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Rules for crafting good components

Rules for crafting good components

Here are some good rules for a high-quality react-redux app.

We're in the process of reworking our app to make it more maintainable. In a previous meeting we discussed the general rules of thumb for writing maintainable code. Here we're going to be covering rules of thumb for writing good components.

  1. Components should do one thing.
    • We use BEM as a guide.
    • A nested "block" should be a standalone component.
  2. Prefer stateless functional components.
    • Avoid using setState unless absolutely necessary.
    • Avoid using lifecycle methods unless absolutely necessary.
    • Prefer to move state logic to redux
  3. Components should fetch their own data (in a container).
    • If a component needs a value from redux it should have a dedicated container
    • Never pass a redux-derived value as a prop
  4. Only pass shallow props.
    • mapStateToProps should only return the specific values the component uses.
    • Avoid passing arrays or objects unless absolutely necessary
    • Avoid spreading props unless you're writing a higher-order-component
    • Prefer to pass scalar values (strings and numbers) whenever possible
  5. Memoize derived data.
    • Never memoize a simple selector: Simple redux selectors (like return state.key) are already memoized!
    • Optional: Selectors that create strings (like return 'Name: ' + state.key) do not necessarily need memoized. They will return values that work with shallow equality.
    • Always: Selectors that create objects (like return { value: state.key }) must be memoized!
    • Always: Selectors that create arrays (like return state.list.filter(a => must be memoized!
  6. Memoize bound functions.
    • Binding functions returns a new functions, which are considered new props.
    • Creating a bound function inside a render function will result in unnecessary re-renders.

A quick note on nesting

In a react app there is no formal directory structure that you have to follow. Because we're using import statements, the code we reference can live just about anywhere.

Most projects create a src/components folder to house their apps components. One thing that isn't immediately clear is what to do when you have a dozens and dozens of components. One good option is nesting.

    Header/ <-- a nested component
  1. Use the same casing you use for the ComponentName for the folder and the styles
  2. Keep the container in a separate file
  3. Keep the test in the same folder as the component
  4. Prefer terse names for nested components

It's helpful to follow a progression from component-as-single-file to component-as-directoty. Perhaps when you first start working on your app you have a components/Detail.js component. But soon you realize that Detail needs to have nested sub-components as well as helpers and other associated code. What's nice about the way import works is that you can simply move the Details.js into a new Details/ folder with an index.js file. This allows any component that was previously including <Detail /> to work as it always did. This type of refactor is easy to do as you go along.

Nesting too deep?

One concern about nesting is that you could end up nesting "too deep". Obviously, if you end up with a components/ folder tree that is 20+ levels deep you have done something seriously wrong. Typically you wouldn't expect nesting more than 4 or 5 levels deep.

How can you avoid nesting too deep? Consider if a nested component can "move to the top". Sometimes we start out considering a sub-component as "belonging" to its parent. But often the component itself is a standalone concept. Yes, the <ItemList /> belongs in the <Sidebar />... but does it belong to the sidebar? Perhaps the ItemList folder can exist at top-level of the component tree.

  ItemList/ <-- imported by sidebar, but not nested within it

It's not easy to know exactly when a sub-component is a standalone concept that can exist at the top level. A good approach is to nest everything as you're sketching out your app and refactor as needed.

When to "move something up"

What are some obvious signs something needs moved up in the folder tree?

  1. If your sub-component is used with two very different places. Imagine if <ItemList /> is used in both <Sidebar /> and in <SimilarItems />.
  2. If your sub-component deals with a major section of the page. Imagine that your ItemDetail component contains a Slideshow and a Comments block. Those are standalone concepts even though they are only ever used in ItemDetail.
  3. If your sub-component has 3 or 4 levels of nesting beneath it... it's probably safe to consider it a "high-level" component and bounce it to the top.

Components should do one thing

In a proper react-redux application you should probably be using CSS modules. However, the old days of CSS still have some lessons to teach us about structuring our template code. We use BEM as a guide to help us understand when to break code our into separate components. We don't actually use BEM itself. It's just a helpful way to think about the relationship of verias template elements.

The point of the "do one thing" rule is to prevent us from creating sprawling, complex and difficult to maintain components. The more we can move the logic "out" of a component the better. The result is that we'll have many small components that handle small pieces of the page instead of large monolithic components that do lots of things.

In any app that has been around for a while, top-level components can end up taking on too much responsibility. Once a component starts to have a few different things it becomes hard to trace back which code relates to which reature. After a year, it may not be intuitive to that the code for <BackButton /> label lives three levels up in the <Sidebar />.

It's hard to know precisely when to break functionality into a separate component. Using BEM guidelines is as good of a rule as you could hope for.

Consider creating a sub-component when...

