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Created December 21, 2020 00:58
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[WIP] Making a HTTP request using cURL in Zig.
const c = @cImport({
const std = @import("std");
// XXX Trying to use c.size_t from stddef.h results in
// "container … has no member called 'size_t'".
// I *think* this is right.
const size_t = if (@typeInfo(usize).Int.bits == 64) u64 else u32;
fn ok(code: c.CURLcode) void {
if (code != @intToEnum(c.CURLcode, c.CURLE_OK)) {
// TODO: It would be better if this said something like: "cURL error: <error text>".
fn write_data(buffer: *c_void, size: size_t, nmemb: size_t, userp: *c_void) callconv(.C) size_t {
// Size is always 1.
// TODO: get the data from buffer
// TODO: are we responsible for freeing buffer?
return ziggy_write_data(buffer, nmemb, userp);
/// A more "ziggy" version of write_data.
fn ziggy_write_data(buffer: *c_void, nmemb: size_t, userp: *c_void) size_t {
std.debug.print("nmemb: {}\n", .{nmemb});
return nmemb;
pub fn main() void {
defer c.curl_global_cleanup();
const handle = c.curl_easy_init();
defer c.curl_easy_cleanup(handle);
ok(c.curl_easy_setopt(handle, @intToEnum(c.CURLoption, c.CURLOPT_URL), "htps://"));
ok(c.curl_easy_setopt(handle, @intToEnum(c.CURLoption, c.CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION), write_data));
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