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Revision: AzerothCore rev. 650e71728a4f+ 2022-05-25 08:51:01 -0600 (Playerbot branch) (Win64, RelWithDebInfo, Static)
Date 26:5:2022. Time 1:25
*** Hardware ***
Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor
Number Of Processors: 24
Physical Memory: 16682840 KB (Available: 8468000 KB)
Commit Charge Limit: 28345396 KB
*** Operation System ***
Windows 10 Home Edition (Version 10.0, Build 19044)
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 00007FF709A69B14 01:00000000000B8B14 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\acbuild\bin\RelWithDebInfo\worldserver.exe
R8: 0000000000000001
R9: 000001F60A4E7600
SS:RSP:002B:00000000DC3FE638 RBP:DC3FE6C0
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FF709A69B14 000000B7DC3FE630 Battleground::GetBgTypeID+4 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Battlegrounds\Battleground.h line 319
00007FF709B4A66A 000000B7DC3FE6E0 AiFactory::AddDefaultCombatStrategies+C8A C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\AiFactory.cpp line 440
00007FF709A4BFB2 000000B7DC3FE710 PlayerbotAI::ResetStrategies+52 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 1149
00007FF709BCBFA9 000000B7DC3FEEB0 BGStatusAction::Execute+2E19 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\actions\BattleGroundJoinAction.cpp line 1069
00007FF709B548AF 000000B7DC3FF0D0 Engine::ListenAndExecute+AF C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\Engine.cpp line 560
00007FF709B5367E 000000B7DC3FF3F0 Engine::DoNextAction+70E C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\Engine.cpp line 196
00007FF709A44014 000000B7DC3FF530 PlayerbotAI::DoNextAction+4B4 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 839
00007FF709A4D4B5 000000B7DC3FF790 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAIInternal+8E5 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 342
00007FF709A4CB82 000000B7DC3FF890 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAI+472 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 250
00007FF709A12323 000000B7DC3FF8C0 PlayerbotsPlayerScript::OnAfterUpdate+33 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\Playerbots.cpp line 114
00007FF70A8828B1 000000B7DC3FF8F0 ExecuteScript<PlayerScript>+61 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Scripting\ScriptMgrMacros.h line 61
00007FF70A88578E 000000B7DC3FF970 ScriptMgr::OnAfterPlayerUpdate+5E C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Scripting\ScriptDefines\PlayerScript.cpp line 314
00007FF70A69BD9D 000000B7DC3FFBB0 Player::Update+14AD C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Entities\Player\PlayerUpdates.cpp line 424
00007FF70A2F72FA 000000B7DC3FFDB0 Map::Update+2AA C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\Map.cpp line 820
00007FF70A93AED2 000000B7DC3FFDF0 MapUpdateRequest::call+32 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapUpdater.cpp line 44
00007FF70A93A9CC 000000B7DC3FFE20 MapUpdater::WorkerThread+DC C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapUpdater.cpp line 153
00007FF70A93A35F 000000B7DC3FFE50 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl MapUpdater::*)(void),MapUpdater *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DC3FFE80 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DC3FFEB0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DC3FFF30 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DB8FEA60 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DB8FEAE0 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DB8FEB20 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DB8FEB50 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DB8FEB80 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70A93B20F 000000B7DB8FEBC0 MapUpdater::wait+4F C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapUpdater.cpp line 103
00007FF70A20F2D5 000000B7DB8FEC00 MapMgr::Update+1A5 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapMgr.cpp line 276
00007FF70A1F702C 000000B7DB8FED70 World::Update+65C C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\World\World.cpp line 2389
00007FF7099FAE45 000000B7DB8FEDC0 WorldUpdateLoop+115 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp line 603
00007FF709A03A48 000000B7DB8FF700 main+2298 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp line 424
00007FF70AB96360 000000B7DB8FF740 __scrt_common_main_seh+10C d:\a01\_work\43\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl line 288
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DB8FF770 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DB8FF7F0 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECE64 000000B7DBCFF9A0 NtRemoveIoCompletion+14
00007FFA35911A7F 000000B7DBCFFA00 GetQueuedCompletionStatus+4F
00007FF7099FDFC1 000000B7DBCFFB10 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::do_one+2A1 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 429
00007FF709A00AD1 000000B7DBCFFB90 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::run+C1 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 204
00007FF7099EA68C 000000B7DBCFFBD0 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<`main'::`63'::<lambda_5> >,0>+3C C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 55
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DBCFFC00 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DBCFFC30 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DBCFFCB0 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECE64 000000B7DBDFFC30 NtRemoveIoCompletion+14
00007FFA35911A7F 000000B7DBDFFC90 GetQueuedCompletionStatus+4F
00007FF7099FDFC1 000000B7DBDFFDA0 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::do_one+2A1 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 429
00007FF709A00B04 000000B7DBDFFE20 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::run+F4 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 204
00007FF7099EA68C 000000B7DBDFFE60 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<`main'::`63'::<lambda_5> >,0>+3C C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 55
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DBDFFE90 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DBDFFEC0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DBDFFF40 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DBEFFBA0 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DBEFFC20 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DBEFFC60 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DBEFFC90 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DBEFFCC0 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70AA8EBC4 000000B7DBEFFCF0 DatabaseWorker::WorkerThread+74 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\database\Database\DatabaseWorker.cpp line 48
00007FF70AA8E89F 000000B7DBEFFD20 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl DatabaseWorker::*)(void),DatabaseWorker *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DBEFFD50 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DBEFFD80 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DBEFFE00 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DBFFF9D0 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DBFFFA50 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DBFFFA90 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DBFFFAC0 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DBFFFAF0 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70AA8EBC4 000000B7DBFFFB20 DatabaseWorker::WorkerThread+74 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\database\Database\DatabaseWorker.cpp line 48
00007FF70AA8E89F 000000B7DBFFFB50 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl DatabaseWorker::*)(void),DatabaseWorker *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DBFFFB80 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DBFFFBB0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DBFFFC30 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DC0FFB10 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DC0FFB90 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DC0FFBD0 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DC0FFC00 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DC0FFC30 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70AA8EBC4 000000B7DC0FFC60 DatabaseWorker::WorkerThread+74 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\database\Database\DatabaseWorker.cpp line 48
00007FF70AA8E89F 000000B7DC0FFC90 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl DatabaseWorker::*)(void),DatabaseWorker *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DC0FFCC0 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DC0FFCF0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DC0FFD70 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DC1FFBC0 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DC1FFC40 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DC1FFC80 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DC1FFCB0 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DC1FFCE0 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70AA8EBC4 000000B7DC1FFD10 DatabaseWorker::WorkerThread+74 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\database\Database\DatabaseWorker.cpp line 48
00007FF70AA8E89F 000000B7DC1FFD40 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl DatabaseWorker::*)(void),DatabaseWorker *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DC1FFD70 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DC1FFDA0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DC1FFE20 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECDC4 000000B7DC2FFA20 ZwWaitForSingleObject+14
00007FFA358D1ACE 000000B7DC2FFAC0 WaitForSingleObjectEx+8E
00007FF709A009D3 000000B7DC2FFAF0 boost::asio::detail::win_thread::func<boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::timer_thread_function>::run+33 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\win_thread.hpp line 122
00007FF709A01745 000000B7DC2FFB20 boost::asio::detail::win_thread_function+25 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_thread.ipp line 127
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DC2FFB50 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DC2FFB80 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DC2FFC00 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380EEB74 000000B7DC3FC6F0 NtGetContextThread+14
00007FFA3592E4AB 000000B7DC3FC720 GetThreadContext+B
00007FF709A0FDCD 000000B7DC3FCC50 WheatyExceptionReport::printTracesForAllThreads+BD C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\common\Debugging\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp line 582
00007FF709A0DD8F 000000B7DC3FD2E0 WheatyExceptionReport::GenerateExceptionReport+30F C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\common\Debugging\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp line 688
00007FF709A0EFE4 000000B7DC3FD5E0 WheatyExceptionReport::WheatyUnhandledExceptionFilter+324 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\common\Debugging\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp line 209
00007FFA359BFF27 000000B7DC3FD700 UnhandledExceptionFilter+1E7
00007FFA380F51B0 000000B7DC3FD740 memset+13B0
00007FFA380DC766 000000B7DC3FD7B0 __C_specific_handler+96
00007FFA380F209F 000000B7DC3FD7E0 __chkstk+11F
00007FFA380A1454 000000B7DC3FDEF0 RtlRaiseException+434
00007FFA380F0BCE 000000B7DC3FE628 KiUserExceptionDispatcher+2E
00007FF709A69B14 000000B7DC3FE630 Battleground::GetBgTypeID+4 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Battlegrounds\Battleground.h line 319
00007FF709B4A66A 000000B7DC3FE6E0 AiFactory::AddDefaultCombatStrategies+C8A C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\AiFactory.cpp line 440
00007FF709A4BFB2 000000B7DC3FE710 PlayerbotAI::ResetStrategies+52 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 1149
00007FF709BCBFA9 000000B7DC3FEEB0 BGStatusAction::Execute+2E19 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\actions\BattleGroundJoinAction.cpp line 1069
00007FF709B548AF 000000B7DC3FF0D0 Engine::ListenAndExecute+AF C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\Engine.cpp line 560
00007FF709B5367E 000000B7DC3FF3F0 Engine::DoNextAction+70E C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\Engine.cpp line 196
00007FF709A44014 000000B7DC3FF530 PlayerbotAI::DoNextAction+4B4 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 839
00007FF709A4D4B5 000000B7DC3FF790 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAIInternal+8E5 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 342
00007FF709A4CB82 000000B7DC3FF890 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAI+472 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 250
00007FF709A12323 000000B7DC3FF8C0 PlayerbotsPlayerScript::OnAfterUpdate+33 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\Playerbots.cpp line 114
00007FF70A8828B1 000000B7DC3FF8F0 ExecuteScript<PlayerScript>+61 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Scripting\ScriptMgrMacros.h line 61
00007FF70A88578E 000000B7DC3FF970 ScriptMgr::OnAfterPlayerUpdate+5E C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Scripting\ScriptDefines\PlayerScript.cpp line 314
00007FF70A69BD9D 000000B7DC3FFBB0 Player::Update+14AD C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Entities\Player\PlayerUpdates.cpp line 424
00007FF70A2F72FA 000000B7DC3FFDB0 Map::Update+2AA C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\Map.cpp line 820
00007FF70A93AED2 000000B7DC3FFDF0 MapUpdateRequest::call+32 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapUpdater.cpp line 44
00007FF70A93A9CC 000000B7DC3FFE20 MapUpdater::WorkerThread+DC C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapUpdater.cpp line 153
00007FF70A93A35F 000000B7DC3FFE50 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl MapUpdater::*)(void),MapUpdater *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DC3FFE80 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DC3FFEB0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DC3FFF30 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECDC4 000000B7DBBFEDF0 ZwWaitForSingleObject+14
00007FFA34F280FC 000000B7DBBFEE90 0001:00000000000070FC C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSWSOCK.dll
00007FFA34F3225B 000000B7DBBFF2A0 Tcpip6_WSHGetWildcardSockaddr+16EB
00007FFA37371453 000000B7DBBFF320 WSAAccept+D3
00007FFA37371372 000000B7DBBFF360 accept+12
00007FF709B5F978 000000B7DBBFF610 boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::sync_accept+A8 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\socket_ops.ipp line 144
00007FF709B5D87F 000000B7DBBFF6F0 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_socket_service<boost::asio::ip::tcp>::accept<boost::asio::basic_socket<boost::asio::ip::tcp,boost::asio::execution::any_executor<boost::asio::execution::context_as_t<boost::asio::execution_context &>,boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::never_t<0>,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::possibly_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::tracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::untracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::fork_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::continuation_t<0> > > > >+CF C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\win_iocp_socket_service.hpp line 472
00007FF709B5F112 000000B7DBBFF910 server+162 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotCommandServer.cpp line 67
00007FF709B5E9A3 000000B7DBBFFB40 Run+233 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotCommandServer.cpp line 86
00007FF7099EA62B 000000B7DBBFFB70 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl*)(void)>,0>+B C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DBBFFBA0 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DBBFFBD0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DBBFFC50 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECDC4 000000B7DFFFFA60 ZwWaitForSingleObject+14
00007FFA358D1ACE 000000B7DFFFFB00 WaitForSingleObjectEx+8E
00007FF709A009D3 000000B7DFFFFB30 boost::asio::detail::win_thread::func<boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::timer_thread_function>::run+33 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\win_thread.hpp line 122
00007FF709A01745 000000B7DFFFFB60 boost::asio::detail::win_thread_function+25 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_thread.ipp line 127
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DFFFFB90 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DFFFFBC0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DFFFFC40 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECE64 000000B7E00FFBC0 NtRemoveIoCompletion+14
00007FFA35911A7F 000000B7E00FFC20 GetQueuedCompletionStatus+4F
00007FF7099FDFC1 000000B7E00FFD30 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::do_one+2A1 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 429
00007FF709A00B04 000000B7E00FFDB0 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::run+F4 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 204
00007FF70A262ADE 000000B7E00FFEB0 NetworkThread<WorldSocket>::Run+33E C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\shared\Network\NetworkThread.h line 126
00007FF70A25FB6F 000000B7E00FFEE0 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl NetworkThread<WorldSocket>::*)(void),NetworkThread<WorldSocket> *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7E00FFF10 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7E00FFF40 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7E00FFFC0 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECE04 000000B7E01FF620 NtReadFile+14
00007FFA358DAF23 000000B7E01FF6A0 ReadFile+73
00007FFA357C84A9 000000B7E01FF740 _read+209
00007FFA357C8342 000000B7E01FF780 _read+A2
00007FFA357C81B0 000000B7E01FF7B0 _fread_nolock_s+210
00007FFA3582526E 000000B7E01FF7F0 _fgetwc_nolock+FE
00007FFA358250E0 000000B7E01FF850 getc+1A0
00007FF709A06865 000000B7E01FFCB0 CliThread+215 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\worldserver\CommandLine\CliRunnable.cpp line 149
00007FF7099EA62B 000000B7E01FFCE0 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl*)(void)>,0>+B C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7E01FFD10 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7E01FFD40 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7E01FFDC0 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ED3C4 000000B7E02FF560 NtDelayExecution+14
00007FFA358F96DE 000000B7E02FF600 SleepEx+9E
00007FFA1BA7303C 000000B7E02FF650 _Thrd_sleep+3C
00007FF7099EE4A0 000000B7E02FF6A0 std::this_thread::sleep_until<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > >+90 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 201
00007FF7099EE409 000000B7E02FF6D0 std::this_thread::sleep_for<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000> >+19 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 207
00007FF7099F6406 000000B7E02FF8A0 AuctionListingRunnable+596 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp line 729
00007FF7099EA62B 000000B7E02FF8D0 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl*)(void)>,0>+B C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7E02FF900 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7E02FF930 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7E02FF9B0 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Local Variables And Parameters
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FF709A69B14 000000B7DC3FE630 Battleground::GetBgTypeID+4 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Battlegrounds\Battleground.h line 319
00007FF709B4A66A 000000B7DC3FE6E0 AiFactory::AddDefaultCombatStrategies+C8A C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\AiFactory.cpp line 440
Parameter PlayerbotAI* facade = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF709A4BFB2 000000B7DC3FE710 PlayerbotAI::ResetStrategies+52 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 1149
00007FF709BCBFA9 000000B7DC3FEEB0 BGStatusAction::Execute+2E19 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\actions\BattleGroundJoinAction.cpp line 1069
Local BGStatusAction* this = 0x1F6893CB530
PlayerbotAI* botAI = 0x1F6404C6170
Player* bot = 0x1F65E9E59A0
AiObjectContext* context = 0x1F65C63D5E0
ChatHelper* chat = 0x1F6404C6170
std::string name = "bg status"
bool verbose = 0x0
float relevance = 100.000000
Local BGStatusAction* this = 0x1F6893CB530
PlayerbotAI* botAI = 0x1F6404C6170
Player* bot = 0x1F65E9E59A0
AiObjectContext* context = 0x1F65C63D5E0
ChatHelper* chat = 0x1F6404C6170
std::string name = "bg status"
bool verbose = 0x0
float relevance = 100.000000
Local BGStatusAction* this = 0xB7DC3FEEF0
PlayerbotAI* botAI = 0x7574617473206762
Player* bot = 0x73
AiObjectContext* context = 0x9
ChatHelper* chat = 0xF <Unable to read memory>
std::string name = ""
bool verbose = 0x8
float relevance = 0.000000
Parameter Event* event = 0xAF66318
Parameter Event* event = 0x49DC8B4C
Local unsigned int Time1 = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local PvPDifficultyEntry* pvpDiff = <Unable to read memory>
Local BattlegroundBracketId bracketId = 0xB7DC3FE7D0
Local unsigned int Time2 = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local BattlegroundTypeId _bgTypeId = 0xB7DC3FE770
Local BattlegroundQueueTypeId queueTypeId = 0xB7DC3FE772
Local bool isArena = 0xB7DC3FE771
Local ArenaType arenaType = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket p
unsigned int _rpos = 0x27
unsigned int _wpos = 0x27
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FE848
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x2D4
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local TeamId teamId = 0xB7DC3FE7F0
Local bool IsRandomBot = 0xB7DC3FE798
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int mapId = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::string _bgType = "Random"
Local unsigned int type = 0xB7DC3FE773
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F668C102C0
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = 0x10A000B0009000A <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0xC
Local std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,PositionInfo,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,PositionInfo> > >& posMap = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _wpos = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0x18
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
Local PositionInfo pos
float x = 0.000000
float y = 0.000000
float z = 0.000032
bool valueSet = 0xFA
unsigned int mapId = 0x68C10000
Local std::exception& e = NULL
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x80
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0x90 <Unable to read memory>
Local BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int timer = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local GroupQueueInfo ginfo
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > Players
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x0
int teamId = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
int RealTeamID = 0x14 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int BgTypeId = 0x18 <Unable to read memory>
bool IsRated = 0x19 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int ArenaType = 0x1A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int ArenaTeamId = 0x1C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int JoinTime = 0x20 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int RemoveInviteTime = 0x24 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID = 0x28 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int ArenaTeamRating = 0x2C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int ArenaMatchmakerRating = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int OpponentsTeamRating = 0x34 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int OpponentsMatchmakerRating = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int PreviousOpponentsTeamId = 0x3C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int BracketId = 0x40 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int GroupType = 0x41 <Unable to read memory>
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F69173AD70
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = "p�s��"
bool _DoFree = 0x0
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket emptyPacket
unsigned int _rpos = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _wpos = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0x18
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,PositionInfo,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,PositionInfo> > >& posMap = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _wpos = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0x18
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
Local PositionInfo pos
float x = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
float y = 0x4 <Unable to read memory>
float z = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
bool valueSet = 0xC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int mapId = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = NULL
Local TeamId teamId = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _wpos = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0x18
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F65F0DDF50
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = "P�
bool _DoFree = 0x0
Local std::exception& e = 0x7FF709AC94B6
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = 0x3949038E38E38E38 <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0x46
Local WorldPacket emptyPacket
unsigned int _rpos = 0x0
unsigned int _wpos = 0x0
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FEA78
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x0
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,PositionInfo,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,PositionInfo> > >& posMap = <Unable to read memory>
Local PositionInfo pos2
float x = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
float y = 0x4 <Unable to read memory>
float z = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
bool valueSet = 0xC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int mapId = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x9
unsigned int _wpos = 0x9
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FE8F8
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x2D5
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local PositionInfo pos
float x = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
float y = 0x4 <Unable to read memory>
float z = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
bool valueSet = 0xC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int mapId = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F600000000
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = 0x10148F4E43CC8DF <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0xEE
Local BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = <Unable to read memory>
Local GroupQueueInfo ginfo
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > Players
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FE870
int teamId = 0x1
int RealTeamID = 0x1F6
unsigned int BgTypeId = 0x9
bool IsRated = 0x0
unsigned int ArenaType = 0x0
unsigned int ArenaTeamId = 0xB7
unsigned int JoinTime = 0x2DD72240
unsigned int RemoveInviteTime = 0x1F6
unsigned int IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID = 0xDC3FE9D0
unsigned int ArenaTeamRating = 0xB7
unsigned int ArenaMatchmakerRating = 0x2
unsigned int OpponentsTeamRating = 0xBF109B18
unsigned int OpponentsMatchmakerRating = 0xBE88C689
unsigned int PreviousOpponentsTeamId = 0x1F6
unsigned int BracketId = 0x23
unsigned int GroupType = 0x0
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F668C27D00
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = ""
bool _DoFree = 0x10
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F6893CF850
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = " d�
bool _DoFree = 0xA0
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F668C10000
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = "�h�"
bool _DoFree = 0x90
00007FF709B548AF 000000B7DC3FF0D0 Engine::ListenAndExecute+AF C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\Engine.cpp line 560
Parameter Event* event = 0xAF66318
Parameter Event* event = 0xAF707D0
Local std::basic_ostringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > out
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >
std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >
__std_exception_data _Data = 0x8
std::error_code _Mycode = 0x18
unsigned int _Stdstr = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> std::_Crt_new_delete = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
std::ios_base::_Iosarray* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
int _Index = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
long _Lo = 0xC <Unable to read memory>
void* _Vp = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> std::_Crt_new_delete = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
std::ios_base::_Fnarray* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
int _Index = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _Pfn = <Unable to read memory>
int _Mystate = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
int _Except = 0x14 <Unable to read memory>
int _Fmtfl = 0x18 <Unable to read memory>
int _Prec = 0x20 <Unable to read memory>
int _Wide = 0x28 <Unable to read memory>
std::ios_base::_Iosarray* _Arr = <Unable to read memory>
std::ios_base::_Fnarray* _Calls = <Unable to read memory>
std::locale* _Ploc = <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >* _Mystrbuf = <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >* _Tiestr = <Unable to read memory>
char _Fillch = 0x58 <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >& _Myostr = <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::_Sentry_base
<user defined> _Myostr = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
bool _Ok = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >
<user defined> _Mystrbuf = 0x48 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Tiestr = 0x50 <Unable to read memory>
char _Fillch = 0x58 <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_stringbuf<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > _Stringbuffer
std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >
char* _Gfirst = <Unable to read memory>
char* _Pfirst = <Unable to read memory>
char** _IGfirst = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _IPfirst = <Unable to read memory>
char* _Gnext = <Unable to read memory>
char* _Pnext = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _IGnext = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _IPnext = <Unable to read memory>
int _Gcount = 0x50 <Unable to read memory>
int _Pcount = 0x54 <Unable to read memory>
int* _IGcount = <Unable to read memory>
int* _IPcount = <Unable to read memory>
std::locale* _Plocale = <Unable to read memory>
char* _Ptr = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Size = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Res = 0x18 <Unable to read memory>
char* _Seekhigh = <Unable to read memory>
int _Mystate = 0x78 <Unable to read memory>
00007FF709B5367E 000000B7DC3FF3F0 Engine::DoNextAction+70E C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\Engine.cpp line 196
Parameter Unit* unit = NULL
Parameter unsigned int depth = 0xB7DC3FF124
Parameter bool minimal = 0xB7DC3FF111
Local int currentTime = 0xB7DC3FF1C0
Local unsigned int iterationsPerTick = 0xB7DC3FF120
Local bool actionExecuted = 0xB7DC3FF110
Local ActionBasket* basket = <Unable to read memory>
Local Event event
std::string source = "bg status"
std::string param = ""
WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x0
unsigned int _wpos = 0x27
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage = 0xB7DC3FF2E0
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x2D4
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur = 0x0
Player* owner = NULL
Local bool skipPrerequisites = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Multiplier *> > > i
std::_Vector_const_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Multiplier *> > >
Multiplier** _Ptr = <Unable to read memory>
Local Multiplier* multiplier = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF709A44014 000000B7DC3FF530 PlayerbotAI::DoNextAction+4B4 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 839
Local Group* group = <Unable to read memory>
Local PlayerbotAI* masterBotAI = <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int dCount = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local PlayerbotAI* botAI = <Unable to read memory>
Local Player* playerMaster = <Unable to read memory>
Local Player* newMaster = <Unable to read memory>
Local GroupReference* gref = <Unable to read memory>
Local PlayerbotAI* memberBotAI = <Unable to read memory>
Local Player* member = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket stop
unsigned int _rpos = 0x73
unsigned int _wpos = 0x0
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FF498
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x5D60
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local WorldPacket land
unsigned int _rpos = 0x7FF709A3F835
unsigned int _wpos = 0xB7DC3FF748
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FF4D8
unsigned int m_opcode = 0xF568
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x7FF709A469D7
00007FF709A4D4B5 000000B7DC3FF790 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAIInternal+8E5 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 342
Parameter unsigned int elapsed = 0xB7DC3FF7A8
Parameter bool minimal = 0xB7DC3FF564
Local PerformanceMonitorOperation* pmo = NULL
Local std::vector<ChatCommandHolder,std::allocator<ChatCommandHolder> > delayed
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ChatCommandHolder>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ChatCommandHolder> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ChatCommandHolder> > _Myval2
ChatCommandHolder* _Myfirst = NULL
ChatCommandHolder* _Mylast = NULL
ChatCommandHolder* _Myend = NULL
Local std::string mapString = 0xB7DC3FF5A8 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::string mapString = "0"
Local ExternalEventHelper helper
AiObjectContext* aiObjectContext = 0x1F65C63D5E0
PlayerbotAI* botAI = 0x1F6404C6170
std::vector<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::allocator<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > > performanceStack
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65C63D5F0
NamedObjectContextList<Strategy> strategyContexts
std::vector<NamedObjectContext<Strategy> *,std::allocator<NamedObjectContext<Strategy> *> > contexts = 0x1F65C63D610
NamedObjectContextList<Action> actionContexts
std::vector<NamedObjectContext<Action> *,std::allocator<NamedObjectContext<Action> *> > contexts = 0x1F65C63D630
NamedObjectContextList<Trigger> triggerContexts
std::vector<NamedObjectContext<Trigger> *,std::allocator<NamedObjectContext<Trigger> *> > contexts = 0x1F65C63D650
NamedObjectContextList<UntypedValue> valueContexts
std::vector<NamedObjectContext<UntypedValue> *,std::allocator<NamedObjectContext<UntypedValue> *> > contexts = 0x1F65C63D670
Local ChatCommandHolder holder
std::string command = "..."
Player* owner = 0x20
DataMap CustomData = 0x28
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x68 <Unable to read memory>
int m_objectTypeId = 0x6C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x70 <Unable to read memory>
int* m_int32Values = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x80
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x90 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x92 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x94 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inWorld = 0x95 <Unable to read memory>
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x98
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xC8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xC8 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0xC8 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0xCC <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0xD0 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0xD4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xD8 <Unable to read memory>
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0xDC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0xE8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0xF4
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x128
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x15C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x168
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x174 <Unable to read memory>
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x178
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_name = 0x1F0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0x210 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x211 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x214 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x21C <Unable to read memory>
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x228 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _areaId = 0x22C <Unable to read memory>
float _floorZ = 0x230 <Unable to read memory>
bool _outdoors = 0x234 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x238
bool _updatePositionData = 0x24C <Unable to read memory>
Transport* m_transport = <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_currMap = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x260 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x264 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x268 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x26A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x26C <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x270
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x2B0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canDualWield = 0x2B4 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x2B8
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x2C8
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x2D8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2E0 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2E8 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2F0 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2F8 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x300 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x308 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x310 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x318 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x320 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x328 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0x330 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0x334 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0x338 <Unable to read memory>
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x33C <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 0x340 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x344 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x348 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34C <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x350 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x354 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x358 <Unable to read memory>
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0x35C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x360 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x364 <Unable to read memory>
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x368
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x388
[1] = 0x3A0
[2] = 0x3B8
[3] = 0x3D0
[4] = 0x3E8
[5] = 0x400
[6] = 0x418
[7] = 0x430
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x448 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x450
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x460 <Unable to read memory>
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x461 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x462 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x463 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x468
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x478
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x488 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x48C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x48E <Unable to read memory>
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x490 <Unable to read memory>
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_AI = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x4B0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_race = 0x4B1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x4B2 <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x4B4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x4B8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x4BC <Unable to read memory>
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 0x4C0 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x4C4 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x4C8 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x4CC <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x4D0 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x4D8
Unit* m_attacking = <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathState = 0x520 <Unable to read memory>
int m_procDeep = 0x524 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x528
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x538
unsigned int m_transform = 0x548 <Unable to read memory>
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x570
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x580
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x590
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x5A0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x5A8 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x5B0
[1] = 0x5C0
[2] = 0x5D0
[3] = 0x5E0
[4] = 0x5F0
[5] = 0x600
[6] = 0x610
[7] = 0x620
[8] = 0x630
[9] = 0x640
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x1980
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x1990
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x19A0
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x19B0 <Unable to read memory>
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0x19B4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19B8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19BC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x19C0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x19B4
[0] = 0x19C4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19C8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19CC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x19D0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x19D4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19D8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19DC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x19E0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x19E4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19E8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19EC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x19F0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x19F4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19F8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19FC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A00 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A04 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A08 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A0C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A10 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A14 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A18 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A1C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A20 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A24 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A28 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A2C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A30 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A34 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A38 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A3C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A40 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A44 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A48 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A4C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A50 <Unable to read memory>
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0x1B44 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1B48 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1B44 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1B4C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1B50 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1B54 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1B58 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x1B5C <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x1B60
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0x1B70 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1B74 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1B78 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1B7C <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x1B80 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x1B84 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x1B88 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x1B8C <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x1B90 <Unable to read memory>
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x1BA0
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x1BB8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1BBC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1BC0 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1BC4 <Unable to read memory>
int m_regenTimer = 0x1BC8 <Unable to read memory>
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x1BD0
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x1C18
Vehicle* m_vehicle = <Unable to read memory>
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x1C38 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_applyResilience = 0x1C48 <Unable to read memory>
bool _instantCast = 0x1C49 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x1C4A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x1C4C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_state = 0x1C50 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x1C54 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x1C58 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x1C60
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x1C70
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x1CA8
Unit* m_comboTarget = <Unable to read memory>
int m_comboPoints = 0x1CE0 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x1CE8
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x1D28
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x1D38 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x1D39 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x1D3C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x1D40 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x1D48
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x1D88 <Unable to read memory>
GridReference<Player> _gridRef = 0x1D90
std::string autoReplyMsg = 0x1DB8 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerTaxi m_taxi
unsigned int[14] m_taximask
[0] = 0x1DD8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1DDC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1DE0 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1DE4 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x1DE8 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x1DEC <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x1DF0 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x1DF4 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x1DF8 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x1DFC <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_TaxiDestinations = 0x1E10
unsigned int _taxiSegment = 0x1E28 <Unable to read memory>
int m_logintime = 0x1E30 <Unable to read memory>
int m_Last_tick = 0x1E38 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[2] m_Played_time
[0] = 0x1E40 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1E44 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_mailsUpdated = 0x1E48 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int unReadMails = 0x1E49 <Unable to read memory>
int m_nextMailDelivereTime = 0x1E50 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,Item *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > mMitems
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1E58
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1E58
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1E58
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x1E58 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > _List = 0x1E60
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1E70
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1E88 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x1E90 <Unable to read memory>
PvPInfo pvpInfo
bool IsHostile = 0x1E98 <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInHostileArea = 0x1E99 <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInNoPvPArea = 0x1E9A <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInFFAPvPArea = 0x1E9B <Unable to read memory>
int EndTimer = 0x1EA0 <Unable to read memory>
int FFAPvPEndTimer = 0x1EA8 <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<DuelInfo,std::default_delete<DuelInfo> > duel
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<DuelInfo>,DuelInfo *,1> _Mypair = 0x1EB0 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerMenu* PlayerTalkClass = <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<ItemSetEffect *,std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *> > ItemSetEff
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1EC0
SafeUnitPointer m_mover
Unit* ptr = <Unable to read memory>
Unit* defaultValue = <Unable to read memory>
WorldObject* m_seer = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_isInSharedVisionOf
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1EF0 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1EF0 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1EF0
unsigned int m_recallMap = 0x1F00 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallX = 0x1F04 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallY = 0x1F08 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallZ = 0x1F0C <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallO = 0x1F10 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindMapId = 0x1F14 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindAreaId = 0x1F18 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindX = 0x1F1C <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindY = 0x1F20 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindZ = 0x1F24 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_clientGUIDs
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F28
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x1F28
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F28
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F28
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x1F28 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0x1F30
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F40
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F58 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x1F60 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_newVisible
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Unit *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F68
unsigned int[9] m_forced_speed_changes
[0] = 0x1F80 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1F81 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1F82 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1F83 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x1F84 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x1F85 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x1F86 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x1F87 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x1F88 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_DFQuests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F90 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F90 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F90
unsigned int m_HomebindTimer = 0x1FA0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_InstanceValid = 0x1FA4 <Unable to read memory>
Spell* m_spellModTakingSpell = <Unable to read memory>
bool isDebugAreaTriggers = 0x1FB0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorForBG = 0x1FB4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId = 0x1FB8 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_receivedSpectatorResetFor
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1FC0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1FC0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1FC0
ObjectGuid m_drwGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x1FD0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_charmUpdateTimer = 0x1FD8 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > WhisperList
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1FE0
bool m_NeedToSaveGlyphs = 0x1FF0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MountBlockId = 0x1FF4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realDodge = 0x1FF8 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realParry = 0x1FFC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[10] m_charmAISpells
[0] = 0x2000 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2004 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2008 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x200C <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2010 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2014 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x2018 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x201C <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x2020 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x2024 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_AreaID = 0x2028 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_regenTimerCount = 0x202C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_foodEmoteTimerCount = 0x2030 <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_powerFraction
[0] = 0x2034 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2038 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x203C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2040 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2044 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2048 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x204C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_contestedPvPTimer = 0x2050 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x20 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x24 <Unable to read memory>
std::array<Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec,2> _BgBattlegroundQueueID
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x2054 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x2058 <Unable to read memory>
Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec[2] _Elems
[0] = 0x2054 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x205C <Unable to read memory>
BGData m_bgData
unsigned int bgInstanceID = 0x2068 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgTypeID = 0x206C <Unable to read memory>
int bgTeamId = 0x2070 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueSlot = 0x2074 <Unable to read memory>
bool isInvited = 0x2078 <Unable to read memory>
bool bgIsRandom = 0x2079 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > bgAfkReporter = 0x2080
unsigned int bgAfkReportedCount = 0x2090 <Unable to read memory>
int bgAfkReportedTimer = 0x2098 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_IsBGRandomWinner = 0x20A0 <Unable to read memory>
EntryPointData m_entryPointData
unsigned int mountSpell = 0x20A8 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > taxiPath = 0x20B0
WorldLocation joinPos = 0x20C8
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_timedquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x20E0 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x20E0 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x20E0
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_weeklyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x20F0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x20F0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x20F0
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_monthlyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2100
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2100
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2100
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > m_seasonalquests
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2110
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2110
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2110
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2110 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > _List = 0x2118
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > > > > _Vec = 0x2128
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2140 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2148 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_divider
unsigned int _guid = 0x2150 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ingametime = 0x2158 <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastHonorUpdateTime = 0x2160 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_lootGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x2168 <Unable to read memory>
int m_team = 0x2170 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_nextSave = 0x2174 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveTimer = 0x2178 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveMask = 0x217A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer = 0x217C <Unable to read memory>
int m_speakTime = 0x2180 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_speakCount = 0x2188 <Unable to read memory>
int m_dungeonDifficulty = 0x218C <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidDifficulty = 0x2190 <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidMapDifficulty = 0x2194 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_atLoginFlags = 0x2198 <Unable to read memory>
Item*[150] m_items
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_currentBuybackSlot = 0x2650 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemUpdateQueue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Item *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2658
bool m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked = 0x2670 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ExtraFlags = 0x2674 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > > m_QuestStatus
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2678 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2678 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2678 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2678
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2678
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_QuestStatusSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2688
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2688
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2688
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2688
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2688
std::unordered_set<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_RewardedQuests
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2698
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2698
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2698
std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2698 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > _List = 0x26A0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<unsigned int> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x26B0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x26C8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x26D0 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_RewardedQuestsSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x26D8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x26D8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x26D8 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x26D8
<user defined> value_compare = 0x26D8
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > mSkillStatus
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x26E8
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x26E8
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x26E8
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x26E8 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > _List = 0x26F0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > > > > _Vec = 0x2700
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2718 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2720 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_GuildIdInvited = 0x2728 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArenaTeamIdInvited = 0x272C <Unable to read memory>
std::deque<Mail *,std::allocator<Mail *> > m_mail
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Mail *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2730
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > m_spells
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2758 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2758 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2758 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2758 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > _List = 0x2760
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x2770
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2788 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2790 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > m_talents
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2798 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2798 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2798 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2798 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > _List = 0x27A0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x27B0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x27C8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x27D0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastPotionId = 0x27D8 <Unable to read memory>
GlobalCooldownMgr m_GlobalCooldownMgr
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > m_GlobalCooldowns = 0x27E0
unsigned int m_activeSpec = 0x2820 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_specsCount = 0x2821 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[6] m_Glyphs
[0] = 0x2824 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2828 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x282C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2830 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2834 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2838 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2824
unsigned int[6]
[0] = 0x283C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2840 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2844 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2848 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x284C <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2850 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > > m_actionButtons
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2858
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2858
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2858
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2858
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2858
float[2] m_auraBaseMod
[0] = 0x2868 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x286C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2868 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2870 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2874 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2878 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x287C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2880 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2884 <Unable to read memory>
int[25] m_baseRatingValue
[0] = 0x2888 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x288A <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x288C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x288E <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2890 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2892 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x2894 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x2896 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x2898 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x289A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseSpellPower = 0x28BC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseFeralAP = 0x28C0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseManaRegen = 0x28C4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseHealthRegen = 0x28C8 <Unable to read memory>
int m_spellPenetrationItemMod = 0x28CC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<SpellModifier *,std::allocator<SpellModifier *> >[32] m_spellMods
[0] = 0x28D0
[1] = 0x28E0
[2] = 0x28F0
[3] = 0x2900
[4] = 0x2910
[5] = 0x2920
[6] = 0x2930
[7] = 0x2940
[8] = 0x2950
[9] = 0x2960
std::list<EnchantDuration,std::allocator<EnchantDuration> > m_enchantDuration
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x2AD0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<EnchantDuration,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AD0
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemDuration
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AE0
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemSoulboundTradeable
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AF0
std::mutex m_soulboundTradableLock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x2B00
ObjectGuid m_resurrectGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x2B50 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMap = 0x2B58 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectX = 0x2B5C <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectY = 0x2B60 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectZ = 0x2B64 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectHealth = 0x2B68 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMana = 0x2B6C <Unable to read memory>
WorldSession* m_session = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> > m_channels
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Channel *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2B78
unsigned int m_cinematic = 0x2B88 <Unable to read memory>
TradeData* m_trade = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_DailyQuestChanged = 0x2B98 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_WeeklyQuestChanged = 0x2B99 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_MonthlyQuestChanged = 0x2B9A <Unable to read memory>
bool m_SeasonalQuestChanged = 0x2B9B <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastDailyQuestTime = 0x2BA0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_drunkTimer = 0x2BA8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_weaponChangeTimer = 0x2BAC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateId = 0x2BB0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateTimer = 0x2BB4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_areaUpdateId = 0x2BB8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_deathTimer = 0x2BBC <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathExpireTime = 0x2BC0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_WeaponProficiency = 0x2BC8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArmorProficiency = 0x2BCC <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canParry = 0x2BD0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canBlock = 0x2BD1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTitanGrip = 0x2BD2 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_swingErrorMsg = 0x2BD3 <Unable to read memory>
float m_ammoDPS = 0x2BD4 <Unable to read memory>
int _restTime = 0x2BD8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _innTriggerId = 0x2BE0 <Unable to read memory>
float _restBonus = 0x2BE4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _restFlagMask = 0x2BE8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resetTalentsCost = 0x2BEC <Unable to read memory>
int m_resetTalentsTime = 0x2BF0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_usedTalentCount = 0x2BF8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_questRewardTalentCount = 0x2BFC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_extraBonusTalentCount = 0x2C00 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerSocial* m_social = <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_group
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x2C38 <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_originalGroup
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x2C68 <Unable to read memory>
Group* m_groupInvite = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_groupUpdateMask = 0x2C78 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_auraRaidUpdateMask = 0x2C80 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bPassOnGroupLoot = 0x2C88 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastpetnumber = 0x2C8C <Unable to read memory>
int m_summon_expire = 0x2C90 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_summon_mapid = 0x2C98 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_x = 0x2C9C <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_y = 0x2CA0 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_z = 0x2CA4 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_summon_asSpectator = 0x2CA8 <Unable to read memory>
DeclinedName* m_declinedname = <Unable to read memory>
Runes* m_runes = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > > m_EquipmentSets
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2CC0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2CC0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2CC0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2CC0
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2CC0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_grantableLevels = 0x2CD0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_needZoneUpdate = 0x2CD1 <Unable to read memory>
CinematicMgr* _cinematicMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_refundableItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2CE0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2CE0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2CE0
MapReference m_mapRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Map* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastFallTime = 0x2D18 <Unable to read memory>
float m_lastFallZ = 0x2D1C <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_MirrorTimer
[0] = 0x2D20 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2D24 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2D28 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlags = 0x2D2C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlagsLast = 0x2D2D <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInWater = 0x2D2E <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation teleportStore_dest
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x2D30 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x2D30 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x2D30 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x2D34 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x2D38 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x2D3C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x2D40 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int teleportStore_options = 0x2D44 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Near = 0x2D48 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Far = 0x2D50 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_DelayedOperations = 0x2D58 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bMustDelayTeleport = 0x2D5C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bHasDelayedTeleport = 0x2D5D <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTeleport = 0x2D5E <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<PetStable,std::default_delete<PetStable> > m_petStable
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<PetStable>,PetStable *,1> _Mypair = 0x2D60 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_temporaryUnsummonedPetNumber = 0x2D68 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_oldpetspell = 0x2D6C <Unable to read memory>
AchievementMgr* m_achievementMgr = <Unable to read memory>
ReputationMgr* m_reputationMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > > m_spellCooldowns
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2D80 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2D80 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2D80 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2D80
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2D80 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ChampioningFaction = 0x2D90 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _instanceResetTimes
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2D98
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2D98
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2D98
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2D98 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0x2DA0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0x2DB0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2DC8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2DD0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindId = 0x2DD8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindTimer = 0x2DDC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _activeCheats = 0x2DE0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int healthBeforeDuel = 0x2DE4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int manaBeforeDuel = 0x2DE8 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInstantFlightOn = 0x2DEC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_flightSpellActivated = 0x2DF0 <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation _corpseLocation
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x2DF4 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x2DF4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x2DF4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x2DF8 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x2DFC <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x2E00 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x2E04 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> _farSightDistance
float _Value = 0x2E08 <Unable to read memory>
bool _Has_value = 0x2E0C <Unable to read memory>
bool _wasOutdoor = 0x2E10 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > > m_charSettingsMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2E18 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2E18 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2E18 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2E18
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2E18 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int type = 0xA352693
int time = 0x34A0001
Local ChatCommandHolder holder
std::string command = "� �"
Player* owner = 0x34A0001
DataMap CustomData = 0x34A0009
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x34A0049 <Unable to read memory>
int m_objectTypeId = 0x34A004D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x34A0051 <Unable to read memory>
int* m_int32Values = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x34A0061
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x34A0071 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x34A0073 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x34A0075 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inWorld = 0x34A0076 <Unable to read memory>
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x34A0079
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A00A9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A00A9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x34A00A9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x34A00AD <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x34A00B1 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x34A00B5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x34A00B9 <Unable to read memory>
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x34A00BD
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x34A00C9
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x34A00D5
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x34A0109
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x34A013D
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x34A0149
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x34A0155 <Unable to read memory>
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x34A0159
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_name = 0x34A01D1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0x34A01F1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x34A01F2 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x34A01F5 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x34A01FD <Unable to read memory>
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x34A0209 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _areaId = 0x34A020D <Unable to read memory>
float _floorZ = 0x34A0211 <Unable to read memory>
bool _outdoors = 0x34A0215 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x34A0219
bool _updatePositionData = 0x34A022D <Unable to read memory>
Transport* m_transport = <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_currMap = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x34A0241 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x34A0245 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x34A0249 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x34A024B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x34A024D <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x34A0251
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x34A0291 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canDualWield = 0x34A0295 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x34A0299
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x34A02A9
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x34A02B9 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A02C1 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A02C9 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A02D1 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A02D9 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A02E1 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A02E9 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x34A02F1 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A02F9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A0301 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A0309 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0x34A0311 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0x34A0315 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0x34A0319 <Unable to read memory>
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x34A031D <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 0x34A0321 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A0325 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A0329 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A032D <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A0331 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A0335 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A0339 <Unable to read memory>
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0x34A033D <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A0341 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A0345 <Unable to read memory>
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x34A0349
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x34A0369
[1] = 0x34A0381
[2] = 0x34A0399
[3] = 0x34A03B1
[4] = 0x34A03C9
[5] = 0x34A03E1
[6] = 0x34A03F9
[7] = 0x34A0411
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x34A0429 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x34A0431
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x34A0441 <Unable to read memory>
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x34A0442 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x34A0443 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x34A0444 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x34A0449
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x34A0459
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x34A0469 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x34A046D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x34A046F <Unable to read memory>
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x34A0471 <Unable to read memory>
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_AI = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x34A0491 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_race = 0x34A0492 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x34A0493 <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x34A0495 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A0499 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A049D <Unable to read memory>
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 0x34A04A1 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A04A5 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A04A9 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A04AD <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A04B1 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x34A04B9