  1. Your component has a nested "block"
  2. Your component has html nested 3 or 4 levels deep
  3. Your component is over 10 to 20 lines of template code
  4. Your component takes more than 7 props
  5. Your component contains getFoo or renderFoo functions that return snippets of JSX

Prefer stateless functional components

While we're making lots of small components that do as little as possible, it's good to keep things simple and use a stateless functional component. They're easier to write, easier to maintain and force you to keep things bare bones.

Functional components aren't any great performance enhancement on their own. React doesn't apply any performance enhancements to them or a class component. However, preferring functional components can speed up your application by enforcing discipline. In a class component there are too many hooks that can encourage abuse.

What kind of abuse? You may enjoy reading "React.PureComponent Considered Harmful" and "Should I use shouldComponentUpdate".

The React team called shouldComponentUpdate a performance escape hatch for a reason — and you’d better bloody well hope that an escape hatch isn’t meant for regular use.

The React team has written plenty about overapplying performance tricks. In the case of PureComponent and shouldComponentUpdate, you can end up making things worse. Typically the best performance enhancement you can make is to keep your props simple, shallow and immutable.

The point here is that unless your component is doing something special it doesn't need to be a class. Of course, there are great reasons to use a class to handle advanved things that require lifecycle events. However, most components should work just fine as stateless functional components.

  • Avoid using setState unless you are doing something tricky
  • Avoid componentWillMount, componentWillReceiveProps, and componentWillUpdate (see here
  • Prefer to move state to redux; rely heavily on mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps

Consider the following stateless functional component:

  • Does only one thing
  • Uses shallow props
  • Doesn't care where title comes from as long as it's a string
import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

const Simple = ({ title }) => <div>{title}</div>
Simple.propTypes = {
  title: PropTypes.string

export default Simple

When is setState allowed? Almost never.

The only places where setState is helpful are when you need to track something in the DOM that the component controls. It seems like a good rule of thumb to use setState for values that "don't belong in redux", but that can be a little too vague.

What doesn't belong in redux? I would define that narrowly as anything that has to do with realtime user interaction. So, mouse movement, scroll, resize and keyboard events should be managed at the component level. If those event result in new application state, they should only be dispatched periodically to redux. A general rule is that "noisy" state values (values that could change dozens of times a second) should be managed by the component.

However, click events usually do belong in redux. If a user clicked something, the app needs to know. If the user hovered something, well, that might be less interesting.

When to use setState...

  • Tracking hover state with onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave
  • Buffering keyboard events, like typing in a form input
  • Buffering scroll and resize events
  • In a higher-order-component

Never copy redux state to component state

One common mistake is to copy a prop value that came from mapStateToProps into the component's internal state. Never do this!

Copying redux values into internal state creates bugs that are difficult to trace. Inevitably there will be instances where a value doesn't appear to be updating. There should never be a case where a prop needs to be cached in internal state — mapStateToProps will update that value only when it changes. If you copy the prop into internal state you need to keep it updated using a lifecycle event... and we're trying to avoid those whenever possible. Maintaining a value in two places creates work and we're trying to reduce it.

Components should fetch their own data (in a container)

Another common mistake is to see a connect function as something sacred. It's not. In fact, it's extremely cheap (and possibly a performance enhancement) to use connect as much as possible. If you're the type of person that intuitively thinks that every component should be wrapped in a "pure" shallow compare function... you might just love connect.

React-redux's connect function does some pretty amazing things. One thing that's easy to overlook is that it implements shallow compare, making any component that's wrapped in a container into a pure component!

Another good thing about connect is that it avoids the need to re-render parent components. If you passing passing props form grandparents to grandchildren, you can cause a lot of "middle" components to re-render. With connect, new value are injected directly into the components that need them.

A confusing aspect of connect is that it will recalculate props any time that state changes. That means that any state change will cause many doezens of container components to call mapStateToProps. This can seem like a performance killer, but in practice it's not. If you're following good practices in your mapStateToProps (using selectors) then it should be able to recalculate nearly instantaneously. Then connect begins to work its magic.

First, it performs a shallow compare of the props returned by mapStateToProps and will only re-render the child component when those props change. Second, it will cache mapDispatchToProps until ownProps changes. You can normally increase performance by omitting the ownProps argument in your mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps functions.

The crucial point here is that it does a shallow compare before triggering a re-render. Meaning, state changes won't trigger your component to re-render if you return exactly the same props.

import connect from 'react-redux'

import { selectItemTitle } from 'modules/item/selectors'
import Simple from './Simple'

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  title: selectItemTitle(state) // <-- return the title, not the entire item

const SimpleContainer = connect(mapStateToProps)(Simple)
export SimpleContainer

In the example above, note that the title is just a string. If the title doesn't change, the component won't re-render.

