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Created March 17, 2022 08:21
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​// base is milliseconds
​const​ ​second​ ​=​ ​1000
​const​ ​minute​ ​=​ ​60​ ​*​ ​second
​const​ ​hour​ ​=​ ​60​ ​*​ ​minute
​const​ ​day​ ​=​ ​24​ ​*​ ​hour
​const​ ​week​ ​=​ ​7​ ​*​ ​day
​const​ ​month​ ​=​ ​4​ ​*​ ​week
​const​ ​year​ ​=​ ​12​ ​*​ ​month
​type​ ​RelativeTimeFormatUnit​ ​=
​  ​|​ ​'year'
​  ​|​ ​'years'
​  ​|​ ​'quarter'
​  ​|​ ​'quarters'
​  ​|​ ​'month'
​  ​|​ ​'months'
​  ​|​ ​'week'
​  ​|​ ​'weeks'
​  ​|​ ​'day'
​  ​|​ ​'days'
​  ​|​ ​'hour'
​  ​|​ ​'hours'
​  ​|​ ​'minute'
​  ​|​ ​'minutes'
​  ​|​ ​'second'
​  ​|​ ​'seconds'
​export​ ​const​ ​getRelativeTime​ ​=​ ​(​timeStamp​: ​number​)​ ​=>​ ​{
​  ​try​ ​{
​    ​const​ ​rtf​ ​=​ ​new​ ​Intl​.​RelativeTimeFormat​(​'en'​,​ ​{​ ​numeric​: ​'auto'​ ​}​)
​    ​const​ ​currentTime​ ​=​ ​Date​.​now​(​)
​    ​let​ ​distance​ ​=​ ​Math​.​abs​(​timeStamp​ ​-​ ​currentTime​)
​    ​let​ ​keyWord​: ​RelativeTimeFormatUnit
​    ​if​ ​(​distance​ ​<​ ​second​)​ ​{
​      ​return​ ​'A few moments ago'
​    ​}​ ​else​ ​if​ ​(​distance​ ​>​ ​second​ ​&&​ ​distance​ ​<​ ​minute​)​ ​{
​      ​keyWord​ ​=​ ​'second'
​      ​distance​ ​/=​ ​second
​    ​}​ ​else​ ​if​ ​(​distance​ ​>​ ​minute​ ​&&​ ​distance​ ​<​ ​hour​)​ ​{
​      ​keyWord​ ​=​ ​'minute'
​      ​distance​ ​/=​ ​minute
​    ​}​ ​else​ ​if​ ​(​distance​ ​>​ ​hour​ ​&&​ ​distance​ ​<​ ​day​)​ ​{
​      ​keyWord​ ​=​ ​'hour'
​      ​distance​ ​/=​ ​hour
​    ​}​ ​else​ ​if​ ​(​distance​ ​>​ ​day​ ​&&​ ​distance​ ​<​ ​week​)​ ​{
​      ​keyWord​ ​=​ ​'day'
​      ​distance​ ​/=​ ​day
​    ​}​ ​else​ ​if​ ​(​distance​ ​>​ ​week​ ​&&​ ​distance​ ​<​ ​month​)​ ​{
​      ​keyWord​ ​=​ ​'week'
​      ​distance​ ​/=​ ​week
​    ​}​ ​else​ ​if​ ​(​distance​ ​>​ ​month​ ​&&​ ​distance​ ​<​ ​year​)​ ​{
​      ​keyWord​ ​=​ ​'month'
​      ​distance​ ​/=​ ​month
​    ​}​ ​else​ ​{
​      ​keyWord​ ​=​ ​'year'
​      ​distance​ ​/=​ ​year
​    ​}
​    ​distance​ ​=​ ​Math​.​round​(​distance​)
​    ​return​ ​rtf​.​format​(​-​1​ ​*​ ​distance​,​ ​keyWord​)
​  ​}​ ​catch​ ​{
​    ​return​ ​timeStamp
​  ​}
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