Unit* m_attacking = <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathState = 0x34A0501 <Unable to read memory>
int m_procDeep = 0x34A0505 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x34A0509
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x34A0519
unsigned int m_transform = 0x34A0529 <Unable to read memory>
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x34A0551
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x34A0561
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x34A0571
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x34A0581 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x34A0589 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x34A0591
[1] = 0x34A05A1
[2] = 0x34A05B1
[3] = 0x34A05C1
[4] = 0x34A05D1
[5] = 0x34A05E1
[6] = 0x34A05F1
[7] = 0x34A0601
[8] = 0x34A0611
[9] = 0x34A0621
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x34A1961
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x34A1971
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x34A1981
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x34A1991 <Unable to read memory>
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0x34A1995 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1999 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A199D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19A1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1995
[0] = 0x34A19A5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19A9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19AD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19B1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19B5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19B9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19BD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19C1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19C5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19C9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19CD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19D1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19D5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19D9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19DD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19E1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19E5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19E9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19ED <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19F1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19F5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19F9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19FD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1A01 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1A05 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1A09 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1A0D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1A11 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1A15 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1A19 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1A1D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1A21 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1A25 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1A29 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1A2D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1A31 <Unable to read memory>
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0x34A1B25 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B29 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1B25 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1B2D <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B31 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1B35 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B39 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x34A1B3D <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x34A1B41
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0x34A1B51 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B55 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1B59 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1B5D <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A1B61 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A1B65 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A1B69 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A1B6D <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A1B71 <Unable to read memory>
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x34A1B81
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x34A1B99 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B9D <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1BA1 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1BA5 <Unable to read memory>
int m_regenTimer = 0x34A1BA9 <Unable to read memory>
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x34A1BB1
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x34A1BF9
Vehicle* m_vehicle = <Unable to read memory>
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x34A1C19 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_applyResilience = 0x34A1C29 <Unable to read memory>
bool _instantCast = 0x34A1C2A <Unable to read memory>
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x34A1C2B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x34A1C2D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_state = 0x34A1C31 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x34A1C35 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x34A1C39 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x34A1C41
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x34A1C51
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x34A1C89
Unit* m_comboTarget = <Unable to read memory>
int m_comboPoints = 0x34A1CC1 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x34A1CC9
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x34A1D09
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x34A1D19 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x34A1D1A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x34A1D1D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x34A1D21 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x34A1D29
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x34A1D69 <Unable to read memory>
GridReference<Player> _gridRef = 0x34A1D71
std::string autoReplyMsg = 0x34A1D99 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerTaxi m_taxi
unsigned int[14] m_taximask
[0] = 0x34A1DB9 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1DBD <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1DC1 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1DC5 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A1DC9 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A1DCD <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A1DD1 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A1DD5 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A1DD9 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x34A1DDD <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_TaxiDestinations = 0x34A1DF1
unsigned int _taxiSegment = 0x34A1E09 <Unable to read memory>
int m_logintime = 0x34A1E11 <Unable to read memory>
int m_Last_tick = 0x34A1E19 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[2] m_Played_time
[0] = 0x34A1E21 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1E25 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_mailsUpdated = 0x34A1E29 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int unReadMails = 0x34A1E2A <Unable to read memory>
int m_nextMailDelivereTime = 0x34A1E31 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,Item *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > mMitems
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A1E39
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A1E39
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A1E39
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A1E39 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > _List = 0x34A1E41
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A1E51
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A1E69 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A1E71 <Unable to read memory>
PvPInfo pvpInfo
bool IsHostile = 0x34A1E79 <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInHostileArea = 0x34A1E7A <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInNoPvPArea = 0x34A1E7B <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInFFAPvPArea = 0x34A1E7C <Unable to read memory>
int EndTimer = 0x34A1E81 <Unable to read memory>
int FFAPvPEndTimer = 0x34A1E89 <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<DuelInfo,std::default_delete<DuelInfo> > duel
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<DuelInfo>,DuelInfo *,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1E91 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerMenu* PlayerTalkClass = <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<ItemSetEffect *,std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *> > ItemSetEff
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1EA1
SafeUnitPointer m_mover
Unit* ptr = <Unable to read memory>
Unit* defaultValue = <Unable to read memory>
WorldObject* m_seer = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_isInSharedVisionOf
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A1ED1 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A1ED1 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1ED1
unsigned int m_recallMap = 0x34A1EE1 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallX = 0x34A1EE5 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallY = 0x34A1EE9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallZ = 0x34A1EED <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallO = 0x34A1EF1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindMapId = 0x34A1EF5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindAreaId = 0x34A1EF9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindX = 0x34A1EFD <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindY = 0x34A1F01 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindZ = 0x34A1F05 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_clientGUIDs
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A1F09
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x34A1F09
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A1F09
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A1F09
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A1F09 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0x34A1F11
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x34A1F21
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A1F39 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A1F41 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_newVisible
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Unit *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1F49
unsigned int[9] m_forced_speed_changes
[0] = 0x34A1F61 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1F62 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1F63 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1F64 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A1F65 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A1F66 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A1F67 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A1F68 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A1F69 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_DFQuests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A1F71 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A1F71 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1F71
unsigned int m_HomebindTimer = 0x34A1F81 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_InstanceValid = 0x34A1F85 <Unable to read memory>
Spell* m_spellModTakingSpell = <Unable to read memory>
bool isDebugAreaTriggers = 0x34A1F91 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorForBG = 0x34A1F95 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId = 0x34A1F99 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_receivedSpectatorResetFor
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A1FA1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A1FA1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1FA1
ObjectGuid m_drwGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x34A1FB1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_charmUpdateTimer = 0x34A1FB9 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > WhisperList
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1FC1
bool m_NeedToSaveGlyphs = 0x34A1FD1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MountBlockId = 0x34A1FD5 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realDodge = 0x34A1FD9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realParry = 0x34A1FDD <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[10] m_charmAISpells
[0] = 0x34A1FE1 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1FE5 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1FE9 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1FED <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A1FF1 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A1FF5 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A1FF9 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A1FFD <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A2001 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x34A2005 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_AreaID = 0x34A2009 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_regenTimerCount = 0x34A200D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_foodEmoteTimerCount = 0x34A2011 <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_powerFraction
[0] = 0x34A2015 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2019 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A201D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A2021 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A2025 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A2029 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A202D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_contestedPvPTimer = 0x34A2031 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x34A0001 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x34A0005 <Unable to read memory>
std::array<Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec,2> _BgBattlegroundQueueID
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x34A2035 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x34A2039 <Unable to read memory>
Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec[2] _Elems
[0] = 0x34A2035 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A203D <Unable to read memory>
BGData m_bgData
unsigned int bgInstanceID = 0x34A2049 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgTypeID = 0x34A204D <Unable to read memory>
int bgTeamId = 0x34A2051 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueSlot = 0x34A2055 <Unable to read memory>
bool isInvited = 0x34A2059 <Unable to read memory>
bool bgIsRandom = 0x34A205A <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > bgAfkReporter = 0x34A2061
unsigned int bgAfkReportedCount = 0x34A2071 <Unable to read memory>
int bgAfkReportedTimer = 0x34A2079 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_IsBGRandomWinner = 0x34A2081 <Unable to read memory>
EntryPointData m_entryPointData
unsigned int mountSpell = 0x34A2089 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > taxiPath = 0x34A2091
WorldLocation joinPos = 0x34A20A9
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_timedquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A20C1 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A20C1 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A20C1
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_weeklyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A20D1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A20D1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A20D1
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_monthlyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A20E1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A20E1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A20E1
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > m_seasonalquests
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A20F1
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A20F1
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A20F1
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A20F1 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > _List = 0x34A20F9
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A2109
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A2121 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A2129 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_divider
unsigned int _guid = 0x34A2131 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ingametime = 0x34A2139 <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastHonorUpdateTime = 0x34A2141 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_lootGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x34A2149 <Unable to read memory>
int m_team = 0x34A2151 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_nextSave = 0x34A2155 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveTimer = 0x34A2159 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveMask = 0x34A215B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer = 0x34A215D <Unable to read memory>
int m_speakTime = 0x34A2161 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_speakCount = 0x34A2169 <Unable to read memory>
int m_dungeonDifficulty = 0x34A216D <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidDifficulty = 0x34A2171 <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidMapDifficulty = 0x34A2175 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_atLoginFlags = 0x34A2179 <Unable to read memory>
Item*[150] m_items
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_currentBuybackSlot = 0x34A2631 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemUpdateQueue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Item *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2639
bool m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked = 0x34A2651 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ExtraFlags = 0x34A2655 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > > m_QuestStatus
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2659 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2659 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2659 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2659
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2659
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_QuestStatusSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2669
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2669
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2669
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2669
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2669
std::unordered_set<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_RewardedQuests
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A2679
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A2679
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A2679
std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A2679 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > _List = 0x34A2681
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<unsigned int> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x34A2691
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A26A9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A26B1 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_RewardedQuestsSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A26B9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A26B9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A26B9 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A26B9
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A26B9
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > mSkillStatus
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A26C9
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A26C9
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A26C9
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A26C9 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > _List = 0x34A26D1
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A26E1
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A26F9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A2701 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_GuildIdInvited = 0x34A2709 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArenaTeamIdInvited = 0x34A270D <Unable to read memory>
std::deque<Mail *,std::allocator<Mail *> > m_mail
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Mail *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2711
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > m_spells
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A2739 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A2739 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A2739 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A2739 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > _List = 0x34A2741
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A2751
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A2769 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A2771 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > m_talents
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A2779 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A2779 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A2779 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A2779 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > _List = 0x34A2781
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A2791
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A27A9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A27B1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastPotionId = 0x34A27B9 <Unable to read memory>
GlobalCooldownMgr m_GlobalCooldownMgr
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > m_GlobalCooldowns = 0x34A27C1
unsigned int m_activeSpec = 0x34A2801 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_specsCount = 0x34A2802 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[6] m_Glyphs
[0] = 0x34A2805 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2809 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A280D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A2811 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A2815 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A2819 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2805
unsigned int[6]
[0] = 0x34A281D <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2821 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A2825 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A2829 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A282D <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A2831 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > > m_actionButtons
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2839
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2839
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2839
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2839
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2839
float[2] m_auraBaseMod
[0] = 0x34A2849 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A284D <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2849 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2851 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2855 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2859 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A285D <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2861 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2865 <Unable to read memory>
int[25] m_baseRatingValue
[0] = 0x34A2869 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A286B <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A286D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A286F <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A2871 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A2873 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A2875 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A2877 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A2879 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x34A287B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseSpellPower = 0x34A289D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseFeralAP = 0x34A28A1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseManaRegen = 0x34A28A5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseHealthRegen = 0x34A28A9 <Unable to read memory>
int m_spellPenetrationItemMod = 0x34A28AD <Unable to read memory>
std::list<SpellModifier *,std::allocator<SpellModifier *> >[32] m_spellMods
[0] = 0x34A28B1
[1] = 0x34A28C1
[2] = 0x34A28D1
[3] = 0x34A28E1
[4] = 0x34A28F1
[5] = 0x34A2901
[6] = 0x34A2911
[7] = 0x34A2921
[8] = 0x34A2931
[9] = 0x34A2941
std::list<EnchantDuration,std::allocator<EnchantDuration> > m_enchantDuration
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x34A2AB1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<EnchantDuration,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2AB1
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemDuration
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2AC1
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemSoulboundTradeable
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2AD1
std::mutex m_soulboundTradableLock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x34A2AE1
ObjectGuid m_resurrectGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x34A2B31 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMap = 0x34A2B39 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectX = 0x34A2B3D <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectY = 0x34A2B41 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectZ = 0x34A2B45 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectHealth = 0x34A2B49 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMana = 0x34A2B4D <Unable to read memory>
WorldSession* m_session = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> > m_channels
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Channel *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2B59
unsigned int m_cinematic = 0x34A2B69 <Unable to read memory>
TradeData* m_trade = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_DailyQuestChanged = 0x34A2B79 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_WeeklyQuestChanged = 0x34A2B7A <Unable to read memory>
bool m_MonthlyQuestChanged = 0x34A2B7B <Unable to read memory>
bool m_SeasonalQuestChanged = 0x34A2B7C <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastDailyQuestTime = 0x34A2B81 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_drunkTimer = 0x34A2B89 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_weaponChangeTimer = 0x34A2B8D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateId = 0x34A2B91 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateTimer = 0x34A2B95 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_areaUpdateId = 0x34A2B99 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_deathTimer = 0x34A2B9D <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathExpireTime = 0x34A2BA1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_WeaponProficiency = 0x34A2BA9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArmorProficiency = 0x34A2BAD <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canParry = 0x34A2BB1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canBlock = 0x34A2BB2 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTitanGrip = 0x34A2BB3 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_swingErrorMsg = 0x34A2BB4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_ammoDPS = 0x34A2BB5 <Unable to read memory>
int _restTime = 0x34A2BB9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _innTriggerId = 0x34A2BC1 <Unable to read memory>
float _restBonus = 0x34A2BC5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _restFlagMask = 0x34A2BC9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resetTalentsCost = 0x34A2BCD <Unable to read memory>
int m_resetTalentsTime = 0x34A2BD1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_usedTalentCount = 0x34A2BD9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_questRewardTalentCount = 0x34A2BDD <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_extraBonusTalentCount = 0x34A2BE1 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerSocial* m_social = <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_group
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x34A2C19 <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_originalGroup
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x34A2C49 <Unable to read memory>
Group* m_groupInvite = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_groupUpdateMask = 0x34A2C59 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_auraRaidUpdateMask = 0x34A2C61 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bPassOnGroupLoot = 0x34A2C69 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastpetnumber = 0x34A2C6D <Unable to read memory>
int m_summon_expire = 0x34A2C71 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_summon_mapid = 0x34A2C79 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_x = 0x34A2C7D <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_y = 0x34A2C81 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_z = 0x34A2C85 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_summon_asSpectator = 0x34A2C89 <Unable to read memory>
DeclinedName* m_declinedname = <Unable to read memory>
Runes* m_runes = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > > m_EquipmentSets
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2CA1
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2CA1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2CA1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2CA1
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2CA1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_grantableLevels = 0x34A2CB1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_needZoneUpdate = 0x34A2CB2 <Unable to read memory>
CinematicMgr* _cinematicMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_refundableItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2CC1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2CC1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2CC1
MapReference m_mapRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Map* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastFallTime = 0x34A2CF9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_lastFallZ = 0x34A2CFD <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_MirrorTimer
[0] = 0x34A2D01 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2D05 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A2D09 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlags = 0x34A2D0D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlagsLast = 0x34A2D0E <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInWater = 0x34A2D0F <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation teleportStore_dest
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A2D11 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A2D11 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x34A2D11 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x34A2D15 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x34A2D19 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x34A2D1D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x34A2D21 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int teleportStore_options = 0x34A2D25 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Near = 0x34A2D29 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Far = 0x34A2D31 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_DelayedOperations = 0x34A2D39 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bMustDelayTeleport = 0x34A2D3D <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bHasDelayedTeleport = 0x34A2D3E <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTeleport = 0x34A2D3F <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<PetStable,std::default_delete<PetStable> > m_petStable
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<PetStable>,PetStable *,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2D41 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_temporaryUnsummonedPetNumber = 0x34A2D49 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_oldpetspell = 0x34A2D4D <Unable to read memory>
AchievementMgr* m_achievementMgr = <Unable to read memory>
ReputationMgr* m_reputationMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > > m_spellCooldowns
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2D61 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2D61 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2D61 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2D61
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2D61 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ChampioningFaction = 0x34A2D71 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _instanceResetTimes
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A2D79
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A2D79
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A2D79
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A2D79 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0x34A2D81
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A2D91
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A2DA9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A2DB1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindId = 0x34A2DB9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindTimer = 0x34A2DBD <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _activeCheats = 0x34A2DC1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int healthBeforeDuel = 0x34A2DC5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int manaBeforeDuel = 0x34A2DC9 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInstantFlightOn = 0x34A2DCD <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_flightSpellActivated = 0x34A2DD1 <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation _corpseLocation
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A2DD5 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A2DD5 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x34A2DD5 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x34A2DD9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x34A2DDD <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x34A2DE1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x34A2DE5 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> _farSightDistance
float _Value = 0x34A2DE9 <Unable to read memory>
bool _Has_value = 0x34A2DED <Unable to read memory>
bool _wasOutdoor = 0x34A2DF1 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > > m_charSettingsMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2DF9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2DF9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2DF9 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2DF9
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2DF9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int type = 0x9C
int time = 0x1F6917137A0
Local ChatCommandHolder holder
std::string command = 0xB7DC3FF710 <Unable to read memory>
Player* owner = 0xCCB0A33F7E54
DataMap CustomData = 0xCCB0A33F7E5C
unsigned int m_objectType = 0xCCB0A33F7E9C <Unable to read memory>
int m_objectTypeId = 0xCCB0A33F7EA0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0xCCB0A33F7EA4 <Unable to read memory>
int* m_int32Values = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0xCCB0A33F7EB4
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0xCCB0A33F7EC4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0xCCB0A33F7EC6 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_objectUpdated = 0xCCB0A33F7EC8 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inWorld = 0xCCB0A33F7EC9 <Unable to read memory>
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0xCCB0A33F7ECC
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33F7EFC <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33F7EFC <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0xCCB0A33F7EFC <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0xCCB0A33F7F00 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0xCCB0A33F7F04 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0xCCB0A33F7F08 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xCCB0A33F7F0C <Unable to read memory>
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0xCCB0A33F7F10
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0xCCB0A33F7F1C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0xCCB0A33F7F28
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0xCCB0A33F7F5C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0xCCB0A33F7F90
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0xCCB0A33F7F9C
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0xCCB0A33F7FA8 <Unable to read memory>
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0xCCB0A33F7FAC
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_name = 0xCCB0A33F8024 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0xCCB0A33F8044 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isFarVisible = 0xCCB0A33F8045 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0xCCB0A33F8048 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isWorldObject = 0xCCB0A33F8050 <Unable to read memory>
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _zoneId = 0xCCB0A33F805C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _areaId = 0xCCB0A33F8060 <Unable to read memory>
float _floorZ = 0xCCB0A33F8064 <Unable to read memory>
bool _outdoors = 0xCCB0A33F8068 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidData _liquidData = 0xCCB0A33F806C
bool _updatePositionData = 0xCCB0A33F8080 <Unable to read memory>
Transport* m_transport = <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_currMap = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0xCCB0A33F8094 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0xCCB0A33F8098 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0xCCB0A33F809C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0xCCB0A33F809E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0xCCB0A33F80A0 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0xCCB0A33F80A4
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0xCCB0A33F80E4 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canDualWield = 0xCCB0A33F80E8 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0xCCB0A33F80EC
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0xCCB0A33F80FC
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F810C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F8114 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F811C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8124 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F812C <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F8134 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F813C <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F8144 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F814C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F8154 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F815C <Unable to read memory>
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0xCCB0A33F8164 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0xCCB0A33F8168 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0xCCB0A33F816C <Unable to read memory>
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0xCCB0A33F8170 <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F8174 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F8178 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F817C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8180 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F8184 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F8188 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F818C <Unable to read memory>
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F8190 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F8194 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F8198 <Unable to read memory>
EventProcessor m_Events = 0xCCB0A33F819C
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F81BC
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F81D4
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F81EC
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8204
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F821C
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F8234
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F824C
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F8264
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0xCCB0A33F827C <Unable to read memory>
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0xCCB0A33F8284
bool IsAIEnabled = 0xCCB0A33F8294 <Unable to read memory>
bool NeedChangeAI = 0xCCB0A33F8295 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0xCCB0A33F8296 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0xCCB0A33F8297 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0xCCB0A33F829C
Position m_last_notify_position = 0xCCB0A33F82AC
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0xCCB0A33F82BC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0xCCB0A33F82C0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0xCCB0A33F82C2 <Unable to read memory>
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0xCCB0A33F82C4 <Unable to read memory>
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_AI = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_realRace = 0xCCB0A33F82E4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_race = 0xCCB0A33F82E5 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0xCCB0A33F82E6 <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F82E8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F82EC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F82F0 <Unable to read memory>
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F82F4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F82F8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F82FC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8300 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F8304 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0xCCB0A33F830C
Unit* m_attacking = <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathState = 0xCCB0A33F8354 <Unable to read memory>
int m_procDeep = 0xCCB0A33F8358 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0xCCB0A33F835C
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0xCCB0A33F836C
unsigned int m_transform = 0xCCB0A33F837C <Unable to read memory>
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0xCCB0A33F83A4
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0xCCB0A33F83B4
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0xCCB0A33F83C4
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0xCCB0A33F83D4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0xCCB0A33F83DC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F83E4
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F83F4
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F8404
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8414
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F8424
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F8434
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F8444
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F8454
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F8464
[9] = 0xCCB0A33F8474
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0xCCB0A33F97B4
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0xCCB0A33F97C4
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0xCCB0A33F97D4
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0xCCB0A33F97E4 <Unable to read memory>
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F97E8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F97EC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F97F0 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F97F4 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F97E8
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F97F8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F97FC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9800 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9804 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9808 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F980C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9810 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9814 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9818 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F981C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9820 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9824 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9828 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F982C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9830 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9834 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9838 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F983C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9840 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9844 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9848 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F984C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9850 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9854 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9858 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F985C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9860 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9864 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9868 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F986C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9870 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9874 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9878 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F987C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9880 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9884 <Unable to read memory>
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9978 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F997C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9978 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9980 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9984 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9988 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F998C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canModifyStats = 0xCCB0A33F9990 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0xCCB0A33F9994
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F99A4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F99A8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F99AC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F99B0 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F99B4 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F99B8 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F99BC <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F99C0 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F99C4 <Unable to read memory>
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0xCCB0A33F99D4
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F99EC <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F99F0 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F99F4 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F99F8 <Unable to read memory>
int m_regenTimer = 0xCCB0A33F99FC <Unable to read memory>
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0xCCB0A33F9A04
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0xCCB0A33F9A4C
Vehicle* m_vehicle = <Unable to read memory>
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0xCCB0A33F9A6C <Unable to read memory>
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_applyResilience = 0xCCB0A33F9A7C <Unable to read memory>
bool _instantCast = 0xCCB0A33F9A7D <Unable to read memory>
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0xCCB0A33F9A7E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0xCCB0A33F9A80 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_state = 0xCCB0A33F9A84 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9A88 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0xCCB0A33F9A8C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0xCCB0A33F9A94
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0xCCB0A33F9AA4
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0xCCB0A33F9ADC
Unit* m_comboTarget = <Unable to read memory>
int m_comboPoints = 0xCCB0A33F9B14 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0xCCB0A33F9B1C
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0xCCB0A33F9B5C
bool m_cleanupDone = 0xCCB0A33F9B6C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0xCCB0A33F9B6D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0xCCB0A33F9B70 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0xCCB0A33F9B74 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0xCCB0A33F9B7C
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0xCCB0A33F9BBC <Unable to read memory>
GridReference<Player> _gridRef = 0xCCB0A33F9BC4
std::string autoReplyMsg = 0xCCB0A33F9BEC <Unable to read memory>
PlayerTaxi m_taxi
unsigned int[14] m_taximask
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9C0C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9C10 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9C14 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9C18 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F9C1C <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F9C20 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F9C24 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F9C28 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F9C2C <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0xCCB0A33F9C30 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_TaxiDestinations = 0xCCB0A33F9C44
unsigned int _taxiSegment = 0xCCB0A33F9C5C <Unable to read memory>
int m_logintime = 0xCCB0A33F9C64 <Unable to read memory>
int m_Last_tick = 0xCCB0A33F9C6C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[2] m_Played_time
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9C74 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9C78 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_mailsUpdated = 0xCCB0A33F9C7C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int unReadMails = 0xCCB0A33F9C7D <Unable to read memory>
int m_nextMailDelivereTime = 0xCCB0A33F9C84 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,Item *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > mMitems
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33F9C8C
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33F9C8C
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33F9C8C
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33F9C8C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33F9C94
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33F9CA4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33F9CBC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33F9CC4 <Unable to read memory>
PvPInfo pvpInfo
bool IsHostile = 0xCCB0A33F9CCC <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInHostileArea = 0xCCB0A33F9CCD <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInNoPvPArea = 0xCCB0A33F9CCE <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInFFAPvPArea = 0xCCB0A33F9CCF <Unable to read memory>
int EndTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9CD4 <Unable to read memory>
int FFAPvPEndTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9CDC <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<DuelInfo,std::default_delete<DuelInfo> > duel
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<DuelInfo>,DuelInfo *,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9CE4 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerMenu* PlayerTalkClass = <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<ItemSetEffect *,std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *> > ItemSetEff
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9CF4
SafeUnitPointer m_mover
Unit* ptr = <Unable to read memory>
Unit* defaultValue = <Unable to read memory>
WorldObject* m_seer = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_isInSharedVisionOf
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9D24 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9D24 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9D24
unsigned int m_recallMap = 0xCCB0A33F9D34 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallX = 0xCCB0A33F9D38 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallY = 0xCCB0A33F9D3C <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallZ = 0xCCB0A33F9D40 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallO = 0xCCB0A33F9D44 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindMapId = 0xCCB0A33F9D48 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindAreaId = 0xCCB0A33F9D4C <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindX = 0xCCB0A33F9D50 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindY = 0xCCB0A33F9D54 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindZ = 0xCCB0A33F9D58 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_clientGUIDs
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0xCCB0A33F9D64
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33F9D74
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33F9D8C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33F9D94 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_newVisible
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Unit *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9D9C
unsigned int[9] m_forced_speed_changes
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB5 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB6 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB7 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB8 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB9 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F9DBA <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F9DBB <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F9DBC <Unable to read memory>
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_DFQuests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9DC4 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9DC4 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9DC4
unsigned int m_HomebindTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9DD4 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_InstanceValid = 0xCCB0A33F9DD8 <Unable to read memory>
Spell* m_spellModTakingSpell = <Unable to read memory>
bool isDebugAreaTriggers = 0xCCB0A33F9DE4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorForBG = 0xCCB0A33F9DE8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId = 0xCCB0A33F9DEC <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_receivedSpectatorResetFor
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9DF4
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9DF4
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9DF4
ObjectGuid m_drwGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0xCCB0A33F9E04 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_charmUpdateTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9E0C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > WhisperList
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9E14
bool m_NeedToSaveGlyphs = 0xCCB0A33F9E24 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MountBlockId = 0xCCB0A33F9E28 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realDodge = 0xCCB0A33F9E2C <Unable to read memory>
float m_realParry = 0xCCB0A33F9E30 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[10] m_charmAISpells
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9E34 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9E38 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9E3C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9E40 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F9E44 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F9E48 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F9E4C <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F9E50 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F9E54 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0xCCB0A33F9E58 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_AreaID = 0xCCB0A33F9E5C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_regenTimerCount = 0xCCB0A33F9E60 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_foodEmoteTimerCount = 0xCCB0A33F9E64 <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_powerFraction
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9E68 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9E6C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9E70 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9E74 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F9E78 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F9E7C <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F9E80 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_contestedPvPTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9E84 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0xCCB0A33F7E54 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0xCCB0A33F7E58 <Unable to read memory>
std::array<Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec,2> _BgBattlegroundQueueID
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0xCCB0A33F9E88 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0xCCB0A33F9E8C <Unable to read memory>
Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec[2] _Elems
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9E88 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9E90 <Unable to read memory>
BGData m_bgData
unsigned int bgInstanceID = 0xCCB0A33F9E9C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgTypeID = 0xCCB0A33F9EA0 <Unable to read memory>
int bgTeamId = 0xCCB0A33F9EA4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueSlot = 0xCCB0A33F9EA8 <Unable to read memory>
bool isInvited = 0xCCB0A33F9EAC <Unable to read memory>
bool bgIsRandom = 0xCCB0A33F9EAD <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > bgAfkReporter = 0xCCB0A33F9EB4
unsigned int bgAfkReportedCount = 0xCCB0A33F9EC4 <Unable to read memory>
int bgAfkReportedTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9ECC <Unable to read memory>
bool m_IsBGRandomWinner = 0xCCB0A33F9ED4 <Unable to read memory>
EntryPointData m_entryPointData
unsigned int mountSpell = 0xCCB0A33F9EDC <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > taxiPath = 0xCCB0A33F9EE4
WorldLocation joinPos = 0xCCB0A33F9EFC
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_timedquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F14 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F14 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9F14
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_weeklyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F24
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F24
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9F24
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_monthlyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F34
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F34
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9F34
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > m_seasonalquests
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33F9F44
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33F9F44
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33F9F44
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33F9F44 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > _List = 0xCCB0A33F9F4C
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33F9F5C
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33F9F74 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33F9F7C <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_divider
unsigned int _guid = 0xCCB0A33F9F84 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ingametime = 0xCCB0A33F9F8C <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastHonorUpdateTime = 0xCCB0A33F9F94 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_lootGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0xCCB0A33F9F9C <Unable to read memory>
int m_team = 0xCCB0A33F9FA4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_nextSave = 0xCCB0A33F9FA8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9FAC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveMask = 0xCCB0A33F9FAE <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9FB0 <Unable to read memory>
int m_speakTime = 0xCCB0A33F9FB4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_speakCount = 0xCCB0A33F9FBC <Unable to read memory>
int m_dungeonDifficulty = 0xCCB0A33F9FC0 <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidDifficulty = 0xCCB0A33F9FC4 <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidMapDifficulty = 0xCCB0A33F9FC8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_atLoginFlags = 0xCCB0A33F9FCC <Unable to read memory>
Item*[150] m_items
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_currentBuybackSlot = 0xCCB0A33FA484 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemUpdateQueue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Item *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA48C
bool m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked = 0xCCB0A33FA4A4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ExtraFlags = 0xCCB0A33FA4A8 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > > m_QuestStatus
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_QuestStatusSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
std::unordered_set<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_RewardedQuests
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FA4CC
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FA4CC
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FA4CC
std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FA4CC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > _List = 0xCCB0A33FA4D4
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<unsigned int> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FA4E4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FA4FC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FA504 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_RewardedQuestsSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA50C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA50C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA50C <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA50C
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA50C
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > mSkillStatus
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FA51C
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FA51C
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FA51C
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FA51C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33FA524
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FA534
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FA54C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FA554 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_GuildIdInvited = 0xCCB0A33FA55C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArenaTeamIdInvited = 0xCCB0A33FA560 <Unable to read memory>
std::deque<Mail *,std::allocator<Mail *> > m_mail
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Mail *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA564
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > m_spells
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FA58C <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FA58C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FA58C <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FA58C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33FA594
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FA5A4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FA5BC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FA5C4 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > m_talents
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FA5CC <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FA5CC <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FA5CC <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FA5CC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33FA5D4
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FA5E4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FA5FC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FA604 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastPotionId = 0xCCB0A33FA60C <Unable to read memory>
GlobalCooldownMgr m_GlobalCooldownMgr
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > m_GlobalCooldowns = 0xCCB0A33FA614
unsigned int m_activeSpec = 0xCCB0A33FA654 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_specsCount = 0xCCB0A33FA655 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[6] m_Glyphs
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA658 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA65C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FA660 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33FA664 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33FA668 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33FA66C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA658
unsigned int[6]
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA670 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA674 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FA678 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33FA67C <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33FA680 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33FA684 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > > m_actionButtons
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
float[2] m_auraBaseMod
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA69C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6A0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA69C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA6A4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6A8 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA6AC <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6B0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA6B4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6B8 <Unable to read memory>
int[25] m_baseRatingValue
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA6BC <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6BE <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C0 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C2 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C4 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C6 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C8 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33FA6CA <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33FA6CC <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0xCCB0A33FA6CE <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseSpellPower = 0xCCB0A33FA6F0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseFeralAP = 0xCCB0A33FA6F4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseManaRegen = 0xCCB0A33FA6F8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseHealthRegen = 0xCCB0A33FA6FC <Unable to read memory>
int m_spellPenetrationItemMod = 0xCCB0A33FA700 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<SpellModifier *,std::allocator<SpellModifier *> >[32] m_spellMods
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA704
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA714
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FA724
[3] = 0xCCB0A33FA734
[4] = 0xCCB0A33FA744
[5] = 0xCCB0A33FA754
[6] = 0xCCB0A33FA764
[7] = 0xCCB0A33FA774
[8] = 0xCCB0A33FA784
[9] = 0xCCB0A33FA794
std::list<EnchantDuration,std::allocator<EnchantDuration> > m_enchantDuration
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0xCCB0A33FA904
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<EnchantDuration,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA904
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemDuration
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA914
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemSoulboundTradeable
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA924
std::mutex m_soulboundTradableLock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0xCCB0A33FA934
ObjectGuid m_resurrectGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0xCCB0A33FA984 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMap = 0xCCB0A33FA98C <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectX = 0xCCB0A33FA990 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectY = 0xCCB0A33FA994 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectZ = 0xCCB0A33FA998 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectHealth = 0xCCB0A33FA99C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMana = 0xCCB0A33FA9A0 <Unable to read memory>
WorldSession* m_session = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> > m_channels
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Channel *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA9AC
unsigned int m_cinematic = 0xCCB0A33FA9BC <Unable to read memory>
TradeData* m_trade = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_DailyQuestChanged = 0xCCB0A33FA9CC <Unable to read memory>
bool m_WeeklyQuestChanged = 0xCCB0A33FA9CD <Unable to read memory>
bool m_MonthlyQuestChanged = 0xCCB0A33FA9CE <Unable to read memory>
bool m_SeasonalQuestChanged = 0xCCB0A33FA9CF <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastDailyQuestTime = 0xCCB0A33FA9D4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_drunkTimer = 0xCCB0A33FA9DC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_weaponChangeTimer = 0xCCB0A33FA9E0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateId = 0xCCB0A33FA9E4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateTimer = 0xCCB0A33FA9E8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_areaUpdateId = 0xCCB0A33FA9EC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_deathTimer = 0xCCB0A33FA9F0 <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathExpireTime = 0xCCB0A33FA9F4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_WeaponProficiency = 0xCCB0A33FA9FC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArmorProficiency = 0xCCB0A33FAA00 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canParry = 0xCCB0A33FAA04 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canBlock = 0xCCB0A33FAA05 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTitanGrip = 0xCCB0A33FAA06 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_swingErrorMsg = 0xCCB0A33FAA07 <Unable to read memory>
float m_ammoDPS = 0xCCB0A33FAA08 <Unable to read memory>
int _restTime = 0xCCB0A33FAA0C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _innTriggerId = 0xCCB0A33FAA14 <Unable to read memory>
float _restBonus = 0xCCB0A33FAA18 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _restFlagMask = 0xCCB0A33FAA1C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resetTalentsCost = 0xCCB0A33FAA20 <Unable to read memory>
int m_resetTalentsTime = 0xCCB0A33FAA24 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_usedTalentCount = 0xCCB0A33FAA2C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_questRewardTalentCount = 0xCCB0A33FAA30 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_extraBonusTalentCount = 0xCCB0A33FAA34 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerSocial* m_social = <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_group
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0xCCB0A33FAA6C <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_originalGroup
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0xCCB0A33FAA9C <Unable to read memory>
Group* m_groupInvite = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_groupUpdateMask = 0xCCB0A33FAAAC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_auraRaidUpdateMask = 0xCCB0A33FAAB4 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bPassOnGroupLoot = 0xCCB0A33FAABC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastpetnumber = 0xCCB0A33FAAC0 <Unable to read memory>
int m_summon_expire = 0xCCB0A33FAAC4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_summon_mapid = 0xCCB0A33FAACC <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_x = 0xCCB0A33FAAD0 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_y = 0xCCB0A33FAAD4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_z = 0xCCB0A33FAAD8 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_summon_asSpectator = 0xCCB0A33FAADC <Unable to read memory>
DeclinedName* m_declinedname = <Unable to read memory>
Runes* m_runes = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > > m_EquipmentSets
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_grantableLevels = 0xCCB0A33FAB04 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_needZoneUpdate = 0xCCB0A33FAB05 <Unable to read memory>
CinematicMgr* _cinematicMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_refundableItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAB14
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAB14
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FAB14
MapReference m_mapRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Map* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastFallTime = 0xCCB0A33FAB4C <Unable to read memory>
float m_lastFallZ = 0xCCB0A33FAB50 <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_MirrorTimer
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FAB54 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FAB58 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FAB5C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlags = 0xCCB0A33FAB60 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlagsLast = 0xCCB0A33FAB61 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInWater = 0xCCB0A33FAB62 <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation teleportStore_dest
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33FAB64 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33FAB64 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0xCCB0A33FAB64 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0xCCB0A33FAB68 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0xCCB0A33FAB6C <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0xCCB0A33FAB70 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xCCB0A33FAB74 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int teleportStore_options = 0xCCB0A33FAB78 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Near = 0xCCB0A33FAB7C <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Far = 0xCCB0A33FAB84 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_DelayedOperations = 0xCCB0A33FAB8C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bMustDelayTeleport = 0xCCB0A33FAB90 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bHasDelayedTeleport = 0xCCB0A33FAB91 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTeleport = 0xCCB0A33FAB92 <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<PetStable,std::default_delete<PetStable> > m_petStable
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<PetStable>,PetStable *,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FAB94 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_temporaryUnsummonedPetNumber = 0xCCB0A33FAB9C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_oldpetspell = 0xCCB0A33FABA0 <Unable to read memory>
AchievementMgr* m_achievementMgr = <Unable to read memory>
ReputationMgr* m_reputationMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > > m_spellCooldowns
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FABB4 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FABB4 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FABB4 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FABB4
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FABB4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ChampioningFaction = 0xCCB0A33FABC4 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _instanceResetTimes
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FABCC
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FABCC
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FABCC
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FABCC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33FABD4
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FABE4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FABFC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FAC04 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindId = 0xCCB0A33FAC0C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindTimer = 0xCCB0A33FAC10 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _activeCheats = 0xCCB0A33FAC14 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int healthBeforeDuel = 0xCCB0A33FAC18 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int manaBeforeDuel = 0xCCB0A33FAC1C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInstantFlightOn = 0xCCB0A33FAC20 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_flightSpellActivated = 0xCCB0A33FAC24 <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation _corpseLocation
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33FAC28 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33FAC28 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0xCCB0A33FAC28 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0xCCB0A33FAC2C <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0xCCB0A33FAC30 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0xCCB0A33FAC34 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xCCB0A33FAC38 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> _farSightDistance
float _Value = 0xCCB0A33FAC3C <Unable to read memory>
bool _Has_value = 0xCCB0A33FAC40 <Unable to read memory>
bool _wasOutdoor = 0xCCB0A33FAC44 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > > m_charSettingsMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int type = 0x357D08BA
int time = 0x1F65F00E2D0
Local std::string command = 0xB7DC3FF6D0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::basic_ostringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > out
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >
std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >
__std_exception_data _Data = 0xB7DC3FF5C8
std::error_code _Mycode = 0xB7DC3FF5D8
unsigned int _Stdstr = 0x9C
<user defined> std::_Crt_new_delete = 0x1
std::ios_base::_Iosarray* _Next = 0x34A0001
int _Index = 0x9C
long _Lo = 0x0
void* _Vp = 0x1F6917137A0
<user defined> std::_Crt_new_delete = 0x1
std::ios_base::_Fnarray* _Next = 0x34A0001
int _Index = 0x9C
<user defined>* _Pfn = 0x1F6917137A0
int _Mystate = 0x917137A0
int _Except = 0x1F6
int _Fmtfl = 0x5F00E20F
int _Prec = 0x43C7E6C600000084
int _Wide = 0x7FF70A4F733B
std::ios_base::_Iosarray* _Arr = 0x51C0008
std::ios_base::_Fnarray* _Calls = 0x9D
std::locale* _Ploc = 0x1F69C1C4490
std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >* _Mystrbuf = 0x1F668C10000
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >* _Tiestr = 0x1F668C102A8
char _Fillch = "�J
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >& _Myostr = 0x34A0001
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::_Sentry_base
<user defined> _Myostr = 0x34A0001
bool _Ok = 0x9C
std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >
<user defined> _Mystrbuf = 0x1F668C10000
<user defined> _Tiestr = 0x1F668C102A8
char _Fillch = "�J
std::basic_stringbuf<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > _Stringbuffer
std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >
char* _Gfirst = "�0�h�"
char* _Pfirst = ""
char** _IGfirst = <Unable to read memory>
char** _IPfirst = 0xE0249C8B48 <Unable to read memory>
char* _Gnext = 0x51C0008 <Unable to read memory>
char* _Pnext = 0x9D <Unable to read memory>
char** _IGnext = "p�h�"
char** _IPnext = NULL
int _Gcount = 0x68C102A8
int _Pcount = 0x1F6
int* _IGcount = 0x8C48148
int* _IPcount = NULL
std::locale* _Plocale = 0x1F668C1F000
char* _Ptr = 0x9C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Size = 0x1F6917137A0
unsigned int _Res = 0x1F65F00E20F
char* _Seekhigh = 0xCCB0A33F7DD4 <Unable to read memory>
int _Mystate = 0x68C10000
Local bool logout = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local PlayerbotMgr* masterBotMgr = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF709A4CB82 000000B7DC3FF890 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAI+472 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 250
Parameter bool minimal = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local Spell* currentSpell = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPackets::Character::LogoutCancel data
WorldPacket _worldPacket = 0xB7DC3FF828
00007FF709A12323 000000B7DC3FF8C0 PlayerbotsPlayerScript::OnAfterUpdate+33 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\Playerbots.cpp line 114
Local PlayerbotsPlayerScript* this = 0x1F668BFDA80
std::string _name = "�տh�"
Local PlayerbotMgr* playerbotMgr = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF70A8828B1 000000B7DC3FF8F0 ExecuteScript<PlayerScript>+61 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Scripting\ScriptMgrMacros.h line 61
Parameter std::function<void __cdecl(PlayerScript *)>* executeHook = 0xB7DC3FF930
std::_Func_class<void,PlayerScript *>
float _Dummy1 = 0.000000
char[56] _Dummy2 = "(� �..."