A quick note on defaultProps and isRequired

I usually go with the mantra of "defaultProps considered harmful." Why? Because setting default props on your component smells like bad interface design. Typically you should design your component to render properly even if every prop is undefined. The idea is to mimic the HTML spec as much as possible. With very few exceptions, HTML elements allow every attribute to be undefined. I like to think of my react components like they're HTML elements.

First, undefined is a good enough falsey value. Think of the HTML <input type="checkbox" checked />. If checked is undefined, then it's presumed to be unchecked. You should design your boolean props to be falsey by default. That way you won't need a defaultProp.

Second, undefined is a good enough empty string. Think of something like a <span title="hello" />. Title is totally optional. It it's undefined then it is presumed to not have a title. Again, no need for a default title.

There are cases where you do need default props, but it should be considered the rare case. An <input /> with no attributes is presumed to have a type="text"; it needs a default type attribute to function. In your whole code base you should expect to have a low number (like, less than 5%) of components that actualkly need defaultProps.

What about adding isRequired to your propTypes? Again, use it as sparingly as possible. Always opt for a component design that allows the component to render with undefined for every prop. Consider something like a <Headline /> component. If you don't supply it with children it won't render anything interesting. But are children required? Probably not.

There are cases where the logic for creating your component would get too messy to have to guard against a vital prop being undefined. That's the true purpose of isRequired — to guard against faulure states.

  • Avoid default props for booleans; prefer undefined as the falsey case
  • Avoid default props for strings and numbers; let undefined be undefined
  • Avoid default props for functions
  • Avoid isRequired for booleans, strings and numbers
  • Avoid isRequired for functions
  • Avoid isRequired for arrays; return null if array is undefined or empty

Only pass shallow props

Another common mistake is to pass the entire item into the component when we only need one specific value. It's important for performance and maintainability to be precise.

Inside the component, it's more useful to see a single ready-to-use props like title than an opaque object like item. The prop type validations for title are way easier to write — it's a string. The prop type for item should probably be a shape, but most people will just go with "object".

Passing the entire item from mapStateToProps into the component is like leaving a mystery for a future developer to unravel. It can make it difficult to trace exactly how that item is used in the component.

It also makes the component much hard to reason about. In the example below we're moving work from the container to the component, which is the exact opposite of what we want to do. Instead, prefer to pass work from components to containers. And while you're at it, pass work from mapStateToProps to selectors. Meaning, it's much easier to maintain an app where selectors do the heavy lifting and connect functions simply map the required state values to component props.

It's easier to maintain a component that receives ready-to-use props. It's easy to maintain a mapStateToProps that outputs ready-to-use props. And it's pretty easy to write the selectors to support your mapStateToProps functions. Doing work in the right place makes things easier.

Don't do this:

import connect from 'react-redux'

import { selectItem } from 'modules/item/selectors'
import Simple from './Simple'

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  item: selectItem(state) // <-- passing too much

const SimpleContainer = connect(mapStateToProps)(Simple)
export SimpleContainer

// ---

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

const Simple = ({ item }) => (
    { /* <-- might throw if item or data is undefined */}
Simple.propTypes = {
  item: PropTypes.object // <-- useless prop type

export default Simple

Prefer scalar values whenever possible

Avoid passing arrays or objects unless absolutely necessary. Because shallow equality relies on ===, it matters that the props we pass will evaluate as exactly equal. That's pretty straightforward with a string or a number. However, it's far to easy to have an object that contains the exact same values but is technically a different object.

When the props are technically different it causes react to re-render. This isn't as terrible as it sounds, react is really fast and usually renders are cheap. However, when the props change react has no choice but to re-render and see if the DOM needs to update as a result.

To avoid those cases, we should always prefer to pass the specific scalar values we need from an object rather than passing the whole object.

It's difficult to avoid passing arrays altogether but it's important to recognize that arrays have the same equality issue. Anytime you pass an array you should be sure that it's absolutely required, and that you ensure the array stays exactly the same to avoid unnecessary re-renders.

Avoid spreading props unless you're writing a higher-order-component

Spreading props is a useful tool but it's easy to abuse. The bad thing about prop spreading is that it makes it impossible to know what props are bing passed into the component. All too often a future developer will be trying to figure out where a prop comes from. If you spread that prop into the component a few levels up, there is nothing to search the codebase for. Imagine trying to figure out where title gets set. You might be surprised to realize it's coming from an item spread somewhere.

Don't do this:

Where does title come from? God only knows.

const ItemList = ({items}) => (
    { => (
      // we're spreading unknown numbers of keys as props just to get the title!
      <Simple key={} {...item} />

Prefer this:

Oh, cool! Title comes from item!

const ItemList = ({items}) => (
    {{ id, title }) => (
      // we're grabbing the two values we need!
      <Simple key={id} title={title} />

Memoize derived data

A common performance enhancement is memoizing your selectors. It's important enough that there is an official react library (reselect) to handle this. (I wrote one too). The point of memoizing selectors is to ensure that we return consistent results, which will give the shallow compare that connect performs the best chance at avoiding unnecessary re-renders.

