <= n) a(i) = true)
def minfree(xs: Seq[Int]) = search(checklist(xs))
object DivideAndConquerSolution extends Bench {
def minfree(xs: Seq[Int]) = minfrom(0, xs.length, xs)
def minfrom(a: Int, n: Int, xs: Seq[Int]): Int = {
val b = a + 1 + n / 2
val (us, vs) = xs.partition(_ < b)
val m = us.length
if (n == 0) {
} else if (m == b - a) {
minfrom(b, n - m, vs)
} else {
minfrom(a, m, us)
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