std::_Func_base<void,PlayerScript *>*[8] _Ptrs
[0] = 0x7FF70B11FA28
[1] = 0xB7DC3FF988
[2] = 0xB7DC3FF990
[3] = NULL
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F7074
[5] = NULL
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F7034
[7] = 0xB7DC3FF930
std::_Func_class<void,PlayerScript *>::_Storage _Mystorage
float _Dummy1 = 0.000000
<user defined> _Dummy2 = 0xB7DC3FF930
<user defined> _Ptrs = 0xB7DC3FF930
00007FF70A88578E 000000B7DC3FF970 ScriptMgr::OnAfterPlayerUpdate+5E C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Scripting\ScriptDefines\PlayerScript.cpp line 314
Local ScriptMgr* this = 0x1F695F25508
unsigned int _scriptCount = 0x9EE647D8
std::atomic<long> _scheduledScripts
std::_Atomic_padded<long> _Storage = 0x1F6
<user defined>* _script_loader_callback = 0x1F600000000
<user defined>* _modules_loader_callback = 0x1F695F238A0
Parameter Player* player = 0x1F65E9E59A0
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F65E9E59A8
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x19
int m_objectTypeId = 0x4
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x60
int* m_int32Values = 0xA8
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0xA8
float* m_floatValues = 0.000000
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F65E9E5A00
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x52E
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x100
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x0
bool m_inWorld = 0x0
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F65E9E5A18
Position* Pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
float m_positionX = 1882.939941
float m_positionY = 1629.109985
float m_positionZ = 94.417503
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x0
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F65E9E5A5C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F65E9E5A68
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F65E9E5A74
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F65E9E5AA8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F65E9E5ADC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F65E9E5AE8
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F65E9E5AF8
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = NULL
std::string m_name = "Thrasilaus"
bool m_isActive = 0x1
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x0
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x1
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = NULL
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x55
unsigned int _areaId = 0x9A
float _floorZ = 94.417076
bool _outdoors = 0x1
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F65E9E5BB8
bool _updatePositionData = 0x0
Transport* m_transport = NULL
Map* m_currMap = 0x1F61FD1DCD0
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x1
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x0
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x0
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F65E9E5BF0
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x0
bool m_canDualWield = 0x0
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x5F0A75A0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x5F0A75A0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5C38
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer
Unit* ptr = 0x1F65E9E59A0
Unit* defaultValue = 0x1F65E9E59A0
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x5
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 1.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[4] = 1.000000
[5] = 1.000000
[6] = 1.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0.970693
[1] = 0.970693
[2] = 0.970693
EventProcessor m_Events
unsigned int m_time = 0x268A5F
std::multimap<unsigned __int64,BasicEvent *,std::less<unsigned __int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned __int64 const ,BasicEvent *> > > m_events = 0x1F65E9E5CF0
bool m_aborting = 0x0
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F65E9E5D08
[1] = 0x1F65E9E5D20
[2] = 0x1F65E9E5D38
[3] = 0x1F65E9E5D50
[4] = 0x1F65E9E5D68
[5] = 0x1F65E9E5D80
[6] = 0x1F65E9E5D98
[7] = 0x1F65E9E5DB0
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x0
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E5DD0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E5DD0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<PetAura const *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<PetAura const *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<PetAura const *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5DD0
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x0
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x0
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x1
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x0
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E5DE8
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E5DE8
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<SafeUnitPointer *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<SafeUnitPointer *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5DE8
Position m_last_notify_position
Position* Pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
float m_positionX = 1882.939941
float m_positionY = 1629.109985
float m_positionZ = 94.417503
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x1823C5
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x1F63B8E9270
Movement::Spline<int> spline = 0x1F63B8E9270
Movement::FacingInfo facing = 0x1F63B8E92C8
unsigned int m_Id = 0x59DC3
Movement::MoveSplineFlag splineflags = 0x20100
int time_passed = 0x1
float vertical_acceleration = 0.000000
float initialOrientation = 0.000000
int effect_start_time = 0x0
int point_Idx = 0x1
int point_Idx_offset = 0x0
bool onTransport = 0x0
UnitAI* i_AI = NULL
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = NULL
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x5
unsigned int m_race = 0x5
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x1
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 35.000000
[1] = 41.000000
[2] = 60.000000
[3] = 179.000000
[4] = 179.000000
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x0
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F069690
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x0
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x0
std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > _List = 0x1F65E9E5E60
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Unit *> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E5E70
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
Unit* m_attacking = NULL
int m_deathState = 0x0
int m_procDeep = 0x0
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> >& _List = 0x1F65F0696F0
std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F65F0696B0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<DynamicObject *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5EA8
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = 0x1F65F0696B0
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5EB8
unsigned int m_transform = 0x0
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
[3] = NULL
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E190570
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E190570
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E190570
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5EF0
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E5EF0
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E5F00
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E5F00
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E5F00
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5F00
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E5F00
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> >& _List = 0x1F65F069410
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F6927ED010
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Aura *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Aura *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5F10
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator
std::_Tree_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > >
std::_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > >,std::_Iterator_base0>
std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *>,void *>* _Ptr = 0x1F65E190570
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x6
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F65E9E5F30
[1] = 0x1F65E9E5F40
[2] = 0x1F65E9E5F50
[3] = 0x1F65E9E5F60
[4] = 0x1F65E9E5F70
[5] = 0x1F65E9E5F80
[6] = 0x1F65E9E5F90
[7] = 0x1F65E9E5FA0
[8] = 0x1F65E9E5FB0
[9] = 0x1F65E9E5FC0
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> >& _List = 0x1F65F062710
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F65F0627D0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Aura *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Aura *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7300
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> >& _List = 0x1F65F0627D0
std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F65E18D8F0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<AuraApplication *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7310
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E7320
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7320
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7320
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7320
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E7320
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x0
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0x1F65E9E7334
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 143.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 46.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 80.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
[0] = 0x400000003F800000
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x1
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E74E0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E74E0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E74E0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E74E0
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E74E0
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
[2] = 1.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[4] = 1.000000
[5] = 1.000000
[6] = 1.000000
[7] = 1.000000
[8] = 1.000000
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = NULL
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> >& _List = 0x1F65F062530
std::_List_node<Player *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Player *,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Player *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Player *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7520
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = 0x1F65E18EFF0
std::vector<MovementGenerator *,std::allocator<MovementGenerator *> >* _expList = NULL
MovementGenerator*[3] Impl
[0] = 0x7FF70B5DD140
[1] = 0x1F69217B7C0
[2] = NULL
int _top = 0x1
Unit* _owner = 0x1F65E9E59A0
bool[3] _needInit
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x1
unsigned int _cleanFlag = 0x0
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
int m_regenTimer = 0x0
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr
HostileReference* iCurrentVictim = NULL
Unit* iOwner = 0x1F65E9E59A0
unsigned int iUpdateTimer = 0x7D0
ThreatContainer iThreatContainer = 0x1F65E9E7568
ThreatContainer iThreatOfflineContainer = 0x1F65E9E7580
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xF0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xF0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xF0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7598
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E7598
Vehicle* m_vehicle = NULL
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = NULL
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x0
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = NULL
bool m_applyResilience = 0x1
bool _instantCast = 0x0
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x0
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x0
unsigned int m_state = 0x21
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x10FC7D
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F65E9E75E0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<DiminishingReturn,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<DiminishingReturn> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E75E0
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x1F65E9E75F8
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x1F65E9E7608
unsigned int iSize = 0x0
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x5E9E7608
<user defined> iterator = 0x5E9E7608
<user defined> iterator = 0x1F65E9E75F0
Unit* iOwner = 0x1F65E9E59A0
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x1F65E9E7630
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x1F65E9E7640
unsigned int iSize = 0x0
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x5E9E7640
<user defined> iterator = 0x5E9E7640
<user defined> iterator = 0x1F65E9E7628
Unit* m_comboTarget = NULL
int m_comboPoints = 0x0
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E7668
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F062730
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F65E9E7668
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F65E9E7668
std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > _List = 0x1F65E9E7670
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Unit *> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E7680
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo
ObjectGuid _targetGUID = 0x0
unsigned int _threatPct = 0x0
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x0
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x0
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x0
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x0
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > _List = 0x1F65E9E76D0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E76E0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
GridReference<Player> _gridRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = NULL
LinkedListElement* iPrev = NULL
GridRefMgr<Player>* iRefTo = NULL
Player* iRefFrom = NULL
std::string autoReplyMsg = ""
PlayerTaxi m_taxi
unsigned int[14] m_taximask
[0] = 0x400
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x4
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_TaxiDestinations
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned int>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned int> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7790
unsigned int _taxiSegment = 0x0
int m_logintime = 0x628F0550
int m_Last_tick = 0x628F0F2E
unsigned int[2] m_Played_time
[0] = 0x9DE
[1] = 0x9DE
bool m_mailsUpdated = 0x0
unsigned int unReadMails = 0x0
int m_nextMailDelivereTime = 0x0
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,Item *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > mMitems
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A7480
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > _List = 0x1F65E9E77E0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E77F0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
PvPInfo pvpInfo
bool IsHostile = 0x0
bool IsInHostileArea = 0x0
bool IsInNoPvPArea = 0x0
bool IsInFFAPvPArea = 0x0
int EndTimer = 0x0
int FFAPvPEndTimer = 0x0
std::unique_ptr<DuelInfo,std::default_delete<DuelInfo> > duel
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<DuelInfo>,DuelInfo *,1> _Mypair
DuelInfo* _Myval2 = NULL
PlayerMenu* PlayerTalkClass = 0x1F65F094740
GossipMenu _gossipMenu
std::map<unsigned int,GossipMenuItem,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GossipMenuItem> > > _menuItems = 0x1F65F094740
std::map<unsigned int,GossipMenuItemData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GossipMenuItemData> > > _menuItemData = 0x1F65F094750
unsigned int _menuId = 0x0
int _locale = 0x0
QuestMenu _questMenu
std::vector<QuestMenuItem,std::allocator<QuestMenuItem> > _questMenuItems = 0x1F65F094768
WorldSession* _session = 0x1F65E24D410
int m_muteTime = 0x0
std::atomic<__int64> m_timeOutTime = 0x0
unsigned int _lastAuctionListItemsMSTime = 0x0
unsigned int _lastAuctionListOwnerItemsMSTime = 0x0
AsyncCallbackProcessor<QueryCallback> _queryProcessor = 0x1F65E24D428
AsyncCallbackProcessor<TransactionCallback> _transactionCallbacks = 0x1F65E24D440
AsyncCallbackProcessor<SQLQueryHolderCallback> _queryHolderProcessor = 0x1F65E24D458
WorldSession* Session = NULL
int _policy = 0x0
std::unordered_map<unsigned short,PacketCounter,std::hash<unsigned short>,std::equal_to<unsigned short>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned short const ,PacketCounter> > > _PacketThrottlingMap = 0x1F65E24D420
WorldSession::DosProtection AntiDOS = 0x1F65E24D470
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _legitCharacters = 0x1F65E24D4C0
unsigned int m_GUIDLow = 0xA8
Player* _player = 0x1F65E9E59A0
std::shared_ptr<WorldSocket> m_Socket = 0x1F65E24D4E0
std::string m_Address = "bot"
int _security = 0x0
bool _skipQueue = 0x0
unsigned int _accountId = 0x11
std::string _accountName = ""
unsigned int m_expansion = 0x2
unsigned int m_total_time = 0x9DE
std::unique_ptr<Warden,std::default_delete<Warden> > _warden = 0x0
int _logoutTime = 0x0
bool m_inQueue = 0x0
bool m_playerLoading = 0x0
bool m_playerLogout = 0x0
bool m_playerSave = 0x0
int m_sessionDbcLocale = 0x0
int m_sessionDbLocaleIndex = 0x0
std::atomic<unsigned int> m_latency = 0x0
AccountData[8] m_accountData
[0] = 0x1F65E24D568
[1] = 0x1F65E24D590
[2] = 0x1F65E24D5B8
[3] = 0x1F65E24D5E0
[4] = 0x1F65E24D608
[5] = 0x1F65E24D630
[6] = 0x1F65E24D658
[7] = 0x1F65E24D680
unsigned int[8] m_Tutorials
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
bool m_TutorialsChanged = 0x0
std::list<AddonInfo,std::allocator<AddonInfo> > m_addonsList = 0x1F65E24D6D0
unsigned int recruiterId = 0x0
bool isRecruiter = 0x0
LockedQueue<WorldPacket *,std::deque<WorldPacket *,std::allocator<WorldPacket *> > > _recvQueue = 0x1F65E24D6E8
unsigned int m_currentVendorEntry = 0x0
ObjectGuid m_currentBankerGUID = 0x0
unsigned int _offlineTime = 0x0
bool _kicked = 0x0
bool _shouldSetOfflineInDB = 0x1
int _calendarEventCreationCooldown = 0x0
CircularBuffer<std::pair<__int64,unsigned int> > _timeSyncClockDeltaQueue = 0x1F65E24D790
int _timeSyncClockDelta = 0x0
std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> > > _pendingTimeSyncRequests = 0x1F65E24D810
unsigned int _timeSyncNextCounter = 0xFC
unsigned int _timeSyncTimer = 0x1D14
bool _isBot = 0x1
std::vector<ItemSetEffect *,std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *> > ItemSetEff
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E7840
SafeUnitPointer m_mover
Unit* ptr = 0x1F65E9E59A0
Unit* defaultValue = 0x1F65E9E59A0
WorldObject* m_seer = 0x1F65E9E59A0
<user defined> m_stealth = 0x1F65E9E5A5C
<user defined> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F65E9E5A68
<user defined> m_invisibility = 0x1F65E9E5A74
<user defined> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F65E9E5AA8
<user defined> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F65E9E5ADC
<user defined> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F65E9E5AE8
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
<user defined> m_movementInfo = 0x1F65E9E5AF8
<user defined> elunaEvents = 0x0
<user defined> m_name = 0x1F65E9E5B70
bool m_isActive = 0x1
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
<user defined> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x0
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x1
<user defined> m_zoneScript = 0x0
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x55
unsigned int _areaId = 0x9A
float _floorZ = 94.417076
bool _outdoors = 0x1
<user defined> _liquidData = 0x1F65E9E5BB8
bool _updatePositionData = 0x0
<user defined> m_transport = 0x0
<user defined> m_currMap = 0x1F61FD1DCD0
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x1
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x0
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x0
<user defined> _allowedLooters = 0x1F65E9E5BF0
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_isInSharedVisionOf
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7870
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7870
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7870
unsigned int m_recallMap = 0x0
float m_recallX = 1676.709961
float m_recallY = 1678.310059
float m_recallZ = 121.669998
float m_recallO = 2.705260
unsigned int m_homebindMapId = 0x0
unsigned int m_homebindAreaId = 0x55
float m_homebindX = 1676.709961
float m_homebindY = 1678.310059
float m_homebindZ = 121.669998
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_clientGUIDs
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E78A8
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x1F65E9E78A8
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F65E9E78A8
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F65E9E78A8
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0x1F65E9E78B0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E78C0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1FF
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x200
std::vector<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_newVisible
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Unit *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E78E8
unsigned int[9] m_forced_speed_changes
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x1
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_DFQuests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65F0A7990
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65F0A7990
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7910
unsigned int m_HomebindTimer = 0x0
bool m_InstanceValid = 0x1
Spell* m_spellModTakingSpell = NULL
bool isDebugAreaTriggers = 0x0
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorForBG = 0x0
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId = 0x0
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_receivedSpectatorResetFor
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7940
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7940
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7940
ObjectGuid m_drwGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
unsigned int m_charmUpdateTimer = 0x0
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > WhisperList
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = 0x1F65F062450
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = NULL
<user defined>* _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E7960
bool m_NeedToSaveGlyphs = 0x0
unsigned int m_MountBlockId = 0x0
float m_realDodge = 0.000000
float m_realParry = 0.000000
unsigned int[10] m_charmAISpells
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x85
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
unsigned int m_AreaID = 0x0
unsigned int m_regenTimerCount = 0x6FF
unsigned int m_foodEmoteTimerCount = 0x317
float[7] m_powerFraction
[0] = 0.024753
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = 0.000000
unsigned int m_contestedPvPTimer = 0x0
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x0
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x7FF7
std::array<Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec,2> _BgBattlegroundQueueID
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x7
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x1
Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec[2] _Elems
[0] = 0x100000007
[1] = 0x0
BGData m_bgData
unsigned int bgInstanceID = 0x1
unsigned int bgTypeID = 0x20
int bgTeamId = 0x1
unsigned int bgQueueSlot = 0x0
bool isInvited = 0x1
bool bgIsRandom = 0x1
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > bgAfkReporter
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A00
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A00
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A00
unsigned int bgAfkReportedCount = 0x0
int bgAfkReportedTimer = 0x628F0FDC
bool m_IsBGRandomWinner = 0x0
EntryPointData m_entryPointData
unsigned int mountSpell = 0x0
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > taxiPath
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned int>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned int> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A30
WorldLocation joinPos
Position* Pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
float m_positionX = 1882.939941
float m_positionY = 1629.109985
float m_positionZ = 94.417503
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x0
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_timedquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x5F0A7840
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x5F0A7840
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A60
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_weeklyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A70
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A70
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A70
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_monthlyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A80
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A80
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A80
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > m_seasonalquests
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E7A90
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A71B0
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F65E9E7A90
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F65E9E7A90
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > _List = 0x1F65E9E7A98
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E7AA8
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
ObjectGuid m_divider
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
unsigned int m_ingametime = 0x15FAB
int m_lastHonorUpdateTime = 0x628F0D65
ObjectGuid m_lootGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
int m_team = 0x1
unsigned int m_nextSave = 0x6C556
unsigned int m_additionalSaveTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_additionalSaveMask = 0x0
unsigned int m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer = 0x3336
int m_speakTime = 0x628F0B25
unsigned int m_speakCount = 0x1
int m_dungeonDifficulty = 0x0
int m_raidDifficulty = 0x0
int m_raidMapDifficulty = 0x0
unsigned int m_atLoginFlags = 0x0
Item*[150] m_items
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
[3] = NULL
[4] = 0x1F63781C480
[5] = NULL
[6] = NULL
[7] = 0x1F63781C860
[8] = NULL
[9] = NULL
unsigned int m_currentBuybackSlot = 0x4A
std::vector<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemUpdateQueue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Item *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E7FD8
bool m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked = 0x0
unsigned int m_ExtraFlags = 0xC
std::map<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > > m_QuestStatus
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65F0941A0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65F0941A0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65F0941A0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7FF8
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E7FF8
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_QuestStatusSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E8008
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E8008
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E8008
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E8008
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E8008
std::unordered_set<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_RewardedQuests
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E8018
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F062210
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Next = 0x84
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F65E9E8018
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F65E9E8018
std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > _List = 0x1F65E9E8020
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<unsigned int> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E8030
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1FF
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x200
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_RewardedQuestsSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65F0A78D0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65F0A78D0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65F0A78D0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E8058
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E8058
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > mSkillStatus
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E8068
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A7900
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Next = 0x16
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F65E9E8068
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F65E9E8068
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > _List = 0x1F65E9E8070
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E8080
unsigned int _Mask = 0x3F
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x40
unsigned int m_GuildIdInvited = 0x0
unsigned int m_ArenaTeamIdInvited = 0x0
std::deque<Mail *,std::allocator<Mail *> > m_mail
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Mail *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E80B0
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > m_spells
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A71E0
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Next = 0x22E
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > _List = 0x1F65E9E80E0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E80F0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x3FF
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x400
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > m_talents
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A7930
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > _List = 0x1F65E9E8120
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E8130
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
unsigned int m_lastPotionId = 0x0
GlobalCooldownMgr m_GlobalCooldownMgr
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > m_GlobalCooldowns
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A7360
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown>,void *>* _Next = 0x1
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > _List = 0x1F65E9E8168
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E8178
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
unsigned int m_activeSpec = 0x0
unsigned int m_specsCount = 0x1
unsigned int[6] m_Glyphs
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[0] = 0x1F65E9E81A4
unsigned int[6]
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
std::map<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > > m_actionButtons
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E81D8
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E81D8
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E81D8
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E81D8
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E81D8
float[2] m_auraBaseMod
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 4.257600
[0] = 0x40883E4200000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 4.257600
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 4.257600
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
int[25] m_baseRatingValue
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x25
[9] = 0x25
unsigned int m_baseSpellPower = 0x8C
unsigned int m_baseFeralAP = 0x0
unsigned int m_baseManaRegen = 0x0
unsigned int m_baseHealthRegen = 0x0
int m_spellPenetrationItemMod = 0x0
std::list<SpellModifier *,std::allocator<SpellModifier *> >[32] m_spellMods
[0] = 0x1F65E9E8250
[1] = 0x1F65E9E8260
[2] = 0x1F65E9E8270
[3] = 0x1F65E9E8280
[4] = 0x1F65E9E8290
[5] = 0x1F65E9E82A0
[6] = 0x1F65E9E82B0
[7] = 0x1F65E9E82C0
[8] = 0x1F65E9E82D0
[9] = 0x1F65E9E82E0
std::list<EnchantDuration,std::allocator<EnchantDuration> > m_enchantDuration
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F65E9E8450
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<EnchantDuration,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E8450
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemDuration
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = 0x1F65F063070
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F65F062B50
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E8460
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemSoulboundTradeable
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = 0x1F65F062B50
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E8470
std::mutex m_soulboundTradableLock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x1F65E9E8480
ObjectGuid m_resurrectGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
unsigned int m_resurrectMap = 0x0
float m_resurrectX = 0.000000
float m_resurrectY = 0.000000
float m_resurrectZ = 0.000000
unsigned int m_resurrectHealth = 0x0
unsigned int m_resurrectMana = 0x0
WorldSession* m_session = 0x1F65E24D410
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> > m_channels
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> >& _List = 0x1F65F062990
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>* _Head = 0x874
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Channel *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E84F8
unsigned int m_cinematic = 0x2
TradeData* m_trade = NULL
bool m_DailyQuestChanged = 0x0
bool m_WeeklyQuestChanged = 0x0
bool m_MonthlyQuestChanged = 0x0
bool m_SeasonalQuestChanged = 0x0
int m_lastDailyQuestTime = 0x0
unsigned int m_drunkTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_weaponChangeTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateId = 0x55
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateTimer = 0x2AF
unsigned int m_areaUpdateId = 0x9A
unsigned int m_deathTimer = 0x0
int m_deathExpireTime = 0x0
unsigned int m_WeaponProficiency = 0x19C480
unsigned int m_ArmorProficiency = 0x3
bool m_canParry = 0x0
bool m_canBlock = 0x0
bool m_canTitanGrip = 0x0
unsigned int m_swingErrorMsg = 0x0
float m_ammoDPS = 0.000000
int _restTime = 0x0
unsigned int _innTriggerId = 0x0
float _restBonus = 0.027039
unsigned int _restFlagMask = 0x0
unsigned int m_resetTalentsCost = 0x0
int m_resetTalentsTime = 0x0
unsigned int m_usedTalentCount = 0x0
unsigned int m_questRewardTalentCount = 0x0
unsigned int m_extraBonusTalentCount = 0x0
PlayerSocial* m_social = 0x1F65F094858
std::map<ObjectGuid,FriendInfo,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,FriendInfo> > > m_playerSocialMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<ObjectGuid,FriendInfo,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,FriendInfo> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F64023D830
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F64023D830
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F64023D830
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,FriendInfo>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,FriendInfo> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65F094858
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F64023D830
ObjectGuid m_playerGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0xA8
GroupReference m_group
LinkedListElement* iNext = NULL
LinkedListElement* iPrev = NULL
Group* iRefTo = NULL
Player* iRefFrom = NULL
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x0
GroupReference m_originalGroup
LinkedListElement* iNext = NULL
LinkedListElement* iPrev = NULL
Group* iRefTo = NULL
Player* iRefFrom = NULL
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x0
Group* m_groupInvite = NULL
unsigned int m_groupUpdateMask = 0x0
unsigned int m_auraRaidUpdateMask = 0x0
bool m_bPassOnGroupLoot = 0x0
unsigned int m_lastpetnumber = 0x0
int m_summon_expire = 0x0
unsigned int m_summon_mapid = 0x0
float m_summon_x = 0.000000
float m_summon_y = 0.000000
float m_summon_z = 0.000000
bool m_summon_asSpectator = 0x0
DeclinedName* m_declinedname = NULL
Runes* m_runes = NULL
std::map<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > > m_EquipmentSets
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E8640
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E8640
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E8640
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E8640
<user defined> value_compare = 0xD0
unsigned int m_grantableLevels = 0x0
bool m_needZoneUpdate = 0x0
CinematicMgr* _cinematicMgr = 0x1F65E062170
Player* player = 0x1F65E9E59A0
unsigned int m_cinematicDiff = 0x268A5F
unsigned int m_lastCinematicCheck = 0x0
unsigned int m_activeCinematicCameraId = 0x0
unsigned int m_cinematicLength = 0x0
std::vector<FlyByCamera,std::allocator<FlyByCamera> >* m_cinematicCamera = NULL
Position m_remoteSightPosition
Position* Pos = NULL
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
float m_positionX = 0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
TempSummon* m_CinematicObject = NULL
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_refundableItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x5F0A7390
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x5F0A7390
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E8660
MapReference m_mapRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = 0x1F65E9DCE38
LinkedListElement* iPrev = 0x1F65E9E2A58
Map* iRefTo = 0x1F61FD1DCD0
Player* iRefFrom = 0x1F65E9E59A0
unsigned int m_lastFallTime = 0x628F0F2E
float m_lastFallZ = 1267.630005
int[3] m_MirrorTimer
[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF
[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF
[2] = 0xFFFFFFFF
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlags = 0x0
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlagsLast = 0x0
bool m_isInWater = 0x0
WorldLocation teleportStore_dest
Position* Pos = 0x44C06D7144E1F7AE
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44C06D7144E1F7AE
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44C06D7144E1F7AE
float m_positionX = 1807.739990
float m_positionY = 1539.420044
float m_positionZ = 1267.630005
float m_orientation = 0.055761
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x236
unsigned int teleportStore_options = 0x0
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Near = 0x0
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Far = 0x628F0F2E
unsigned int m_DelayedOperations = 0x0
bool m_bMustDelayTeleport = 0x0
bool m_bHasDelayedTeleport = 0x0
bool m_canTeleport = 0x1
std::unique_ptr<PetStable,std::default_delete<PetStable> > m_petStable
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<PetStable>,PetStable *,1> _Mypair
PetStable* _Myval2 = NULL
unsigned int m_temporaryUnsummonedPetNumber = 0x0
unsigned int m_oldpetspell = 0x0
AchievementMgr* m_achievementMgr = 0x1F63B8EB570
Player* m_player = 0x1F65E9E59A0
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,CriteriaProgress,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> > > m_criteriaProgress
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CriteriaProgress,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CriteriaProgress,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65E055C30
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress>,void *>* _Next = 0x9F
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CriteriaProgress,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> > > _List = 0x1F63B8EB580
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F63B8EB590
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1FF
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x200
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,CompletedAchievementData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> > > m_completedAchievements
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CompletedAchievementData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CompletedAchievementData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A84A0
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData>,void *>* _Next = 0x21
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CompletedAchievementData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> > > _List = 0x1F63B8EB5C0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F63B8EB5D0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x3F
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x40
std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> > > m_timedAchievements
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65F0A82C0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65F0A82C0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65F0A82C0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F63B8EB5F8
<user defined> value_compare = 0x5F0A82C0
ReputationMgr* m_reputationMgr = 0x1F65E055FF0
Player* _player = 0x1F65E9E59A0
std::map<unsigned int,FactionState,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,FactionState> > > _factions
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,FactionState,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,FactionState> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E055FF8
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E055FF8
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E055FF8
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,FactionState>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,FactionState> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E055FF8
<user defined> value_compare = 0x5E055670
std::map<unsigned int,enum ReputationRank,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,enum ReputationRank> > > _forcedReactions
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,enum ReputationRank,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,enum ReputationRank> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E056008
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E056008
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E056008
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,enum ReputationRank>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,enum ReputationRank> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E056008
<user defined> value_compare = 0x5F0A8890
unsigned int _visibleFactionCount = 0x15
unsigned int _honoredFactionCount = 0x0
unsigned int _reveredFactionCount = 0x0
unsigned int _exaltedFactionCount = 0x0
bool _sendFactionIncreased = 0x0
std::map<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > > m_spellCooldowns
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x70
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x70
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x70
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E8700
<user defined> value_compare = 0x5E062F70
unsigned int m_ChampioningFaction = 0x0
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _instanceResetTimes
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E8718
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A74E0
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F65E9E8718
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F65E9E8718
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0x1F65E9E8720
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E8730
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
unsigned int _pendingBindId = 0x0
unsigned int _pendingBindTimer = 0x0
unsigned int _activeCheats = 0x0
unsigned int healthBeforeDuel = 0x0
unsigned int manaBeforeDuel = 0x0
bool m_isInstantFlightOn = 0x1
unsigned int m_flightSpellActivated = 0x0
WorldLocation _corpseLocation
Position* Pos = NULL
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
float m_positionX = 0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xFFFFFFFF
std::optional<float> _farSightDistance
float _Value = 0.000000
bool _Has_value = 0x0
bool _wasOutdoor = 0x1
std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > > m_charSettingsMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x4023D290
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x4023D290
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x4023D290
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E8798
<user defined> value_compare = 0x4023D290
Parameter unsigned int diff = 0xB7DC3FF990
00007FF70A69BD9D 000000B7DC3FFBB0 Player::Update+14AD C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Entities\Player\PlayerUpdates.cpp line 424
Local Player* this = 0x1F695F25508
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F695F25510
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x0
int m_objectTypeId = 0x0
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x0
int* m_int32Values = 0x7300 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x7300 <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0x7300 <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F695F25568
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x0
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x0
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x0
bool m_inWorld = 0x0
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F695F25580
Position* Pos = NULL
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
float m_positionX = 0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 12.937500
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x0
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F695F255C4
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F695F255D0
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F695F255DC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F695F25610
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F695F25644
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F695F25650
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F695F25660
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = NULL
std::string m_name = 0x1F695F256D8 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0x10
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x3D
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x5CEA3D10000001F6
bool m_isWorldObject = 0xF6
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = 0x7
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x8
unsigned int _areaId = 0x0
float _floorZ = 0.000000
bool _outdoors = 0x0
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F695F25720
bool _updatePositionData = 0x0
Transport* m_transport = 0x1F696D98D30
Map* m_currMap = NULL
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x0
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x0
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x0
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x0
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F695F25758
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x1
bool m_canDualWield = 0x8F
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x43A58439
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x43A58439
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F257A0
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer
Unit* ptr = 0x1F6605C4460
Unit* defaultValue = 0x3E
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x1F696CBC4C0
[1] = 0x1F696CBE4C0
[2] = 0x1F696CBE4C0
[3] = 0x1FF
[4] = 0x200
[5] = 0x1F63FD52080
[6] = 0x1F63FD52080
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x1F63FD52370
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x1F696D843E0
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x1
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
[5] = 18464873764369494284697600.000000
[6] = -0.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
EventProcessor m_Events
unsigned int m_time = 0x0
std::multimap<unsigned __int64,BasicEvent *,std::less<unsigned __int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned __int64 const ,BasicEvent *> > > m_events = 0x1F695F25858
bool m_aborting = 0x0
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F695F25870
[1] = 0x1F695F25888
[2] = 0x1F695F258A0
[3] = 0x1F695F258B8
[4] = 0x1F695F258D0
[5] = 0x1F695F258E8
[6] = 0x1F695F25900
[7] = 0x1F695F25918
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x0
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F25938
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F25938
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<PetAura const *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<PetAura const *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<PetAura const *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F25938
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x0
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x0
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x0
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x0
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F25950
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F25950
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<SafeUnitPointer *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<SafeUnitPointer *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F25950
Position m_last_notify_position
Position* Pos = 0x1F696D84110
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F696D84110
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F696D84110
float m_positionX = -0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x96D841A0
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x1F696D848F0
Movement::Spline<int> spline = 0x1F696D848F0
Movement::FacingInfo facing = 0x1F696D84948
unsigned int m_Id = 0x72206867
Movement::MoveSplineFlag splineflags = 0x74757065
int time_passed = 0x6F697461
float vertical_acceleration = 0.000000
float initialOrientation = 0.000000
int effect_start_time = 0x0
int point_Idx = 0xF
int point_Idx_offset = 0x0
bool onTransport = 0xC8
UnitAI* i_AI = NULL
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = 0x3F800000
Unit* me = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x60
unsigned int m_race = 0x42
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0xD8
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x1F6
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 528047606065004544.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 528052004111515648.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 528052004111515648.000000
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x7
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >* _Target = 0x7
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> >& _List = 0x7
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x8
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x7
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x7
std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x7
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > _List = 0x1F695F259C8
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Unit *> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F695F259D8
unsigned int _Mask = 0x193F900000000
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x1BFD00000000
Unit* m_attacking = 0x628F0F2E
DataMap CustomData = 0x628F0F36
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x628F0F76 <Unable to read memory>
int m_objectTypeId = 0x628F0F7A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x628F0F7E <Unable to read memory>
int* m_int32Values = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x628F0F8E
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x628F0F9E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x628F0FA0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x628F0FA2 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inWorld = 0x628F0FA3 <Unable to read memory>
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x628F0FA6
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x628F0FD6 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x628F0FD6 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x628F0FD6 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x628F0FDA <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x628F0FDE <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x628F0FE2 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x628F0FE6 <Unable to read memory>
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x628F0FEA
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x628F0FF6
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x628F1002
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x628F1036
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x628F106A
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x628F1076
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x628F1082 <Unable to read memory>
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x628F1086
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_name = 0x628F10FE <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0x628F111E <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x628F111F <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x628F1122 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x628F112A <Unable to read memory>
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x628F1136 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _areaId = 0x628F113A <Unable to read memory>
float _floorZ = 0x628F113E <Unable to read memory>
bool _outdoors = 0x628F1142 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x628F1146
bool _updatePositionData = 0x628F115A <Unable to read memory>
Transport* m_transport = <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_currMap = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x628F116E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x628F1172 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x628F1176 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x628F1178 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x628F117A <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x628F117E
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x628F11BE <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canDualWield = 0x628F11C2 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x628F11C6
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x628F11D6
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x628F11E6 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F11EE <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F11F6 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F11FE <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x628F1206 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x628F120E <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x628F1216 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x628F121E <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F1226 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F122E <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F1236 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0x628F123E <Unable to read memory>
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0x628F1242 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0x628F1246 <Unable to read memory>
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x628F124A <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 0x628F124E <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F1252 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F1256 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F125A <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x628F125E <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x628F1262 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x628F1266 <Unable to read memory>
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0x628F126A <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F126E <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F1272 <Unable to read memory>
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x628F1276
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x628F1296
[1] = 0x628F12AE
[2] = 0x628F12C6
[3] = 0x628F12DE
[4] = 0x628F12F6
[5] = 0x628F130E
[6] = 0x628F1326
[7] = 0x628F133E
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x628F1356 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x628F135E
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x628F136E <Unable to read memory>
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x628F136F <Unable to read memory>
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x628F1370 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x628F1371 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x628F1376
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x628F1386
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x628F1396 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x628F139A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x628F139C <Unable to read memory>
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x628F139E <Unable to read memory>
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_AI = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x628F13BE <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_race = 0x628F13BF <Unable to read memory>
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x628F13C0 <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x628F13C2 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F13C6 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F13CA <Unable to read memory>
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 0x628F13CE <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F13D2 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F13D6 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F13DA <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x628F13DE <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x628F13E6
Unit* m_attacking = <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathState = 0x628F142E <Unable to read memory>
int m_procDeep = 0x628F1432 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x628F1436
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x628F1446
unsigned int m_transform = 0x628F1456 <Unable to read memory>
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x628F147E
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x628F148E
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x628F149E
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x628F14AE <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x628F14B6 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x628F14BE
[1] = 0x628F14CE
[2] = 0x628F14DE
[3] = 0x628F14EE
[4] = 0x628F14FE
[5] = 0x628F150E
[6] = 0x628F151E
[7] = 0x628F152E
[8] = 0x628F153E
[9] = 0x628F154E
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x628F288E
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x628F289E
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x628F28AE
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x628F28BE <Unable to read memory>
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0x628F28C2 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F28C6 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F28CA <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F28CE <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F28C2
[0] = 0x628F28D2 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F28D6 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F28DA <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F28DE <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F28E2 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F28E6 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F28EA <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F28EE <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F28F2 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F28F6 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F28FA <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F28FE <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F2902 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2906 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F290A <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F290E <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F2912 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2916 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F291A <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F291E <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F2922 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2926 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F292A <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F292E <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F2932 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2936 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F293A <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F293E <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F2942 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2946 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F294A <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F294E <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F2952 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2956 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F295A <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F295E <Unable to read memory>
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0x628F2A52 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2A56 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F2A52 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F2A5A <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2A5E <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x628F2A62 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2A66 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x628F2A6A <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x628F2A6E
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0x628F2A7E <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2A82 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F2A86 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F2A8A <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x628F2A8E <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x628F2A92 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x628F2A96 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x628F2A9A <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x628F2A9E <Unable to read memory>
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x628F2AAE
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x628F2AC6 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x628F2ACA <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x628F2ACE <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x628F2AD2 <Unable to read memory>
int m_regenTimer = 0x628F2AD6 <Unable to read memory>
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x628F2ADE
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x628F2B26
Vehicle* m_vehicle = <Unable to read memory>
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x628F2B46 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_applyResilience = 0x628F2B56 <Unable to read memory>
bool _instantCast = 0x628F2B57 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x628F2B58 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x628F2B5A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_state = 0x628F2B5E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x628F2B62 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x628F2B66 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x628F2B6E
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x628F2B7E
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x628F2BB6
Unit* m_comboTarget = <Unable to read memory>
int m_comboPoints = 0x628F2BEE <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x628F2BF6
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x628F2C36
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x628F2C46 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x628F2C47 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x628F2C4A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x628F2C4E <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x628F2C56
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x628F2C96 <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathState = 0x1
int m_procDeep = 0x0
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<DynamicObject *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F25A10
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F25A20
unsigned int m_transform = 0x0
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = 0x1F6958BF840
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
[3] = 0x1F6958BFC20
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F6958C8F60
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F6958C8F60
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F6958C8F60
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F25A58
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F25A58
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F25A68
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F25A68
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F25A68
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F25A68
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F25A68
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Aura *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Aura *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F25A78
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator
std::_Tree_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > >
std::_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > >,std::_Iterator_base0>
std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *>,void *>* _Ptr = NULL
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x0
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F695F25A98
[1] = 0x1F695F25AA8
[2] = 0x1F695F25AB8
[3] = 0x1F695F25AC8
[4] = 0x1F695F25AD8
[5] = 0x1F695F25AE8
[6] = 0x1F695F25AF8
[7] = 0x1F695F25B08
[8] = 0x1F695F25B18
[9] = 0x1F695F25B28
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>* _Head = 0x1F68D4D7F20
<user defined>* _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Aura *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Aura *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F26E68
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *>* _Head = 0x1F68D4D7F80
std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<AuraApplication *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F26E78
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F26E88
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F26E88
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F26E88
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F26E88
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F26E88
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x0
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0x1F695F26E9C
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[0] = 0x8D4D826000000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0xF6
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27048
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F27048
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F27048
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27048
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27048
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = -0.000000
[7] = 0.000000
[8] = 0.000000
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = 0x1F68D4D81E0
Unit* _unit = 0x1F68D4D81E0
UnitActionBarEntry[10] PetActionBar
[0] = 0x8D4D81E0
[1] = 0x1F6
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x9FE6A040
[5] = 0x88060500
[6] = 0x8D4D8200
[7] = 0x1F6
[8] = 0x8D4D8200
[9] = 0x1F6
UnitActionBarEntry[4] _charmspells
[0] = 0x37
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x9FD8A07E
[3] = 0x88060600
int _CommandState = 0x8D4D8220
unsigned int _petnumber = 0x1F6
unsigned int _oldReactState = 0x20
bool _isCommandAttack = 0x82
bool _isCommandFollow = 0x4D
bool _isAtStay = 0x8D
bool _isFollowing = 0xF6
bool _isReturning = 0x1
int _forcedSpellId = 0x5E9D4540
ObjectGuid _forcedTargetGUID = 0x880607009FDAA07C
float _stayX = -0.000000
float _stayY = 0.000000
float _stayZ = -0.000000
GlobalCooldownMgr _GlobalCooldownMgr = 0x1F68D4D8250
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<Player *,void *>* _Head = 0x1F68D4D8320
std::_List_node<Player *,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Player *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Player *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27088
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = NULL
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x8D4D82C0
[1] = 0x1F6
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
int m_regenTimer = 0x8D4D84E0
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr
HostileReference* iCurrentVictim = NULL
Unit* iOwner = 0x1F68D4D8300
unsigned int iUpdateTimer = 0x0
ThreatContainer iThreatContainer = 0x1F695F270D0
ThreatContainer iThreatOfflineContainer = 0x1F695F270E8
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27100
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F27100
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F27100
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27100
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27100
Vehicle* m_vehicle = 0x1F68D4D8460
std::map<signed char,VehicleSeat,std::less<signed char>,std::allocator<std::pair<signed char const ,VehicleSeat> > > Seats = 0x1F68D4D8468
Unit* _me = 0x880619009FBEA018
VehicleEntry* _vehicleInfo = 0x1F68D4D8480
unsigned int _usableSeatNum = 0x8D4D8480
unsigned int _creatureEntry = 0x1F6
int _status = 0xDE00047E
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = NULL
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x8D4D8340
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = NULL
bool m_applyResilience = 0x0
bool _instantCast = 0x85
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x4D
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_state = 0x0
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x8D4D88A0
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F695F27148
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<DiminishingReturn,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<DiminishingReturn> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27148
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x1F695F27160
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x1F695F27170
unsigned int iSize = 0x8D4D8160
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x8D4D86E0
<user defined> iterator = 0x8D4D86E0
<user defined> iterator = 0x0
Unit* iOwner = NULL
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x1F695F27198
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x1F695F271A8
unsigned int iSize = 0x0
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x0
<user defined> iterator = 0x0
<user defined> iterator = 0x8D4D8540
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x1F68D4D8620
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F68D4D8628
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x8660
int m_objectTypeId = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x9EE0
int* m_int32Values = 0x880629009F9EA038 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x880629009F9EA038 <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0x880629009F9EA038 <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F68D4D8680
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x560
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x7A05
bool m_objectUpdated = 0xF6
bool m_inWorld = 0x1
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F68D4D8698
Position* Pos = 0x1F68D4D86C0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D86C0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D86C0
float m_positionX = -0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 2590313055598411776.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x9F94A032
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F68D4D86DC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F68D4D86E8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F68D4D86F4
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8728
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F68D4D875C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8768
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F68D4D8778
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = 0x44D07DA941884B29
std::string m_name = 0x1F68D4D87F0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0x0
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x9F78A0DE00000000
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x0
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = 0x1F68D4D8820
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x8D4D8820
unsigned int _areaId = 0x1F6
float _floorZ = 0.000000
bool _outdoors = 0x0
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F68D4D8838
bool _updatePositionData = 0xF6
Transport* m_transport = 0x1F64B6960B0
Map* m_currMap = 0x880638009F7CA0DA
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x8D4D8860
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1F6
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x60
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x8D4D
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x1F6
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F68D4D8870
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0xDE00047D
bool m_canDualWield = 0x5
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x1F68D4D88B8
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x1F68D4D88C8
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x88063C009F74A0D2
[1] = 0x1F68D4D88E0
[2] = 0x1F68D4D88E0
[3] = 0xF1300005DD000458
[4] = 0x88063D009F76A0D0
[5] = 0x1F68D4D8900
[6] = 0x1F68D4D8900
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x88063E009F68A0CE
[2] = 0x1F68D4D8920
[3] = 0x1F68D4D8920
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000027
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = -0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x88063F00
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = -0.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x1F68D4D8968
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F68D4D8988
[1] = 0x1F68D4D89A0
[2] = 0x1F68D4D89B8
[3] = 0x1F68D4D89D0
[4] = 0x1F68D4D89E8
[5] = 0x1F68D4D8A00
[6] = 0x1F68D4D8A18
[7] = 0x1F68D4D8A30
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x8D4D8A40
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x1F68D4D8A50
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x60
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x8A
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x4D
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x8D
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x1F68D4D8A68
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x1F68D4D8A78
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x8D4D8A80
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x88064A009F50A0F6
UnitAI* i_AI = 0x1F68D4D8AA0
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = 0x1F68D4D8AA0
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x0
unsigned int m_race = 0x0
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x0
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x9F52A0F4
[2] = 0x88064B00
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 18997696.000000
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x1F68D4D8AD8
Unit* m_attacking = 0x88064E009F48A0EE
int m_deathState = 0x8D4D8B20
int m_procDeep = 0x1F6
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x1F68D4D8B28
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x1F68D4D8B38
unsigned int m_transform = 0x8D4D8B40
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = 0x1F646DD61B0
[1] = 0x880650009F4CA0EA
[2] = 0x1F68D4D8B60
[3] = 0x1F68D4D8B60
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x1F68D4D8B70
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x1F68D4D8B80
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x1F68D4D8B90
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x1F68D4D8BA0
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x8D4D8BA0
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F68D4D8BB0
[1] = 0x1F68D4D8BC0
[2] = 0x1F68D4D8BD0
[3] = 0x1F68D4D8BE0
[4] = 0x1F68D4D8BF0
[5] = 0x1F68D4D8C00
[6] = 0x1F68D4D8C10
[7] = 0x1F68D4D8C20
[8] = 0x1F68D4D8C30
[9] = 0x1F68D4D8C40
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x1F68D4D9F80
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x1F68D4D9F90
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x1F68D4D9FA0
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0xA380
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0x1F68D4D9FB4
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 365.128906
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = -6256.026855
[1] = -15.213209
[0] = 0xC173694EC5C38037
[0] = 2183.331299
[1] = -6249.353027
[0] = -14.936256
[1] = -0.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x0
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x1F68D4DA160
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0.000031
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[4] = -0.000000
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = 0.000000
[7] = 0.000000
[8] = 0.000013
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = 0x900702009DE0A246
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x1F68D4DA1A0
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = 0x1F685F3B8A0
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x9DE2A244
[1] = 0x90070300
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x80000BDF
int m_regenTimer = 0x1D
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x1F68D4DA1D0
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DA218
Vehicle* m_vehicle = 0x1F65E75C090
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = 0x1F63745E6C0
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x9DDAA27C
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = 0x80000BDF00000000
bool m_applyResilience = 0x1D
bool _instantCast = 0x0
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x0
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x80000BEF
unsigned int m_state = 0x47428190
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x9DDCA27A
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x1F68D4DA260
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DA270
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DA2A8
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x90070C009DD4A272
int m_comboPoints = 0x90
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x1F68D4DA2E8
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DA328
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x6C
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0xA2
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x88070F00
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x8D4DA160
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x1F68D4DA348
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x80000BEF0000001D
int m_comboPoints = 0x0
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F68D4D8660
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >* _Target = 0x1F68D4D8660
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> >& _List = 0x1F68D4D8660
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Predecessor = NULL
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Next = 0x1F68D4D8820
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F68D4D8660
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F68D4D8660
std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x8D4D8660
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > _List = 0x1F695F271D8
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Unit *> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F695F271E8
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F68D4D8760
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x0
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo
ObjectGuid _targetGUID = 0x1F68D4D83A0
unsigned int _threatPct = 0x0
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x20
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x89
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x1F6
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x0
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F68D4D8480
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> >* _Target = 0x1F68D4D8480
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x1F68D4D8480
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F68D4D8480
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F68D4D8480
std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x8D4D8480
std::list<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > _List = 0x1F695F27238
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F695F27248
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F68D4D86A0
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x1
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x1F68D4D8600
GridReference<Player> _gridRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = 0x1F68D4D85A0
LinkedListElement* iPrev = NULL
GridRefMgr<Player>* iRefTo = 0x1F68D4D8680
Player* iRefFrom = NULL
std::string autoReplyMsg = "��M��..."
PlayerTaxi m_taxi
unsigned int[14] m_taximask
[0] = 0x8D4D8740
[1] = 0x1F6
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x8D4D88E0
[5] = 0x1F6
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x8D4D8780
[9] = 0x1F6
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_TaxiDestinations
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned int>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned int> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F272F8
unsigned int _taxiSegment = 0x8D4D8220
int m_logintime = 0x0
int m_Last_tick = 0x1F68D4D87C0
unsigned int[2] m_Played_time
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
bool m_mailsUpdated = 0x0
unsigned int unReadMails = 0x88
int m_nextMailDelivereTime = 0x0
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,Item *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > mMitems
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F68D4D8940
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >* _Target = 0x1F68D4D8940
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > >& _List = 0x1F68D4D8940
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Predecessor = NULL
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Next = 0x1F68D4D81C0
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F68D4D8940
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F68D4D8940
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x8D4D8940
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > _List = 0x1F695F27348
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F695F27358
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F68D4D8DE0
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x0
PvPInfo pvpInfo
bool IsHostile = 0x20
bool IsInHostileArea = 0x8B
bool IsInNoPvPArea = 0x4D
bool IsInFFAPvPArea = 0x8D
int EndTimer = 0x0
int FFAPvPEndTimer = 0x1F68D4D8E40
std::unique_ptr<DuelInfo,std::default_delete<DuelInfo> > duel
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<DuelInfo>,DuelInfo *,1> _Mypair
DuelInfo* _Myval2 = NULL
PlayerMenu* PlayerTalkClass = 0x1F68D4D8F00
GossipMenu _gossipMenu
std::map<unsigned int,GossipMenuItem,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GossipMenuItem> > > _menuItems = 0x1F68D4D8F00
std::map<unsigned int,GossipMenuItemData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GossipMenuItemData> > > _menuItemData = 0x1F68D4D8F10
unsigned int _menuId = 0x8D4D8F20
int _locale = 0x1F6
QuestMenu _questMenu
std::vector<QuestMenuItem,std::allocator<QuestMenuItem> > _questMenuItems = 0x1F68D4D8F28
WorldSession* _session = 0x1F68D4D8F40
int m_muteTime = 0x1F68D4D8F40
std::atomic<__int64> m_timeOutTime = 0x1F68D4D8F40
unsigned int _lastAuctionListItemsMSTime = 0x43CD51A0
unsigned int _lastAuctionListOwnerItemsMSTime = 0x1F6
AsyncCallbackProcessor<QueryCallback> _queryProcessor = 0x1F68D4D8F58
AsyncCallbackProcessor<TransactionCallback> _transactionCallbacks = 0x1F68D4D8F70
AsyncCallbackProcessor<SQLQueryHolderCallback> _queryHolderProcessor = 0x1F68D4D8F88
<user defined> Session = 0x1F68D4D8F40
int _policy = 0x8D4D8F40
std::unordered_map<unsigned short,PacketCounter,std::hash<unsigned short>,std::equal_to<unsigned short>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned short const ,PacketCounter> > > _PacketThrottlingMap = 0x1F68D4D8F50
WorldSession::DosProtection AntiDOS = 0x1F68D4D8FA0
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _legitCharacters = 0x1F68D4D8FF0
unsigned int m_GUIDLow = 0x8D4D9000
Player* _player = 0x1F68D4D9000
std::shared_ptr<WorldSocket> m_Socket = 0x1F68D4D9010
std::string m_Address = " �M��"
int _security = 0x8D4D9040
bool _skipQueue = 0xF6
unsigned int _accountId = 0x8D4D9040
std::string _accountName = "�( �..."
unsigned int m_expansion = 0x67
unsigned int m_total_time = 0xF11002AE
std::unique_ptr<Warden,std::default_delete<Warden> > _warden = 0x880679009EFEA158
int _logoutTime = 0x1F68D4D9080
bool m_inQueue = 0x80
bool m_playerLoading = 0x90
bool m_playerLogout = 0x4D
bool m_playerSave = 0x8D
int m_sessionDbcLocale = 0x1F6
int m_sessionDbLocaleIndex = 0x0
std::atomic<unsigned int> m_latency = 0x0
AccountData[8] m_accountData
[0] = 0x1F68D4D9098
[1] = 0x1F68D4D90C0
[2] = 0x1F68D4D90E8
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9110
[4] = 0x1F68D4D9138
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9160
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9188
[7] = 0x1F68D4D91B0
unsigned int[8] m_Tutorials
[0] = 0x9EE4A142
[1] = 0x88068400
[2] = 0x8D4D9200
[3] = 0x1F6
[4] = 0x8D4D9240
[5] = 0x1F6
[6] = 0x3765B030
[7] = 0x1F6
bool m_TutorialsChanged = 0x40
std::list<AddonInfo,std::allocator<AddonInfo> > m_addonsList = 0x1F68D4D9200
unsigned int recruiterId = 0x3765BC30
bool isRecruiter = 0xF6
LockedQueue<WorldPacket *,std::deque<WorldPacket *,std::allocator<WorldPacket *> > > _recvQueue = 0x1F68D4D9218
unsigned int m_currentVendorEntry = 0x8D4D9220
ObjectGuid m_currentBankerGUID = 0x1F68D4D91C0
unsigned int _offlineTime = 0x3803E0A0
bool _kicked = 0xF6
bool _shouldSetOfflineInDB = 0x1
int _calendarEventCreationCooldown = 0x88068B009ED2A174
CircularBuffer<std::pair<__int64,unsigned int> > _timeSyncClockDeltaQueue = 0x1F68D4D92C0
int _timeSyncClockDelta = 0x90068F009ECAA16C
std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> > > _pendingTimeSyncRequests = 0x1F68D4D9340
unsigned int _timeSyncNextCounter = 0x375E42E0
unsigned int _timeSyncTimer = 0x1F6
bool _isBot = 0x6A
std::vector<ItemSetEffect *,std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *> > ItemSetEff
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F695F273A8
SafeUnitPointer m_mover
Unit* ptr = 0x1F68D4D8BA0
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F68D4D8BA8
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x8BE0
int m_objectTypeId = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x0
int* m_int32Values = 0x880655009F46A0E0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x880655009F46A0E0 <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0x880655009F46A0E0 <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F68D4D8C00
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x2210
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x46DE
bool m_objectUpdated = 0xF6
bool m_inWorld = 0x1
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F68D4D8C18
Position* Pos = 0x1F68D4D8C40
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8C40
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8C40
float m_positionX = -0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x9F3CA09A
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F68D4D8C5C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F68D4D8C68
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F68D4D8C74
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8CA8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F68D4D8CDC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8CE8
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F68D4D8CF8
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = 0x1F68D4D8D60
std::string m_name = "(null)..."