However, never memoize a simple selector. A simple redux selectors (like return state.key) is already memoized! It would be impossible to write a cache function that is faster that simply reading keys from an object. If a selector only selects keys, you're work is done.

The main reason that reselect exists is for when your selector does work. Typically that means that it loops an array. Imagine a selector that pulls a specific object out of an array. If that array had a few hundred items in it a memoizer will be a big help.

For our purposes, we're concerned about returning the same object each time. There are times when you need to write a selector that constructs a brand new object from state. It might be relatively cheap to create that object but the fact the object always changes can lead to unnecessary re-renders. Selectors that create objects (like return { value: state.key }) must be memoized! Similarly, selectors that create arrays (like return state.items.filter(item => must be memoized!

Selectors that create strings (like return 'Name: ' + state.key) do not necessarily need memoized. They will return values that work with shallow equality and it's unlikely that a cache lookup would be faster than concatenating strings.

Here's a perfect example of a "derived" object. This selector will return a new object every time it's called. This should be memoized, otherwise it will appear that the value is changing even when it hasn't.

Don't do this:

We're returning a derived object. This selector will return a new object every time we call this function, even if state hasn't changed.

export const selectSimpleItem = state => ({
  title: selectItemTitle(state),
  description: selectPageDescription(state)

Prefer this:

By memoizing the selector we can ensure that we'll return the same object for the same state.

import { memoizeSelector } from '@comfy/redux-selectors'

export const selectSimpleItem = memoizeSelector(state => ({
  title: selectItemTitle(state),
  description: selectPageDescription(state)

Memoize bound functions

A less common optimization is to memoize your function bindings. Consider this example:

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

const ItemList = ({ items, onClick }) => (
    {{ id, title }) => (
        onClick={() => onClick(id)}
ItemList.propTypes = {
  items: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
  onClick: PropTypes.function.isRequired

export default ItemList

It's may not be obvious but this can cause unnecessary re-renders. The issue here is that the onClick function is being bound to the item every time we render the list. That means that onClick will always be different. Any time you create a function within a render function you run the risk of creating unnecessary re-renders.

How to fix this issue? Memoize your function binding like you would your selectors. There's isn't a ready-made solution for this that I'm aware of. So, here's one that might work for you. Play with it here.

const KEY_MARKER = 'createKeyMap/KEY_MARKER'

// Turn an array of args into a Map tree
// The last leaf of the tree holds the args as a Set
// This set can be used as a cache key in a Map or WeakMap
const createKeyMap = () => {
  const keyCache = new Map()
  const keyMarker = { KEY_MARKER }
  const undefinedState = { UNDEFINED_STATE }

  return args => {
    const lastIndex = args.length - 1
    if (args.length === 0) {
      return undefinedState
    if (lastIndex === 0) {
      return args[0]
    return args.reduce((map, arg, i) => {
      if (!map.has(arg)) {
        const nestedMap = new Map()
        map.set(arg, nestedMap)
      if (i === lastIndex) {
        const nestedMap = map.get(arg)
        if (!nestedMap.has(keyMarker)) {
          nestedMap.set(keyMarker, new Set(args))
        return nestedMap.get(keyMarker)
      return map.get(arg)
    }, keyCache)

// Use the args key to create a Map cache
// Return the cached boundFunc whenever possible
export const memoizeBind = func => {
  let cache = new Map()
  let getKey = createKeyMap()
  return (...args) => {
    const key = getKey(args)
    if (!cache.has(key)) {
      const boundFunc = event => func(...args, event)
      cache.set(key, boundFunc)
      return boundFunc
    return cache.get(key)

It's a curried function.

  1. First call, pass in the function you want to bind — do this in mapDispatchToProps
  2. Second call, pass in the args you want to bind to that function — do this in the component
  3. Third call is expected to be fired by the onClick event

And you'd use it like this:

import connect from 'react-redux'

import { memoizeBind } from 'utils'
import { selectItems } from 'modules/item/selectors'
import { toggleItem } from 'modules/item/actions'

import ItemList from './ItemList'

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  items: selectItems(state)

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  // 1. we memoize our function in the container (or in the class constructor)
  bindOnClick: memoizeBind((id, event) => {
    // 3. notice that the last argument is the event

const ItemListContainer = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ItemList)
export ItemListContainer

// ---

import React from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'

const ItemList = ({ items, onClick }) => (
    {{ id, title }) => (
        onClick={bindOnClick(id) /* 2. now we can bind without worry */}
ItemList.propTypes = {
  items: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
  bindOnClick: PropTypes.function.isRequired

export default ItemList
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ywplee commented Apr 16, 2018


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jmsjtu commented Nov 9, 2018

Great work! This was a great read through!

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