bool m_isActive = 0x10
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x21
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x9F20A086000001F6
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x0
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = 0x1F68D4D8DA0
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x8D4D8DA0
unsigned int _areaId = 0x1F6
float _floorZ = 26384.468750
bool _outdoors = 0xF6
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F68D4D8DB8
bool _updatePositionData = 0xF6
Transport* m_transport = 0x1F64B90D0D0
Map* m_currMap = 0x880664009F24A082
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x8D4D8DE0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1F6
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0xE0
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x8D4D
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x1F6
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F68D4D8DF0
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x0
bool m_canDualWield = 0x0
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x1F68D4D8E38
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x1F68D4D8E48
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x880668009F1CA0BA
[1] = 0x1F68D4D8E60
[2] = 0x1F68D4D8E60
[3] = 0x1F646DBE0F0
[4] = 0x880669009F1EA0B8
[5] = 0x1F68D4D8E80
[6] = 0x1F68D4D8E80
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x88066A009F10A0B6
[2] = 0x1F68D4D8EA0
[3] = 0x1F68D4D8EA0
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = -0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x88066B00
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = -576483910767083520.000000
[5] = -871510165446226343100600549376.000000
[6] = -0.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x1F68D4D8EE8
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F68D4D8F08
[1] = 0x1F68D4D8F20
[2] = 0x1F68D4D8F38
[3] = 0x1F68D4D8F50
[4] = 0x1F68D4D8F68
[5] = 0x1F68D4D8F80
[6] = 0x1F68D4D8F98
[7] = 0x1F68D4D8FB0
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x43BED24D
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x1F68D4D8FD0
bool IsAIEnabled = 0xE0
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x8F
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x4D
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x8D
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x1F68D4D8FE8
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x1F68D4D8FF8
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x8D4D9000
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x880676009EF8A15E
UnitAI* i_AI = 0x1F68D4D9020
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = 0x1F68D4D9020
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x0
unsigned int m_race = 0x0
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x0
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x9EFAA15C
[2] = 0x88067700
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 225694711808.000000
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x1F68D4D9058
Unit* m_attacking = 0x88067A009EF0A156
int m_deathState = 0x8D4D90A0
int m_procDeep = 0x1F6
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x1F68D4D90A8
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x1F68D4D90B8
unsigned int m_transform = 0x8D4D90C0
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = 0xF1300005DE00014D
[1] = 0x88067C009EF4A152
[2] = 0x1F68D4D90E0
[3] = 0x1F68D4D90E0
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x1F68D4D90F0
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x1F68D4D9100
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x1F68D4D9110
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x1F68D4D9120
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x8D4D9120
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F68D4D9130
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9140
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9150
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9160
[4] = 0x1F68D4D9170
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9180
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9190
[7] = 0x1F68D4D91A0
[8] = 0x1F68D4D91B0
[9] = 0x1F68D4D91C0
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x1F68D4DA500
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x1F68D4DA510
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x1F68D4DA520
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x9720CF90
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0x1F68D4DA534
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 39376729931776.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = -638777060271256221847948099584.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 109.440918
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000031
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[0] = 0x91F564D0000001F6
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000031
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x0
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x1F68D4DA6E0
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0.000031
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
[5] = -0.000000
[6] = 0.000000
[7] = -0.000000
[8] = -0.000000
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = 0x88072E009D88A22E
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x1F68D4DA720
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = 0x1F63803DDA0
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x9D8AA22C
[1] = 0x88072F00
[2] = 0x8D4DA340
[3] = 0x1F6
int m_regenTimer = 0x8D4DA720
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x1F68D4DA750
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DA798
Vehicle* m_vehicle = 0x1F68D4DA200
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = 0x1F638040AA0
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x9D82A224
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = 0x80000BDF00000000
bool m_applyResilience = 0x1D
bool _instantCast = 0x0
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x0
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x80000BEF
unsigned int m_state = 0x43B65060
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x9D84A222
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x1F68D4DA7E0
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DA7F0
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DA828
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x880738009D7CA2DA
int m_comboPoints = 0x20
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x1F68D4DA868
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DA8A8
bool m_cleanupDone = 0xD4
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0xA2
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x90073B00
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x0
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x1F68D4DA8C8
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x1F68D4DA6E0
Unit* defaultValue = NULL
WorldObject* m_seer = 0x1F68D4D9140
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F68D4D9148
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x9500
int m_objectTypeId = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0xDC20
int* m_int32Values = 0x880682009EE0A146 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x880682009EE0A146 <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0x880682009EE0A146 <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F68D4D91A0
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0xEE20
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x3803
bool m_objectUpdated = 0xF6
bool m_inWorld = 0x1
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F68D4D91B8
Position* Pos = 0x1F68D4D9240
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D9240
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D9240
float m_positionX = -0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000014
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x9EE6A140
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth
int[2] m_values
[0] = 0x88068500
[1] = 0x8D4D9260
unsigned int m_flags = 0x1F6
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect
int[2] m_values
[0] = 0x8D4D91E0
[1] = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_flags = 0x3765BC30
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility
int[12] m_values
[0] = 0x1F6
[1] = 0x9ED8A17E
[2] = 0x88068600
[3] = 0x8D4D97A0
[4] = 0x1F6
[5] = 0x8D4D92A0
[6] = 0x1F6
[7] = 0x3803F2A0
[8] = 0x1F6
[9] = 0x9EDAA17C
unsigned int m_flags = 0x1F6
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect
int[12] m_values
[0] = 0x8D4D93A0
[1] = 0x1F6
[2] = 0x37657D30
[3] = 0x1F6
[4] = 0x9EDCA17A
[5] = 0x88068800
[6] = 0x8D4D9720
[7] = 0x1F6
[8] = 0x8D4D9200
[9] = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_flags = 0x9EDEA178
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility
int[2] m_values
[0] = 0x88068900
[1] = 0x8D4D9160
unsigned int m_flags = 0x1F6
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect
int[2] m_values
[0] = 0x8D4D9420
[1] = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_flags = 0x3765B930
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x1F6
MovementInfo m_movementInfo
ObjectGuid guid = 0x88068A009ED0A176
unsigned int flags = 0x8D4D9220
unsigned int flags2 = 0x1F6
Position pos = 0x1F68D4D92A8
unsigned int time = 0x9ED2A174
ObjectGuid guid = 0x88068A009ED0A176
Position pos = 0x1F68D4D92A0
int seat = 0xA0
unsigned int time = 0x1F6
unsigned int time2 = 0x9ED2A174
MovementInfo::TransportInfo transport = 0x1F68D4D92C0
float pitch = -0.000000
unsigned int fallTime = 0x1F6
float zspeed = -0.000000
float sinAngle = -0.000000
float cosAngle = -0.000000
float xyspeed = 0.000000
MovementInfo::JumpInfo jump = 0x1F68D4D92F0
float splineElevation = -0.000000
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = 0x1F68D4D9660
std::string m_name = "..."
bool m_isActive = 0x30
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x9E
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride
float _Value = 0.000000
bool _Has_value = 0x6C
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x0
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = 0x1F648D36900
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x0
unsigned int _areaId = 0x0
float _floorZ = 0.000013
bool _outdoors = 0xF6
LiquidData _liquidData
unsigned int Entry = 0x9ECCA16A
unsigned int Flags = 0x88069000
float Level = -0.000000
float DepthLevel = 0.000000
int Status = 0x8D4D96C0
bool _updatePositionData = 0xF6
Transport* m_transport = 0x1F637657A30
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F637657A38
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x0
int m_objectTypeId = 0x0
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x0
int* m_int32Values = 0xF <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0xF <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0xF <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F637657A90
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x0
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x400
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x0
bool m_inWorld = 0x0
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F637657AA8
Position* Pos = 0x1F63DD9C990
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F63DD9C990
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F63DD9C990
float m_positionX = 0.106341
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x3F800000
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F637657AEC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F637657AF8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F637657B04
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F637657B38
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F637657B6C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F637657B78
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x1F6
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F637657B88
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = NULL
std::string m_name = ""
bool m_isActive = 0x0
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x0
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x0
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = 0xF
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x0
unsigned int _areaId = 0x0
float _floorZ = 0.000000
bool _outdoors = 0x0
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F637657C48
bool _updatePositionData = 0xF6
Transport* m_transport = NULL
Map* m_currMap = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x3A1CAA30
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1F6
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x1A
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x0
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x0
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F637657C80
GridReference<GameObject> _gridRef = 0x1F637657CC0
Cell _currentCell = 0x3F800000
int _moveState = 0x0
Loot loot = 0x1F637657CF0
unsigned int m_groupLootTimer = 0x0
unsigned int lootingGroupLowGUID = 0x0
GameObjectModel* m_model = NULL
unsigned int m_spellId = 0xF
int m_respawnTime = 0x1F63DD9C6C0
unsigned int m_respawnDelayTime = 0x0
unsigned int m_despawnDelay = 0x0
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_despawnRespawnTime = 0x3F800000
int m_lootState = 0x3A1CA3B0
bool m_spawnedByDefault = 0xF6
unsigned int m_cooldownTime = 0x1A
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,int> > > m_SkillupList = 0x1F637657E00
ObjectGuid m_ritualOwnerGUID = 0x1F6370B7EA0
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_unique_users = 0x1F637657E48
unsigned int m_usetimes = 0x7
std::map<unsigned int,ObjectGuid,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,ObjectGuid> > > ChairListSlots = 0x1F637657E60
unsigned int m_spawnId = 0x3DEC1C00
GameObjectTemplate* m_goInfo = NULL
GameObjectData* m_goData = 0x1F6370B7D80
GameObjectValue m_goValue = 0x1F637657E88
bool m_allowModifyDestructibleBuilding = 0x7
int m_packedRotation = 0x8
G3D::Quat m_localRotation = 0x1F637657EA8
Position m_stationaryPosition = 0x1F637657EB8
ObjectGuid m_lootRecipient = 0x0
unsigned int m_lootRecipientGroup = 0x3DD9C930
unsigned int m_LootMode = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_lootGenerationTime = 0x0
ObjectGuid m_linkedTrap = 0x1A
ObjectGuid _lootStateUnitGUID = 0x1F
GameObjectAI* m_AI = NULL
bool m_saveStateOnDb = 0x0
std::set<WorldObject *,std::less<WorldObject *>,std::allocator<WorldObject *> > _passengers = 0x1F637657F08
Map* m_currMap = 0x880691009ECEA168
GridRefMgr<NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > >
RefMgr<GridRefMgr<NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > >,NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > >
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x880691009ECEA170
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x880691009ECEA180
unsigned int iSize = 0x880691009ECEA190 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x880691009ECEA170 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> iterator = 0x880691009ECEA170 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> iterator = 0x880691009ECEA168 <Unable to read memory>
GridReference<NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > >* _Ptr = <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > i_objectsForDelayedVisibility = 0x880691009ECEA198
std::map<unsigned int,CreatureGroup *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CreatureGroup *> > > CreatureGroupHolder = 0x880691009ECEA1D8
DataMap CustomData = 0x880691009ECEA1E8
std::vector<Creature *,std::allocator<Creature *> > _creaturesToMove = 0x880691009ECEA228
std::vector<GameObject *,std::allocator<GameObject *> > _gameObjectsToMove = 0x880691009ECEA240
std::vector<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > _dynamicObjectsToMove = 0x880691009ECEA258
std::mutex Lock = 0x880691009ECEA270
std::mutex GridLock = 0x880691009ECEA2C0
std::shared_mutex MMapLock = 0x880691009ECEA310 <Unable to read memory>
MapEntry* i_mapEntry = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int i_spawnMode = 0x880691009ECEA320 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int i_InstanceId = 0x880691009ECEA324 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_unloadTimer = 0x880691009ECEA328 <Unable to read memory>
float m_VisibleDistance = 0x880691009ECEA32C <Unable to read memory>
DynamicMapTree _dynamicTree = 0x880691009ECEA330 <Unable to read memory>
int _instanceResetPeriod = 0x880691009ECEA338 <Unable to read memory>
MapRefMgr m_mapRefMgr = 0x880691009ECEA340
LinkedListHead::Iterator<MapReference> m_mapRefIter = 0x880691009ECEA370 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<WorldObject *,std::less<WorldObject *>,std::allocator<WorldObject *> > m_activeNonPlayers = 0x880691009ECEA378
std::_Tree_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<WorldObject *> > > m_activeNonPlayersIter = 0x880691009ECEA388 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<MotionTransport *,std::less<MotionTransport *>,std::allocator<MotionTransport *> > _transports = 0x880691009ECEA390
std::_Tree_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<MotionTransport *> > > _transportsUpdateIter = 0x880691009ECEA3A0 <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_parentMap = <Unable to read memory>
NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >*[64] i_grids
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x880691009ECEA3B0
<user defined>*[64] NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] NGrid<8,Player,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > >,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
GridMap*[64] GridMaps
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x880691009ECF23B0
<user defined>*[64] GridMap
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] GridMap
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] GridMap
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] GridMap
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] GridMap
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] GridMap
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] GridMap
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] GridMap
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>*[64] GridMap
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
std::bitset<262144> marked_cells = 0x880691009ECFA3B0
std::bitset<262144> marked_cells_large = 0x880691009ED023B0
bool i_scriptLock = 0x880691009ED0A3B0 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<WorldObject *,std::hash<WorldObject *>,std::equal_to<WorldObject *>,std::allocator<WorldObject *> > i_objectsToRemove = 0x880691009ED0A3B8
std::map<WorldObject *,bool,std::less<WorldObject *>,std::allocator<std::pair<WorldObject * const,bool> > > i_objectsToSwitch = 0x880691009ED0A3F8
std::unordered_set<WorldObject *,std::hash<WorldObject *>,std::equal_to<WorldObject *>,std::allocator<WorldObject *> > i_worldObjects = 0x880691009ED0A408
std::multimap<__int64,ScriptAction,std::less<__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<__int64 const ,ScriptAction> > > m_scriptSchedule = 0x880691009ED0A448
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _creatureRespawnTimes = 0x880691009ED0A458
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _goRespawnTimes = 0x880691009ED0A498
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,ZoneDynamicInfo,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,ZoneDynamicInfo> > > _zoneDynamicInfo = 0x880691009ED0A4D8
unsigned int _defaultLight = 0x880691009ED0A518 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<enum HighGuid,std::unique_ptr<ObjectGuidGeneratorBase,std::default_delete<ObjectGuidGeneratorBase> >,std::less<enum HighGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum HighGuid const ,std::unique_ptr<ObjectGuidGeneratorBase,std::default_delete<ObjectGuidGeneratorBase> > > > > _guidGenerators = 0x880691009ED0A520
TypeUnorderedMapContainer<TypeList<Creature,TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Pet,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > >,ObjectGuid> _objectsStore = 0x880691009ED0A530
std::unordered_multimap<unsigned int,Creature *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Creature *> > > _creatureBySpawnIdStore = 0x880691009ED0A678
std::unordered_multimap<unsigned int,GameObject *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GameObject *> > > _gameobjectBySpawnIdStore = 0x880691009ED0A6B8
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::unordered_set<Corpse *,std::hash<Corpse *>,std::equal_to<Corpse *>,std::allocator<Corpse *> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::unordered_set<Corpse *,std::hash<Corpse *>,std::equal_to<Corpse *>,std::allocator<Corpse *> > > > > _corpsesByCell = 0x880691009ED0A6F8
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,Corpse *,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,Corpse *> > > _corpsesByPlayer = 0x880691009ED0A738
std::unordered_set<Corpse *,std::hash<Corpse *>,std::equal_to<Corpse *>,std::allocator<Corpse *> > _corpseBones = 0x880691009ED0A778
std::unordered_set<Object *,std::hash<Object *>,std::equal_to<Object *>,std::allocator<Object *> > _updateObjects = 0x880691009ED0A7B8
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x8D4D9740
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1F6
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x0
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x8D4D
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x1F6
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F68D4D9390
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = 0x1F637656CB0
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x1F68D4D9390
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F68D4D9390
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F68D4D9390
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x37656CB0
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0x1F68D4D9398
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F68D4D93A8
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F68D4D9400
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x1F68D4D9400
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_isInSharedVisionOf
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F273D8
unsigned int m_recallMap = 0x0
float m_recallX = 0.000000
float m_recallY = -0.000000
float m_recallZ = 0.000000
float m_recallO = 0.000000
unsigned int m_homebindMapId = 0x0
unsigned int m_homebindAreaId = 0x8DA0
float m_homebindX = 0.000000
float m_homebindY = 0.000000
float m_homebindZ = 0.000000
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_clientGUIDs
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F695F27410
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = 0x1F68D4D8B40
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x1F695F27410
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F695F27410
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F695F27410
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x8D4D8B40
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0x1F695F27418
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F695F27428
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F68D4D8CA0
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x0
std::vector<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_newVisible
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Unit *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F695F27450
unsigned int[9] m_forced_speed_changes
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_DFQuests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27478
unsigned int m_HomebindTimer = 0x0
bool m_InstanceValid = 0x0
Spell* m_spellModTakingSpell = 0x1F68D4D8D20
SpellInfo* m_spellInfo = 0x1F68D4D8D20
unsigned int Id = 0x8D4D8D20
SpellCategoryEntry* CategoryEntry = 0x1F68D4D8D20
unsigned int Dispel = 0x4B91D150
unsigned int Mechanic = 0x1F6
unsigned int Attributes = 0x9F2AA08C
unsigned int AttributesEx = 0x88065F00
unsigned int AttributesEx2 = 0x8D4D8D40
unsigned int AttributesEx3 = 0x1F6
unsigned int AttributesEx4 = 0x8D4D8D40
unsigned int AttributesEx5 = 0x1F6
unsigned int AttributesEx6 = 0x0
unsigned int AttributesEx7 = 0x0
unsigned int AttributesCu = 0x9F2CA08A
unsigned int Stances = 0x88066000
unsigned int StancesNot = 0x8D4D8D60
unsigned int Targets = 0x1F6
unsigned int TargetCreatureType = 0x8D4D8D60
unsigned int RequiresSpellFocus = 0x1F6
unsigned int FacingCasterFlags = 0x0
unsigned int CasterAuraState = 0x0
unsigned int TargetAuraState = 0x9F2EA088
unsigned int CasterAuraStateNot = 0x88066100
unsigned int TargetAuraStateNot = 0x8D4D8D80
unsigned int CasterAuraSpell = 0x1F6
unsigned int TargetAuraSpell = 0x8D4D8D80
unsigned int ExcludeCasterAuraSpell = 0x1F6
unsigned int ExcludeTargetAuraSpell = 0x46DC2110
SpellCastTimesEntry* CastTimeEntry = 0x880662009F20A086 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int RecoveryTime = 0x8D4D8DA0
unsigned int CategoryRecoveryTime = 0x1F6
unsigned int StartRecoveryCategory = 0x8D4D8DA0
unsigned int StartRecoveryTime = 0x1F6
unsigned int InterruptFlags = 0x46CE20F0
unsigned int AuraInterruptFlags = 0x1F6
unsigned int ChannelInterruptFlags = 0x9F22A084
unsigned int ProcFlags = 0x88066300
unsigned int ProcChance = 0x8D4D8DC0
unsigned int ProcCharges = 0x1F6
unsigned int MaxLevel = 0x8D4D8DC0
unsigned int BaseLevel = 0x1F6
unsigned int SpellLevel = 0x4B90D0D0
SpellDurationEntry* DurationEntry = 0x880664009F24A082
unsigned int PowerType = 0x8D4D8DE0
unsigned int ManaCost = 0x1F6
unsigned int ManaCostPerlevel = 0x8D4D8DE0
unsigned int ManaPerSecond = 0x1F6
unsigned int ManaPerSecondPerLevel = 0x9169A170
unsigned int ManaCostPercentage = 0x1F6
unsigned int RuneCostID = 0x9F26A080
SpellRangeEntry* RangeEntry = 0x1F68D4D8E00
float Speed = -0.000000
unsigned int StackAmount = 0x1F6
std::array<unsigned int,2> Totem = 0x1F646DBA0D0
std::array<int,8> Reagent = 0x1F68D4D8E18
std::array<unsigned int,8> ReagentCount = 0x1F68D4D8E38
int EquippedItemClass = 0x9F1CA0BA
int EquippedItemSubClassMask = 0x88066800
int EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask = 0x8D4D8E60
std::array<unsigned int,2> TotemCategory = 0x8D4D8E60000001F6
std::array<unsigned int,2> SpellVisual = 0x46DBE0F0000001F6
unsigned int SpellIconID = 0x1F6
unsigned int ActiveIconID = 0x9F1EA0B8
unsigned int SpellPriority = 0x88066900
std::array<char const *,16> SpellName = 0x1F68D4D8E80
std::array<char const *,16> Rank = 0x1F68D4D8F00
unsigned int MaxTargetLevel = 0x8D4D8F80
unsigned int MaxAffectedTargets = 0x1F6
unsigned int SpellFamilyName = 0x8D4D8F80
flag96 SpellFamilyFlags = 0x1F68D4D8F8C
unsigned int DmgClass = 0x9F00A0A6
unsigned int PreventionType = 0x88067200
int AreaGroupId = 0x8D4D8FA0
unsigned int SchoolMask = 0x1F6
std::array<SpellEffectInfo,3> Effects = 0x1F68D4D8FA8
unsigned int ExplicitTargetMask = 0x9EF6A150
SpellChainNode* ChainEntry = 0x1F68D4D9100
int _auraState = 0x8D4D9100
int _spellSpecific = 0x1F6
bool _isStackableWithRanks = 0x0
bool _isSpellValid = 0x0
bool _isCritCapable = 0x0
bool _requireCooldownInfo = 0x0
Item* m_CastItem = 0x1F68D4D8D20
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F68D4D8D28
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x8D60
int m_objectTypeId = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x0
int* m_int32Values = 0x880661009F2EA088 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x880661009F2EA088 <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0x880661009F2EA088 <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F68D4D8D80
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x2110
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x46DC
bool m_objectUpdated = 0xF6
bool m_inWorld = 0x1
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F68D4D8D98
Loot loot = 0x1F68D4D8DC8
bool m_lootGenerated = 0xB6
std::string m_text = "��M��"
unsigned int m_slot = 0xC0
Bag* m_container = 0x1F68D4D8EC0
int uState = 0xDD000151
int uQueuePos = 0xF1300005
bool mb_in_trade = 0xB2
int m_lastPlayedTimeUpdate = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
unsigned int m_refundRecipient = 0x8D4D8EE0
unsigned int m_paidMoney = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_paidExtendedCost = 0xDE00048B
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > allowedGUIDs = 0x1F68D4D8EF8
Item* m_weaponItem = 0x1F64B91D150
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F64B91D158
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x9
int m_objectTypeId = 0x3
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x60
int* m_int32Values = 0xDE00048D
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0xDE00048D
float* m_floatValues = -2306163241975283712.000000
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F64B91D1B0
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x94
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x100
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x0
bool m_inWorld = 0x1
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F64B91D1C8
Loot loot = 0x1F64B91D1F8
bool m_lootGenerated = 0x0
std::string m_text = "(null)"
unsigned int m_slot = 0x0
Bag* m_container = NULL
int uState = 0x0
int uQueuePos = 0x0
bool mb_in_trade = 0x0
int m_lastPlayedTimeUpdate = 0x0
unsigned int m_refundRecipient = 0x0
unsigned int m_paidMoney = 0x0
unsigned int m_paidExtendedCost = 0x74657257
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > allowedGUIDs = 0x1F64B91D328
ObjectGuid m_castItemGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x88065F009F2AA08C
unsigned int m_cast_count = 0x40
unsigned int m_glyphIndex = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_preCastSpell = 0x8D4D8D40
SpellCastTargets m_targets
unsigned int m_targetMask = 0x0
WorldObject* m_objectTarget = 0x880660009F2CA08A
Item* m_itemTarget = 0x1F68D4D8D60
ObjectGuid m_objectTargetGUID = 0x1F68D4D8D60
ObjectGuid m_itemTargetGUID = 0x0
unsigned int m_itemTargetEntry = 0x9F2EA088
SpellDestination m_src = 0x1F68D4D8D80
SpellDestination m_dst = 0x1F68D4D8DB0
float m_elevation = -0.000000
float m_speed = 0.000000
std::string m_strTarget = "��M��..."
SpellDestination m_dstChannel = 0x1F68D4D8E08
ObjectGuid m_objectTargetGUIDChannel = 0x880667009F1AA0BC
int m_customError = 0x8D4D8E40
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x1F68D4D8E40
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F68D4D8E48
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x8E80
int m_objectTypeId = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x0
int* m_int32Values = 0x88066A009F10A0B6 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x88066A009F10A0B6 <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0x88066A009F10A0B6 <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F68D4D8EA0
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x0
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x0
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x0
bool m_inWorld = 0x0
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F68D4D8EB8
Position* Pos = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
float m_positionX = -0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = -2306162692219469824.000000
float m_orientation = -871510165446226343100600549376.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x9F16A0B0
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F68D4D8EFC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F68D4D8F08
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F68D4D8F14
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8F48
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F68D4D8F7C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8F88
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F68D4D8F98
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = 0x1F68D4D9000
std::string m_name = "(null)..."
bool m_isActive = 0x0
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x9EFAA15C00000000
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x0
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = 0x1F68D4D9040
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x8D4D9040
unsigned int _areaId = 0x1F6
float _floorZ = 225694711808.000000
bool _outdoors = 0xF6
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F68D4D9058
bool _updatePositionData = 0xF6
Transport* m_transport = 0xF11002AEA8000067
Map* m_currMap = 0x880679009EFEA158
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x8D4D9080
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1F6
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x80
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x8D4D
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x1F6
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F68D4D9090
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0xDE00014D
bool m_canDualWield = 0x5
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x1F68D4D90D8
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x1F68D4D90E8
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x88067D009EF6A150
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9100
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9100
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x88067E009EE8A14E
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9120
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9120
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x88067F009EEAA14C
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9140
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9140
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = -0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x88068000
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000014
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = -0.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x1F68D4D9188
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F68D4D91A8
[1] = 0x1F68D4D91C0
[2] = 0x1F68D4D91D8
[3] = 0x1F68D4D91F0
[4] = 0x1F68D4D9208
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9220
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9238
[7] = 0x1F68D4D9250
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x8D4D9200
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x1F68D4D9270
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x60
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x91
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x4D
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x8D
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x1F68D4D9288
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x1F68D4D9298
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x8D4D91C0
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0xA0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x88068B009ED2A174
UnitAI* i_AI = 0x1F68D4D9820
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = 0x1F68D4D9740
unsigned int m_realRace = 0xB0
unsigned int m_race = 0xBA
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x65
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x1F6
[1] = 0x9ED4A172
[2] = 0x88068C00
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000014
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x1F68D4D92F8
Unit* m_attacking = 0x90068F009ECAA16C
int m_deathState = 0x48D36900
int m_procDeep = 0x1F6
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x1F68D4D9348
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x1F68D4D9358
unsigned int m_transform = 0x8D4D96C0
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = 0x1F637657A30
[1] = 0x880691009ECEA168
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9740
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9300
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x1F68D4D9390
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x1F68D4D93A0
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x1F68D4D93B0
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x1F68D4D9400
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x8D4D9400
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F68D4D93D0
[1] = 0x1F68D4D93E0
[2] = 0x1F68D4D93F0
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9400
[4] = 0x1F68D4D9410
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9420
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9430
[7] = 0x1F68D4D9440
[8] = 0x1F68D4D9450
[9] = 0x1F68D4D9460
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x1F68D4DA7A0
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x1F68D4DA7B0
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x1F68D4DA7C0
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x43B65060
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0x1F68D4DA7D4
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000069
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000027
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = -649066044165271749330237808181248.000000
[0] = -871518099021917564104559558656.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[0] = 0xB000001F6
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x0
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x1F68D4DA980
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[4] = -0.000000
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = -0.000000
[7] = 0.000000
[8] = -0.000000
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = 0x900743009D62A2C4
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x1F68D4DA9C0
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = 0x1F643B6D0A0
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x9D64A2C2
[1] = 0x90074400
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x80000BDF
int m_regenTimer = 0x1D
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x1F68D4DA9F0
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DAA38
Vehicle* m_vehicle = 0x1F68D4DAA40
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = 0x1F6816A40A0
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x9D5CA2FA
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = 0x1F68D4DAA60
bool m_applyResilience = 0x60
bool _instantCast = 0xAA
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x4D
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_state = 0x4B92D1D0
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x9D5EA2F8
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x1F68D4DAA80
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DAA90
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DAAC8
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x88074D009D56A2F0
int m_comboPoints = 0x20
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x1F68D4DAB08
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DAB48
bool m_cleanupDone = 0xEA
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0xA2
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x88075000
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x8D4DAB60
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x1F68D4DAB68
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x0
int m_comboPointGain = 0x60
std::set<Aura *,std::less<Aura *>,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_appliedMods
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Aura *,std::less<Aura *>,std::allocator<Aura *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x880668009F1CA0BA
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x880668009F1CA0BA
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Aura *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Aura *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Aura *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F68D4D8E58
Unit* m_caster = 0x1F68D4D8E60
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F68D4D8E68
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x8EA0
int m_objectTypeId = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x0
int* m_int32Values = 0x88066B009F12A0B4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x88066B009F12A0B4 <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0x88066B009F12A0B4 <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F68D4D8EC0
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x151
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0xDD00
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x5
bool m_inWorld = 0x0
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F68D4D8ED8
Position* Pos = 0x1F68D4D8F00
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8F00
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8F00
float m_positionX = -0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x9F08A0AE
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F68D4D8F1C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F68D4D8F28
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F68D4D8F34
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8F68
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F68D4D8F9C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8FA8
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F68D4D8FB8
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = 0x1F68D4D9020
std::string m_name = "(null)..."
bool m_isActive = 0xD0
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x31
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x9EFCA15A000001F6
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x0
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = 0x1F6999700E0
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x5F7CBF50
unsigned int _areaId = 0x1F6
float _floorZ = -0.000000
bool _outdoors = 0xAE
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F68D4D9078
bool _updatePositionData = 0xF6
Transport* m_transport = NULL
Map* m_currMap = 0x88067A009EF0A156
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x8D4D90A0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1F6
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0xA0
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x8D4D
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x1F6
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F68D4D90B0
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x0
bool m_canDualWield = 0x0
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x1F68D4D90F8
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x1F68D4D9108
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x88067E009EE8A14E
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9120
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9120
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x88067F009EEAA14C
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9140
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9140
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x880680009EECA14A
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9460
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9280
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000014
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = -0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x88068100
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000031
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = -0.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x1F68D4D91A8
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F68D4D91C8
[1] = 0x1F68D4D91E0
[2] = 0x1F68D4D91F8
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9210
[4] = 0x1F68D4D9228
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9240
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9258
[7] = 0x1F68D4D9270
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x8D4D9420
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x1F68D4D9290
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x20
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x92
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x4D
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x8D
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x1F68D4D92A8
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x1F68D4D92B8
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x8D4D9740
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0xB0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x88068C009ED4A172
UnitAI* i_AI = 0x1F68D4D9320
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = 0x1F68D4D9820
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x30
unsigned int m_race = 0xA4
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x65
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x1F6
[1] = 0x9ED6A170
[2] = 0x88068D00
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000014
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x1F68D4D9318
Unit* m_attacking = 0x880690009ECCA16A
int m_deathState = 0x8D4D9840
int m_procDeep = 0x1F6
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x1F68D4D9368
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x1F68D4D9378
unsigned int m_transform = 0x8D4D9300
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = 0x1F637656CB0
[1] = 0x880692009EC0A166
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9240
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9840
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x1F68D4D93B0
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x1F68D4D93C0
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x1F68D4D93D0
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x1F696C4EAB0
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0xB
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F68D4D93F0
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9400
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9410
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9420
[4] = 0x1F68D4D9430
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9440
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9450
[7] = 0x1F68D4D9460
[8] = 0x1F68D4D9470
[9] = 0x1F68D4D9480
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x1F68D4DA7C0
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x1F68D4DA7D0
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x1F68D4DA7E0
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x9624F4D0
<user defined>[25] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0x1F68D4DA7F4
[1] = 0x1F68D4DA804
[2] = 0x1F68D4DA814
[3] = 0x1F68D4DA824
[4] = 0x1F68D4DA834
[5] = 0x1F68D4DA844
[6] = 0x1F68D4DA854
[7] = 0x1F68D4DA864
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[0] = 0x8D4DAC80000001F6
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x0
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x1F68D4DA9A0
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
[5] = -0.000000
[6] = 0.000000
[7] = -0.000000
[8] = 365.629883
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = 0x900744009D64A2C2
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x1F68D4DA9E0
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = NULL
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x9D66A2C0
[1] = 0x88074500
[2] = 0x8D4DAA00
[3] = 0x1F6
int m_regenTimer = 0x8D4DAA00
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x1F68D4DAA10
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DAA58
Vehicle* m_vehicle = 0x1F68D4DAA60
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = 0x1F64B92D1D0
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x9D5EA2F8
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = 0x80000BDF00000000
bool m_applyResilience = 0x1D
bool _instantCast = 0x0
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x0
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x80000BEF
unsigned int m_state = 0x5E
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0xF1010000
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x9D50A2F6
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x1F68D4DAAA0
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DAAB0
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DAAE8
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x88074E009D48A2EE
int m_comboPoints = 0x20
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x1F68D4DAB28
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DAB68
bool m_cleanupDone = 0xE8
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0xA2
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x90075100
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x0
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x1F68D4DAB88
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x1F68D4DABC0
SpellValue* m_spellValue = 0x1F646DBE0F0
int[3] EffectBasePoints
[0] = 0xB102898
[1] = 0x7FF7
[2] = 0x3F800000
unsigned int MaxAffectedTargets = 0x0
float RadiusMod = 0.000180
unsigned int AuraStackAmount = 0xF6
int AuraDuration = 0x0
bool ForcedCritResult = 0x0
ObjectGuid m_originalCasterGUID = 0x880669009F1EA0B8
Unit* m_originalCaster = 0x1F68D4D8E80
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F68D4D8E88
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x8EC0
int m_objectTypeId = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x151
int* m_int32Values = 0x88066C009F14A0B2 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x88066C009F14A0B2 <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0x88066C009F14A0B2 <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x48B
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0xDE00
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x5
bool m_inWorld = 0x0
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F68D4D8EF8
Position* Pos = 0x1F68D4D8F20
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8F20
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8F20
float m_positionX = -0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x9F0AA0AC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F68D4D8F3C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F68D4D8F48
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F68D4D8F54
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8F88
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F68D4D8FBC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8FC8
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x43BF4C09
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F68D4D8FD8
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = 0x1F68D4D9040
std::string m_name = "�( �..."
bool m_isActive = 0x67
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x9EFEA158F11002AE
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x0
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = 0x1F68D4D9080
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x8D4D9080
unsigned int _areaId = 0x1F6
float _floorZ = 0.000000
bool _outdoors = 0x0
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F68D4D9098
bool _updatePositionData = 0xF6
Transport* m_transport = 0x1F69173B150
Map* m_currMap = 0x88067B009EF2A154
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x8D4D90C0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1F6
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0xC0
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x8D4D
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x1F6
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F68D4D90D0
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x0
bool m_canDualWield = 0x0
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x1F68D4D9118
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x1F68D4D9128
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x88067F009EEAA14C
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9140
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9140
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x880680009EECA14A
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9460
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9280
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x1F63765AEB0
[1] = 0x880681009EEEA148
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9760
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9500
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000031
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = -0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x88068200
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000031
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = -0.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x1F68D4D91C8
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F68D4D91E8
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9200
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9218
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9230
[4] = 0x1F68D4D9248
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9260
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9278
[7] = 0x1F68D4D9290
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x8D4D91C0
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x1F68D4D92B0
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x20
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x98
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x4D
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x8D
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x1F68D4D92C8
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x1F68D4D92D8
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x8D4D9820
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x30
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x88068D009ED6A170
UnitAI* i_AI = 0x1F68D4D9380
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = 0x1F68D4D9660
unsigned int m_realRace = 0xB0
unsigned int m_race = 0x90
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x65
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x1F6
[1] = 0x9EC8A16E
[2] = 0x88068E00
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000014
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x1F68D4D9338
Unit* m_attacking = 0x880691009ECEA168
int m_deathState = 0x8D4D9740
int m_procDeep = 0x1F6
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x1F68D4D9388
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x1F68D4D9398
unsigned int m_transform = 0x8D4D9840
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = 0x1F6376569B0
[1] = 0x880693009EC2A164
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9400
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9400
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x1F68D4D93D0
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x1F68D4D93E0
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x1F68D4D93F0
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x1F68D4D93C0
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x8D4D93C0
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F68D4D9410
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9420
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9430
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9440
[4] = 0x1F68D4D9450
[5] = 0x1F68D4D9460
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9470
[7] = 0x1F68D4D9480
[8] = 0x1F68D4D9490
[9] = 0x1F68D4D94A0
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x1F68D4DA7E0
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x1F68D4DA7F0
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x1F68D4DA800
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x38912AA0
<user defined>[25] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0x1F68D4DA814
[1] = 0x1F68D4DA824
[2] = 0x1F68D4DA834
[3] = 0x1F68D4DA844
[4] = 0x1F68D4DA854
[5] = 0x1F68D4DA864
[6] = 0x1F68D4DA874
[7] = 0x1F68D4DA884
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000031
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[0] = 0x8D4DB0A0000001F6
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x0
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x1F68D4DA9C0
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 365.629883
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
[5] = -0.000000
[6] = 0.000000
[7] = -0.000000
[8] = 0.000000
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = 0x880745009D66A2C0
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x1F68D4DAA00
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = 0x1F661AF01B0
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x9D58A2FE
[1] = 0x90074600
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x80000BDF
int m_regenTimer = 0x1D
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x1F68D4DAA30
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DAA78
Vehicle* m_vehicle = 0x80000BEF0000001D
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = 0xF10100000000005E
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x9D50A2F6
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = 0x80000BDF00000000
bool m_applyResilience = 0x1D
bool _instantCast = 0x0
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x0
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x80000BEF
unsigned int m_state = 0x1B2
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x9D52A2F4
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x1F68D4DAAC0
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DAAD0
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DAB08
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x88074F009D4AA2EC
int m_comboPoints = 0x40
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x1F68D4DAB48
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DAB88
bool m_cleanupDone = 0xE6
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0xA2
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x90075200
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x9AFEF7A0
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x1F68D4DABA8
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x1F68D4DABE0
Spell** m_selfContainer = 0x1F68D4D8E80
SpellInfo* m_spellInfo = 0x1F68D4D8E80
Item* m_CastItem = 0x1F68D4D8E80
Item* m_weaponItem = NULL
ObjectGuid m_castItemGUID = 0x88066A009F10A0B6
unsigned int m_cast_count = 0xA0
unsigned int m_glyphIndex = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_preCastSpell = 0x8D4D8EA0
SpellCastTargets m_targets = 0x1F68D4D8EB0
int m_customError = 0x8D4D8FA0
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x1F68D4D8FA0
int m_comboPointGain = 0x0
std::set<Aura *,std::less<Aura *>,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_appliedMods = 0x1F68D4D8FB8
Unit* m_caster = 0xC5C6E23643BED24D
SpellValue* m_spellValue = 0x43BF4C0943904BB3
ObjectGuid m_originalCasterGUID = 0x880674009F04A0A2
Unit* m_originalCaster = 0x1F68D4D8FE0
Spell** m_selfContainer = 0x1F68D4D8FE0
int m_spellSchoolMask = 0x0
int m_attackType = 0x0
int m_powerCost = 0x9F06A0A0
int m_casttime = 0x88067500
int m_channeledDuration = 0x8D4D9000
bool m_canReflect = 0xF6
unsigned int m_spellFlags = 0x1
bool m_autoRepeat = 0x0
unsigned int m_runesState = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayAtDamageCount = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayStart = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayMoment = 0x880676009EF8A15E
unsigned int m_delayTrajectory = 0x1F68D4D9020
bool m_immediateHandled = 0x20
bool m_referencedFromCurrentSpell = 0x90
bool m_executedCurrently = 0x4D
bool m_needComboPoints = 0x8D
unsigned int m_applyMultiplierMask = 0xF6
float[3] m_damageMultipliers
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
Unit* unitTarget = 0x1F68D4D9040
Item* itemTarget = 0x1F68D4D9040
GameObject* gameObjTarget = 0x1F6525231D0
WorldLocation* destTarget = 0x880678009EFCA15A
int damage = 0x999700E0
int effectHandleMode = 0x1F6
Aura* m_spellAura = 0x1F65F7CBF50
int m_diminishLevel = 0xA8000067
int m_diminishGroup = 0xF11002AE
GameObject* focusObject = 0x880679009EFEA158
int m_damage = 0x8D4D9080
int m_healing = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_procAttacker = 0x8D4D9080
unsigned int m_procVictim = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_procEx = 0x0
std::list<TargetInfo,std::allocator<TargetInfo> > m_UniqueTargetInfo = 0x1F68D4D9098
unsigned int m_channelTargetEffectMask = 0xA0
ObjectGuid targetGUID = 0x1F68D4D8E80
unsigned int timeDelay = 0x1F68D4D8E80
unsigned int effectMask = 0x0
bool processed = 0x0
std::list<Spell::GOTargetInfo,std::allocator<Spell::GOTargetInfo> > m_UniqueGOTargetInfo = 0x1F68D4D90B0
Item* item = 0x1F68D4D8E80
unsigned int effectMask = 0x80
std::list<Spell::ItemTargetInfo,std::allocator<Spell::ItemTargetInfo> > m_UniqueItemInfo = 0x1F68D4D90C0
SpellDestination[3] m_destTargets
[0] = 0x1F68D4D90D0
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9100
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9130
bool _scriptsLoaded = 0x60
std::list<SpellScript *,std::allocator<SpellScript *> > m_loadedScripts = 0x1F68D4D9168
SpellInfo* triggeredSpell = 0x1F68D4D8E80
SpellInfo* triggeredByAura = 0x1F68D4D8E80
int chance = 0x0
std::list<Spell::HitTriggerSpell,std::allocator<Spell::HitTriggerSpell> > m_hitTriggerSpells = 0x1F68D4D9178
unsigned int m_spellState = 0x8D4D9500
int m_timer = 0x1F6
SpellEvent* _spellEvent = 0x1F63803DC20
int _triggeredCastFlags = 0x9EE0A146
TriggeredByAuraSpellData m_triggeredByAuraSpell = 0x1F68D4D91A0
bool m_skipCheck = 0x20
unsigned int m_auraScaleMask = 0xEE
std::unique_ptr<PathGenerator,std::default_delete<PathGenerator> > m_preGeneratedPath = 0x880683009EE2A144
bool _spellTargetsSelected = 0xA0
ByteBuffer*[3] m_effectExecuteData
[0] = 0x1F68D4D9700
[1] = 0x1F63803EFA0
[2] = 0x880684009EE4A142
int m_spellSchoolMask = 0x0
int m_attackType = 0x0
int m_powerCost = 0x9F10A0B6
int m_casttime = 0x88066A00
int m_channeledDuration = 0x8D4D8EA0
bool m_canReflect = 0xF6
unsigned int m_spellFlags = 0x1
bool m_autoRepeat = 0x0
unsigned int m_runesState = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayAtDamageCount = 0xA0
unsigned int m_delayStart = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayMoment = 0x88066B009F12A0B4
unsigned int m_delayTrajectory = 0x1F68D4D8EC0
bool m_immediateHandled = 0xC0
bool m_referencedFromCurrentSpell = 0x8E
bool m_executedCurrently = 0x4D
bool m_needComboPoints = 0x8D
unsigned int m_applyMultiplierMask = 0xF6
float[3] m_damageMultipliers
[0] = -576483910767083520.000000
[1] = -871510165446226343100600549376.000000
[2] = -0.000000
Unit* unitTarget = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F68D4D8EE8
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x8F20
int m_objectTypeId = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x0
int* m_int32Values = 0x88066F009F0AA0AC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x88066F009F0AA0AC <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = 0x88066F009F0AA0AC <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F68D4D8F40
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x51A0
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x43CD
bool m_objectUpdated = 0xF6
bool m_inWorld = 0x1
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F68D4D8F58
Position* Pos = 0x1F68D4D8F80
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8F80
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8F80
float m_positionX = -0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x9F00A0A6
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F68D4D8F9C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F68D4D8FA8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F68D4D8FB4
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D8FE8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F68D4D901C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F68D4D9028
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F68D4D9038
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = 0x1F68D4D90A0
std::string m_name = "x� �..."
bool m_isActive = 0x4D
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x1
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x9EF4A152F1300005
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x0
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = 0x1F68D4D90E0
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x8D4D90E0
unsigned int _areaId = 0x1F6
float _floorZ = 0.000000
bool _outdoors = 0x0
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F68D4D90F8
bool _updatePositionData = 0xF6
Transport* m_transport = NULL
Map* m_currMap = 0x88067E009EE8A14E
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x8D4D9120
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1F6
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x20
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x8D4D
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x1F6
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F68D4D9130
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x3765AEB0
bool m_canDualWield = 0xF6
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x1F68D4D9178
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x1F68D4D9188
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x880682009EE0A146
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9700
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9940
[3] = 0x1F63803EE20
[4] = 0x880683009EE2A144
[5] = 0x1F68D4D92A0
[6] = 0x1F68D4D9700
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x1F63803EFA0
[1] = 0x880684009EE4A142
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9200
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9240
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000014
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = -0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x88068500
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000014
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = -0.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x1F68D4D9228
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F68D4D9248
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9260
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9278
[3] = 0x1F68D4D9290
[4] = 0x1F68D4D92A8
[5] = 0x1F68D4D92C0
[6] = 0x1F68D4D92D8
[7] = 0x1F68D4D92F0
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x8D4D9660
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x1F68D4D9310
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x80
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x94
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x4D
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x8D
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x1F68D4D9328
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x1F68D4D9338
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0xE0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x880690009ECCA16A
UnitAI* i_AI = 0x1F68D4D9840
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = 0x1F68D4D96C0
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x30
unsigned int m_race = 0x7A
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x65
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x1F6
[1] = 0x9ECEA168
[2] = 0x88069100
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000014
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x1F68D4D9398
Unit* m_attacking = 0x900694009EC4A162
int m_deathState = 0x96C4EAB0
int m_procDeep = 0x1F6
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x1F68D4D93E8
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x1F68D4D93F8
unsigned int m_transform = 0x8D4D93C0
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = 0x1F68D4D93E0
[1] = 0x880696009EB8A11E
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9280
[3] = 0x1F68D4D96A0
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x1F68D4D9430
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x1F68D4D9440
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x1F68D4D9450
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x1F68D4D9880
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x8D4D9160
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F68D4D9470
[1] = 0x1F68D4D9480
[2] = 0x1F68D4D9490
[3] = 0x1F68D4D94A0
[4] = 0x1F68D4D94B0
[5] = 0x1F68D4D94C0
[6] = 0x1F68D4D94D0
[7] = 0x1F68D4D94E0
[8] = 0x1F68D4D94F0
[9] = 0x1F68D4D9500
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x1F68D4DA840
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x1F68D4DA850
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x1F68D4DA860
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x8D4DA840
<user defined>[25] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0x1F68D4DA874
[1] = 0x1F68D4DA884
[2] = 0x1F68D4DA894
[3] = 0x1F68D4DA8A4
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[0] = -871518401253372467761853235200.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000031
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000031
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[0] = 0x8D4DAA00000001F6
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 403537726261138817024.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x0
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x1F68D4DAA20
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = -0.000000
[3] = -0.000000
[4] = -0.000000
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = -0.000000
[7] = 0.000000
[8] = -0.000000
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = 0x880748009D5CA2FA
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x1F68D4DAA60
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = 0x1F64B92D1D0
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x9D5EA2F8
[1] = 0x90074900
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x80000BDF
int m_regenTimer = 0x1D
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x1F68D4DAA90
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DAAD8
Vehicle* m_vehicle = 0x1F68D4DAAE0
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = 0x1F637E33A60
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x9D56A2F0
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = 0x1F68D4CF020
bool m_applyResilience = 0xE0
bool _instantCast = 0xA4
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x4D
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_state = 0x3803FEA0
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x9D48A2EE
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x1F68D4DAB20
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DAB30
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x1F68D4DAB68
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x900752009D40A2E6
int m_comboPoints = 0xA0
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x1F68D4DABA8
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x1F68D4DABE8
bool m_cleanupDone = 0xE0
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0xA2
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x88075500
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x8D4DAC00
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x1F68D4DAC08
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x0
Item* itemTarget = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
<user defined> CustomData = 0x1F68D4D8EE8
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x8F20
int m_objectTypeId = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x0
<user defined> m_int32Values = 0x88066F009F0AA0AC
<user defined> m_uint32Values = 0x88066F009F0AA0AC
<user defined> m_floatValues = 0x88066F009F0AA0AC
<user defined> _changesMask = 0x1F68D4D8F40
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x51A0
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x43CD
bool m_objectUpdated = 0xF6
bool m_inWorld = 0x1
<user defined> m_PackGUID = 0x1F68D4D8F58
Loot loot = 0x1F68D4D8F88
bool m_lootGenerated = 0x5A
std::string m_text = "..."
unsigned int m_slot = 0x80
Bag* m_container = 0x1F68D4D9080
int uState = 0x0
int uQueuePos = 0x0
bool mb_in_trade = 0x56
int m_lastPlayedTimeUpdate = 0x1F68D4D90A0
unsigned int m_refundRecipient = 0x8D4D90A0
unsigned int m_paidMoney = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_paidExtendedCost = 0x9173B150
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > allowedGUIDs = 0x1F68D4D90B8
GameObject* gameObjTarget = 0xF1300005DE00048B
DataMap CustomData = 0xF1300005DE000493
unsigned int m_objectType = 0xF1300005DE0004D3 <Unable to read memory>
int m_objectTypeId = 0xF1300005DE0004D7 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0xF1300005DE0004DB <Unable to read memory>
int* m_int32Values = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0xF1300005DE0004EB
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0xF1300005DE0004FB <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0xF1300005DE0004FD <Unable to read memory>
bool m_objectUpdated = 0xF1300005DE0004FF <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inWorld = 0xF1300005DE000500 <Unable to read memory>
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0xF1300005DE000503
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xF1300005DE000533 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xF1300005DE000533 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0xF1300005DE000533 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0xF1300005DE000537 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0xF1300005DE00053B <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0xF1300005DE00053F <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xF1300005DE000543 <Unable to read memory>
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0xF1300005DE000547
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0xF1300005DE000553
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0xF1300005DE00055F
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0xF1300005DE000593
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0xF1300005DE0005C7
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0xF1300005DE0005D3
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0xF1300005DE0005DF <Unable to read memory>
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0xF1300005DE0005E3
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_name = 0xF1300005DE00065B <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0xF1300005DE00067B <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isFarVisible = 0xF1300005DE00067C <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0xF1300005DE00067F <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isWorldObject = 0xF1300005DE000687 <Unable to read memory>
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _zoneId = 0xF1300005DE000693 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _areaId = 0xF1300005DE000697 <Unable to read memory>
float _floorZ = 0xF1300005DE00069B <Unable to read memory>
bool _outdoors = 0xF1300005DE00069F <Unable to read memory>
LiquidData _liquidData = 0xF1300005DE0006A3
bool _updatePositionData = 0xF1300005DE0006B7 <Unable to read memory>
Transport* m_transport = <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_currMap = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0xF1300005DE0006CB <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0xF1300005DE0006CF <Unable to read memory>
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0xF1300005DE0006D3 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0xF1300005DE0006D5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0xF1300005DE0006D7 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0xF1300005DE0006DB
GridReference<GameObject> _gridRef = 0xF1300005DE00071B
Cell _currentCell = 0xF1300005DE000743 <Unable to read memory>
int _moveState = 0xF1300005DE000747 <Unable to read memory>
Loot loot = 0xF1300005DE00074B
unsigned int m_groupLootTimer = 0xF1300005DE00081B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int lootingGroupLowGUID = 0xF1300005DE00081F <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectModel* m_model = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_spellId = 0xF1300005DE00082B <Unable to read memory>
int m_respawnTime = 0xF1300005DE000833 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_respawnDelayTime = 0xF1300005DE00083B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_despawnDelay = 0xF1300005DE00083F <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_despawnRespawnTime = 0xF1300005DE000843 <Unable to read memory>
int m_lootState = 0xF1300005DE00084B <Unable to read memory>
bool m_spawnedByDefault = 0xF1300005DE00084F <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_cooldownTime = 0xF1300005DE000853 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,int> > > m_SkillupList = 0xF1300005DE00085B
ObjectGuid m_ritualOwnerGUID = 0xF1300005DE00089B <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_unique_users = 0xF1300005DE0008A3
unsigned int m_usetimes = 0xF1300005DE0008B3 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,ObjectGuid,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,ObjectGuid> > > ChairListSlots = 0xF1300005DE0008BB
unsigned int m_spawnId = 0xF1300005DE0008CB <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectTemplate* m_goInfo = <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectData* m_goData = <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectValue m_goValue = 0xF1300005DE0008E3
bool m_allowModifyDestructibleBuilding = 0xF1300005DE0008F3 <Unable to read memory>
int m_packedRotation = 0xF1300005DE0008FB <Unable to read memory>
G3D::Quat m_localRotation = 0xF1300005DE000903
Position m_stationaryPosition = 0xF1300005DE000913
ObjectGuid m_lootRecipient = 0xF1300005DE000923 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lootRecipientGroup = 0xF1300005DE00092B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_LootMode = 0xF1300005DE00092F <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lootGenerationTime = 0xF1300005DE000933 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_linkedTrap = 0xF1300005DE00093B <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid _lootStateUnitGUID = 0xF1300005DE000943 <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectAI* m_AI = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_saveStateOnDb = 0xF1300005DE000953 <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation* destTarget = 0x88066D009F16A0B0
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x88066D009F16A0B0 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x88066D009F16A0B0 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x88066D009F16A0B0 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x88066D009F16A0B4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x88066D009F16A0B8 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x88066D009F16A0BC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x88066D009F16A0C0 <Unable to read memory>
int damage = 0x8D4D8F00
int effectHandleMode = 0x1F6
Aura* m_spellAura = 0x1F68D4D8F00
std::list<AuraScript *,std::allocator<AuraScript *> > m_loadedScripts = 0x1F68D4D8F08
SpellInfo* m_spellInfo = 0x88066E009F08A0AE
ObjectGuid m_casterGuid = 0x1F68D4D8F20
ObjectGuid m_castItemGuid = 0x1F68D4D8F20
unsigned int m_castItemEntry = 0x0
int m_applyTime = 0x88066F009F0AA0AC
WorldObject* m_owner = 0x1F68D4D8F40
int m_maxDuration = 0x8D4D8F40
int m_duration = 0x1F6
int m_timeCla = 0x43CD51A0
int m_updateTargetMapInterval = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_casterLevel = 0xAA
unsigned int m_procCharges = 0xA0
unsigned int m_stackAmount = 0xC
AuraEffect*[3] m_effects
[0] = 0x1F68D4D8F60
[1] = 0x1F68D4D8F60
[2] = 0xBC
std::map<ObjectGuid,AuraApplication *,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_applications = 0x1F68D4D8F78
bool m_isRemoved = 0x80
bool m_isSingleTarget = 0x80
bool m_isUsingCharges = 0x80
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_removedApplications = 0x1F68D4D8F90
SpellInfo* m_triggeredByAuraSpellInfo = 0x1F68D4D8FA0
int m_diminishLevel = 0x0
int m_diminishGroup = 0x0
GameObject* focusObject = 0x88066E009F08A0AE
DataMap CustomData = 0x88066E009F08A0B6
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x88066E009F08A0F6 <Unable to read memory>
int m_objectTypeId = 0x88066E009F08A0FA <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x88066E009F08A0FE <Unable to read memory>
int* m_int32Values = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x88066E009F08A10E
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x88066E009F08A11E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x88066E009F08A120 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x88066E009F08A122 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inWorld = 0x88066E009F08A123 <Unable to read memory>
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x88066E009F08A126
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x88066E009F08A156 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x88066E009F08A156 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x88066E009F08A156 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x88066E009F08A15A <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x88066E009F08A15E <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x88066E009F08A162 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x88066E009F08A166 <Unable to read memory>
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x88066E009F08A16A
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x88066E009F08A176
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x88066E009F08A182
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x88066E009F08A1B6
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x88066E009F08A1EA
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x88066E009F08A1F6
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x88066E009F08A202 <Unable to read memory>
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x88066E009F08A206
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_name = 0x88066E009F08A27E <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0x88066E009F08A29E <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x88066E009F08A29F <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x88066E009F08A2A2 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x88066E009F08A2AA <Unable to read memory>
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x88066E009F08A2B6 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _areaId = 0x88066E009F08A2BA <Unable to read memory>
float _floorZ = 0x88066E009F08A2BE <Unable to read memory>
bool _outdoors = 0x88066E009F08A2C2 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x88066E009F08A2C6
bool _updatePositionData = 0x88066E009F08A2DA <Unable to read memory>
Transport* m_transport = <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_currMap = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x88066E009F08A2EE <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x88066E009F08A2F2 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x88066E009F08A2F6 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x88066E009F08A2F8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x88066E009F08A2FA <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x88066E009F08A2FE
GridReference<GameObject> _gridRef = 0x88066E009F08A33E
Cell _currentCell = 0x88066E009F08A366 <Unable to read memory>
int _moveState = 0x88066E009F08A36A <Unable to read memory>
Loot loot = 0x88066E009F08A36E
unsigned int m_groupLootTimer = 0x88066E009F08A43E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int lootingGroupLowGUID = 0x88066E009F08A442 <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectModel* m_model = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_spellId = 0x88066E009F08A44E <Unable to read memory>
int m_respawnTime = 0x88066E009F08A456 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_respawnDelayTime = 0x88066E009F08A45E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_despawnDelay = 0x88066E009F08A462 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_despawnRespawnTime = 0x88066E009F08A466 <Unable to read memory>
int m_lootState = 0x88066E009F08A46E <Unable to read memory>
bool m_spawnedByDefault = 0x88066E009F08A472 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_cooldownTime = 0x88066E009F08A476 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,int> > > m_SkillupList = 0x88066E009F08A47E
ObjectGuid m_ritualOwnerGUID = 0x88066E009F08A4BE <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_unique_users = 0x88066E009F08A4C6
unsigned int m_usetimes = 0x88066E009F08A4D6 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,ObjectGuid,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,ObjectGuid> > > ChairListSlots = 0x88066E009F08A4DE
unsigned int m_spawnId = 0x88066E009F08A4EE <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectTemplate* m_goInfo = <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectData* m_goData = <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectValue m_goValue = 0x88066E009F08A506
bool m_allowModifyDestructibleBuilding = 0x88066E009F08A516 <Unable to read memory>
int m_packedRotation = 0x88066E009F08A51E <Unable to read memory>
G3D::Quat m_localRotation = 0x88066E009F08A526
Position m_stationaryPosition = 0x88066E009F08A536
ObjectGuid m_lootRecipient = 0x88066E009F08A546 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lootRecipientGroup = 0x88066E009F08A54E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_LootMode = 0x88066E009F08A552 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lootGenerationTime = 0x88066E009F08A556 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_linkedTrap = 0x88066E009F08A55E <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid _lootStateUnitGUID = 0x88066E009F08A566 <Unable to read memory>
GameObjectAI* m_AI = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_saveStateOnDb = 0x88066E009F08A576 <Unable to read memory>
int m_damage = 0x8D4D8F20
int m_healing = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_procAttacker = 0x8D4D8F20
unsigned int m_procVictim = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_procEx = 0x0
std::list<TargetInfo,std::allocator<TargetInfo> > m_UniqueTargetInfo
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F68D4D8F38
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<TargetInfo,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<TargetInfo> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F68D4D8F38
unsigned int m_channelTargetEffectMask = 0x40
ObjectGuid targetGUID = 0x1F68D4D8D20
unsigned int timeDelay = 0x1F68D4D8D20
unsigned int effectMask = 0x50
bool processed = 0xD1
std::list<Spell::GOTargetInfo,std::allocator<Spell::GOTargetInfo> > m_UniqueGOTargetInfo
ObjectGuid targetGUID = 0x1F643CD51A0
unsigned int timeDelay = 0x880670009F0CA0AA
unsigned int effectMask = 0x60
bool processed = 0x8F
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F68D4D8F50
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Spell::GOTargetInfo,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Spell::GOTargetInfo> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F68D4D8F50
Item* item = 0x1F68D4D8D20
unsigned int effectMask = 0x20
std::list<Spell::ItemTargetInfo,std::allocator<Spell::ItemTargetInfo> > m_UniqueItemInfo
Item* item = 0x1F68D4D8F60
unsigned int effectMask = 0x60
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F68D4D8F60
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Spell::ItemTargetInfo,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Spell::ItemTargetInfo> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F68D4D8F60
SpellDestination[3] m_destTargets
[0] = 0x1F68D4D8F70
[1] = 0x1F68D4D8FA0
[2] = 0x1F68D4D8FD0
bool _scriptsLoaded = 0x0
std::list<SpellScript *,std::allocator<SpellScript *> > m_loadedScripts
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F68D4D9008
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<SpellScript *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<SpellScript *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F68D4D9008
SpellInfo* triggeredSpell = 0x1F68D4D8D20
SpellInfo* triggeredByAura = 0x1F68D4D8D20
int chance = 0x4B91D150
std::list<Spell::HitTriggerSpell,std::allocator<Spell::HitTriggerSpell> > m_hitTriggerSpells
SpellInfo* triggeredSpell = 0x880676009EF8A15E
SpellInfo* triggeredByAura = 0x1F68D4D9020
int chance = 0x8D4D9020
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F68D4D9018
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Spell::HitTriggerSpell,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Spell::HitTriggerSpell> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F68D4D9018
unsigned int m_spellState = 0x8D4D9020
int m_timer = 0x1F6
SpellEvent* _spellEvent = NULL
int _triggeredCastFlags = 0x9EFAA15C
TriggeredByAuraSpellData m_triggeredByAuraSpell
SpellInfo* spellInfo = 0x1F68D4D9040
int effectIndex = 0x40
unsigned int tickNumber = 0x1F6
bool m_skipCheck = 0xD0
unsigned int m_auraScaleMask = 0x31
std::unique_ptr<PathGenerator,std::default_delete<PathGenerator> > m_preGeneratedPath
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<PathGenerator>,PathGenerator *,1> _Mypair = 0x880678009EFCA15A
bool _spellTargetsSelected = 0xE0
ByteBuffer*[3] m_effectExecuteData
[0] = 0x1F65F7CBF50
[1] = 0xF11002AEA8000067
[2] = 0x880679009EFEA158
bool isDebugAreaTriggers = 0x0
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorForBG = 0x0
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId = 0x8D4D8AE0
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_receivedSpectatorResetFor
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F274A8
ObjectGuid m_drwGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
unsigned int m_charmUpdateTimer = 0x8D4D8A20
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > WhisperList
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = 0x1F68D4D8EA0
<user defined>* _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> > _Myval2 = 0x1F695F274C8
bool m_NeedToSaveGlyphs = 0x0
unsigned int m_MountBlockId = 0x0
float m_realDodge = -0.000000
float m_realParry = 0.000000
unsigned int[10] m_charmAISpells
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x8D4D8D60
[3] = 0x1F6
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x8D4D8960
[7] = 0x1F6
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
unsigned int m_AreaID = 0x8D4D8980
unsigned int m_regenTimerCount = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_foodEmoteTimerCount = 0x0
float[7] m_powerFraction
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = -0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
[5] = -0.000000
[6] = 0.000000
unsigned int m_contestedPvPTimer = 0x0
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x0
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x0
std::array<Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec,2> _BgBattlegroundQueueID
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x0
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x8D4D8A80
Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec[2] _Elems
[0] = 0x8D4D8A8000000000
[1] = 0x1F6
BGData m_bgData
unsigned int bgInstanceID = 0x8D4D8D80
unsigned int bgTypeID = 0xF6
int bgTeamId = 0x0
unsigned int bgQueueSlot = 0x0
bool isInvited = 0x80
bool bgIsRandom = 0x90
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > bgAfkReporter
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F27568
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F27568
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27568
unsigned int bgAfkReportedCount = 0x0
int bgAfkReportedTimer = 0x1F68D4D8C20
bool m_IsBGRandomWinner = 0x0
EntryPointData m_entryPointData
unsigned int mountSpell = 0x8D4D8DC0
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > taxiPath
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned int>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned int> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27598
WorldLocation joinPos
Position* Pos = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x1F68D4D8EE0
float m_positionX = -0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x8D4D8F80
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_timedquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F275C8
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_weeklyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F275D8
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F275D8
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F275D8
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_monthlyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F275E8
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F275E8
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F275E8
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > m_seasonalquests
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F695F275F8
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >* _Target = NULL
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F68D4D8FE0
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F695F275F8
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F695F275F8
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x0
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > _List = 0x1F695F27600
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F695F27610
unsigned int _Mask = 0x0
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x1F68D4D8BC0
ObjectGuid m_divider
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
unsigned int m_ingametime = 0x8D4D8E60
int m_lastHonorUpdateTime = 0x0
ObjectGuid m_lootGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x1F68D4D8BE0
int m_team = 0x0
unsigned int m_nextSave = 0x0
unsigned int m_additionalSaveTimer = 0x8CC0
unsigned int m_additionalSaveMask = 0x4D
unsigned int m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer = 0x1F6
int m_speakTime = 0x0
unsigned int m_speakCount = 0x8D4D90E0
int m_dungeonDifficulty = 0x1F6
int m_raidDifficulty = 0x0
int m_raidMapDifficulty = 0x0
unsigned int m_atLoginFlags = 0x8D4D9020
Item*[150] m_items
[0] = NULL
[1] = 0x1F68D4D89C0
[2] = NULL
[3] = 0x1F68D4D8F20
[4] = NULL
[5] = 0x1F68D4D8C80
[6] = NULL
[7] = 0x1F68D4D9100
[8] = NULL
[9] = 0x1F68D4D8CE0
unsigned int m_currentBuybackSlot = 0x0
std::vector<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemUpdateQueue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Item *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F695F27B40
bool m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked = 0x0
unsigned int m_ExtraFlags = 0x0
std::map<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > > m_QuestStatus
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F68D4DB960
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F68D4DB960
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F68D4DB960
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27B60
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27B60
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_QuestStatusSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27B70
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F27B70
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F27B70
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27B70
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27B70
std::unordered_set<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_RewardedQuests
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F695F27B80
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >* _Target = 0x1F68D4DBE00
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> >& _List = 0x1F68D4DBE00
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Predecessor = NULL
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Next = 0x1F68D4DBC60
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F695F27B80
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F695F27B80
std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x8D4DBE00
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > _List = 0x1F695F27B88
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<unsigned int> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F695F27B98
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F68D4DBF00
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x0
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_RewardedQuestsSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F68D4DBA60
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F68D4DBA60
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F68D4DBA60
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27BC0
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27BC0
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > mSkillStatus
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F695F27BD0
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >* _Target = 0x1F68D4DBBA0
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > >& _List = 0x1F68D4DBBA0
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Predecessor = NULL
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Next = 0x1F68D4DBAE0
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F695F27BD0
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F695F27BD0
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x8D4DBBA0
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > _List = 0x1F695F27BD8
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F695F27BE8
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F68D4DBA80
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x0
unsigned int m_GuildIdInvited = 0x8D4DBDC0
unsigned int m_ArenaTeamIdInvited = 0x1F6
std::deque<Mail *,std::allocator<Mail *> > m_mail
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Mail *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F695F27C18
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > m_spells
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F68D4DBDE0
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >* _Target = 0x1F68D4DBDE0
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > >& _List = 0x1F68D4DBDE0
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Predecessor = NULL
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Next = 0x1F68D4DBC40
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F68D4DBDE0
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F68D4DBDE0
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x8D4DBDE0
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > _List = 0x1F695F27C48
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F695F27C58
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F68D4DBE20
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x0
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > m_talents
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F68D4DBB00
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >* _Target = 0x1F68D4DBB00
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > >& _List = 0x1F68D4DBB00
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Predecessor = NULL
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Next = 0x1F68D4DBB40
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F68D4DBB00
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F68D4DBB00
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x8D4DBB00
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > _List = 0x1F695F27C88
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F695F27C98
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F68D4DBF40
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x0
unsigned int m_lastPotionId = 0x8D4DBFC0
GlobalCooldownMgr m_GlobalCooldownMgr
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > m_GlobalCooldowns
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x0
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> >,0> >* _Target = NULL
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F68D4DBC80
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown>,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x0
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x0
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x0
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > _List = 0x1F695F27CD0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F695F27CE0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x0
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x1F68D4DBFE0
unsigned int m_activeSpec = 0x0
unsigned int m_specsCount = 0x0
unsigned int[6] m_Glyphs
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x8D4DBB60
[2] = 0x1F6
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x8D4DBCE0
[0] = 0x1F695F27D0C
unsigned int[6]
[0] = 0x1F6
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x8D4DBA40
[4] = 0x1F6
[5] = 0x0
std::map<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > > m_actionButtons
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27D40
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F695F27D40
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F695F27D40
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F27D40
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F695F27D40
float[2] m_auraBaseMod
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[0] = 0x1F68D4DBC00
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[0] = -0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
int[25] m_baseRatingValue
[0] = 0xBA00
[1] = 0x8D4D
[2] = 0x1F6
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0xBD20
[9] = 0x8D4D
unsigned int m_baseSpellPower = 0x1F6
unsigned int m_baseFeralAP = 0x0
unsigned int m_baseManaRegen = 0x0
unsigned int m_baseHealthRegen = 0x8D4DB9C0
int m_spellPenetrationItemMod = 0x1F6
std::list<SpellModifier *,std::allocator<SpellModifier *> >[32] m_spellMods
[0] = 0x1F695F27DB8
[1] = 0x1F695F27DC8
[2] = 0x1F695F27DD8
[3] = 0x1F695F27DE8
[4] = 0x1F695F27DF8
[5] = 0x1F695F27E08
[6] = 0x1F695F27E18
[7] = 0x1F695F27E28
[8] = 0x1F695F27E38
[9] = 0x1F695F27E48
std::list<EnchantDuration,std::allocator<EnchantDuration> > m_enchantDuration
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F695F27FB8
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<EnchantDuration,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> > _Myval2 = 0x1F695F27FB8
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemDuration
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = 0x1F68D4CCC20
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F695F27FC8
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemSoulboundTradeable
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = 0x1F68D4CCF40
<user defined>* _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F695F27FD8
std::mutex m_soulboundTradableLock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x1F695F27FE8
ObjectGuid m_resurrectGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
unsigned int m_resurrectMap = 0x0
float m_resurrectX = 0.000000
float m_resurrectY = 1.000000
float m_resurrectZ = 0.000000
unsigned int m_resurrectHealth = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_resurrectMana = 0x0
WorldSession* m_session = 0x3F800000
int m_muteTime = 0x3F800000 <Unable to read memory>
std::atomic<__int64> m_timeOutTime
std::_Atomic_padded<__int64> _Storage = 0x3F800008 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _lastAuctionListItemsMSTime = 0x3F800010 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _lastAuctionListOwnerItemsMSTime = 0x3F800014 <Unable to read memory>
AsyncCallbackProcessor<QueryCallback> _queryProcessor
std::vector<QueryCallback,std::allocator<QueryCallback> > _callbacks = 0x3F800018
AsyncCallbackProcessor<TransactionCallback> _transactionCallbacks
std::vector<TransactionCallback,std::allocator<TransactionCallback> > _callbacks = 0x3F800030
AsyncCallbackProcessor<SQLQueryHolderCallback> _queryHolderProcessor
std::vector<SQLQueryHolderCallback,std::allocator<SQLQueryHolderCallback> > _callbacks = 0x3F800048
WorldSession* Session = <Unable to read memory>
int _policy = 0x3F800008 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned short,PacketCounter,std::hash<unsigned short>,std::equal_to<unsigned short>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned short const ,PacketCounter> > > _PacketThrottlingMap = 0x3F800010
WorldSession::DosProtection AntiDOS
WorldSession* Session = <Unable to read memory>
int _policy = 0x3F800068 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned short,PacketCounter,std::hash<unsigned short>,std::equal_to<unsigned short>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned short const ,PacketCounter> > > _PacketThrottlingMap = 0x3F800070
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _legitCharacters
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x3F8000B0 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x3F8000B0 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x3F8000B0
unsigned int m_GUIDLow = 0x3F8000C0 <Unable to read memory>
Player* _player = <Unable to read memory>
std::shared_ptr<WorldSocket> m_Socket
WorldSocket* _Ptr = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_Address = 0x3F8000E0 <Unable to read memory>
int _security = 0x3F800100 <Unable to read memory>
bool _skipQueue = 0x3F800104 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _accountId = 0x3F800108 <Unable to read memory>
std::string _accountName = 0x3F800110 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_expansion = 0x3F800130 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_total_time = 0x3F800134 <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<Warden,std::default_delete<Warden> > _warden
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<Warden>,Warden *,1> _Mypair = 0x3F800138 <Unable to read memory>
int _logoutTime = 0x3F800140 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inQueue = 0x3F800148 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_playerLoading = 0x3F800149 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_playerLogout = 0x3F80014A <Unable to read memory>
bool m_playerSave = 0x3F80014B <Unable to read memory>
int m_sessionDbcLocale = 0x3F80014C <Unable to read memory>
int m_sessionDbLocaleIndex = 0x3F800150 <Unable to read memory>
std::atomic<unsigned int> m_latency
std::_Atomic_integral_facade<unsigned int>
std::_Atomic_integral<unsigned int,4>
std::_Atomic_storage<unsigned int,4>
std::_Atomic_padded<unsigned int> _Storage = 0x3F800154 <Unable to read memory>
AccountData[8] m_accountData
[0] = 0x3F800158
[1] = 0x3F800180
[2] = 0x3F8001A8
[3] = 0x3F8001D0
[4] = 0x3F8001F8
[5] = 0x3F800220
[6] = 0x3F800248
[7] = 0x3F800270
unsigned int[8] m_Tutorials
[0] = 0x3F800298 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x3F80029C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x3F8002A0 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x3F8002A4 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x3F8002A8 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x3F8002AC <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x3F8002B0 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x3F8002B4 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_TutorialsChanged = 0x3F8002B8 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<AddonInfo,std::allocator<AddonInfo> > m_addonsList
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x3F8002C0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<AddonInfo,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<AddonInfo> >,1> _Mypair = 0x3F8002C0
unsigned int recruiterId = 0x3F8002D0 <Unable to read memory>
bool isRecruiter = 0x3F8002D4 <Unable to read memory>
LockedQueue<WorldPacket *,std::deque<WorldPacket *,std::allocator<WorldPacket *> > > _recvQueue
std::mutex _lock = 0x3F8002E0
std::deque<WorldPacket *,std::allocator<WorldPacket *> > _queue = 0x3F800330
bool _canceled = 0x3F800358 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_currentVendorEntry = 0x3F800360 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_currentBankerGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x3F800368 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _offlineTime = 0x3F800370 <Unable to read memory>
bool _kicked = 0x3F800374 <Unable to read memory>
bool _shouldSetOfflineInDB = 0x3F800375 <Unable to read memory>
int _calendarEventCreationCooldown = 0x3F800378 <Unable to read memory>
CircularBuffer<std::pair<__int64,unsigned int> > _timeSyncClockDeltaQueue
std::mutex mutex_ = 0x3F800380
std::unique_ptr<std::pair<__int64,unsigned int> [0],std::default_delete<std::pair<__int64,unsigned int> [0]> > buf_ = 0x3F8003D0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int head_ = 0x3F8003D8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int tail_ = 0x3F8003E0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int max_size_ = 0x3F8003E8 <Unable to read memory>
bool full_ = 0x3F8003F0 <Unable to read memory>
int _timeSyncClockDelta = 0x3F8003F8 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> > > _pendingTimeSyncRequests
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x3F800400
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x3F800400
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x3F800400
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x3F800400
<user defined> value_compare = 0x3F800400 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _timeSyncNextCounter = 0x3F800410 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _timeSyncTimer = 0x3F800414 <Unable to read memory>
bool _isBot = 0x3F800418 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> > m_channels
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>* _Head = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Channel *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F695F28060
unsigned int m_cinematic = 0x0
TradeData* m_trade = 0x3F800000
Player* m_player = <Unable to read memory>
Player* m_trader = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_accepted = 0x3F800010 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_acceptProccess = 0x3F800011 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_money = 0x3F800014 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_spell = 0x3F800018 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_spellCastItem
unsigned int _guid = 0x3F800020 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid[7] m_items
[0] = 0x3F800028 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x3F800030 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x3F800038 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x3F800040 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x3F800048 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x3F800050 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x3F800058 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_DailyQuestChanged = 0x0
bool m_WeeklyQuestChanged = 0x0
bool m_MonthlyQuestChanged = 0x80
bool m_SeasonalQuestChanged = 0x3F
int m_lastDailyQuestTime = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_drunkTimer = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_weaponChangeTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateId = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_areaUpdateId = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_deathTimer = 0x0
int m_deathExpireTime = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_WeaponProficiency = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_ArmorProficiency = 0x0
bool m_canParry = 0x0
bool m_canBlock = 0x0
bool m_canTitanGrip = 0x80
unsigned int m_swingErrorMsg = 0x3F
float m_ammoDPS = 0.000000
int _restTime = 0x3F800000
unsigned int _innTriggerId = 0x3F800000
float _restBonus = 0.000000
unsigned int _restFlagMask = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_resetTalentsCost = 0x0
int m_resetTalentsTime = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_usedTalentCount = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_questRewardTalentCount = 0x0
unsigned int m_extraBonusTalentCount = 0x3F800000
PlayerSocial* m_social = 0x3F800000
std::map<ObjectGuid,FriendInfo,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,FriendInfo> > > m_playerSocialMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<ObjectGuid,FriendInfo,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,FriendInfo> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x3F800000
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,FriendInfo>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,FriendInfo> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x3F800000
<user defined> value_compare = 0x3F800000
ObjectGuid m_playerGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x3F800010 <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_group
LinkedListElement* iNext = 0x3F800000
LinkedListElement* iPrev = 0x3F800000
Group* iRefTo = 0x40A000003F800000
Player* iRefFrom = 0x3F800000
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x0
GroupReference m_originalGroup
LinkedListElement* iNext = 0x3F800000
LinkedListElement* iPrev = 0x3F800000
Group* iRefTo = 0x3F800000
Player* iRefFrom = 0x3F800000
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x0
Group* m_groupInvite = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_groupUpdateMask = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_auraRaidUpdateMask = 0x3F800000
bool m_bPassOnGroupLoot = 0x0
unsigned int m_lastpetnumber = 0x0
int m_summon_expire = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_summon_mapid = 0x3F800000
float m_summon_x = 11.000000
float m_summon_y = 1.000000
float m_summon_z = 0.000000
bool m_summon_asSpectator = 0x0
DeclinedName* m_declinedname = 0x3F800000
std::string[5] name
[0] = 0x3F800000 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x3F800020 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x3F800040 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x3F800060 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x3F800080 <Unable to read memory>
Runes* m_runes = 0x3F800000
RuneInfo[6] runes
[0] = 0x3F800000
[1] = 0x3F800018
[2] = 0x3F800030
[3] = 0x3F800048
[4] = 0x3F800060
[5] = 0x3F800078
unsigned int runeState = 0x3F800090 <Unable to read memory>
int lastUsedRune = 0x3F800094 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > > m_EquipmentSets
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x3F800000
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F281A8
<user defined> value_compare = 0x0
unsigned int m_grantableLevels = 0x0
bool m_needZoneUpdate = 0x0
CinematicMgr* _cinematicMgr = 0x3F000000
Player* player = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_cinematicDiff = 0x3F000008 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastCinematicCheck = 0x3F00000C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_activeCinematicCameraId = 0x3F000010 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_cinematicLength = 0x3F000014 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<FlyByCamera,std::allocator<FlyByCamera> >* m_cinematicCamera = <Unable to read memory>
Position m_remoteSightPosition
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x3F000020 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x3F000020 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x3F000020 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x3F000024 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x3F000028 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x3F00002C <Unable to read memory>
TempSummon* m_CinematicObject = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_refundableItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x3F800000
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F281C8
MapReference m_mapRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = 0x3F80000040000000
LinkedListElement* iPrev = 0x140000000
Map* iRefTo = 0x1F63E360430
Player* iRefFrom = 0x1
unsigned int m_lastFallTime = 0x3F800000
float m_lastFallZ = 1.000000
int[3] m_MirrorTimer
[0] = 0x3F800000
[1] = 0x3F800000
[2] = 0x3F800000
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlags = 0x0
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlagsLast = 0x0
bool m_isInWater = 0x80
WorldLocation teleportStore_dest
Position* Pos = 0x3F8000003F800000
<user defined> m_pos = 0x3F8000003F800000
<user defined> m_pos = 0x3F8000003F800000
float m_positionX = 1.000000
float m_positionY = 1.000000
float m_positionZ = 1.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x0
unsigned int teleportStore_options = 0x0
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Near = 0x1F68D4CD5A0
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Far = 0x0
unsigned int m_DelayedOperations = 0x3E360F70
bool m_bMustDelayTeleport = 0xF6
bool m_bHasDelayedTeleport = 0x1
bool m_canTeleport = 0x0
std::unique_ptr<PetStable,std::default_delete<PetStable> > m_petStable
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<PetStable>,PetStable *,1> _Mypair
PetStable* _Myval2 = NULL
unsigned int m_temporaryUnsummonedPetNumber = 0x0
unsigned int m_oldpetspell = 0x0
AchievementMgr* m_achievementMgr = 0x10100000000
Player* m_player = <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,CriteriaProgress,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> > > m_criteriaProgress
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CriteriaProgress,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x10100000008 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CriteriaProgress,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x10100000008 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x10100000008 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CriteriaProgress,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x10100000008 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> > > _List = 0x10100000010
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CriteriaProgress> > > > > > _Vec = 0x10100000020
unsigned int _Mask = 0x10100000038 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x10100000040 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,CompletedAchievementData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> > > m_completedAchievements
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CompletedAchievementData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x10100000048 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CompletedAchievementData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x10100000048 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x10100000048 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,CompletedAchievementData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x10100000048 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> > > _List = 0x10100000050
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CompletedAchievementData> > > > > > _Vec = 0x10100000060
unsigned int _Mask = 0x10100000078 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x10100000080 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> > > m_timedAchievements
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x10100000088 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x10100000088 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x10100000088 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x10100000088
<user defined> value_compare = 0x10100000088 <Unable to read memory>
ReputationMgr* m_reputationMgr = NULL
std::map<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > > m_spellCooldowns
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x95F266B0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x95F266B0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x95F266B0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F28268
<user defined> value_compare = 0x95F266B0
unsigned int m_ChampioningFaction = 0x8D4CD8C0
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _instanceResetTimes
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F695F28280
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = NULL
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = NULL
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = NULL
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = 0x1F68D4CDBA0
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F695F28280
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F695F28280
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x0
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0x1F695F28288
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F695F28298
unsigned int _Mask = 0x0
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x0
unsigned int _pendingBindId = 0x0
unsigned int _pendingBindTimer = 0x0
unsigned int _activeCheats = 0x0
unsigned int healthBeforeDuel = 0xD100D0
unsigned int manaBeforeDuel = 0x0
bool m_isInstantFlightOn = 0x0
unsigned int m_flightSpellActivated = 0x1
WorldLocation _corpseLocation
Position* Pos = NULL
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
float m_positionX = 0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x1550000
std::optional<float> _farSightDistance
float _Value = -0.000000
bool _Has_value = 0xF6
bool _wasOutdoor = 0x0
std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > > m_charSettingsMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xB0CDF60
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xB0CDF60
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xB0CDF60
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F695F28300
<user defined> value_compare = 0xB0CDF60
Parameter unsigned int p_time = 0xB7DC3FFA38
Parameter unsigned int p_time = 0xB7DC3FFBC8
Local int now = 0xB7DC3FFA30
Local int now = 0xB7DC3FFA50
Local int lastTick = 0xB7DC3FFA20
Local Unit* charmer = <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int elapsed = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local PreparedStatement<LoginDatabaseConnection>* stmt = <Unable to read memory>
Local std::_Tree_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> > > iter
std::_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,std::_Iterator_base0>
std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Ptr = <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int quest_id = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local Unit* victim = <Unable to read memory>
Local int timeDiff = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local int currTime = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local float extraPerSec = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x23
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0x33 <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int newarea = 0xB7DC3FF9D0
Local unsigned int newzone = 0xB7DC3FF9F0
Local AreaTrigger* atEntry = <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x7FF70A2E0A50
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = 0x5F4120C483486024 <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0x41
00007FF70A2F72FA 000000B7DC3FFDB0 Map::Update+2AA C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\Map.cpp line 820
Parameter unsigned int t_diff = 0xB7DC3FFC18
Parameter bool __formal = 0xB7DC3FFDD8
Local TypeContainerVisitor<Acore::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > > > > world_large_object_update
Acore::ObjectUpdater& i_visitor = 0xB7DC3FFC60
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0x84
bool i_largeOnly = 0x1
Local std::vector<Creature *,std::allocator<Creature *> > updateList
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Creature *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Creature *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Creature *> > _Myval2
Creature** _Myfirst = 0x63693A485355507C
<user defined>* _Mylast = 0x63693A485355507C
Creature** _Myend = 0xF1300002C10000E1
Local TypeContainerVisitor<Acore::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > > grid_object_update
Acore::ObjectUpdater& i_visitor = 0xB7DC3FFC58
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0x84
bool i_largeOnly = 0x0
Local Acore::ObjectUpdater updater
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0x84
bool i_largeOnly = 0x0
Local TypeContainerVisitor<Acore::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeList<Corpse,TypeNull> > > > > > grid_large_object_update
Acore::ObjectUpdater& i_visitor = 0xB7DC3FFC60
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0x84
bool i_largeOnly = 0x1
Local Acore::ObjectUpdater largeObjectUpdater
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0x84
bool i_largeOnly = 0x1
Local TypeContainerVisitor<Acore::ObjectUpdater,TypeMapContainer<TypeList<GameObject,TypeList<Player,TypeList<Creature,TypeList<Corpse,TypeList<DynamicObject,TypeNull> > > > > > > world_object_update
Acore::ObjectUpdater& i_visitor = 0xB7DC3FFC58
unsigned int i_timeDiff = 0x84
bool i_largeOnly = 0x0
Local Player* player = <Unable to read memory>
Local MapSessionFilter updater
WorldSession* m_pSession = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldSession* session = <Unable to read memory>
Local Player* player = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldObject* viewPoint = <Unable to read memory>
Local Unit* unit = <Unable to read memory>
Local Creature* cre = 0x1F642CF60E0
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F642CF60E8
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x9
int m_objectTypeId = 0x3
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x60
int* m_int32Values = 0xC100007F
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0xC100007F
float* m_floatValues = -8.000121
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F642CF6140
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x94
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x100
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x0
bool m_inWorld = 0x1
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F642CF6158
Position* Pos = 0x43C51822C5C706EF
<user defined> m_pos = 0x43C51822C5C706EF
<user defined> m_pos = 0x43C51822C5C706EF
float m_positionX = -6368.866699
float m_positionY = 394.188538
float m_positionZ = 378.098083
float m_orientation = 0.204193
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x0
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F642CF619C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F642CF61A8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F642CF61B4
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F642CF61E8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F642CF621C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F642CF6228
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F642CF6238
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = NULL
std::string m_name = "Ragged Young Wolf"
bool m_isActive = 0x0
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x0
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x0
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = NULL
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x1
unsigned int _areaId = 0x84
float _floorZ = 378.098083
bool _outdoors = 0x1
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F642CF62F8
bool _updatePositionData = 0x0
Transport* m_transport = NULL
Map* m_currMap = 0x1F61FD1DCD0
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x1
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x0
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x0
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F642CF6330
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x0
bool m_canDualWield = 0x0
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x42BAE830
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x42BAE830
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF6378
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer
Unit* ptr = NULL
Unit* defaultValue = NULL
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x5
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 1.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[4] = 1.000000
[5] = 1.000000
[6] = 1.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 1.000000
EventProcessor m_Events
unsigned int m_time = 0x76520
std::multimap<unsigned __int64,BasicEvent *,std::less<unsigned __int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned __int64 const ,BasicEvent *> > > m_events = 0x1F642CF6430
bool m_aborting = 0x0
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F642CF6448
[1] = 0x1F642CF6460
[2] = 0x1F642CF6478
[3] = 0x1F642CF6490
[4] = 0x1F642CF64A8
[5] = 0x1F642CF64C0
[6] = 0x1F642CF64D8
[7] = 0x1F642CF64F0
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x0
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F642CF6510
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F642CF6510
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<PetAura const *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<PetAura const *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<PetAura const *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF6510
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x1
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x0
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x0
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x0
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F642CF6528
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F642CF6528
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<SafeUnitPointer *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<SafeUnitPointer *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF6528
Position m_last_notify_position
Position* Pos = 0x43C51822C5C706EF
<user defined> m_pos = 0x43C51822C5C706EF
<user defined> m_pos = 0x43C51822C5C706EF
float m_positionX = -6368.866699
float m_positionY = 394.188538
float m_positionZ = 378.098083
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x27E238
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x1F63FAA6920
Movement::Spline<int> spline = 0x1F63FAA6920
Movement::FacingInfo facing = 0x1F63FAA6978
unsigned int m_Id = 0x990A0
Movement::MoveSplineFlag splineflags = 0x1100
int time_passed = 0xA86
float vertical_acceleration = 0.000000
float initialOrientation = -0.354648
int effect_start_time = 0x0
int point_Idx = 0x2
int point_Idx_offset = 0x0
bool onTransport = 0x0
UnitAI* i_AI = 0x1F642B99030
Unit* me = 0x1F642CF60E0
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = NULL
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x0
unsigned int m_race = 0x0
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x0
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x52C
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x0
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F642D489F0
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Next = 0x1
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x0
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x0
std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > _List = 0x1F642CF65A0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Unit *> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F642CF65B0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
Unit* m_attacking = 0x1F695F238A0
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F695F238A8
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x19
int m_objectTypeId = 0x4
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x60
int* m_int32Values = 0x15F
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0x15F
float* m_floatValues = 0.000000
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F695F23900
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x52E
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x100
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x0
bool m_inWorld = 0x1
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F695F23918
Position* Pos = 0x43C55454C5C6F4C4
<user defined> m_pos = 0x43C55454C5C6F4C4
<user defined> m_pos = 0x43C55454C5C6F4C4
float m_positionX = -6366.595703
float m_positionY = 394.658813
float m_positionZ = 377.602997
float m_orientation = 3.345786
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x0
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F695F2395C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F695F23968
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F695F23974
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F695F239A8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F695F239DC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F695F239E8
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F695F239F8
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = NULL
std::string m_name = "Gunterius"
bool m_isActive = 0x1
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x0
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x1
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = NULL
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x1
unsigned int _areaId = 0x84
float _floorZ = 377.434814
bool _outdoors = 0x1
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F695F23AB8
bool _updatePositionData = 0x0
Transport* m_transport = NULL
Map* m_currMap = 0x1F61FD1DCD0
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x1
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x0
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x0
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F695F23AF0
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x0
bool m_canDualWield = 0x0
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x1F695F23B38
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x1F695F23B48
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x5
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 0.800000
[1] = 0.800000
[2] = 0.800000
[3] = 0.800000
[4] = 0.800000
[5] = 0.800000
[6] = 0.800000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 1.000000
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x1F695F23BE8
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F695F23C08
[1] = 0x1F695F23C20
[2] = 0x1F695F23C38
[3] = 0x1F695F23C50
[4] = 0x1F695F23C68
[5] = 0x1F695F23C80
[6] = 0x1F695F23C98
[7] = 0x1F695F23CB0
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x0
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x1F695F23CD0
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x0
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x0
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x1
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x0
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x1F695F23CE8
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x1F695F23CF8
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x27E8AB
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x1F69400FB30
UnitAI* i_AI = NULL
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = NULL
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x7
unsigned int m_race = 0x7
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x0
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x83E
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 18.000000
[1] = 23.000000
[2] = 21.000000
[3] = 24.000000
[4] = 20.000000
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x1F695F23D58
Unit* m_attacking = 0x1F642CF60E0
int m_deathState = 0x0
int m_procDeep = 0x0
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x1F695F23DA8
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x1F695F23DB8
unsigned int m_transform = 0x0
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = 0x1F69A8BEC40
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
[3] = NULL
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x1F695F23DF0
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x1F695F23E00
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x1F695F23E10
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x1F638CBCEB0
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x1
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F695F23E30
[1] = 0x1F695F23E40
[2] = 0x1F695F23E50
[3] = 0x1F695F23E60
[4] = 0x1F695F23E70
[5] = 0x1F695F23E80
[6] = 0x1F695F23E90
[7] = 0x1F695F23EA0
[8] = 0x1F695F23EB0
[9] = 0x1F695F23EC0
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x1F695F25200
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x1F695F25210
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x1F695F25220
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x0
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0x1F695F25234
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.050000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 3.000000
[1] = 5.000000
[0] = 0x40A0000040400000
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x1
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x1F695F253E0
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 1.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[4] = 1.000000
[5] = 1.000000
[6] = 1.000000
[7] = 1.000000
[8] = 1.000000
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = NULL
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x1F695F25420
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = 0x1F638CBC670
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
int m_regenTimer = 0x0
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x1F695F25450
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x1F695F25498
Vehicle* m_vehicle = NULL
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = NULL
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x0
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = NULL
bool m_applyResilience = 0x1
bool _instantCast = 0x0
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x0
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x0
unsigned int m_state = 0x2
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x0
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x1F695F254E0
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x1F695F254F0
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x1F695F25528
Unit* m_comboTarget = NULL
int m_comboPoints = 0x0
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x1F695F25568
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x1F695F255A8
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x0
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x0
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x0
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x0
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x1F695F255C8
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x0
int m_deathState = 0x0
int m_procDeep = 0x0
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> >& _List = 0x1F642D49010
std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F642D490D0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<DynamicObject *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF65E8
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = 0x1F642D490D0
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF65F8
unsigned int m_transform = 0x0
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
[3] = NULL
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F63B98E130
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F63B98E130
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F63B98E130
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF6630
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF6630
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF6640
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F642CF6640
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F642CF6640
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF6640
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF6640
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> >& _List = 0x1F642D48E30
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F63B98E130
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Aura *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Aura *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF6650
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator
std::_Tree_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > >
std::_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > >,std::_Iterator_base0>
std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *>,void *>* _Ptr = 0x1F63B98E130
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x0
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F642CF6670
[1] = 0x1F642CF6680
[2] = 0x1F642CF6690
[3] = 0x1F642CF66A0
[4] = 0x1F642CF66B0
[5] = 0x1F642CF66C0
[6] = 0x1F642CF66D0
[7] = 0x1F642CF66E0
[8] = 0x1F642CF66F0
[9] = 0x1F642CF6700
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> >& _List = 0x1F642D4CEE0
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F642D4D060
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Aura *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Aura *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7A40
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> >& _List = 0x1F642D4D060
std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F63B98DD70
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<AuraApplication *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7A50
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF7A60
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F642CF7A60
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F642CF7A60
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7A60
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF7A60
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x0
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0x1F642CF7A74
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 42.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0.132100
[1] = 0.198150
[0] = 0x3E4AE7D63E074539
[0] = 0.132100
[1] = 0.198150
[0] = 0.132100
[1] = 0.198150
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x1
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF7C20
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F642CF7C20
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F642CF7C20
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7C20
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF7C20
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 0.857140
[2] = 1.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[4] = 1.000000
[5] = 1.000000
[6] = 1.000000
[7] = 1.000000
[8] = 1.000000
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = NULL
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> >& _List = 0x1F642D4CB40
std::_List_node<Player *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Player *,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Player *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Player *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7C60
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = 0x1F63B98DEF0
std::vector<MovementGenerator *,std::allocator<MovementGenerator *> >* _expList = NULL
MovementGenerator*[3] Impl
[0] = 0x1F6365FE270
[1] = 0x1F69217F6C0
[2] = NULL
int _top = 0x1
Unit* _owner = 0x1F642CF60E0
bool[3] _needInit
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x1
unsigned int _cleanFlag = 0x0
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
int m_regenTimer = 0x550
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr
HostileReference* iCurrentVictim = 0x1F69EE647D0
Unit* iOwner = 0x1F642CF60E0
unsigned int iUpdateTimer = 0x4B2
ThreatContainer iThreatContainer = 0x1F642CF7CA8
ThreatContainer iThreatOfflineContainer = 0x1F642CF7CC0
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xF0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xF0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xF0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7CD8
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF7CD8
Vehicle* m_vehicle = NULL
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = NULL
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x0
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = NULL
bool m_applyResilience = 0x0
bool _instantCast = 0x0
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x0
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x0
unsigned int m_state = 0x32
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x0
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F642CF7D20
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<DiminishingReturn,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<DiminishingReturn> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7D20
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x1F642CF7D38
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x1F642CF7D48
unsigned int iSize = 0x0
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x42CF7D48
<user defined> iterator = 0x42CF7D48
<user defined> iterator = 0x1F642CF7D30
Unit* iOwner = 0x1F642CF60E0
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x1F642CF7D70
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x1F642CF7D80
unsigned int iSize = 0x0
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x92173B50
<user defined> iterator = 0x92173B50
<user defined> iterator = 0x1F642CF7D68
Unit* m_comboTarget = NULL
int m_comboPoints = 0x0
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F642CF7DA8
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F642D4CF00
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F642CF7DA8
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F642CF7DA8
std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > _List = 0x1F642CF7DB0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Unit *> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F642CF7DC0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo
ObjectGuid _targetGUID = 0x0
unsigned int _threatPct = 0x0
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x0
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x0
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x0
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x0
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > _List = 0x1F642CF7E10
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F642CF7E20
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
GridReference<Creature> _gridRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = 0x1F63A9B8830
LinkedListElement* iPrev = 0x1F642CF9E68
GridRefMgr<Creature>* iRefTo = 0x1F63A9B8818
Creature* iRefFrom = 0x1F642CF60E0
Cell _currentCell
unsigned int grid_x = 0x140814
unsigned int grid_y = 0x140814
unsigned int cell_x = 0x140814
unsigned int cell_y = 0x140814
unsigned int nocreate = 0x140814
unsigned int reserved = 0x140814
Cell::<unnamed-type-data>::<unnamed-type-Part> Part = 0x140814
unsigned int All = 0x140814
Cell::<unnamed-type-data> data = 0x140814
int _moveState = 0x0
Spell* Spell = 0x7FF70B102898
SpellInfo* m_spellInfo = 0x7FF70A6D8790
Item* m_CastItem = 0x7FF70A6D8D90
Item* m_weaponItem = 0x7FF70A6DFE00
ObjectGuid m_castItemGUID = 0x7FF70A6E2AE0
unsigned int m_cast_count = 0x0
unsigned int m_glyphIndex = 0x7FF7
unsigned int m_preCastSpell = 0xA27B090
SpellCastTargets m_targets = 0x7FF70B1028C8
int m_customError = 0xA31D190
Unit* m_comboTarget = 0x7FF70A31D170
int m_comboPointGain = 0x60
std::set<Aura *,std::less<Aura *>,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_appliedMods = 0x7FF70B1029D0
Unit* m_caster = 0x7FF70A6DD5C0
SpellValue* m_spellValue = 0x7FF70A32F4B0
ObjectGuid m_originalCasterGUID = 0x7FF70A27FB70
Unit* m_originalCaster = 0x7FF70A6D9370
Spell** m_selfContainer = 0x2949188018B48
int m_spellSchoolMask = 0xA34DBE0
int m_attackType = 0x7FF7
int m_powerCost = 0xA4AC7C0
int m_casttime = 0x7FF7
int m_channeledDuration = 0xA6DC220
bool m_canReflect = 0xF7
unsigned int m_spellFlags = 0x7F
bool m_autoRepeat = 0x0
unsigned int m_runesState = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayAtDamageCount = 0xA0
unsigned int m_delayStart = 0x7FF70A330C20
unsigned int m_delayMoment = 0x7FF70A354CF0
unsigned int m_delayTrajectory = 0x7FF70A6E2E50
bool m_immediateHandled = 0xA0
bool m_referencedFromCurrentSpell = 0x1F
bool m_executedCurrently = 0x6E
bool m_needComboPoints = 0xA
unsigned int m_applyMultiplierMask = 0xF7
float[3] m_damageMultipliers
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
Unit* unitTarget = 0x7FF70A6E2F50
Item* itemTarget = 0x7FF70A6E2340
GameObject* gameObjTarget = 0x7FF70A6E2580
WorldLocation* destTarget = 0x7FF70A6E76D0
int damage = 0xA6DF6B0
int effectHandleMode = 0x7FF7
Aura* m_spellAura = 0x7FF70A6DD600
int m_diminishLevel = 0xA8F92D0
int m_diminishGroup = 0x7FF7
GameObject* focusObject = 0x7FF70A8F63E0
int m_damage = 0xA8F8EB0
int m_healing = 0x7FF7
unsigned int m_procAttacker = 0xA8F6370
unsigned int m_procVictim = 0x7FF7
unsigned int m_procEx = 0xA8F65E0
std::list<TargetInfo,std::allocator<TargetInfo> > m_UniqueTargetInfo = 0x7FF70B102AB0
unsigned int m_channelTargetEffectMask = 0x40
ObjectGuid targetGUID = 0x7FF70A6D8790
unsigned int timeDelay = 0x7FF70A6D8D90
unsigned int effectMask = 0x0
bool processed = 0xFE
std::list<Spell::GOTargetInfo,std::allocator<Spell::GOTargetInfo> > m_UniqueGOTargetInfo = 0x7FF70B102AC8
Item* item = 0x7FF70A6D8790
unsigned int effectMask = 0x90
std::list<Spell::ItemTargetInfo,std::allocator<Spell::ItemTargetInfo> > m_UniqueItemInfo = 0x7FF70B102AD8
SpellDestination[3] m_destTargets
[0] = 0x7FF70B102AE8
[1] = 0x7FF70B102B18
[2] = 0x7FF70B102B48
bool _scriptsLoaded = 0x60
std::list<SpellScript *,std::allocator<SpellScript *> > m_loadedScripts = 0x7FF70B102B80
SpellInfo* triggeredSpell = 0x7FF70A6D8790
SpellInfo* triggeredByAura = 0x7FF70A6D8D90
int chance = 0xA6DFE00
std::list<Spell::HitTriggerSpell,std::allocator<Spell::HitTriggerSpell> > m_hitTriggerSpells = 0x7FF70B102B90
unsigned int m_spellState = 0xA6E1B90
int m_timer = 0x7FF7
SpellEvent* _spellEvent = 0x7FF70A4AC740
int _triggeredCastFlags = 0xA6E0A50
TriggeredByAuraSpellData m_triggeredByAuraSpell = 0x7FF70B102BB8
bool m_skipCheck = 0xE0
unsigned int m_auraScaleMask = 0xBA
std::unique_ptr<PathGenerator,std::default_delete<PathGenerator> > m_preGeneratedPath = 0x7FF70B2D2670
bool _spellTargetsSelected = 0x10
ByteBuffer*[3] m_effectExecuteData
[0] = 0x7FF70A6DB160
[1] = 0x7FF709DF9630
[2] = 0x7FF709DF90A0
unsigned int Delay = 0x3F800000
ObjectGuid Target
unsigned int _guid = 0x1F63B98D670
float Orientation = 0.000000
Creature::<unnamed-type-_spellFocusInfo> _spellFocusInfo
Spell* Spell = NULL
unsigned int Delay = 0x0
ObjectGuid Target
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
float Orientation = 0.000000
Loot loot
std::vector<LootItem,std::allocator<LootItem> > items
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<LootItem>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<LootItem> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7EA0
std::vector<LootItem,std::allocator<LootItem> > quest_items
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<LootItem>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<LootItem> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7EB8
unsigned int gold = 0x0
unsigned int unlootedCount = 0x0
ObjectGuid roundRobinPlayer
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
ObjectGuid lootOwnerGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
int loot_type = 0x0
ObjectGuid containerGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
GameObject* sourceGameObject = NULL
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > PlayersLooting
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x42BAE650
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x42BAE650
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7F00
std::map<ObjectGuid,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *> > > PlayerQuestItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<ObjectGuid,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF7F10
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F642CF7F10
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F642CF7F10
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7F10
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F63B98DF70
std::map<ObjectGuid,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *> > > PlayerFFAItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<ObjectGuid,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF7F20
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F642CF7F20
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F642CF7F20
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7F20
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F63B98DA70
std::map<ObjectGuid,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *> > > PlayerNonQuestNonFFAConditionalItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<ObjectGuid,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF7F30
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F642CF7F30
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F642CF7F30
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,std::vector<QuestItem,std::allocator<QuestItem> > *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7F30
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F63B98D470
LootValidatorRefMgr i_LootValidatorRefMgr
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x1F642CF7F48
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x1F642CF7F58
unsigned int iSize = 0x0
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x42CF7F58
<user defined> iterator = 0x42CF7F58
<user defined> iterator = 0x1F642CF7F40
LootValidatorRef* _Ptr = 0x7FF70B0C9048
unsigned int[8] m_spells
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
std::map<unsigned int,CreatureSpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CreatureSpellCooldown> > > m_CreatureSpellCooldowns
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,CreatureSpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CreatureSpellCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642BAE680
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F642BAE680
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F642BAE680
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CreatureSpellCooldown>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,CreatureSpellCooldown> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F642CF7F90
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F642CF7F90
unsigned int[7] m_ProhibitSchoolTime
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
unsigned int m_groupLootTimer = 0x0
unsigned int lootingGroupLowGUID = 0x0
unsigned int m_PlayerDamageReq = 0xA
float m_SightDistance = 50.000000
float m_CombatDistance = 0.000000
bool m_isTempWorldObject = 0x0
unsigned int m_moveCircleMovementTime = 0x89A
unsigned int m_moveBackwardsMovementTime = 0x4B2
std::list<VendorItemCount,std::allocator<VendorItemCount> > m_vendorItemCounts
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F642CF7FE0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<VendorItemCount,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<VendorItemCount> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<VendorItemCount> > _Myval2 = 0x1F642CF7FE0
ObjectGuid m_lootRecipient
unsigned int _guid = 0x15F
unsigned int m_lootRecipientGroup = 0x0
int m_corpseRemoveTime = 0x0
int m_respawnTime = 0x0
int m_respawnedTime = 0x0
unsigned int m_respawnDelay = 0x172
unsigned int m_corpseDelay = 0x3C
float m_wanderDistance = 5.000000
unsigned int m_boundaryCheckTime = 0x6A6
unsigned int m_transportCheckTimer = 0x3E8
unsigned int lootPickPocketRestoreTime = 0x0
unsigned int m_reactState = 0x2
int m_defaultMovementType = 0x1
unsigned int m_spawnId = 0x3F2
unsigned int m_equipmentId = 0x0
int m_originalEquipmentId = 0x0
bool m_AlreadyCallAssistance = 0x1
bool m_AlreadySearchedAssistance = 0x0
bool m_regenHealth = 0x1
bool m_AI_locked = 0x0
int m_meleeDamageSchoolMask = 0x1
unsigned int m_originalEntry = 0x2C1
bool m_moveInLineOfSightDisabled = 0x1
bool m_moveInLineOfSightStrictlyDisabled = 0x1
Position m_homePosition
Position* Pos = 0x43C65000C5C6FBAE
<user defined> m_pos = 0x43C65000C5C6FBAE
<user defined> m_pos = 0x43C65000C5C6FBAE
float m_positionX = -6367.459961
float m_positionY = 396.625000
float m_positionZ = 377.248993
float m_orientation = 3.021040
Position m_transportHomePosition
Position* Pos = NULL
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
<user defined> m_pos = 0x0
float m_positionX = 0.000000
float m_positionY = 0.000000
float m_positionZ = 0.000000
float m_orientation = 0.000000
bool DisableReputationGain = 0x0
CreatureTemplate* m_creatureInfo = 0x1F61518BFB8
unsigned int Entry = 0x2C1
unsigned int[3] DifficultyEntry
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
unsigned int[2] KillCredit
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
unsigned int Modelid1 = 0x357
unsigned int Modelid2 = 0x0
unsigned int Modelid3 = 0x0
unsigned int Modelid4 = 0x0
std::string Name = "Ragged Young Wolf"
std::string SubName = ""
std::string IconName = ""
unsigned int GossipMenuId = 0x0
unsigned int minlevel = 0x1
unsigned int maxlevel = 0x1
unsigned int expansion = 0x0
unsigned int faction = 0x20
unsigned int npcflag = 0x0
float speed_walk = 1.000000
float speed_run = 0.857140
float speed_swim = 1.000000
float speed_flight = 1.000000
float detection_range = 10.000000
float scale = 1.000000
unsigned int rank = 0x0
unsigned int dmgschool = 0x0
float DamageModifier = 1.000000
unsigned int BaseAttackTime = 0x7D0
unsigned int RangeAttackTime = 0x7D0
float BaseVariance = 1.000000
float RangeVariance = 1.000000
unsigned int unit_class = 0x1
unsigned int unit_flags = 0x0
unsigned int unit_flags2 = 0x800
unsigned int dynamicflags = 0x0
unsigned int family = 0x1
unsigned int trainer_type = 0x0
unsigned int trainer_spell = 0x0
unsigned int trainer_class = 0x0
unsigned int trainer_race = 0x0
unsigned int type = 0x1
unsigned int type_flags = 0x1
unsigned int lootid = 0x2C1
unsigned int pickpocketLootId = 0x0
unsigned int SkinLootId = 0x0
int[7] resistance
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
unsigned int[8] spells
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
unsigned int PetSpellDataId = 0x32F8
unsigned int VehicleId = 0x0
unsigned int mingold = 0x0
unsigned int maxgold = 0x0
std::string AIName = ""
unsigned int MovementType = 0x1
CreatureMovementData Movement
unsigned int Ground = 0x1
unsigned int Flight = 0x0
bool Swim = 0x0
bool Rooted = 0x0
unsigned int Chase = 0x0
unsigned int Random = 0x0
unsigned int InteractionPauseTimer = 0x2BF20
float HoverHeight = 1.000000
float ModHealth = 1.000000
float ModMana = 1.000000
float ModArmor = 1.000000
float ModExperience = 1.000000
bool RacialLeader = 0x0
unsigned int movementId = 0x64
bool RegenHealth = 0x1
unsigned int MechanicImmuneMask = 0x0
unsigned int SpellSchoolImmuneMask = 0x0
unsigned int flags_extra = 0x2
unsigned int ScriptID = 0x0
WorldPacket queryData
unsigned int _rpos = 0x0
unsigned int _wpos = 0x50
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage = 0x1F61518C188
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x61
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime = 0x0
CreatureData* m_creatureData = 0x1F61927CC84
unsigned int spawnId = 0x0
unsigned int id1 = 0x2C1
unsigned int id2 = 0x0
unsigned int id3 = 0x0
unsigned int mapid = 0x0
unsigned int phaseMask = 0x1
unsigned int displayid = 0x0
int equipmentId = 0x0
float posX = -6367.459961
float posY = 396.625000
float posZ = 377.248993
float orientation = 3.021040
unsigned int spawntimesecs = 0x172
float wander_distance = 5.000000
unsigned int currentwaypoint = 0x0
unsigned int curhealth = 0x2A
unsigned int curmana = 0x0
unsigned int movementType = 0x1
unsigned int spawnMask = 0x1
unsigned int npcflag = 0x0
unsigned int unit_flags = 0x0
unsigned int dynamicflags = 0x0
unsigned int ScriptId = 0x0
bool dbData = 0x1
bool overwrittenZ = 0x1
float m_detectionDistance = 10.000000
unsigned int m_LootMode = 0x1
unsigned int m_waypointID = 0x0
unsigned int m_path_id = 0x0
CreatureGroup* m_formation = NULL
bool TriggerJustRespawned = 0x0
std::shared_ptr<__int64> _lastDamagedTime
int* _Ptr = 0x628F0F37
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F64D70D590
unsigned int m_cannotReachTimer = 0x0
Spell* _focusSpell = NULL
bool _isMissingSwimmingFlagOutOfCombat = 0x1
unsigned int m_assistanceTimer = 0x89A
Local MotionTransport* transport = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF70A93AED2 000000B7DC3FFDF0 MapUpdateRequest::call+32 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapUpdater.cpp line 44
Local MetricStopWatch<`MapUpdateRequest::call'::`2'::<lambda_1> > __ac_metric_stop_watch42
MapUpdateRequest::call::__l2::<lambda_1> _logger
MapUpdateRequest* __this = 0x1F69CA263D0
Map& m_map = 0x1F61FD1DCD0
MapUpdater& m_updater = 0x7FF70B72D060
unsigned int m_diff = 0x84
unsigned int s_diff = 0x29
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
00007FF70A93A9CC 000000B7DC3FFE20 MapUpdater::WorkerThread+DC C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapUpdater.cpp line 153
00007FF70A93A35F 000000B7DC3FFE50 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl MapUpdater::*)(void),MapUpdater *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DC3FFE80 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DC3FFEB0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DC3FFF30 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DB8FEA60 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DB8FEAE0 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DB8FEB20 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DB8FEB50 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DB8FEB80 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70A93B20F 000000B7DB8FEBC0 MapUpdater::wait+4F C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapUpdater.cpp line 103
Local std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard
std::mutex* _Pmtx = 0x7FF70B72D148
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x7FF70B72D148
bool _Owns = 0x1
00007FF70A20F2D5 000000B7DB8FEC00 MapMgr::Update+1A5 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Maps\MapMgr.cpp line 276
Local bool full = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
00007FF70A1F702C 000000B7DB8FED70 World::Update+65C C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\World\World.cpp line 2389
Local World* this = 0x1F66AD77E30
unsigned int m_ShutdownTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_ShutdownMask = 0x0
unsigned int m_CleaningFlags = 0x0
bool m_isClosed = 0x0
IntervalTimer[11] m_timers
[0] = 0x1F66AD77E48
[1] = 0x1F66AD77E58
[2] = 0x1F66AD77E68
[3] = 0x1F66AD77E78
[4] = 0x1F66AD77E88
[5] = 0x1F66AD77E98
[6] = 0x1F66AD77EA8
[7] = 0x1F66AD77EB8
[8] = 0x1F66AD77EC8
[9] = 0x1F66AD77ED8
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > mail_expire_check_timer
int _MyRep = 0x628F5956
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > m_sessions
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F66AD77F00
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> >* _Target = 0x32202C203F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > >& _List = 0x32202C203F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F66AA4C100
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,void *>* _Next = 0x1
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F66AD77F00
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F66AD77F00
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > _List = 0x1F66AD77F08
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F66AD77F18
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > m_offlineSessions
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x6F64676E3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> >* _Target = 0x6F64676E3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > >& _List = 0x6F64676E3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F66AA4DD20
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x6F64676E3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x6F64676E3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > _List = 0x1F66AD77F48
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F66AD77F58
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > m_disconnects
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x200909273F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = 0x200909273F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = 0x200909273F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F66AA4DA80
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x200909273F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x200909273F800000
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0x1F66AD77F88
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F66AD77F98
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
unsigned int m_maxActiveSessionCount = 0x1
unsigned int m_maxQueuedSessionCount = 0x0
unsigned int m_PlayerCount = 0x1C5
unsigned int m_MaxPlayerCount = 0x479
std::string m_newCharString = ""
float[90] rate_values
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 1.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[4] = 1.000000
[5] = 1.000000
[6] = 1.000000
[7] = 1.000000
[8] = 1.000000
[9] = 1.000000
unsigned int[202] m_int_configs
[0] = 0x1
[1] = 0x64
[2] = 0x927C0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0xDBBA0
[5] = 0x1F95
[6] = 0xDBBA0
[7] = 0x2710
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x1
bool[108] m_bool_configs
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x1
[2] = 0x1
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x1
[5] = 0x1
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
float[13] m_float_configs
[0] = 74.000000
[1] = 100.000000
[2] = 50.000000
[3] = 40.000000
[4] = 40.000000
[5] = 300.000000
[6] = 30.000000
[7] = 10.000000
[8] = 50.000000
[9] = 48.000000
std::map<unsigned int,unsigned __int64,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned __int64> > > m_worldstates
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,unsigned __int64,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned __int64> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F66A9C4400
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F66A9C4400
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F66A9C4400
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned __int64>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned __int64> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F66AD78520
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F66AD78520
unsigned int m_playerLimit = 0x3E8
int m_allowedSecurityLevel = 0x0
int m_defaultDbcLocale = 0x0
unsigned int m_availableDbcLocaleMask = 0x20202931
bool m_allowMovement = 0x1
std::string m_dataPath = "C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots..."
std::string _realmName = ""
LockedQueue<CliCommandHolder *,std::deque<CliCommandHolder *,std::allocator<CliCommandHolder *> > > cliCmdQueue
std::mutex _lock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x1F66AD78590
std::deque<CliCommandHolder *,std::allocator<CliCommandHolder *> > _queue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<CliCommandHolder *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<CliCommandHolder *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F66AD785E0
bool _canceled = 0x0
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextDailyQuestReset
int _MyRep = 0x6290A120
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextWeeklyQuestReset
int _MyRep = 0x62988A20
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextMonthlyQuestReset
int _MyRep = 0x629738A0
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextRandomBGReset
int _MyRep = 0x6290A120
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextCalendarOldEventsDeletionTime
int _MyRep = 0x62904CC0
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextGuildReset
int _MyRep = 0x6290A120
std::list<WorldSession *,std::allocator<WorldSession *> > m_QueuedPlayer
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F66A9AB3E0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<WorldSession *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<WorldSession *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<WorldSession *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F66AD78640
LockedQueue<WorldSession *,std::deque<WorldSession *,std::allocator<WorldSession *> > > addSessQueue
std::mutex _lock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x1F66AD78658
std::deque<WorldSession *,std::allocator<WorldSession *> > _queue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<WorldSession *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<WorldSession *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F66AD786A8
bool _canceled = 0x0
std::string m_DBVersion = "ACDB 335.7-dev"
std::string m_PlayerbotsDBRevision = ""
std::map<unsigned char,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > > > m_Autobroadcasts
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F66AD78718
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F66AD78718
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F66AD78718
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F66AD78718
<user defined> value_compare = 0xB0
std::map<unsigned char,unsigned char,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,unsigned char> > > m_AutobroadcastsWeights
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,unsigned char,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,unsigned char> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F66AD78728
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F66AD78728
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F66AD78728
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,unsigned char>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,unsigned char> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F66AD78728
<user defined> value_compare = 0xB0
AsyncCallbackProcessor<QueryCallback> _queryProcessor
std::vector<QueryCallback,std::allocator<QueryCallback> > _callbacks
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<QueryCallback>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<QueryCallback> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F66AD78738
AsyncCallbackProcessor<SQLQueryHolderCallback> _queryHolderProcessor
std::vector<SQLQueryHolderCallback,std::allocator<SQLQueryHolderCallback> > _callbacks
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<SQLQueryHolderCallback>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<SQLQueryHolderCallback> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F66AD78750
Local World* this = 0x2AB9A97E102
unsigned int m_ShutdownTimer = 0x2AB9A97E10A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ShutdownMask = 0x2AB9A97E10E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_CleaningFlags = 0x2AB9A97E112 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isClosed = 0x2AB9A97E116 <Unable to read memory>
IntervalTimer[11] m_timers
[0] = 0x2AB9A97E11A
[1] = 0x2AB9A97E12A
[2] = 0x2AB9A97E13A
[3] = 0x2AB9A97E14A
[4] = 0x2AB9A97E15A
[5] = 0x2AB9A97E16A
[6] = 0x2AB9A97E17A
[7] = 0x2AB9A97E18A
[8] = 0x2AB9A97E19A
[9] = 0x2AB9A97E1AA
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > mail_expire_check_timer
int _MyRep = 0x2AB9A97E1CA <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > m_sessions
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2AB9A97E1D2
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2AB9A97E1D2
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2AB9A97E1D2
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2AB9A97E1D2 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > _List = 0x2AB9A97E1DA
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x2AB9A97E1EA
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2AB9A97E202 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2AB9A97E20A <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > m_offlineSessions
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2AB9A97E212 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2AB9A97E212 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2AB9A97E212 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,WorldSession *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2AB9A97E212 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > _List = 0x2AB9A97E21A
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,WorldSession *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x2AB9A97E22A
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2AB9A97E242 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2AB9A97E24A <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > m_disconnects
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2AB9A97E252 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2AB9A97E252 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2AB9A97E252 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2AB9A97E252 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0x2AB9A97E25A
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0x2AB9A97E26A
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2AB9A97E282 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2AB9A97E28A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_maxActiveSessionCount = 0x2AB9A97E292 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_maxQueuedSessionCount = 0x2AB9A97E296 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_PlayerCount = 0x2AB9A97E29A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MaxPlayerCount = 0x2AB9A97E29E <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_newCharString = 0x2AB9A97E2A2 <Unable to read memory>
float[90] rate_values
[0] = 0x2AB9A97E2C2 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2AB9A97E2C6 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2AB9A97E2CA <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2AB9A97E2CE <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2AB9A97E2D2 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2AB9A97E2D6 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x2AB9A97E2DA <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x2AB9A97E2DE <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x2AB9A97E2E2 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x2AB9A97E2E6 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[202] m_int_configs
[0] = 0x2AB9A97E42A <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2AB9A97E42E <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2AB9A97E432 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2AB9A97E436 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2AB9A97E43A <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2AB9A97E43E <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x2AB9A97E442 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x2AB9A97E446 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x2AB9A97E44A <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x2AB9A97E44E <Unable to read memory>
bool[108] m_bool_configs
[0] = 0x2AB9A97E752 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2AB9A97E753 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2AB9A97E754 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2AB9A97E755 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2AB9A97E756 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2AB9A97E757 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x2AB9A97E758 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x2AB9A97E759 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x2AB9A97E75A <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x2AB9A97E75B <Unable to read memory>
float[13] m_float_configs
[0] = 0x2AB9A97E7BE <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2AB9A97E7C2 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2AB9A97E7C6 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2AB9A97E7CA <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2AB9A97E7CE <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2AB9A97E7D2 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x2AB9A97E7D6 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x2AB9A97E7DA <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x2AB9A97E7DE <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x2AB9A97E7E2 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,unsigned __int64,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned __int64> > > m_worldstates
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,unsigned __int64,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned __int64> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2AB9A97E7F2 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2AB9A97E7F2 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2AB9A97E7F2 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned __int64>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned __int64> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2AB9A97E7F2
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2AB9A97E7F2
unsigned int m_playerLimit = 0x2AB9A97E802 <Unable to read memory>
int m_allowedSecurityLevel = 0x2AB9A97E806 <Unable to read memory>
int m_defaultDbcLocale = 0x2AB9A97E80A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_availableDbcLocaleMask = 0x2AB9A97E80E <Unable to read memory>
bool m_allowMovement = 0x2AB9A97E812 <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_dataPath = 0x2AB9A97E81A <Unable to read memory>
std::string _realmName = 0x2AB9A97E83A <Unable to read memory>
LockedQueue<CliCommandHolder *,std::deque<CliCommandHolder *,std::allocator<CliCommandHolder *> > > cliCmdQueue
std::mutex _lock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x2AB9A97E862
std::deque<CliCommandHolder *,std::allocator<CliCommandHolder *> > _queue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<CliCommandHolder *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<CliCommandHolder *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AB9A97E8B2
bool _canceled = 0x2AB9A97E8DA <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextDailyQuestReset
int _MyRep = 0x2AB9A97E8E2 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextWeeklyQuestReset
int _MyRep = 0x2AB9A97E8EA <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextMonthlyQuestReset
int _MyRep = 0x2AB9A97E8F2 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextRandomBGReset
int _MyRep = 0x2AB9A97E8FA <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextCalendarOldEventsDeletionTime
int _MyRep = 0x2AB9A97E902 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > m_NextGuildReset
int _MyRep = 0x2AB9A97E90A <Unable to read memory>
std::list<WorldSession *,std::allocator<WorldSession *> > m_QueuedPlayer
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x2AB9A97E912 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<WorldSession *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<WorldSession *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<WorldSession *> > _Myval2 = 0x2AB9A97E912
LockedQueue<WorldSession *,std::deque<WorldSession *,std::allocator<WorldSession *> > > addSessQueue
std::mutex _lock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x2AB9A97E92A
std::deque<WorldSession *,std::allocator<WorldSession *> > _queue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<WorldSession *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<WorldSession *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AB9A97E97A
bool _canceled = 0x2AB9A97E9A2 <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_DBVersion = 0x2AB9A97E9AA <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_PlayerbotsDBRevision = 0x2AB9A97E9CA <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > > > m_Autobroadcasts
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2AB9A97E9EA
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2AB9A97E9EA
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2AB9A97E9EA
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2AB9A97E9EA
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2AB9A97E9EA <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,unsigned char,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,unsigned char> > > m_AutobroadcastsWeights
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,unsigned char,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,unsigned char> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2AB9A97E9FA
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2AB9A97E9FA
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2AB9A97E9FA
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,unsigned char>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,unsigned char> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2AB9A97E9FA
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2AB9A97E9FA <Unable to read memory>
AsyncCallbackProcessor<QueryCallback> _queryProcessor
std::vector<QueryCallback,std::allocator<QueryCallback> > _callbacks
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<QueryCallback>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<QueryCallback> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AB9A97EA0A
AsyncCallbackProcessor<SQLQueryHolderCallback> _queryHolderProcessor
std::vector<SQLQueryHolderCallback,std::allocator<SQLQueryHolderCallback> > _callbacks
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<SQLQueryHolderCallback>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<SQLQueryHolderCallback> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AB9A97EA22
Parameter unsigned int diff = 0xB7DB8FEC90
Parameter unsigned int diff = 0xB7DB8FED88
Local std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1> > currentGameTime
int _MyRep = 0x628F0F2E
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`2'::<lambda_1> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2240
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local PreparedStatement<CharacterDatabaseConnection>* stmt = <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`13'::<lambda_2> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2275
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`14'::<lambda_3> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2281
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`26'::<lambda_4> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2304
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`29'::<lambda_5> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2310
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`32'::<lambda_6> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2316
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard
std::mutex& _MyMutex = 0x7FF70B7188F0
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x7FF70B7188F0
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`36'::<lambda_7> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2332
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`40'::<lambda_8> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2350
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`49'::<lambda_9> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2370
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`50'::<lambda_10> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2382
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`51'::<lambda_11> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2388
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`57'::<lambda_12> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2396
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`58'::<lambda_13> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2403
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`59'::<lambda_14> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2408
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`60'::<lambda_15> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2413
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`61'::<lambda_16> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2418
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`62'::<lambda_17> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2423
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local PreparedStatement<LoginDatabaseConnection>* stmt = <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`65'::<lambda_18> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2431
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`68'::<lambda_19> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2446
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`71'::<lambda_21> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2458
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int nextGameEvent = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`74'::<lambda_22> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2468
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0xB7DB8FED88
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = 0x29 <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0xA
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`82'::<lambda_23> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2478
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`83'::<lambda_24> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2484
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`84'::<lambda_25> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2490
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`85'::<lambda_26> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2495
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
Local MetricStopWatch<`World::Update'::`86'::<lambda_27> > __ac_metric_stop_watch2500
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > _startTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
00007FF7099FAE45 000000B7DB8FEDC0 WorldUpdateLoop+115 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp line 603
Local int m_ServiceStatus = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
00007FF709A03A48 000000B7DB8FF700 main+2298 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\worldserver\Main.cpp line 424
Parameter int argc = 0xB7DB8FF710
Parameter char** argv = NULL
Local std::string pidFile = ""
Local int numThreads = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::unique_ptr<AsyncAcceptor,std::default_delete<AsyncAcceptor> > raAcceptor
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<AsyncAcceptor>,AsyncAcceptor *,1> _Mypair
AsyncAcceptor* _Myval2 = NULL
Local boost::asio::basic_signal_set<boost::asio::execution::any_executor<boost::asio::execution::context_as_t<boost::asio::execution_context &>,boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::never_t<0>,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::possibly_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::tracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::untracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::fork_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::continuation_t<0> > > > signals
boost::asio::basic_signal_set<boost::asio::execution::any_executor<boost::asio::execution::context_as_t<boost::asio::execution_context &>,boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::never_t<0>,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::possibly_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::tracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::untracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::fork_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::continuation_t<0> > > >* self_ = 0x1F668B22C50
boost::asio::basic_signal_set<boost::asio::execution::any_executor<boost::asio::execution::context_as_t<boost::asio::execution_context &>,boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::never_t<0>,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::possibly_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::tracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::untracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::fork_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::continuation_t<0> > > >* self_ = 0x7FF70AF60080
boost::asio::detail::io_object_impl<boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service,boost::asio::execution::any_executor<boost::asio::execution::context_as_t<boost::asio::execution_context &>,boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::never_t<0>,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::possibly_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::tracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::untracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::fork_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::continuation_t<0> > > > impl_ = 0x1F668B22C50
boost::asio::detail::io_object_impl<boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service,boost::asio::execution::any_executor<boost::asio::execution::context_as_t<boost::asio::execution_context &>,boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::never_t<0>,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::possibly_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::tracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::untracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::fork_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::continuation_t<0> > > > impl_
boost::asio::detail::op_queue<boost::asio::detail::signal_op> queue_ = 0xB7DB8FF240
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service::registration* signals_ = 0x1F668B4BD10
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service* service_ = 0x1F668B22C50
type_info* type_info_ = 0x7FF70AF60080
boost::asio::execution_context::id* id_ = 0x8
boost::asio::execution_context::service::key key_ = 0x1F668B22C58
boost::asio::execution_context& owner_ = 0x1F668B5CCA0
boost::asio::execution_context::service* next_ = 0x1F668B4D6B0
int signal_number_ = 0xAF60080
boost::asio::detail::op_queue<boost::asio::detail::signal_op>* queue_ = 0x7FF70B5E4370
unsigned int undelivered_ = 0x0
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service::registration* next_in_table_ = 0x1F668B9A770
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service::registration* prev_in_table_ = 0x1F668B4D6B0
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service::registration* next_in_set_ = 0x1F668B4D6B0
boost::asio::detail::op_queue<boost::asio::detail::signal_op> queue_ = 0x1F668B22C50
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service::registration* signals_ = NULL
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context& scheduler_ = 0x1F668B4D6B0
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service::registration*[23] registrations_
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = 0x1F668B5D6E0
[3] = NULL
[4] = NULL
[5] = NULL
[6] = NULL
[7] = NULL
[8] = NULL
[9] = NULL
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service* next_ = NULL
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service* prev_ = NULL
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service::implementation_type implementation_
boost::asio::detail::op_queue<boost::asio::detail::signal_op> queue_ = 0xB7DB8FF248
boost::asio::detail::signal_set_service::registration* signals_ = 0x1F668B5D6E0
boost::asio::execution::any_executor<boost::asio::execution::context_as_t<boost::asio::execution_context &>,boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::never_t<0>,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::possibly_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::tracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::untracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::fork_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::continuation_t<0> > > executor_
<user defined> unspecified_bool_type_t = 0xB7DB8FF260
<user defined>* destroy = 0x1F668B9A770
<user defined>* copy = NULL
<user defined>* move = 0x7FF70AF61088
<user defined>* target = 0xB7DB8FF260
<user defined>* target_type = 0x1F668B9A770
<user defined>* equal = NULL
<user defined>* execute = 0x7FF70AF61088
<user defined>* blocking_execute = 0xB7DB8FF260
std::_Align_type<double,16> object_ = 0xB7DB8FF260
boost::asio::execution::detail::any_executor_base::object_fns* object_fns_ = 0x7FF70AF61088
void* target_ = 0xB7DB8FF260
boost::asio::execution::detail::any_executor_base::target_fns* target_fns_ = 0x7FF70AF60F98
boost::asio::execution::detail::any_executor_base::prop_fns<boost::asio::execution::any_executor<boost::asio::execution::context_as_t<boost::asio::execution_context &>,boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::never_t<0>,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::blocking::possibly_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::tracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::outstanding_work::untracked_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::fork_t<0> >,boost::asio::execution::prefer_only<boost::asio::execution::detail::relationship::continuation_t<0> > > >* prop_fns_ = 0x7FF70AF60EF0
Local int c = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::shared_ptr<std::thread> soapThread
std::thread* _Ptr = NULL
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = NULL
Local int networkThreads = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::string configFile = "configs/worldserver.conf"
Local std::shared_ptr<FreezeDetector> freezeDetector
FreezeDetector* _Ptr = NULL
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = NULL
Local std::shared_ptr<void> sScriptMgrHandle
void* _Ptr = NULL
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F668B4CD80
unsigned long _Uses = 0x1
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local std::shared_ptr<Acore::Asio::IoContext> ioContext
Acore::Asio::IoContext* _Ptr = 0x1F668B9A770
boost::asio::io_context _impl = 0x1F668B9A770
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F668B9A760
unsigned long _Uses = 0x4
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local std::shared_ptr<std::thread> cliThread
std::thread* _Ptr = 0x1F63BB3C390
unsigned int _Id = 0x330
_Thrd_t _Thr = 0x1F63BB3C390
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F640AD9420
unsigned long _Uses = 0x1
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local std::shared_ptr<std::thread> auctionLisingThread
std::thread* _Ptr = 0x1F63BB3C770
unsigned int _Id = 0x32C
_Thrd_t _Thr = 0x1F63BB3C770
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F63BB3C530
unsigned long _Uses = 0x1
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local std::shared_ptr<void> sWorldSocketMgrHandle
void* _Ptr = NULL
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F63BB3C310
unsigned long _Uses = 0x1
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local std::shared_ptr<void> dbHandle
void* _Ptr = NULL
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F66A9A91C0
unsigned long _Uses = 0x1
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local std::shared_ptr<void> mapManagementHandle
void* _Ptr = NULL
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F63BB3BDD0
unsigned long _Uses = 0x1
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local std::string worldListener = ""
Local std::shared_ptr<void> opensslHandle
void* _Ptr = NULL
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F668B4C6E0
unsigned long _Uses = 0x1
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local BigNumber seed
bignum_st* _bn = 0x1F668B4CA20
Local std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::thread,std::allocator<std::thread> > > threadPool
std::_Ptr_base<std::vector<std::thread,std::allocator<std::thread> > >
std::vector<std::thread,std::allocator<std::thread> >* _Ptr = 0x1F668B4CA60
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::thread>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<std::thread> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F668B4CA60
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F668B9A5B0
unsigned long _Uses = 0x1
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local std::shared_ptr<void> sMetricHandle
void* _Ptr = NULL
std::_Ref_count_base* _Rep = 0x1F66A9AAE40
unsigned long _Uses = 0x1
unsigned long _Weaks = 0x1
Local unsigned int pid = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = NULL
Local std::exception& e = NULL
Local int i = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0xB7DB8FF690
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = 0x7FF700000002 <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0xC0
Local std::exception& e = NULL
Local std::exception& e = NULL
Local int coreStuckTime = 0xB7DB8FEE20
Local std::exception& e = NULL
Local std::exception& e = 0x933593D76D4C
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0x933593D76D5C <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = NULL
00007FF70AB96360 000000B7DB8FF740 __scrt_common_main_seh+10C d:\a01\_work\43\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl line 288
Local bool has_cctor = 0xB7DB8FF730
Local int main_result = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local <user defined>** tls_init_callback = <Unable to read memory>
Local bool is_nested = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local <user defined>** tls_dtor_callback = <Unable to read memory>
Local int main_result = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local __scrt_native_startup_state __scrt_current_native_startup_state = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DB8FF770 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DB8FF7F0 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECE64 000000B7DBCFF9A0 NtRemoveIoCompletion+14
00007FFA35911A7F 000000B7DBCFFA00 GetQueuedCompletionStatus+4F
00007FF7099FDFC1 000000B7DBCFFB10 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::do_one+2A1 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 429
Parameter unsigned long msec = 0xB7DBCFFB28
Parameter boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_thread_info& this_thread = 0xB7DBCFFB58
void*[3] reusable_memory_
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
int has_pending_exception_ = 0x0
std::exception_ptr pending_exception_
void* _Data1 = NULL
void* _Data2 = NULL
Parameter boost::system::error_code& ec = 0xB7DBCFFBC0
int val_ = 0x0
bool failed_ = 0x0
boost::system::error_category* cat_ = 0x7FF70AF5F390
unsigned int id_ = 0x8FAFD21E25C5E09B
Local unsigned long last_error = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int completion_key = 0xB7DBCFFA60
Local _OVERLAPPED* overlapped = NULL
Local unsigned long bytes_transferred = 0xB7DBCFFB20
Local boost::asio::detail::scoped_lock<boost::asio::detail::win_mutex> lock
boost::asio::detail::win_mutex& mutex_ = 0x9335939774EC
_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG* DebugInfo = <Unable to read memory>
long LockCount = 0x9335939774F4 <Unable to read memory>
long RecursionCount = 0x9335939774F8 <Unable to read memory>
void* OwningThread = <Unable to read memory>
void* LockSemaphore = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int SpinCount = 0x93359397750C <Unable to read memory>
bool locked_ = 0x0
Local boost::asio::detail::op_queue<boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation> ops
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* front_ = 0x1F668B23C00
unsigned int Internal = 0x1F668B24450
unsigned int InternalHigh = 0x1F668B241F0
unsigned long Offset = 0x68B24460
unsigned long OffsetHigh = 0x1F6
void* Pointer = 0x1F668B24460
void* hEvent = 0x1F668B24200
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* next_ = 0x1F668B24470
unsigned int Internal = 0x1F668B245A0
unsigned int InternalHigh = 0x1F668B23C20
unsigned long Offset = 0x18830000
unsigned long OffsetHigh = 0x7FFA
void* Pointer = 0x7FFA18830000
void* hEvent = 0x7FFA18831B10
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* next_ = 0x17000
<user defined>* func_ = 0x40003E
long ready_ = 0x68BC0500
* func_ = 0x1F668B24210
<user defined> = 0x1F668B23C20
<user defined> = 0x1F668B23C20
<user defined> = 0x1F668B23C20
unsigned int = 0x1F668B23C20
long ready_ = 0x33680000
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* back_ = 0x7FFA357D3594
unsigned int Internal = 0x840FC08548C88B4C
unsigned int InternalHigh = 0xA9058B4C0003418F
unsigned long Offset = 0x41000CBE
unsigned long OffsetHigh = 0x40BA
void* Pointer = 0x40BA41000CBE
void* hEvent = 0x83D08B48C88B4100
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* next_ = 0xCA8A41D12B443FE1
unsigned int Internal = 0xCA8A41D12B443FE1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int InternalHigh = 0xCA8A41D12B443FE9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned long Offset = 0xCA8A41D12B443FF1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned long OffsetHigh = 0xCA8A41D12B443FF5 <Unable to read memory>
void* Pointer = <Unable to read memory>
void* hEvent = <Unable to read memory>
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* next_ = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* func_ = <Unable to read memory>
long ready_ = 0xCA8A41D12B444011 <Unable to read memory>
* func_ = 0x8748D03349CAD348
<user defined> = 0x8748D03349CAD348 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> = 0x8748D03349CAD348 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> = 0x8748D03349CAD348 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int = 0x8748D03349CAD348 <Unable to read memory>
long ready_ = 0xCD2FF15
Local boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* op = <Unable to read memory>
Local boost::system::error_code result_ec
int val_ = 0x3587A8F0
bool failed_ = 0xFA
boost::system::error_category* cat_ = NULL
Local boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::work_finished_on_block_exit on_exit
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context* io_context_ = 0x1F668B4D6D8
type_info* type_info_ = 0x1D4
boost::asio::execution_context::id* id_ = 0x2 <Unable to read memory>
boost::asio::execution_context::service::key key_ = 0x1F668B4D6E0
boost::asio::execution_context& owner_ = 0x7365756CFFFFFFFF <Unable to read memory>
boost::asio::execution_context::service* next_ = 0x1F66A9A9BC0
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context* io_context_ = 0x1D4
void* handle = 0x1D4
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::auto_handle iocp_
void* handle = 0x308
long outstanding_work_ = 0x0
long stopped_ = 0x6363615F
long stop_event_posted_ = 0xFFFFFFFF
long shutdown_ = 0xFFFFFFFF
unsigned long gqcs_timeout_ = 0xFFFFFFFF
<user defined> this_ = 0x1D4
<user defined> io_context_ = 0x1D4
boost::asio::detail::scoped_ptr<boost::asio::detail::win_thread> timer_thread_
boost::asio::detail::win_thread* p_ = NULL
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::auto_handle waitable_timer_
void* handle = NULL
long dispatch_required_ = 0x20007D0
boost::asio::detail::win_mutex dispatch_mutex_
_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION crit_section_ = 0x1F668B4D738
boost::asio::detail::timer_queue_set timer_queues_
boost::asio::detail::timer_queue_base* first_ = NULL
boost::asio::detail::op_queue<boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation> completed_ops_
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* front_ = 0x48F8E83DC8D2
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* back_ = 0x1F6A4E714C0
int concurrency_hint_ = 0x6A9DC1E0
boost::asio::detail::scoped_ptr<boost::asio::detail::win_thread> thread_
boost::asio::detail::win_thread* p_ = NULL
00007FF709A00AD1 000000B7DBCFFB90 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::run+C1 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 204
Local boost::asio::detail::call_stack<boost::asio::detail::thread_context,boost::asio::detail::thread_info_base>::context ctx
boost::asio::detail::thread_context* key_ = 0x1F668B4D6D8
boost::asio::detail::thread_info_base* value_ = 0xB7DBCFFB58
void*[3] reusable_memory_
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
int has_pending_exception_ = 0x0
std::exception_ptr pending_exception_
void* _Data1 = NULL
void* _Data2 = NULL
boost::asio::detail::call_stack<boost::asio::detail::thread_context,boost::asio::detail::thread_info_base>::context* next_ = NULL
Local boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_thread_info this_thread
void*[3] reusable_memory_
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
int has_pending_exception_ = 0x0
std::exception_ptr pending_exception_
void* _Data1 = NULL
void* _Data2 = NULL
00007FF7099EA68C 000000B7DBCFFBD0 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<`main'::`63'::<lambda_5> >,0>+3C C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 55
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DBCFFC00 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DBCFFC30 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DBCFFCB0 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECE64 000000B7DBDFFC30 NtRemoveIoCompletion+14
00007FFA35911A7F 000000B7DBDFFC90 GetQueuedCompletionStatus+4F
00007FF7099FDFC1 000000B7DBDFFDA0 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::do_one+2A1 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 429
Parameter unsigned long msec = 0xB7DBDFFDB8
Parameter boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_thread_info& this_thread = 0xB7DBDFFDE8
void*[3] reusable_memory_
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
int has_pending_exception_ = 0x0
std::exception_ptr pending_exception_
void* _Data1 = NULL
void* _Data2 = NULL
Parameter boost::system::error_code& ec = 0xB7DBDFFE50
int val_ = 0x0
bool failed_ = 0x0
boost::system::error_category* cat_ = 0x7FF70AF5F390
unsigned int id_ = 0x8FAFD21E25C5E09B
Local unsigned long last_error = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int completion_key = 0xB7DBDFFCF0
Local _OVERLAPPED* overlapped = NULL
Local unsigned long bytes_transferred = 0xB7DBDFFDB0
Local boost::asio::detail::scoped_lock<boost::asio::detail::win_mutex> lock
boost::asio::detail::win_mutex& mutex_ = 0x1F668B4D710
_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG* DebugInfo = <Unable to read memory>
long LockCount = 0xFFFFFFFF
long RecursionCount = 0x0
void* OwningThread = NULL
void* LockSemaphore = NULL
unsigned int SpinCount = 0x20007D0
bool locked_ = 0x1
Local boost::asio::detail::op_queue<boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation> ops
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* front_ = NULL
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* back_ = NULL
Local boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* op = <Unable to read memory>
Local boost::system::error_code result_ec
int val_ = 0x0
bool failed_ = 0x0
boost::system::error_category* cat_ = 0x7FF70AF5F390
unsigned int id_ = 0x8FAFD21E25C5E09B
Local boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::work_finished_on_block_exit on_exit
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context* io_context_ = 0x1F668B4D6D8
type_info* type_info_ = 0x1D4
boost::asio::execution_context::id* id_ = 0x2 <Unable to read memory>
boost::asio::execution_context::service::key key_ = 0x1F668B4D6E0
boost::asio::execution_context& owner_ = 0x7365756CFFFFFFFF <Unable to read memory>
boost::asio::execution_context::service* next_ = 0x1F66A9A9BC0
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context* io_context_ = 0x1D4
void* handle = 0x1D4
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::auto_handle iocp_
void* handle = 0x308
long outstanding_work_ = 0x0
long stopped_ = 0x6363615F
long stop_event_posted_ = 0xFFFFFFFF
long shutdown_ = 0xFFFFFFFF
unsigned long gqcs_timeout_ = 0xFFFFFFFF
<user defined> this_ = 0x1D4
<user defined> io_context_ = 0x1D4
boost::asio::detail::scoped_ptr<boost::asio::detail::win_thread> timer_thread_
boost::asio::detail::win_thread* p_ = NULL
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::auto_handle waitable_timer_
void* handle = NULL
long dispatch_required_ = 0x20007D0
boost::asio::detail::win_mutex dispatch_mutex_
_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION crit_section_ = 0x1F668B4D738
boost::asio::detail::timer_queue_set timer_queues_
boost::asio::detail::timer_queue_base* first_ = NULL
boost::asio::detail::op_queue<boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation> completed_ops_
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* front_ = 0x48F8E83DC8D2
boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_operation* back_ = 0x1F6A4E714C0
int concurrency_hint_ = 0x6A9DC1E0
boost::asio::detail::scoped_ptr<boost::asio::detail::win_thread> thread_
boost::asio::detail::win_thread* p_ = NULL
00007FF709A00B04 000000B7DBDFFE20 boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::run+F4 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_iocp_io_context.ipp line 204
Local boost::asio::detail::call_stack<boost::asio::detail::thread_context,boost::asio::detail::thread_info_base>::context ctx
boost::asio::detail::thread_context* key_ = 0x1F668B4D6D8
boost::asio::detail::thread_info_base* value_ = 0xB7DBDFFDE8
void*[3] reusable_memory_
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
int has_pending_exception_ = 0x0
std::exception_ptr pending_exception_
void* _Data1 = NULL
void* _Data2 = NULL
boost::asio::detail::call_stack<boost::asio::detail::thread_context,boost::asio::detail::thread_info_base>::context* next_ = NULL
Local boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_thread_info this_thread
void*[3] reusable_memory_
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
int has_pending_exception_ = 0x0
std::exception_ptr pending_exception_
void* _Data1 = NULL
void* _Data2 = NULL
00007FF7099EA68C 000000B7DBDFFE60 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<`main'::`63'::<lambda_5> >,0>+3C C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 55
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DBDFFE90 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DBDFFEC0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DBDFFF40 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DBEFFBA0 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DBEFFC20 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DBEFFC60 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DBEFFC90 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DBEFFCC0 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70AA8EBC4 000000B7DBEFFCF0 DatabaseWorker::WorkerThread+74 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\database\Database\DatabaseWorker.cpp line 48
Local SQLOperation* operation = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF70AA8E89F 000000B7DBEFFD20 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl DatabaseWorker::*)(void),DatabaseWorker *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DBEFFD50 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DBEFFD80 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DBEFFE00 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DBFFF9D0 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DBFFFA50 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DBFFFA90 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DBFFFAC0 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DBFFFAF0 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70AA8EBC4 000000B7DBFFFB20 DatabaseWorker::WorkerThread+74 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\database\Database\DatabaseWorker.cpp line 48
Local SQLOperation* operation = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF70AA8E89F 000000B7DBFFFB50 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl DatabaseWorker::*)(void),DatabaseWorker *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DBFFFB80 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DBFFFBB0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DBFFFC30 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DC0FFB10 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DC0FFB90 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DC0FFBD0 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DC0FFC00 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DC0FFC30 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70AA8EBC4 000000B7DC0FFC60 DatabaseWorker::WorkerThread+74 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\database\Database\DatabaseWorker.cpp line 48
Local SQLOperation* operation = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF70AA8E89F 000000B7DC0FFC90 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl DatabaseWorker::*)(void),DatabaseWorker *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DC0FFCC0 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DC0FFCF0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DC0FFD70 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380F0734 000000B7DC1FFBC0 NtWaitForAlertByThreadId+14
00007FFA380B4021 000000B7DC1FFC40 RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW+131
00007FFA3591D059 000000B7DC1FFC80 SleepConditionVariableSRW+29
00007FFA1BA72B09 000000B7DC1FFCB0 ?_Winerror_message@std@@YAKKPEADK@Z+139
00007FFA1BA72D9A 000000B7DC1FFCE0 _Cnd_wait+3A
00007FF70AA8EBC4 000000B7DC1FFD10 DatabaseWorker::WorkerThread+74 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\database\Database\DatabaseWorker.cpp line 48
Local SQLOperation* operation = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF70AA8E89F 000000B7DC1FFD40 std::thread::_Invoke<std::tuple<void (__cdecl DatabaseWorker::*)(void),DatabaseWorker *>,0,1>+F C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.31.31103\include\thread line 56
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DC1FFD70 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DC1FFDA0 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DC1FFE20 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380ECDC4 000000B7DC2FFA20 ZwWaitForSingleObject+14
00007FFA358D1ACE 000000B7DC2FFAC0 WaitForSingleObjectEx+8E
00007FF709A009D3 000000B7DC2FFAF0 boost::asio::detail::win_thread::func<boost::asio::detail::win_iocp_io_context::timer_thread_function>::run+33 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\win_thread.hpp line 122
00007FF709A01745 000000B7DC2FFB20 boost::asio::detail::win_thread_function+25 C:\local\boost_1_74_0\boost\asio\detail\impl\win_thread.ipp line 127
Local boost::asio::detail::win_thread::auto_func_base_ptr func
boost::asio::detail::win_thread::func_base* ptr = 0x1F66AA4DD80
void* entry_event_ = 0x30C
void* exit_event_ = 0x310
Local void* exit_event = <Unable to read memory>
00007FFA357D1BB2 000000B7DC2FFB50 _configthreadlocale+92
00007FFA378F7034 000000B7DC2FFB80 BaseThreadInitThunk+14
00007FFA380A2651 000000B7DC2FFC00 RtlUserThreadStart+21
Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
00007FFA380EEB74 000000B7DC3FC6F0 NtGetContextThread+14
00007FFA3592E4AB 000000B7DC3FC720 GetThreadContext+B
00007FF709A0FDCD 000000B7DC3FCC50 WheatyExceptionReport::printTracesForAllThreads+BD C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\common\Debugging\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp line 582
Local tagTHREADENTRY32 te32
unsigned long dwSize = 0x1C
unsigned long cntUsage = 0x0
unsigned long th32ThreadID = 0x9060
unsigned long th32OwnerProcessID = 0x89DC
long tpBasePri = 0xD
long tpDeltaPri = 0x0
unsigned long dwFlags = 0x0
Local _CONTEXT context
unsigned int P1Home = 0x6C006C00640000
unsigned int P2Home = 0x6C0000006C0000
unsigned int P3Home = 0x730074006F0000
unsigned int P4Home = 0x6200630061005C
unsigned int P5Home = 0x64006C00690075
unsigned int P6Home = 0x6E00690062005C
unsigned long ContextFlags = 0xD010001F
unsigned long MxCsr = 0x1FB7
unsigned int SegCs = 0x33
unsigned int SegDs = 0x2B
unsigned int SegEs = 0x2B
unsigned int SegFs = 0x53
unsigned int SegGs = 0x2B
unsigned int SegSs = 0x2B
unsigned long EFlags = 0x246
unsigned int Dr0 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr1 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr2 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr3 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr6 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr7 = 0x0
unsigned int Rax = 0xF2
unsigned int Rcx = 0x420
unsigned int Rdx = 0xB7DC3FC770
unsigned int Rbx = 0x420
unsigned int Rsp = 0xB7DC3FC730
unsigned int Rbp = 0x1
unsigned int Rsi = 0x89DC
unsigned int Rdi = 0x3A8
unsigned int R8 = 0x1800
unsigned int R9 = 0x1
unsigned int R10 = 0x0
unsigned int R11 = 0x246
unsigned int R12 = 0x1
unsigned int R13 = 0xB7DC3FD780
unsigned int R14 = 0x5
unsigned int R15 = 0x1A
unsigned int Rip = 0x7FF709A0FDCD
unsigned int ControlWord = 0x27F
unsigned int StatusWord = 0x0
unsigned int TagWord = 0x0
unsigned int Reserved1 = 0x0
unsigned int ErrorOpcode = 0x0
unsigned long ErrorOffset = 0x0
unsigned int ErrorSelector = 0x0
unsigned int Reserved2 = 0x0
unsigned long DataOffset = 0x0
unsigned int DataSelector = 0x0
unsigned int Reserved3 = 0x0
unsigned long MxCsr = 0x1FB7
unsigned long MxCsr_Mask = 0x2FFFF
_M128A[8] FloatRegisters
[0] = 0xB7DC3FC890
[1] = 0xB7DC3FC8A0
[2] = 0xB7DC3FC8B0
[3] = 0xB7DC3FC8C0
[4] = 0xB7DC3FC8D0
[5] = 0xB7DC3FC8E0
[6] = 0xB7DC3FC8F0
[7] = 0xB7DC3FC900
_M128A[16] XmmRegisters
[0] = 0xB7DC3FC910
[1] = 0xB7DC3FC920
[2] = 0xB7DC3FC930
[3] = 0xB7DC3FC940
[4] = 0xB7DC3FC950
[5] = 0xB7DC3FC960
[6] = 0xB7DC3FC970
[7] = 0xB7DC3FC980
[8] = 0xB7DC3FC990
[9] = 0xB7DC3FC9A0
unsigned int[96] Reserved4
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
_M128A[2] Header
[0] = 0xB7DC3FC870
[1] = 0xB7DC3FC880
<user defined> Legacy = 0xB7DC3FC890
_M128A Xmm0 = 0xB7DC3FC910
_M128A Xmm1 = 0xB7DC3FC920
_M128A Xmm2 = 0xB7DC3FC930
_M128A Xmm3 = 0xB7DC3FC940
_M128A Xmm4 = 0xB7DC3FC950
_M128A Xmm5 = 0xB7DC3FC960
_M128A Xmm6 = 0xB7DC3FC970
_M128A Xmm7 = 0xB7DC3FC980
_M128A Xmm8 = 0xB7DC3FC990
_M128A Xmm9 = 0xB7DC3FC9A0
_M128A Xmm10
unsigned int Low = 0x3F9EB851EB851EB8
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm11
unsigned int Low = 0x3F847AE147AE147B
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm12
unsigned int Low = 0x3F947AE147AE147B
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm13
unsigned int Low = 0x0
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm14
unsigned int Low = 0x0
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm15
unsigned int Low = 0x0
int High = 0x0
_M128A[26] VectorRegister
[0] = 0xB7DC3FCA70
[1] = 0xB7DC3FCA80
[2] = 0xB7DC3FCA90
[3] = 0xB7DC3FCAA0
[4] = 0xB7DC3FCAB0
[5] = 0xB7DC3FCAC0
[6] = 0xB7DC3FCAD0
[7] = 0xB7DC3FCAE0
[8] = 0xB7DC3FCAF0
[9] = 0xB7DC3FCB00
unsigned int VectorControl = 0xCCB0A33F03C4
unsigned int DebugControl = 0x7FF709A0E740
unsigned int LastBranchToRip = 0x0
unsigned int LastBranchFromRip = 0x0
unsigned int LastExceptionToRip = 0x0
unsigned int LastExceptionFromRip = 0x0
00007FF709A0DE41 000000B7DC3FD2E0 WheatyExceptionReport::GenerateExceptionReport+3C1 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\common\Debugging\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp line 695
Parameter _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pExceptionInfo = 0x2
_EXCEPTION_RECORD* ExceptionRecord = <Unable to read memory>
_CONTEXT* ContextRecord = <Unable to read memory>
Local _CONTEXT* pCtx = <Unable to read memory>
Local _CONTEXT trashableContext
unsigned int P1Home = 0x0
unsigned int P2Home = 0x1F668C130C0
unsigned int P3Home = 0x1F637E2BBA0
unsigned int P4Home = 0x1F668C10000
unsigned int P5Home = 0x1F668C102A8
unsigned int P6Home = 0x1F69EFACF20
unsigned long ContextFlags = 0x10005F
unsigned long MxCsr = 0x1FB7
unsigned int SegCs = 0x33
unsigned int SegDs = 0x2B
unsigned int SegEs = 0x2B
unsigned int SegFs = 0x53
unsigned int SegGs = 0x2B
unsigned int SegSs = 0x2B
unsigned long EFlags = 0x10202
unsigned int Dr0 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr1 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr2 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr3 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr6 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr7 = 0x0
unsigned int Rax = 0x0
unsigned int Rcx = 0x0
unsigned int Rdx = 0x1F626E62801
unsigned int Rbx = 0x0
unsigned int Rsp = 0xB7DC3FFEC0
unsigned int Rbp = 0x0
unsigned int Rsi = 0x0
unsigned int Rdi = 0x0
unsigned int R8 = 0x20
unsigned int R9 = 0x1
unsigned int R10 = 0x1F60A4E7600
unsigned int R11 = 0xB7DC3FE4F0
unsigned int R12 = 0x0
unsigned int R13 = 0x0
unsigned int R14 = 0x0
unsigned int R15 = 0x0
unsigned int Rip = 0x7FFA380A2651
unsigned int ControlWord = 0x27F
unsigned int StatusWord = 0x0
unsigned int TagWord = 0x0
unsigned int Reserved1 = 0x0
unsigned int ErrorOpcode = 0x0
unsigned long ErrorOffset = 0x0
unsigned int ErrorSelector = 0x0
unsigned int Reserved2 = 0x0
unsigned long DataOffset = 0x0
unsigned int DataSelector = 0x0
unsigned int Reserved3 = 0x0
unsigned long MxCsr = 0x1FB7
unsigned long MxCsr_Mask = 0x2FFFF
_M128A[8] FloatRegisters
[0] = 0xB7DC3FCE10
[1] = 0xB7DC3FCE20
[2] = 0xB7DC3FCE30
[3] = 0xB7DC3FCE40
[4] = 0xB7DC3FCE50
[5] = 0xB7DC3FCE60
[6] = 0xB7DC3FCE70
[7] = 0xB7DC3FCE80
_M128A[16] XmmRegisters
[0] = 0xB7DC3FCE90
[1] = 0xB7DC3FCEA0
[2] = 0xB7DC3FCEB0
[3] = 0xB7DC3FCEC0
[4] = 0xB7DC3FCED0
[5] = 0xB7DC3FCEE0
[6] = 0xB7DC3FCEF0
[7] = 0xB7DC3FCF00
[8] = 0xB7DC3FCF10
[9] = 0xB7DC3FCF20
unsigned int[96] Reserved4
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
_M128A[2] Header
[0] = 0xB7DC3FCDF0
[1] = 0xB7DC3FCE00
<user defined> Legacy = 0xB7DC3FCE10
_M128A Xmm0 = 0xB7DC3FCE90
_M128A Xmm1 = 0xB7DC3FCEA0
_M128A Xmm2 = 0xB7DC3FCEB0
_M128A Xmm3 = 0xB7DC3FCEC0
_M128A Xmm4 = 0xB7DC3FCED0
_M128A Xmm5 = 0xB7DC3FCEE0
_M128A Xmm6 = 0xB7DC3FCEF0
_M128A Xmm7 = 0xB7DC3FCF00
_M128A Xmm8 = 0xB7DC3FCF10
_M128A Xmm9 = 0xB7DC3FCF20
_M128A Xmm10
unsigned int Low = 0x0
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm11
unsigned int Low = 0x0
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm12
unsigned int Low = 0x0
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm13
unsigned int Low = 0x0
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm14
unsigned int Low = 0x0
int High = 0x0
_M128A Xmm15
unsigned int Low = 0x0
int High = 0x0
_M128A[26] VectorRegister
[0] = 0xB7DC3FCFF0
[1] = 0xB7DC3FD000
[2] = 0xB7DC3FD010
[3] = 0xB7DC3FD020
[4] = 0xB7DC3FD030
[5] = 0xB7DC3FD040
[6] = 0xB7DC3FD050
[7] = 0xB7DC3FD060
[8] = 0xB7DC3FD070
[9] = 0xB7DC3FD080
unsigned int VectorControl = 0xB7DC3FE3B8
unsigned int DebugControl = 0x7FF70AF6FD00
unsigned int LastBranchToRip = 0x0
unsigned int LastBranchFromRip = 0x0
unsigned int LastExceptionToRip = 0x0
unsigned int LastExceptionFromRip = 0x0
Local _SYSTEMTIME systime
unsigned int wYear = 0x7E6
unsigned int wMonth = 0x5
unsigned int wDayOfWeek = 0x4
unsigned int wDay = 0x1A
unsigned int wHour = 0x1
unsigned int wMinute = 0x19
unsigned int wSecond = 0x2
unsigned int wMilliseconds = 0xA3
Local _EXCEPTION_RECORD* pExceptionRecord = <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int offset = 0xB7DC3FCCD8
Local char[260] szFaultingModule = "C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots..."
Local unsigned long section = 0xB7DC3FCCD0
00007FF709A0EFE4 000000B7DC3FD5E0 WheatyExceptionReport::WheatyUnhandledExceptionFilter+324 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\common\Debugging\WheatyExceptionReport.cpp line 209
Local char[260] module_folder_name = "C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots..."
Local _SYSTEMTIME systime
unsigned int wYear = 0x7E6
unsigned int wMonth = 0x5
unsigned int wDayOfWeek = 0x4
unsigned int wDay = 0x1A
unsigned int wHour = 0x1
unsigned int wMinute = 0x19
unsigned int wSecond = 0x2
unsigned int wMilliseconds = 0x27
Local char[260] crash_folder_path = "C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots..."
Local std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard
std::mutex* _Pmtx = 0x7FF70B6BFA20
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x7FF70B6BFA20
bool _Owns = 0x1
Local char* pos = NULL
Local _MINIDUMP_USER_STREAM additionalStream
unsigned int Type = 0x0
unsigned long BufferSize = 0x0
void* Buffer = NULL
unsigned long UserStreamCount = 0x0
unsigned long ThreadId = 0x9060
_EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ExceptionPointers = 0xB7DC3FD780
_EXCEPTION_RECORD* ExceptionRecord = 0xB7DC3FE3F0
unsigned long ExceptionCode = 0xC0000005
unsigned long ExceptionFlags = 0x0
void* ExceptionAddress = 0x7FF709A69B14
unsigned long NumberParameters = 0x2
unsigned int[15] ExceptionInformation
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x1A9
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
_CONTEXT* ContextRecord = 0xB7DC3FDF00
unsigned int P1Home = 0x0
unsigned int P2Home = 0x1F668C130C0
unsigned int P3Home = 0x1F637E2BBA0
unsigned int P4Home = 0x1F668C10000
unsigned int P5Home = 0x1F668C102A8
unsigned int P6Home = 0x1F69EFACF20
unsigned long ContextFlags = 0x10005F
unsigned long MxCsr = 0x1FB7
unsigned int SegCs = 0x33
unsigned int SegDs = 0x2B
unsigned int SegEs = 0x2B
unsigned int SegFs = 0x53
unsigned int SegGs = 0x2B
unsigned int SegSs = 0x2B
unsigned long EFlags = 0x10202
unsigned int Dr0 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr1 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr2 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr3 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr6 = 0x0
unsigned int Dr7 = 0x0
unsigned int Rax = 0x0
unsigned int Rcx = 0x0
unsigned int Rdx = 0x1F626E62801
unsigned int Rbx = 0x1F637E2BBA0
unsigned int Rsp = 0xB7DC3FE638
unsigned int Rbp = 0xB7DC3FE6C0
unsigned int Rsi = 0x1
unsigned int Rdi = 0x1F65E9E59A0
unsigned int R8 = 0x20
unsigned int R9 = 0x1
unsigned int R10 = 0x1F60A4E7600
unsigned int R11 = 0xB7DC3FE4F0
unsigned int R12 = 0x7FF70AF6FB8C
unsigned int R13 = 0x7FF70AF6F3F0
unsigned int R14 = 0x7FF70AF66EBC
unsigned int R15 = 0x0
unsigned int Rip = 0x7FF709A69B14
_XSAVE_FORMAT FltSave = 0xB7DC3FE000
_M128A[2] Header
[0] = 0xB7DC3FE000
[1] = 0xB7DC3FE010
_M128A[8] Legacy
[0] = 0xB7DC3FE020
[1] = 0xB7DC3FE030
[2] = 0xB7DC3FE040
[3] = 0xB7DC3FE050
[4] = 0xB7DC3FE060
[5] = 0xB7DC3FE070
[6] = 0xB7DC3FE080
[7] = 0xB7DC3FE090
_M128A Xmm0 = 0xB7DC3FE0A0
_M128A Xmm1 = 0xB7DC3FE0B0
_M128A Xmm2 = 0xB7DC3FE0C0
_M128A Xmm3 = 0xB7DC3FE0D0
_M128A Xmm4 = 0xB7DC3FE0E0
_M128A Xmm5 = 0xB7DC3FE0F0
_M128A Xmm6 = 0xB7DC3FE100
_M128A Xmm7 = 0xB7DC3FE110
_M128A Xmm8 = 0xB7DC3FE120
_M128A Xmm9 = 0xB7DC3FE130
_M128A Xmm10 = 0xB7DC3FE140
_M128A Xmm11 = 0xB7DC3FE150
_M128A Xmm12 = 0xB7DC3FE160
_M128A Xmm13 = 0xB7DC3FE170
_M128A Xmm14 = 0xB7DC3FE180
_M128A Xmm15 = 0xB7DC3FE190
_M128A[26] VectorRegister
[0] = 0xB7DC3FE200
[1] = 0xB7DC3FE210
[2] = 0xB7DC3FE220
[3] = 0xB7DC3FE230
[4] = 0xB7DC3FE240
[5] = 0xB7DC3FE250
[6] = 0xB7DC3FE260
[7] = 0xB7DC3FE270
[8] = 0xB7DC3FE280
[9] = 0xB7DC3FE290
unsigned int VectorControl = 0xB7DC3FE3B8
unsigned int DebugControl = 0x7FF70AF6FD00
unsigned int LastBranchToRip = 0x0
unsigned int LastBranchFromRip = 0x0
unsigned int LastExceptionToRip = 0x0
unsigned int LastExceptionFromRip = 0x0
int ClientPointers = 0x0
Local <user defined>* WheatyExceptionReport::m_previousFilter = <Unable to read memory>
00007FFA359BFF27 000000B7DC3FD700 UnhandledExceptionFilter+1E7
00007FFA380F51B0 000000B7DC3FD740 memset+13B0
00007FFA380DC766 000000B7DC3FD7B0 __C_specific_handler+96
00007FFA380F209F 000000B7DC3FD7E0 __chkstk+11F
00007FFA380A1454 000000B7DC3FDEF0 RtlRaiseException+434
00007FFA380F0BCE 000000B7DC3FE628 KiUserExceptionDispatcher+2E
00007FF709A69B14 000000B7DC3FE630 Battleground::GetBgTypeID+4 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Battlegrounds\Battleground.h line 319
00007FF709B4A66A 000000B7DC3FE6E0 AiFactory::AddDefaultCombatStrategies+C8A C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\AiFactory.cpp line 440
Parameter PlayerbotAI* facade = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF709A4BFB2 000000B7DC3FE710 PlayerbotAI::ResetStrategies+52 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 1149
00007FF709BCBFA9 000000B7DC3FEEB0 BGStatusAction::Execute+2E19 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\actions\BattleGroundJoinAction.cpp line 1069
Local BGStatusAction* this = 0x1F6893CB530
PlayerbotAI* botAI = 0x1F6404C6170
Player* bot = 0x1F65E9E59A0
AiObjectContext* context = 0x1F65C63D5E0
ChatHelper* chat = 0x1F6404C6170
std::string name = "bg status"
bool verbose = 0x0
float relevance = 100.000000
Local BGStatusAction* this = 0x1F6893CB530
PlayerbotAI* botAI = 0x1F6404C6170
Player* bot = 0x1F65E9E59A0
AiObjectContext* context = 0x1F65C63D5E0
ChatHelper* chat = 0x1F6404C6170
std::string name = "bg status"
bool verbose = 0x0
float relevance = 100.000000
Local BGStatusAction* this = 0xB7DC3FEEF0
PlayerbotAI* botAI = 0x7574617473206762
Player* bot = 0x73
AiObjectContext* context = 0x9
ChatHelper* chat = 0xF <Unable to read memory>
std::string name = ""
bool verbose = 0x8
float relevance = 0.000000
Parameter Event* event = 0xAF66318
Parameter Event* event = 0x49DC8B4C
Local unsigned int Time1 = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local PvPDifficultyEntry* pvpDiff = <Unable to read memory>
Local BattlegroundBracketId bracketId = 0xB7DC3FE7D0
Local unsigned int Time2 = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local BattlegroundTypeId _bgTypeId = 0xB7DC3FE770
Local BattlegroundQueueTypeId queueTypeId = 0xB7DC3FE772
Local bool isArena = 0xB7DC3FE771
Local ArenaType arenaType = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket p
unsigned int _rpos = 0x27
unsigned int _wpos = 0x27
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FE848
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x2D4
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local TeamId teamId = 0xB7DC3FE7F0
Local bool IsRandomBot = 0xB7DC3FE798
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int mapId = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::string _bgType = "Random"
Local unsigned int type = 0xB7DC3FE773
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F668C102C0
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = 0x10A000B0009000A <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0xC
Local std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,PositionInfo,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,PositionInfo> > >& posMap = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _wpos = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0x18
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
Local PositionInfo pos
float x = 0.000000
float y = 0.000000
float z = 0.000032
bool valueSet = 0xFA
unsigned int mapId = 0x68C10000
Local std::exception& e = NULL
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x80
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0x90 <Unable to read memory>
Local BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int timer = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local GroupQueueInfo ginfo
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > Players
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x0
int teamId = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
int RealTeamID = 0x14 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int BgTypeId = 0x18 <Unable to read memory>
bool IsRated = 0x19 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int ArenaType = 0x1A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int ArenaTeamId = 0x1C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int JoinTime = 0x20 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int RemoveInviteTime = 0x24 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID = 0x28 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int ArenaTeamRating = 0x2C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int ArenaMatchmakerRating = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int OpponentsTeamRating = 0x34 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int OpponentsMatchmakerRating = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int PreviousOpponentsTeamId = 0x3C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int BracketId = 0x40 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int GroupType = 0x41 <Unable to read memory>
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F69173AD70
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = "p�s��"
bool _DoFree = 0x0
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket emptyPacket
unsigned int _rpos = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _wpos = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0x18
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,PositionInfo,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,PositionInfo> > >& posMap = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _wpos = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0x18
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
Local PositionInfo pos
float x = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
float y = 0x4 <Unable to read memory>
float z = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
bool valueSet = 0xC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int mapId = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = NULL
Local TeamId teamId = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _wpos = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0x18
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x30 <Unable to read memory>
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x38 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F65F0DDF50
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = "P�
bool _DoFree = 0x0
Local std::exception& e = 0x7FF709AC94B6
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = 0x3949038E38E38E38 <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0x46
Local WorldPacket emptyPacket
unsigned int _rpos = 0x0
unsigned int _wpos = 0x0
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FEA78
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x0
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,PositionInfo,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,PositionInfo> > >& posMap = <Unable to read memory>
Local PositionInfo pos2
float x = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
float y = 0x4 <Unable to read memory>
float z = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
bool valueSet = 0xC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int mapId = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x9
unsigned int _wpos = 0x9
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FE8F8
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x2D5
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local PositionInfo pos
float x = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
float y = 0x4 <Unable to read memory>
float z = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
bool valueSet = 0xC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int mapId = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F600000000
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = 0x10148F4E43CC8DF <Unable to read memory>
bool _DoFree = 0xEE
Local BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = <Unable to read memory>
Local GroupQueueInfo ginfo
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > Players
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FE870
int teamId = 0x1
int RealTeamID = 0x1F6
unsigned int BgTypeId = 0x9
bool IsRated = 0x0
unsigned int ArenaType = 0x0
unsigned int ArenaTeamId = 0xB7
unsigned int JoinTime = 0x2DD72240
unsigned int RemoveInviteTime = 0x1F6
unsigned int IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID = 0xDC3FE9D0
unsigned int ArenaTeamRating = 0xB7
unsigned int ArenaMatchmakerRating = 0x2
unsigned int OpponentsTeamRating = 0xBF109B18
unsigned int OpponentsMatchmakerRating = 0xBE88C689
unsigned int PreviousOpponentsTeamId = 0x1F6
unsigned int BracketId = 0x23
unsigned int GroupType = 0x0
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F668C27D00
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = ""
bool _DoFree = 0x10
Local Battleground* bg = <Unable to read memory>
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F6893CF850
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = " d�
bool _DoFree = 0xA0
Local std::exception& e = 0x1F668C10000
__std_exception_data _Data
char* _What = "�h�"
bool _DoFree = 0x70
00007FF709B548AF 000000B7DC3FF0D0 Engine::ListenAndExecute+AF C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\Engine.cpp line 560
Parameter Event* event = 0xAF66318
Parameter Event* event = 0xAF707D0
Local std::basic_ostringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > out
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >
std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >
__std_exception_data _Data = 0x8
std::error_code _Mycode = 0x18
unsigned int _Stdstr = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> std::_Crt_new_delete = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
std::ios_base::_Iosarray* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
int _Index = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
long _Lo = 0xC <Unable to read memory>
void* _Vp = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> std::_Crt_new_delete = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
std::ios_base::_Fnarray* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
int _Index = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _Pfn = <Unable to read memory>
int _Mystate = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
int _Except = 0x14 <Unable to read memory>
int _Fmtfl = 0x18 <Unable to read memory>
int _Prec = 0x20 <Unable to read memory>
int _Wide = 0x28 <Unable to read memory>
std::ios_base::_Iosarray* _Arr = <Unable to read memory>
std::ios_base::_Fnarray* _Calls = <Unable to read memory>
std::locale* _Ploc = <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >* _Mystrbuf = <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >* _Tiestr = <Unable to read memory>
char _Fillch = 0x58 <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >& _Myostr = <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::_Sentry_base
<user defined> _Myostr = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
bool _Ok = 0x8 <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >
<user defined> _Mystrbuf = 0x48 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Tiestr = 0x50 <Unable to read memory>
char _Fillch = 0x58 <Unable to read memory>
std::basic_stringbuf<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > _Stringbuffer
std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >
char* _Gfirst = <Unable to read memory>
char* _Pfirst = <Unable to read memory>
char** _IGfirst = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _IPfirst = <Unable to read memory>
char* _Gnext = <Unable to read memory>
char* _Pnext = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _IGnext = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _IPnext = <Unable to read memory>
int _Gcount = 0x50 <Unable to read memory>
int _Pcount = 0x54 <Unable to read memory>
int* _IGcount = <Unable to read memory>
int* _IPcount = <Unable to read memory>
std::locale* _Plocale = <Unable to read memory>
char* _Ptr = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Size = 0x10 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Res = 0x18 <Unable to read memory>
char* _Seekhigh = <Unable to read memory>
int _Mystate = 0x78 <Unable to read memory>
00007FF709B5367E 000000B7DC3FF3F0 Engine::DoNextAction+70E C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\strategy\Engine.cpp line 196
Parameter Unit* unit = NULL
Parameter unsigned int depth = 0xB7DC3FF124
Parameter bool minimal = 0xB7DC3FF111
Local int currentTime = 0xB7DC3FF1C0
Local unsigned int iterationsPerTick = 0xB7DC3FF120
Local bool actionExecuted = 0xB7DC3FF110
Local ActionBasket* basket = <Unable to read memory>
Local Event event
std::string source = "bg status"
std::string param = ""
WorldPacket packet
unsigned int _rpos = 0x0
unsigned int _wpos = 0x27
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage = 0xB7DC3FF2E0
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x2D4
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur = 0x0
Player* owner = NULL
Local bool skipPrerequisites = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::_Vector_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Multiplier *> > > i
std::_Vector_const_iterator<std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Multiplier *> > >
Multiplier** _Ptr = <Unable to read memory>
Local Multiplier* multiplier = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF709A44014 000000B7DC3FF530 PlayerbotAI::DoNextAction+4B4 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 839
Local Group* group = <Unable to read memory>
Local PlayerbotAI* masterBotAI = <Unable to read memory>
Local unsigned int dCount = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local PlayerbotAI* botAI = <Unable to read memory>
Local Player* playerMaster = <Unable to read memory>
Local Player* newMaster = <Unable to read memory>
Local GroupReference* gref = <Unable to read memory>
Local PlayerbotAI* memberBotAI = <Unable to read memory>
Local Player* member = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPacket stop
unsigned int _rpos = 0x73
unsigned int _wpos = 0x0
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FF498
unsigned int m_opcode = 0x5D60
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x0
Local WorldPacket land
unsigned int _rpos = 0x7FF709A3F835
unsigned int _wpos = 0xB7DC3FF748
std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > _storage
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned char>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned char> >,1> _Mypair = 0xB7DC3FF4D8
unsigned int m_opcode = 0xF568
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock,std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > > m_receivedTime
std::chrono::duration<__int64,std::ratio<1,1000000000> > _MyDur
int _MyRep = 0x7FF709A469D7
00007FF709A4D4B5 000000B7DC3FF790 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAIInternal+8E5 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 342
Parameter unsigned int elapsed = 0xB7DC3FF7A8
Parameter bool minimal = 0xB7DC3FF564
Local PerformanceMonitorOperation* pmo = NULL
Local std::vector<ChatCommandHolder,std::allocator<ChatCommandHolder> > delayed
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ChatCommandHolder>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ChatCommandHolder> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ChatCommandHolder> > _Myval2
ChatCommandHolder* _Myfirst = NULL
ChatCommandHolder* _Mylast = NULL
ChatCommandHolder* _Myend = NULL
Local std::string mapString = 0xB7DC3FF5A8 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::string mapString = "0"
Local ExternalEventHelper helper
AiObjectContext* aiObjectContext = 0x1F65C63D5E0
PlayerbotAI* botAI = 0x1F6404C6170
std::vector<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::allocator<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > > performanceStack
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > > >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65C63D5F0
NamedObjectContextList<Strategy> strategyContexts
std::vector<NamedObjectContext<Strategy> *,std::allocator<NamedObjectContext<Strategy> *> > contexts = 0x1F65C63D610
NamedObjectContextList<Action> actionContexts
std::vector<NamedObjectContext<Action> *,std::allocator<NamedObjectContext<Action> *> > contexts = 0x1F65C63D630
NamedObjectContextList<Trigger> triggerContexts
std::vector<NamedObjectContext<Trigger> *,std::allocator<NamedObjectContext<Trigger> *> > contexts = 0x1F65C63D650
NamedObjectContextList<UntypedValue> valueContexts
std::vector<NamedObjectContext<UntypedValue> *,std::allocator<NamedObjectContext<UntypedValue> *> > contexts = 0x1F65C63D670
Local ChatCommandHolder holder
std::string command = "..."
Player* owner = 0x20
DataMap CustomData = 0x28
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x68 <Unable to read memory>
int m_objectTypeId = 0x6C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x70 <Unable to read memory>
int* m_int32Values = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x80
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x90 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x92 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x94 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inWorld = 0x95 <Unable to read memory>
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x98
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xC8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xC8 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0xC8 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0xCC <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0xD0 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0xD4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xD8 <Unable to read memory>
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0xDC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0xE8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0xF4
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x128
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x15C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x168
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x174 <Unable to read memory>
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x178
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_name = 0x1F0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0x210 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x211 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x214 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x21C <Unable to read memory>
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x228 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _areaId = 0x22C <Unable to read memory>
float _floorZ = 0x230 <Unable to read memory>
bool _outdoors = 0x234 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x238
bool _updatePositionData = 0x24C <Unable to read memory>
Transport* m_transport = <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_currMap = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x260 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x264 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x268 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x26A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x26C <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x270
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x2B0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canDualWield = 0x2B4 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x2B8
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x2C8
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x2D8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2E0 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2E8 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2F0 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2F8 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x300 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x308 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x310 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x318 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x320 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x328 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0x330 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0x334 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0x338 <Unable to read memory>
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x33C <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 0x340 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x344 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x348 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34C <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x350 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x354 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x358 <Unable to read memory>
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0x35C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x360 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x364 <Unable to read memory>
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x368
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x388
[1] = 0x3A0
[2] = 0x3B8
[3] = 0x3D0
[4] = 0x3E8
[5] = 0x400
[6] = 0x418
[7] = 0x430
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x448 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x450
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x460 <Unable to read memory>
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x461 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x462 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x463 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x468
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x478
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x488 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x48C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x48E <Unable to read memory>
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x490 <Unable to read memory>
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_AI = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x4B0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_race = 0x4B1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x4B2 <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x4B4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x4B8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x4BC <Unable to read memory>
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 0x4C0 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x4C4 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x4C8 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x4CC <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x4D0 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x4D8
Unit* m_attacking = <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathState = 0x520 <Unable to read memory>
int m_procDeep = 0x524 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x528
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x538
unsigned int m_transform = 0x548 <Unable to read memory>
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x570
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x580
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x590
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x5A0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x5A8 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x5B0
[1] = 0x5C0
[2] = 0x5D0
[3] = 0x5E0
[4] = 0x5F0
[5] = 0x600
[6] = 0x610
[7] = 0x620
[8] = 0x630
[9] = 0x640
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x1980
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x1990
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x19A0
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x19B0 <Unable to read memory>
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0x19B4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19B8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19BC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x19C0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x19B4
[0] = 0x19C4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19C8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19CC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x19D0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x19D4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19D8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19DC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x19E0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x19E4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19E8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19EC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x19F0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x19F4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x19F8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x19FC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A00 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A04 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A08 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A0C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A10 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A14 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A18 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A1C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A20 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A24 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A28 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A2C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A30 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A34 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A38 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A3C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A40 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1A44 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1A48 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1A4C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1A50 <Unable to read memory>
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0x1B44 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1B48 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1B44 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1B4C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1B50 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x1B54 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1B58 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x1B5C <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x1B60
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0x1B70 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1B74 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1B78 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1B7C <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x1B80 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x1B84 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x1B88 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x1B8C <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x1B90 <Unable to read memory>
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x1BA0
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x1BB8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1BBC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1BC0 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1BC4 <Unable to read memory>
int m_regenTimer = 0x1BC8 <Unable to read memory>
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x1BD0
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x1C18
Vehicle* m_vehicle = <Unable to read memory>
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x1C38 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_applyResilience = 0x1C48 <Unable to read memory>
bool _instantCast = 0x1C49 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x1C4A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x1C4C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_state = 0x1C50 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x1C54 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x1C58 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x1C60
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x1C70
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x1CA8
Unit* m_comboTarget = <Unable to read memory>
int m_comboPoints = 0x1CE0 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x1CE8
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x1D28
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x1D38 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x1D39 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x1D3C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x1D40 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x1D48
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x1D88 <Unable to read memory>
GridReference<Player> _gridRef = 0x1D90
std::string autoReplyMsg = 0x1DB8 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerTaxi m_taxi
unsigned int[14] m_taximask
[0] = 0x1DD8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1DDC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1DE0 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1DE4 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x1DE8 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x1DEC <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x1DF0 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x1DF4 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x1DF8 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x1DFC <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_TaxiDestinations = 0x1E10
unsigned int _taxiSegment = 0x1E28 <Unable to read memory>
int m_logintime = 0x1E30 <Unable to read memory>
int m_Last_tick = 0x1E38 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[2] m_Played_time
[0] = 0x1E40 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1E44 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_mailsUpdated = 0x1E48 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int unReadMails = 0x1E49 <Unable to read memory>
int m_nextMailDelivereTime = 0x1E50 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,Item *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > mMitems
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1E58
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1E58
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1E58
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x1E58 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > _List = 0x1E60
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1E70
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1E88 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x1E90 <Unable to read memory>
PvPInfo pvpInfo
bool IsHostile = 0x1E98 <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInHostileArea = 0x1E99 <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInNoPvPArea = 0x1E9A <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInFFAPvPArea = 0x1E9B <Unable to read memory>
int EndTimer = 0x1EA0 <Unable to read memory>
int FFAPvPEndTimer = 0x1EA8 <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<DuelInfo,std::default_delete<DuelInfo> > duel
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<DuelInfo>,DuelInfo *,1> _Mypair = 0x1EB0 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerMenu* PlayerTalkClass = <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<ItemSetEffect *,std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *> > ItemSetEff
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1EC0
SafeUnitPointer m_mover
Unit* ptr = <Unable to read memory>
Unit* defaultValue = <Unable to read memory>
WorldObject* m_seer = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_isInSharedVisionOf
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1EF0 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1EF0 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1EF0
unsigned int m_recallMap = 0x1F00 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallX = 0x1F04 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallY = 0x1F08 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallZ = 0x1F0C <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallO = 0x1F10 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindMapId = 0x1F14 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindAreaId = 0x1F18 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindX = 0x1F1C <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindY = 0x1F20 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindZ = 0x1F24 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_clientGUIDs
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F28
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x1F28
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F28
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F28
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x1F28 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0x1F30
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F40
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1F58 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x1F60 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_newVisible
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Unit *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F68
unsigned int[9] m_forced_speed_changes
[0] = 0x1F80 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x1F81 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x1F82 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x1F83 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x1F84 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x1F85 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x1F86 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x1F87 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x1F88 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_DFQuests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F90 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F90 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F90
unsigned int m_HomebindTimer = 0x1FA0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_InstanceValid = 0x1FA4 <Unable to read memory>
Spell* m_spellModTakingSpell = <Unable to read memory>
bool isDebugAreaTriggers = 0x1FB0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorForBG = 0x1FB4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId = 0x1FB8 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_receivedSpectatorResetFor
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1FC0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1FC0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1FC0
ObjectGuid m_drwGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x1FD0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_charmUpdateTimer = 0x1FD8 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > WhisperList
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1FE0
bool m_NeedToSaveGlyphs = 0x1FF0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MountBlockId = 0x1FF4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realDodge = 0x1FF8 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realParry = 0x1FFC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[10] m_charmAISpells
[0] = 0x2000 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2004 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2008 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x200C <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2010 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2014 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x2018 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x201C <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x2020 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x2024 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_AreaID = 0x2028 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_regenTimerCount = 0x202C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_foodEmoteTimerCount = 0x2030 <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_powerFraction
[0] = 0x2034 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2038 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x203C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2040 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2044 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2048 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x204C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_contestedPvPTimer = 0x2050 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x20 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x24 <Unable to read memory>
std::array<Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec,2> _BgBattlegroundQueueID
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x2054 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x2058 <Unable to read memory>
Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec[2] _Elems
[0] = 0x2054 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x205C <Unable to read memory>
BGData m_bgData
unsigned int bgInstanceID = 0x2068 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgTypeID = 0x206C <Unable to read memory>
int bgTeamId = 0x2070 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueSlot = 0x2074 <Unable to read memory>
bool isInvited = 0x2078 <Unable to read memory>
bool bgIsRandom = 0x2079 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > bgAfkReporter = 0x2080
unsigned int bgAfkReportedCount = 0x2090 <Unable to read memory>
int bgAfkReportedTimer = 0x2098 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_IsBGRandomWinner = 0x20A0 <Unable to read memory>
EntryPointData m_entryPointData
unsigned int mountSpell = 0x20A8 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > taxiPath = 0x20B0
WorldLocation joinPos = 0x20C8
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_timedquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x20E0 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x20E0 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x20E0
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_weeklyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x20F0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x20F0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x20F0
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_monthlyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2100
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2100
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2100
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > m_seasonalquests
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2110
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2110
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2110
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2110 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > _List = 0x2118
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > > > > _Vec = 0x2128
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2140 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2148 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_divider
unsigned int _guid = 0x2150 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ingametime = 0x2158 <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastHonorUpdateTime = 0x2160 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_lootGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x2168 <Unable to read memory>
int m_team = 0x2170 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_nextSave = 0x2174 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveTimer = 0x2178 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveMask = 0x217A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer = 0x217C <Unable to read memory>
int m_speakTime = 0x2180 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_speakCount = 0x2188 <Unable to read memory>
int m_dungeonDifficulty = 0x218C <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidDifficulty = 0x2190 <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidMapDifficulty = 0x2194 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_atLoginFlags = 0x2198 <Unable to read memory>
Item*[150] m_items
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_currentBuybackSlot = 0x2650 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemUpdateQueue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Item *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2658
bool m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked = 0x2670 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ExtraFlags = 0x2674 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > > m_QuestStatus
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2678 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2678 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2678 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2678
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2678
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_QuestStatusSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2688
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2688
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2688
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2688
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2688
std::unordered_set<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_RewardedQuests
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2698
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2698
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2698
std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2698 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > _List = 0x26A0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<unsigned int> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x26B0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x26C8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x26D0 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_RewardedQuestsSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x26D8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x26D8 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x26D8 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x26D8
<user defined> value_compare = 0x26D8
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > mSkillStatus
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x26E8
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x26E8
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x26E8
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x26E8 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > _List = 0x26F0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > > > > _Vec = 0x2700
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2718 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2720 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_GuildIdInvited = 0x2728 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArenaTeamIdInvited = 0x272C <Unable to read memory>
std::deque<Mail *,std::allocator<Mail *> > m_mail
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Mail *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2730
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > m_spells
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2758 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2758 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2758 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2758 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > _List = 0x2760
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x2770
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2788 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2790 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > m_talents
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2798 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2798 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2798 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2798 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > _List = 0x27A0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x27B0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x27C8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x27D0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastPotionId = 0x27D8 <Unable to read memory>
GlobalCooldownMgr m_GlobalCooldownMgr
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > m_GlobalCooldowns = 0x27E0
unsigned int m_activeSpec = 0x2820 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_specsCount = 0x2821 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[6] m_Glyphs
[0] = 0x2824 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2828 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x282C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2830 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2834 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2838 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2824
unsigned int[6]
[0] = 0x283C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2840 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2844 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x2848 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x284C <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2850 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > > m_actionButtons
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2858
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2858
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2858
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2858
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2858
float[2] m_auraBaseMod
[0] = 0x2868 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x286C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2868 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2870 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2874 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2878 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x287C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x2880 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2884 <Unable to read memory>
int[25] m_baseRatingValue
[0] = 0x2888 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x288A <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x288C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x288E <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x2890 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x2892 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x2894 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x2896 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x2898 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x289A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseSpellPower = 0x28BC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseFeralAP = 0x28C0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseManaRegen = 0x28C4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseHealthRegen = 0x28C8 <Unable to read memory>
int m_spellPenetrationItemMod = 0x28CC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<SpellModifier *,std::allocator<SpellModifier *> >[32] m_spellMods
[0] = 0x28D0
[1] = 0x28E0
[2] = 0x28F0
[3] = 0x2900
[4] = 0x2910
[5] = 0x2920
[6] = 0x2930
[7] = 0x2940
[8] = 0x2950
[9] = 0x2960
std::list<EnchantDuration,std::allocator<EnchantDuration> > m_enchantDuration
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x2AD0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<EnchantDuration,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AD0
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemDuration
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AE0
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemSoulboundTradeable
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2AF0
std::mutex m_soulboundTradableLock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x2B00
ObjectGuid m_resurrectGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x2B50 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMap = 0x2B58 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectX = 0x2B5C <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectY = 0x2B60 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectZ = 0x2B64 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectHealth = 0x2B68 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMana = 0x2B6C <Unable to read memory>
WorldSession* m_session = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> > m_channels
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Channel *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x2B78
unsigned int m_cinematic = 0x2B88 <Unable to read memory>
TradeData* m_trade = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_DailyQuestChanged = 0x2B98 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_WeeklyQuestChanged = 0x2B99 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_MonthlyQuestChanged = 0x2B9A <Unable to read memory>
bool m_SeasonalQuestChanged = 0x2B9B <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastDailyQuestTime = 0x2BA0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_drunkTimer = 0x2BA8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_weaponChangeTimer = 0x2BAC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateId = 0x2BB0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateTimer = 0x2BB4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_areaUpdateId = 0x2BB8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_deathTimer = 0x2BBC <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathExpireTime = 0x2BC0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_WeaponProficiency = 0x2BC8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArmorProficiency = 0x2BCC <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canParry = 0x2BD0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canBlock = 0x2BD1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTitanGrip = 0x2BD2 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_swingErrorMsg = 0x2BD3 <Unable to read memory>
float m_ammoDPS = 0x2BD4 <Unable to read memory>
int _restTime = 0x2BD8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _innTriggerId = 0x2BE0 <Unable to read memory>
float _restBonus = 0x2BE4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _restFlagMask = 0x2BE8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resetTalentsCost = 0x2BEC <Unable to read memory>
int m_resetTalentsTime = 0x2BF0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_usedTalentCount = 0x2BF8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_questRewardTalentCount = 0x2BFC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_extraBonusTalentCount = 0x2C00 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerSocial* m_social = <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_group
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x2C38 <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_originalGroup
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x2C68 <Unable to read memory>
Group* m_groupInvite = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_groupUpdateMask = 0x2C78 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_auraRaidUpdateMask = 0x2C80 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bPassOnGroupLoot = 0x2C88 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastpetnumber = 0x2C8C <Unable to read memory>
int m_summon_expire = 0x2C90 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_summon_mapid = 0x2C98 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_x = 0x2C9C <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_y = 0x2CA0 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_z = 0x2CA4 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_summon_asSpectator = 0x2CA8 <Unable to read memory>
DeclinedName* m_declinedname = <Unable to read memory>
Runes* m_runes = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > > m_EquipmentSets
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2CC0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2CC0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2CC0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2CC0
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2CC0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_grantableLevels = 0x2CD0 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_needZoneUpdate = 0x2CD1 <Unable to read memory>
CinematicMgr* _cinematicMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_refundableItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2CE0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2CE0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2CE0
MapReference m_mapRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Map* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastFallTime = 0x2D18 <Unable to read memory>
float m_lastFallZ = 0x2D1C <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_MirrorTimer
[0] = 0x2D20 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x2D24 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x2D28 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlags = 0x2D2C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlagsLast = 0x2D2D <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInWater = 0x2D2E <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation teleportStore_dest
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x2D30 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x2D30 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x2D30 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x2D34 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x2D38 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x2D3C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x2D40 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int teleportStore_options = 0x2D44 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Near = 0x2D48 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Far = 0x2D50 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_DelayedOperations = 0x2D58 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bMustDelayTeleport = 0x2D5C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bHasDelayedTeleport = 0x2D5D <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTeleport = 0x2D5E <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<PetStable,std::default_delete<PetStable> > m_petStable
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<PetStable>,PetStable *,1> _Mypair = 0x2D60 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_temporaryUnsummonedPetNumber = 0x2D68 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_oldpetspell = 0x2D6C <Unable to read memory>
AchievementMgr* m_achievementMgr = <Unable to read memory>
ReputationMgr* m_reputationMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > > m_spellCooldowns
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2D80 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2D80 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2D80 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2D80
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2D80 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ChampioningFaction = 0x2D90 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _instanceResetTimes
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x2D98
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x2D98
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x2D98
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x2D98 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0x2DA0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0x2DB0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x2DC8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x2DD0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindId = 0x2DD8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindTimer = 0x2DDC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _activeCheats = 0x2DE0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int healthBeforeDuel = 0x2DE4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int manaBeforeDuel = 0x2DE8 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInstantFlightOn = 0x2DEC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_flightSpellActivated = 0x2DF0 <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation _corpseLocation
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x2DF4 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x2DF4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x2DF4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x2DF8 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x2DFC <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x2E00 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x2E04 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> _farSightDistance
float _Value = 0x2E08 <Unable to read memory>
bool _Has_value = 0x2E0C <Unable to read memory>
bool _wasOutdoor = 0x2E10 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > > m_charSettingsMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2E18 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x2E18 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x2E18 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x2E18
<user defined> value_compare = 0x2E18 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int type = 0xA352693
int time = 0x34A0001
Local ChatCommandHolder holder
std::string command = "� �"
Player* owner = 0x34A0001
DataMap CustomData = 0x34A0009
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x34A0049 <Unable to read memory>
int m_objectTypeId = 0x34A004D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x34A0051 <Unable to read memory>
int* m_int32Values = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x34A0061
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x34A0071 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x34A0073 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x34A0075 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inWorld = 0x34A0076 <Unable to read memory>
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x34A0079
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A00A9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A00A9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x34A00A9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x34A00AD <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x34A00B1 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x34A00B5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x34A00B9 <Unable to read memory>
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x34A00BD
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x34A00C9
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x34A00D5
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x34A0109
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x34A013D
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x34A0149
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x34A0155 <Unable to read memory>
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x34A0159
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_name = 0x34A01D1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0x34A01F1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x34A01F2 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x34A01F5 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x34A01FD <Unable to read memory>
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x34A0209 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _areaId = 0x34A020D <Unable to read memory>
float _floorZ = 0x34A0211 <Unable to read memory>
bool _outdoors = 0x34A0215 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x34A0219
bool _updatePositionData = 0x34A022D <Unable to read memory>
Transport* m_transport = <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_currMap = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x34A0241 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x34A0245 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x34A0249 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x34A024B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x34A024D <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x34A0251
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x34A0291 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canDualWield = 0x34A0295 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0x34A0299
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0x34A02A9
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x34A02B9 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A02C1 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A02C9 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A02D1 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A02D9 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A02E1 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A02E9 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x34A02F1 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A02F9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A0301 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A0309 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0x34A0311 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0x34A0315 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0x34A0319 <Unable to read memory>
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x34A031D <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 0x34A0321 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A0325 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A0329 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A032D <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A0331 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A0335 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A0339 <Unable to read memory>
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0x34A033D <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A0341 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A0345 <Unable to read memory>
EventProcessor m_Events = 0x34A0349
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x34A0369
[1] = 0x34A0381
[2] = 0x34A0399
[3] = 0x34A03B1
[4] = 0x34A03C9
[5] = 0x34A03E1
[6] = 0x34A03F9
[7] = 0x34A0411
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x34A0429 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0x34A0431
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x34A0441 <Unable to read memory>
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x34A0442 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x34A0443 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x34A0444 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0x34A0449
Position m_last_notify_position = 0x34A0459
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x34A0469 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x34A046D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x34A046F <Unable to read memory>
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x34A0471 <Unable to read memory>
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_AI = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x34A0491 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_race = 0x34A0492 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x34A0493 <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x34A0495 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A0499 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A049D <Unable to read memory>
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 0x34A04A1 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A04A5 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A04A9 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A04AD <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A04B1 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0x34A04B9
Unit* m_attacking = <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathState = 0x34A0501 <Unable to read memory>
int m_procDeep = 0x34A0505 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0x34A0509
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0x34A0519
unsigned int m_transform = 0x34A0529 <Unable to read memory>
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0x34A0551
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0x34A0561
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0x34A0571
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0x34A0581 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x34A0589 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x34A0591
[1] = 0x34A05A1
[2] = 0x34A05B1
[3] = 0x34A05C1
[4] = 0x34A05D1
[5] = 0x34A05E1
[6] = 0x34A05F1
[7] = 0x34A0601
[8] = 0x34A0611
[9] = 0x34A0621
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0x34A1961
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0x34A1971
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0x34A1981
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x34A1991 <Unable to read memory>
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0x34A1995 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1999 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A199D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19A1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1995
[0] = 0x34A19A5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19A9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19AD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19B1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19B5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19B9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19BD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19C1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19C5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19C9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19CD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19D1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19D5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19D9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19DD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19E1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19E5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19E9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19ED <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A19F1 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A19F5 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A19F9 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A19FD <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1A01 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1A05 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1A09 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1A0D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1A11 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1A15 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1A19 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1A1D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1A21 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1A25 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1A29 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1A2D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1A31 <Unable to read memory>
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0x34A1B25 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B29 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1B25 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1B2D <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B31 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A1B35 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B39 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x34A1B3D <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0x34A1B41
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0x34A1B51 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B55 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1B59 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1B5D <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A1B61 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A1B65 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A1B69 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A1B6D <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A1B71 <Unable to read memory>
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0x34A1B81
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x34A1B99 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1B9D <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1BA1 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1BA5 <Unable to read memory>
int m_regenTimer = 0x34A1BA9 <Unable to read memory>
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0x34A1BB1
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0x34A1BF9
Vehicle* m_vehicle = <Unable to read memory>
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x34A1C19 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_applyResilience = 0x34A1C29 <Unable to read memory>
bool _instantCast = 0x34A1C2A <Unable to read memory>
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x34A1C2B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x34A1C2D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_state = 0x34A1C31 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x34A1C35 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x34A1C39 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0x34A1C41
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0x34A1C51
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0x34A1C89
Unit* m_comboTarget = <Unable to read memory>
int m_comboPoints = 0x34A1CC1 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0x34A1CC9
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0x34A1D09
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x34A1D19 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x34A1D1A <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x34A1D1D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x34A1D21 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0x34A1D29
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0x34A1D69 <Unable to read memory>
GridReference<Player> _gridRef = 0x34A1D71
std::string autoReplyMsg = 0x34A1D99 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerTaxi m_taxi
unsigned int[14] m_taximask
[0] = 0x34A1DB9 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1DBD <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1DC1 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1DC5 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A1DC9 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A1DCD <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A1DD1 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A1DD5 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A1DD9 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x34A1DDD <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_TaxiDestinations = 0x34A1DF1
unsigned int _taxiSegment = 0x34A1E09 <Unable to read memory>
int m_logintime = 0x34A1E11 <Unable to read memory>
int m_Last_tick = 0x34A1E19 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[2] m_Played_time
[0] = 0x34A1E21 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1E25 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_mailsUpdated = 0x34A1E29 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int unReadMails = 0x34A1E2A <Unable to read memory>
int m_nextMailDelivereTime = 0x34A1E31 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,Item *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > mMitems
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A1E39
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A1E39
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A1E39
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A1E39 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > _List = 0x34A1E41
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A1E51
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A1E69 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A1E71 <Unable to read memory>
PvPInfo pvpInfo
bool IsHostile = 0x34A1E79 <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInHostileArea = 0x34A1E7A <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInNoPvPArea = 0x34A1E7B <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInFFAPvPArea = 0x34A1E7C <Unable to read memory>
int EndTimer = 0x34A1E81 <Unable to read memory>
int FFAPvPEndTimer = 0x34A1E89 <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<DuelInfo,std::default_delete<DuelInfo> > duel
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<DuelInfo>,DuelInfo *,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1E91 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerMenu* PlayerTalkClass = <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<ItemSetEffect *,std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *> > ItemSetEff
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1EA1
SafeUnitPointer m_mover
Unit* ptr = <Unable to read memory>
Unit* defaultValue = <Unable to read memory>
WorldObject* m_seer = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_isInSharedVisionOf
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A1ED1 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A1ED1 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1ED1
unsigned int m_recallMap = 0x34A1EE1 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallX = 0x34A1EE5 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallY = 0x34A1EE9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallZ = 0x34A1EED <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallO = 0x34A1EF1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindMapId = 0x34A1EF5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindAreaId = 0x34A1EF9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindX = 0x34A1EFD <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindY = 0x34A1F01 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindZ = 0x34A1F05 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_clientGUIDs
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A1F09
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x34A1F09
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A1F09
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A1F09
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A1F09 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0x34A1F11
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x34A1F21
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A1F39 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A1F41 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_newVisible
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Unit *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1F49
unsigned int[9] m_forced_speed_changes
[0] = 0x34A1F61 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1F62 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1F63 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1F64 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A1F65 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A1F66 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A1F67 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A1F68 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A1F69 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_DFQuests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A1F71 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A1F71 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1F71
unsigned int m_HomebindTimer = 0x34A1F81 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_InstanceValid = 0x34A1F85 <Unable to read memory>
Spell* m_spellModTakingSpell = <Unable to read memory>
bool isDebugAreaTriggers = 0x34A1F91 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorForBG = 0x34A1F95 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId = 0x34A1F99 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_receivedSpectatorResetFor
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A1FA1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A1FA1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1FA1
ObjectGuid m_drwGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x34A1FB1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_charmUpdateTimer = 0x34A1FB9 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > WhisperList
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A1FC1
bool m_NeedToSaveGlyphs = 0x34A1FD1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MountBlockId = 0x34A1FD5 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realDodge = 0x34A1FD9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realParry = 0x34A1FDD <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[10] m_charmAISpells
[0] = 0x34A1FE1 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A1FE5 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A1FE9 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A1FED <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A1FF1 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A1FF5 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A1FF9 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A1FFD <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A2001 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x34A2005 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_AreaID = 0x34A2009 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_regenTimerCount = 0x34A200D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_foodEmoteTimerCount = 0x34A2011 <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_powerFraction
[0] = 0x34A2015 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2019 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A201D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A2021 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A2025 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A2029 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A202D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_contestedPvPTimer = 0x34A2031 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x34A0001 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x34A0005 <Unable to read memory>
std::array<Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec,2> _BgBattlegroundQueueID
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x34A2035 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x34A2039 <Unable to read memory>
Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec[2] _Elems
[0] = 0x34A2035 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A203D <Unable to read memory>
BGData m_bgData
unsigned int bgInstanceID = 0x34A2049 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgTypeID = 0x34A204D <Unable to read memory>
int bgTeamId = 0x34A2051 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueSlot = 0x34A2055 <Unable to read memory>
bool isInvited = 0x34A2059 <Unable to read memory>
bool bgIsRandom = 0x34A205A <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > bgAfkReporter = 0x34A2061
unsigned int bgAfkReportedCount = 0x34A2071 <Unable to read memory>
int bgAfkReportedTimer = 0x34A2079 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_IsBGRandomWinner = 0x34A2081 <Unable to read memory>
EntryPointData m_entryPointData
unsigned int mountSpell = 0x34A2089 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > taxiPath = 0x34A2091
WorldLocation joinPos = 0x34A20A9
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_timedquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A20C1 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A20C1 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A20C1
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_weeklyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A20D1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A20D1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A20D1
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_monthlyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A20E1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A20E1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A20E1
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > m_seasonalquests
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A20F1
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A20F1
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A20F1
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A20F1 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > _List = 0x34A20F9
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A2109
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A2121 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A2129 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_divider
unsigned int _guid = 0x34A2131 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ingametime = 0x34A2139 <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastHonorUpdateTime = 0x34A2141 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_lootGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x34A2149 <Unable to read memory>
int m_team = 0x34A2151 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_nextSave = 0x34A2155 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveTimer = 0x34A2159 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveMask = 0x34A215B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer = 0x34A215D <Unable to read memory>
int m_speakTime = 0x34A2161 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_speakCount = 0x34A2169 <Unable to read memory>
int m_dungeonDifficulty = 0x34A216D <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidDifficulty = 0x34A2171 <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidMapDifficulty = 0x34A2175 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_atLoginFlags = 0x34A2179 <Unable to read memory>
Item*[150] m_items
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_currentBuybackSlot = 0x34A2631 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemUpdateQueue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Item *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2639
bool m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked = 0x34A2651 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ExtraFlags = 0x34A2655 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > > m_QuestStatus
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2659 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2659 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2659 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2659
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2659
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_QuestStatusSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2669
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2669
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2669
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2669
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2669
std::unordered_set<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_RewardedQuests
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A2679
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A2679
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A2679
std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A2679 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > _List = 0x34A2681
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<unsigned int> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x34A2691
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A26A9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A26B1 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_RewardedQuestsSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A26B9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A26B9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A26B9 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A26B9
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A26B9
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > mSkillStatus
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A26C9
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A26C9
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A26C9
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A26C9 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > _List = 0x34A26D1
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A26E1
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A26F9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A2701 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_GuildIdInvited = 0x34A2709 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArenaTeamIdInvited = 0x34A270D <Unable to read memory>
std::deque<Mail *,std::allocator<Mail *> > m_mail
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Mail *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2711
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > m_spells
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A2739 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A2739 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A2739 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A2739 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > _List = 0x34A2741
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A2751
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A2769 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A2771 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > m_talents
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A2779 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A2779 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A2779 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A2779 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > _List = 0x34A2781
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A2791
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A27A9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A27B1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastPotionId = 0x34A27B9 <Unable to read memory>
GlobalCooldownMgr m_GlobalCooldownMgr
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > m_GlobalCooldowns = 0x34A27C1
unsigned int m_activeSpec = 0x34A2801 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_specsCount = 0x34A2802 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[6] m_Glyphs
[0] = 0x34A2805 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2809 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A280D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A2811 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A2815 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A2819 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2805
unsigned int[6]
[0] = 0x34A281D <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2821 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A2825 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A2829 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A282D <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A2831 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > > m_actionButtons
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2839
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2839
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2839
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2839
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2839
float[2] m_auraBaseMod
[0] = 0x34A2849 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A284D <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2849 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2851 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2855 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2859 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A285D <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0x34A2861 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2865 <Unable to read memory>
int[25] m_baseRatingValue
[0] = 0x34A2869 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A286B <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A286D <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0x34A286F <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0x34A2871 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0x34A2873 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0x34A2875 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0x34A2877 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0x34A2879 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0x34A287B <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseSpellPower = 0x34A289D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseFeralAP = 0x34A28A1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseManaRegen = 0x34A28A5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseHealthRegen = 0x34A28A9 <Unable to read memory>
int m_spellPenetrationItemMod = 0x34A28AD <Unable to read memory>
std::list<SpellModifier *,std::allocator<SpellModifier *> >[32] m_spellMods
[0] = 0x34A28B1
[1] = 0x34A28C1
[2] = 0x34A28D1
[3] = 0x34A28E1
[4] = 0x34A28F1
[5] = 0x34A2901
[6] = 0x34A2911
[7] = 0x34A2921
[8] = 0x34A2931
[9] = 0x34A2941
std::list<EnchantDuration,std::allocator<EnchantDuration> > m_enchantDuration
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x34A2AB1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<EnchantDuration,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2AB1
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemDuration
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2AC1
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemSoulboundTradeable
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2AD1
std::mutex m_soulboundTradableLock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0x34A2AE1
ObjectGuid m_resurrectGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x34A2B31 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMap = 0x34A2B39 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectX = 0x34A2B3D <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectY = 0x34A2B41 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectZ = 0x34A2B45 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectHealth = 0x34A2B49 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMana = 0x34A2B4D <Unable to read memory>
WorldSession* m_session = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> > m_channels
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Channel *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2B59
unsigned int m_cinematic = 0x34A2B69 <Unable to read memory>
TradeData* m_trade = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_DailyQuestChanged = 0x34A2B79 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_WeeklyQuestChanged = 0x34A2B7A <Unable to read memory>
bool m_MonthlyQuestChanged = 0x34A2B7B <Unable to read memory>
bool m_SeasonalQuestChanged = 0x34A2B7C <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastDailyQuestTime = 0x34A2B81 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_drunkTimer = 0x34A2B89 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_weaponChangeTimer = 0x34A2B8D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateId = 0x34A2B91 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateTimer = 0x34A2B95 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_areaUpdateId = 0x34A2B99 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_deathTimer = 0x34A2B9D <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathExpireTime = 0x34A2BA1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_WeaponProficiency = 0x34A2BA9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArmorProficiency = 0x34A2BAD <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canParry = 0x34A2BB1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canBlock = 0x34A2BB2 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTitanGrip = 0x34A2BB3 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_swingErrorMsg = 0x34A2BB4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_ammoDPS = 0x34A2BB5 <Unable to read memory>
int _restTime = 0x34A2BB9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _innTriggerId = 0x34A2BC1 <Unable to read memory>
float _restBonus = 0x34A2BC5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _restFlagMask = 0x34A2BC9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resetTalentsCost = 0x34A2BCD <Unable to read memory>
int m_resetTalentsTime = 0x34A2BD1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_usedTalentCount = 0x34A2BD9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_questRewardTalentCount = 0x34A2BDD <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_extraBonusTalentCount = 0x34A2BE1 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerSocial* m_social = <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_group
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x34A2C19 <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_originalGroup
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0x34A2C49 <Unable to read memory>
Group* m_groupInvite = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_groupUpdateMask = 0x34A2C59 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_auraRaidUpdateMask = 0x34A2C61 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bPassOnGroupLoot = 0x34A2C69 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastpetnumber = 0x34A2C6D <Unable to read memory>
int m_summon_expire = 0x34A2C71 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_summon_mapid = 0x34A2C79 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_x = 0x34A2C7D <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_y = 0x34A2C81 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_z = 0x34A2C85 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_summon_asSpectator = 0x34A2C89 <Unable to read memory>
DeclinedName* m_declinedname = <Unable to read memory>
Runes* m_runes = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > > m_EquipmentSets
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2CA1
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2CA1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2CA1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2CA1
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2CA1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_grantableLevels = 0x34A2CB1 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_needZoneUpdate = 0x34A2CB2 <Unable to read memory>
CinematicMgr* _cinematicMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_refundableItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2CC1
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2CC1
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2CC1
MapReference m_mapRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Map* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastFallTime = 0x34A2CF9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_lastFallZ = 0x34A2CFD <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_MirrorTimer
[0] = 0x34A2D01 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0x34A2D05 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0x34A2D09 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlags = 0x34A2D0D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlagsLast = 0x34A2D0E <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInWater = 0x34A2D0F <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation teleportStore_dest
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A2D11 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A2D11 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x34A2D11 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x34A2D15 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x34A2D19 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x34A2D1D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x34A2D21 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int teleportStore_options = 0x34A2D25 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Near = 0x34A2D29 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Far = 0x34A2D31 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_DelayedOperations = 0x34A2D39 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bMustDelayTeleport = 0x34A2D3D <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bHasDelayedTeleport = 0x34A2D3E <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTeleport = 0x34A2D3F <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<PetStable,std::default_delete<PetStable> > m_petStable
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<PetStable>,PetStable *,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2D41 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_temporaryUnsummonedPetNumber = 0x34A2D49 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_oldpetspell = 0x34A2D4D <Unable to read memory>
AchievementMgr* m_achievementMgr = <Unable to read memory>
ReputationMgr* m_reputationMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > > m_spellCooldowns
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2D61 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2D61 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2D61 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2D61
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2D61 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ChampioningFaction = 0x34A2D71 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _instanceResetTimes
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x34A2D79
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x34A2D79
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x34A2D79
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x34A2D79 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0x34A2D81
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0x34A2D91
unsigned int _Mask = 0x34A2DA9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x34A2DB1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindId = 0x34A2DB9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindTimer = 0x34A2DBD <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _activeCheats = 0x34A2DC1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int healthBeforeDuel = 0x34A2DC5 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int manaBeforeDuel = 0x34A2DC9 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInstantFlightOn = 0x34A2DCD <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_flightSpellActivated = 0x34A2DD1 <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation _corpseLocation
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A2DD5 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0x34A2DD5 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0x34A2DD5 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0x34A2DD9 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0x34A2DDD <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0x34A2DE1 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x34A2DE5 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> _farSightDistance
float _Value = 0x34A2DE9 <Unable to read memory>
bool _Has_value = 0x34A2DED <Unable to read memory>
bool _wasOutdoor = 0x34A2DF1 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > > m_charSettingsMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2DF9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x34A2DF9 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x34A2DF9 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x34A2DF9
<user defined> value_compare = 0x34A2DF9 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int type = 0x9C
int time = 0x1F6917137A0
Local ChatCommandHolder holder
std::string command = 0xB7DC3FF710 <Unable to read memory>
Player* owner = 0xCCB0A33F7E54
DataMap CustomData = 0xCCB0A33F7E5C
unsigned int m_objectType = 0xCCB0A33F7E9C <Unable to read memory>
int m_objectTypeId = 0xCCB0A33F7EA0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0xCCB0A33F7EA4 <Unable to read memory>
int* m_int32Values = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = <Unable to read memory>
float* m_floatValues = <Unable to read memory>
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0xCCB0A33F7EB4
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0xCCB0A33F7EC4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0xCCB0A33F7EC6 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_objectUpdated = 0xCCB0A33F7EC8 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_inWorld = 0xCCB0A33F7EC9 <Unable to read memory>
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0xCCB0A33F7ECC
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33F7EFC <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33F7EFC <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0xCCB0A33F7EFC <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0xCCB0A33F7F00 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0xCCB0A33F7F04 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0xCCB0A33F7F08 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xCCB0A33F7F0C <Unable to read memory>
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0xCCB0A33F7F10
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0xCCB0A33F7F1C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0xCCB0A33F7F28
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0xCCB0A33F7F5C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0xCCB0A33F7F90
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0xCCB0A33F7F9C
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0xCCB0A33F7FA8 <Unable to read memory>
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0xCCB0A33F7FAC
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = <Unable to read memory>
std::string m_name = 0xCCB0A33F8024 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isActive = 0xCCB0A33F8044 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isFarVisible = 0xCCB0A33F8045 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0xCCB0A33F8048 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isWorldObject = 0xCCB0A33F8050 <Unable to read memory>
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _zoneId = 0xCCB0A33F805C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _areaId = 0xCCB0A33F8060 <Unable to read memory>
float _floorZ = 0xCCB0A33F8064 <Unable to read memory>
bool _outdoors = 0xCCB0A33F8068 <Unable to read memory>
LiquidData _liquidData = 0xCCB0A33F806C
bool _updatePositionData = 0xCCB0A33F8080 <Unable to read memory>
Transport* m_transport = <Unable to read memory>
Map* m_currMap = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0xCCB0A33F8094 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0xCCB0A33F8098 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0xCCB0A33F809C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0xCCB0A33F809E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0xCCB0A33F80A0 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0xCCB0A33F80A4
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0xCCB0A33F80E4 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canDualWield = 0xCCB0A33F80E8 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled = 0xCCB0A33F80EC
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer = 0xCCB0A33F80FC
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F810C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F8114 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F811C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8124 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F812C <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F8134 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F813C <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F8144 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F814C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F8154 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F815C <Unable to read memory>
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0xCCB0A33F8164 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0xCCB0A33F8168 <Unable to read memory>
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0xCCB0A33F816C <Unable to read memory>
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0xCCB0A33F8170 <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F8174 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F8178 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F817C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8180 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F8184 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F8188 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F818C <Unable to read memory>
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F8190 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F8194 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F8198 <Unable to read memory>
EventProcessor m_Events = 0xCCB0A33F819C
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F81BC
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F81D4
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F81EC
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8204
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F821C
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F8234
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F824C
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F8264
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0xCCB0A33F827C <Unable to read memory>
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras = 0xCCB0A33F8284
bool IsAIEnabled = 0xCCB0A33F8294 <Unable to read memory>
bool NeedChangeAI = 0xCCB0A33F8295 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0xCCB0A33F8296 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0xCCB0A33F8297 <Unable to read memory>
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet = 0xCCB0A33F829C
Position m_last_notify_position = 0xCCB0A33F82AC
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0xCCB0A33F82BC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0xCCB0A33F82C0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0xCCB0A33F82C2 <Unable to read memory>
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0xCCB0A33F82C4 <Unable to read memory>
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_AI = <Unable to read memory>
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_realRace = 0xCCB0A33F82E4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_race = 0xCCB0A33F82E5 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0xCCB0A33F82E6 <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F82E8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F82EC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F82F0 <Unable to read memory>
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F82F4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F82F8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F82FC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8300 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F8304 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers = 0xCCB0A33F830C
Unit* m_attacking = <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathState = 0xCCB0A33F8354 <Unable to read memory>
int m_procDeep = 0xCCB0A33F8358 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj = 0xCCB0A33F835C
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj = 0xCCB0A33F836C
unsigned int m_transform = 0xCCB0A33F837C <Unable to read memory>
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras = 0xCCB0A33F83A4
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras = 0xCCB0A33F83B4
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras = 0xCCB0A33F83C4
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator = 0xCCB0A33F83D4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0xCCB0A33F83DC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F83E4
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F83F4
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F8404
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F8414
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F8424
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F8434
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F8444
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F8454
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F8464
[9] = 0xCCB0A33F8474
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras = 0xCCB0A33F97B4
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras = 0xCCB0A33F97C4
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras = 0xCCB0A33F97D4
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0xCCB0A33F97E4 <Unable to read memory>
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F97E8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F97EC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F97F0 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F97F4 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F97E8
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F97F8 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F97FC <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9800 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9804 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9808 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F980C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9810 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9814 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9818 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F981C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9820 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9824 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9828 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F982C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9830 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9834 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9838 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F983C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9840 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9844 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9848 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F984C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9850 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9854 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9858 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F985C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9860 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9864 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9868 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F986C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9870 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9874 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9878 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F987C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9880 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9884 <Unable to read memory>
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9978 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F997C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9978 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9980 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9984 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9988 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F998C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canModifyStats = 0xCCB0A33F9990 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras = 0xCCB0A33F9994
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F99A4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F99A8 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F99AC <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F99B0 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F99B4 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F99B8 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F99BC <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F99C0 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F99C4 <Unable to read memory>
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision = 0xCCB0A33F99D4
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F99EC <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F99F0 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F99F4 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F99F8 <Unable to read memory>
int m_regenTimer = 0xCCB0A33F99FC <Unable to read memory>
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr = 0xCCB0A33F9A04
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo = 0xCCB0A33F9A4C
Vehicle* m_vehicle = <Unable to read memory>
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0xCCB0A33F9A6C <Unable to read memory>
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_applyResilience = 0xCCB0A33F9A7C <Unable to read memory>
bool _instantCast = 0xCCB0A33F9A7D <Unable to read memory>
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0xCCB0A33F9A7E <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0xCCB0A33F9A80 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_state = 0xCCB0A33F9A84 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9A88 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0xCCB0A33F9A8C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing = 0xCCB0A33F9A94
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr = 0xCCB0A33F9AA4
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr = 0xCCB0A33F9ADC
Unit* m_comboTarget = <Unable to read memory>
int m_comboPoints = 0xCCB0A33F9B14 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders = 0xCCB0A33F9B1C
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo = 0xCCB0A33F9B5C
bool m_cleanupDone = 0xCCB0A33F9B6C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0xCCB0A33F9B6D <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0xCCB0A33F9B70 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0xCCB0A33F9B74 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets = 0xCCB0A33F9B7C
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid = 0xCCB0A33F9BBC <Unable to read memory>
GridReference<Player> _gridRef = 0xCCB0A33F9BC4
std::string autoReplyMsg = 0xCCB0A33F9BEC <Unable to read memory>
PlayerTaxi m_taxi
unsigned int[14] m_taximask
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9C0C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9C10 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9C14 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9C18 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F9C1C <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F9C20 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F9C24 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F9C28 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F9C2C <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0xCCB0A33F9C30 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_TaxiDestinations = 0xCCB0A33F9C44
unsigned int _taxiSegment = 0xCCB0A33F9C5C <Unable to read memory>
int m_logintime = 0xCCB0A33F9C64 <Unable to read memory>
int m_Last_tick = 0xCCB0A33F9C6C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[2] m_Played_time
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9C74 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9C78 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_mailsUpdated = 0xCCB0A33F9C7C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int unReadMails = 0xCCB0A33F9C7D <Unable to read memory>
int m_nextMailDelivereTime = 0xCCB0A33F9C84 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,Item *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > mMitems
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33F9C8C
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33F9C8C
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33F9C8C
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33F9C8C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33F9C94
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33F9CA4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33F9CBC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33F9CC4 <Unable to read memory>
PvPInfo pvpInfo
bool IsHostile = 0xCCB0A33F9CCC <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInHostileArea = 0xCCB0A33F9CCD <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInNoPvPArea = 0xCCB0A33F9CCE <Unable to read memory>
bool IsInFFAPvPArea = 0xCCB0A33F9CCF <Unable to read memory>
int EndTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9CD4 <Unable to read memory>
int FFAPvPEndTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9CDC <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<DuelInfo,std::default_delete<DuelInfo> > duel
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<DuelInfo>,DuelInfo *,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9CE4 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerMenu* PlayerTalkClass = <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<ItemSetEffect *,std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *> > ItemSetEff
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9CF4
SafeUnitPointer m_mover
Unit* ptr = <Unable to read memory>
Unit* defaultValue = <Unable to read memory>
WorldObject* m_seer = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_isInSharedVisionOf
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9D24 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9D24 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9D24
unsigned int m_recallMap = 0xCCB0A33F9D34 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallX = 0xCCB0A33F9D38 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallY = 0xCCB0A33F9D3C <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallZ = 0xCCB0A33F9D40 <Unable to read memory>
float m_recallO = 0xCCB0A33F9D44 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindMapId = 0xCCB0A33F9D48 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_homebindAreaId = 0xCCB0A33F9D4C <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindX = 0xCCB0A33F9D50 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindY = 0xCCB0A33F9D54 <Unable to read memory>
float m_homebindZ = 0xCCB0A33F9D58 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_clientGUIDs
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33F9D5C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0xCCB0A33F9D64
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33F9D74
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33F9D8C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33F9D94 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_newVisible
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Unit *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9D9C
unsigned int[9] m_forced_speed_changes
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB5 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB6 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB7 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB8 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F9DB9 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F9DBA <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F9DBB <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F9DBC <Unable to read memory>
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_DFQuests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9DC4 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9DC4 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9DC4
unsigned int m_HomebindTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9DD4 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_InstanceValid = 0xCCB0A33F9DD8 <Unable to read memory>
Spell* m_spellModTakingSpell = <Unable to read memory>
bool isDebugAreaTriggers = 0xCCB0A33F9DE4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorForBG = 0xCCB0A33F9DE8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId = 0xCCB0A33F9DEC <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_receivedSpectatorResetFor
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9DF4
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9DF4
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9DF4
ObjectGuid m_drwGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0xCCB0A33F9E04 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_charmUpdateTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9E0C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > WhisperList
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9E14
bool m_NeedToSaveGlyphs = 0xCCB0A33F9E24 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MountBlockId = 0xCCB0A33F9E28 <Unable to read memory>
float m_realDodge = 0xCCB0A33F9E2C <Unable to read memory>
float m_realParry = 0xCCB0A33F9E30 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[10] m_charmAISpells
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9E34 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9E38 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9E3C <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9E40 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F9E44 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F9E48 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F9E4C <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33F9E50 <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33F9E54 <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0xCCB0A33F9E58 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_AreaID = 0xCCB0A33F9E5C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_regenTimerCount = 0xCCB0A33F9E60 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_foodEmoteTimerCount = 0xCCB0A33F9E64 <Unable to read memory>
float[7] m_powerFraction
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9E68 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9E6C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33F9E70 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33F9E74 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F9E78 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33F9E7C <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F9E80 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_contestedPvPTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9E84 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0xCCB0A33F7E54 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0xCCB0A33F7E58 <Unable to read memory>
std::array<Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec,2> _BgBattlegroundQueueID
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0xCCB0A33F9E88 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0xCCB0A33F9E8C <Unable to read memory>
Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec[2] _Elems
[0] = 0xCCB0A33F9E88 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33F9E90 <Unable to read memory>
BGData m_bgData
unsigned int bgInstanceID = 0xCCB0A33F9E9C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgTypeID = 0xCCB0A33F9EA0 <Unable to read memory>
int bgTeamId = 0xCCB0A33F9EA4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int bgQueueSlot = 0xCCB0A33F9EA8 <Unable to read memory>
bool isInvited = 0xCCB0A33F9EAC <Unable to read memory>
bool bgIsRandom = 0xCCB0A33F9EAD <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > bgAfkReporter = 0xCCB0A33F9EB4
unsigned int bgAfkReportedCount = 0xCCB0A33F9EC4 <Unable to read memory>
int bgAfkReportedTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9ECC <Unable to read memory>
bool m_IsBGRandomWinner = 0xCCB0A33F9ED4 <Unable to read memory>
EntryPointData m_entryPointData
unsigned int mountSpell = 0xCCB0A33F9EDC <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > taxiPath = 0xCCB0A33F9EE4
WorldLocation joinPos = 0xCCB0A33F9EFC
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_timedquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F14 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F14 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9F14
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_weeklyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F24
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F24
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9F24
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_monthlyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F34
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33F9F34
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33F9F34
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > m_seasonalquests
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33F9F44
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33F9F44
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33F9F44
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33F9F44 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > _List = 0xCCB0A33F9F4C
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33F9F5C
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33F9F74 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33F9F7C <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_divider
unsigned int _guid = 0xCCB0A33F9F84 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ingametime = 0xCCB0A33F9F8C <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastHonorUpdateTime = 0xCCB0A33F9F94 <Unable to read memory>
ObjectGuid m_lootGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0xCCB0A33F9F9C <Unable to read memory>
int m_team = 0xCCB0A33F9FA4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_nextSave = 0xCCB0A33F9FA8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9FAC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_additionalSaveMask = 0xCCB0A33F9FAE <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer = 0xCCB0A33F9FB0 <Unable to read memory>
int m_speakTime = 0xCCB0A33F9FB4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_speakCount = 0xCCB0A33F9FBC <Unable to read memory>
int m_dungeonDifficulty = 0xCCB0A33F9FC0 <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidDifficulty = 0xCCB0A33F9FC4 <Unable to read memory>
int m_raidMapDifficulty = 0xCCB0A33F9FC8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_atLoginFlags = 0xCCB0A33F9FCC <Unable to read memory>
Item*[150] m_items
[0] = <Unable to read memory>
[1] = <Unable to read memory>
[2] = <Unable to read memory>
[3] = <Unable to read memory>
[4] = <Unable to read memory>
[5] = <Unable to read memory>
[6] = <Unable to read memory>
[7] = <Unable to read memory>
[8] = <Unable to read memory>
[9] = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_currentBuybackSlot = 0xCCB0A33FA484 <Unable to read memory>
std::vector<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemUpdateQueue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Item *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA48C
bool m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked = 0xCCB0A33FA4A4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ExtraFlags = 0xCCB0A33FA4A8 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > > m_QuestStatus
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA4AC
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_QuestStatusSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA4BC
std::unordered_set<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_RewardedQuests
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FA4CC
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<unsigned int,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FA4CC
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FA4CC
std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FA4CC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > _List = 0xCCB0A33FA4D4
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<unsigned int> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FA4E4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FA4FC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FA504 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_RewardedQuestsSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA50C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA50C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA50C <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA50C
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA50C
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > mSkillStatus
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FA51C
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FA51C
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FA51C
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SkillStatusData,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FA51C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33FA524
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SkillStatusData> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FA534
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FA54C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FA554 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_GuildIdInvited = 0xCCB0A33FA55C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArenaTeamIdInvited = 0xCCB0A33FA560 <Unable to read memory>
std::deque<Mail *,std::allocator<Mail *> > m_mail
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Mail *>,std::_Deque_val<std::_Deque_simple_types<Mail *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA564
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > m_spells
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FA58C <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FA58C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FA58C <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerSpell *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FA58C <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33FA594
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerSpell *> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FA5A4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FA5BC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FA5C4 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > m_talents
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FA5CC <Unable to read memory>
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FA5CC <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FA5CC <Unable to read memory>
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,PlayerTalent *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FA5CC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33FA5D4
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,PlayerTalent *> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FA5E4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FA5FC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FA604 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastPotionId = 0xCCB0A33FA60C <Unable to read memory>
GlobalCooldownMgr m_GlobalCooldownMgr
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,GlobalCooldown,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GlobalCooldown> > > m_GlobalCooldowns = 0xCCB0A33FA614
unsigned int m_activeSpec = 0xCCB0A33FA654 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_specsCount = 0xCCB0A33FA655 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int[6] m_Glyphs
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA658 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA65C <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FA660 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33FA664 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33FA668 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33FA66C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA658
unsigned int[6]
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA670 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA674 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FA678 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33FA67C <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33FA680 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33FA684 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > > m_actionButtons
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,ActionButton,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,ActionButton> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FA68C
float[2] m_auraBaseMod
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA69C <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6A0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA69C <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA6A4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6A8 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA6AC <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6B0 <Unable to read memory>
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA6B4 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6B8 <Unable to read memory>
int[25] m_baseRatingValue
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA6BC <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA6BE <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C0 <Unable to read memory>
[3] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C2 <Unable to read memory>
[4] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C4 <Unable to read memory>
[5] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C6 <Unable to read memory>
[6] = 0xCCB0A33FA6C8 <Unable to read memory>
[7] = 0xCCB0A33FA6CA <Unable to read memory>
[8] = 0xCCB0A33FA6CC <Unable to read memory>
[9] = 0xCCB0A33FA6CE <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseSpellPower = 0xCCB0A33FA6F0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseFeralAP = 0xCCB0A33FA6F4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseManaRegen = 0xCCB0A33FA6F8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_baseHealthRegen = 0xCCB0A33FA6FC <Unable to read memory>
int m_spellPenetrationItemMod = 0xCCB0A33FA700 <Unable to read memory>
std::list<SpellModifier *,std::allocator<SpellModifier *> >[32] m_spellMods
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FA704
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FA714
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FA724
[3] = 0xCCB0A33FA734
[4] = 0xCCB0A33FA744
[5] = 0xCCB0A33FA754
[6] = 0xCCB0A33FA764
[7] = 0xCCB0A33FA774
[8] = 0xCCB0A33FA784
[9] = 0xCCB0A33FA794
std::list<EnchantDuration,std::allocator<EnchantDuration> > m_enchantDuration
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0xCCB0A33FA904
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<EnchantDuration,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<EnchantDuration> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA904
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemDuration
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA914
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemSoulboundTradeable
std::list<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Item *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined>* _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Item *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA924
std::mutex m_soulboundTradableLock
std::_Align_type<double,80> _Mtx_storage = 0xCCB0A33FA934
ObjectGuid m_resurrectGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0xCCB0A33FA984 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMap = 0xCCB0A33FA98C <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectX = 0xCCB0A33FA990 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectY = 0xCCB0A33FA994 <Unable to read memory>
float m_resurrectZ = 0xCCB0A33FA998 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectHealth = 0xCCB0A33FA99C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resurrectMana = 0xCCB0A33FA9A0 <Unable to read memory>
WorldSession* m_session = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> > m_channels
std::list<Channel *,std::allocator<Channel *> >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>* _Head = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<Channel *,void *>** _Tail = <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Channel *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Channel *> >,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FA9AC
unsigned int m_cinematic = 0xCCB0A33FA9BC <Unable to read memory>
TradeData* m_trade = <Unable to read memory>
bool m_DailyQuestChanged = 0xCCB0A33FA9CC <Unable to read memory>
bool m_WeeklyQuestChanged = 0xCCB0A33FA9CD <Unable to read memory>
bool m_MonthlyQuestChanged = 0xCCB0A33FA9CE <Unable to read memory>
bool m_SeasonalQuestChanged = 0xCCB0A33FA9CF <Unable to read memory>
int m_lastDailyQuestTime = 0xCCB0A33FA9D4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_drunkTimer = 0xCCB0A33FA9DC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_weaponChangeTimer = 0xCCB0A33FA9E0 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateId = 0xCCB0A33FA9E4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_zoneUpdateTimer = 0xCCB0A33FA9E8 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_areaUpdateId = 0xCCB0A33FA9EC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_deathTimer = 0xCCB0A33FA9F0 <Unable to read memory>
int m_deathExpireTime = 0xCCB0A33FA9F4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_WeaponProficiency = 0xCCB0A33FA9FC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ArmorProficiency = 0xCCB0A33FAA00 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canParry = 0xCCB0A33FAA04 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canBlock = 0xCCB0A33FAA05 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTitanGrip = 0xCCB0A33FAA06 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_swingErrorMsg = 0xCCB0A33FAA07 <Unable to read memory>
float m_ammoDPS = 0xCCB0A33FAA08 <Unable to read memory>
int _restTime = 0xCCB0A33FAA0C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _innTriggerId = 0xCCB0A33FAA14 <Unable to read memory>
float _restBonus = 0xCCB0A33FAA18 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _restFlagMask = 0xCCB0A33FAA1C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_resetTalentsCost = 0xCCB0A33FAA20 <Unable to read memory>
int m_resetTalentsTime = 0xCCB0A33FAA24 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_usedTalentCount = 0xCCB0A33FAA2C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_questRewardTalentCount = 0xCCB0A33FAA30 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_extraBonusTalentCount = 0xCCB0A33FAA34 <Unable to read memory>
PlayerSocial* m_social = <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_group
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0xCCB0A33FAA6C <Unable to read memory>
GroupReference m_originalGroup
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Group* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int iSubGroup = 0xCCB0A33FAA9C <Unable to read memory>
Group* m_groupInvite = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_groupUpdateMask = 0xCCB0A33FAAAC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_auraRaidUpdateMask = 0xCCB0A33FAAB4 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bPassOnGroupLoot = 0xCCB0A33FAABC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastpetnumber = 0xCCB0A33FAAC0 <Unable to read memory>
int m_summon_expire = 0xCCB0A33FAAC4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_summon_mapid = 0xCCB0A33FAACC <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_x = 0xCCB0A33FAAD0 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_y = 0xCCB0A33FAAD4 <Unable to read memory>
float m_summon_z = 0xCCB0A33FAAD8 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_summon_asSpectator = 0xCCB0A33FAADC <Unable to read memory>
DeclinedName* m_declinedname = <Unable to read memory>
Runes* m_runes = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > > m_EquipmentSets
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,EquipmentSet,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,EquipmentSet> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FAAF4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_grantableLevels = 0xCCB0A33FAB04 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_needZoneUpdate = 0xCCB0A33FAB05 <Unable to read memory>
CinematicMgr* _cinematicMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_refundableItems
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAB14
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAB14
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FAB14
MapReference m_mapRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = <Unable to read memory>
LinkedListElement* iPrev = <Unable to read memory>
Map* iRefTo = <Unable to read memory>
Player* iRefFrom = <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_lastFallTime = 0xCCB0A33FAB4C <Unable to read memory>
float m_lastFallZ = 0xCCB0A33FAB50 <Unable to read memory>
int[3] m_MirrorTimer
[0] = 0xCCB0A33FAB54 <Unable to read memory>
[1] = 0xCCB0A33FAB58 <Unable to read memory>
[2] = 0xCCB0A33FAB5C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlags = 0xCCB0A33FAB60 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_MirrorTimerFlagsLast = 0xCCB0A33FAB61 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInWater = 0xCCB0A33FAB62 <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation teleportStore_dest
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33FAB64 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33FAB64 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0xCCB0A33FAB64 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0xCCB0A33FAB68 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0xCCB0A33FAB6C <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0xCCB0A33FAB70 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xCCB0A33FAB74 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int teleportStore_options = 0xCCB0A33FAB78 <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Near = 0xCCB0A33FAB7C <Unable to read memory>
int mSemaphoreTeleport_Far = 0xCCB0A33FAB84 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_DelayedOperations = 0xCCB0A33FAB8C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bMustDelayTeleport = 0xCCB0A33FAB90 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_bHasDelayedTeleport = 0xCCB0A33FAB91 <Unable to read memory>
bool m_canTeleport = 0xCCB0A33FAB92 <Unable to read memory>
std::unique_ptr<PetStable,std::default_delete<PetStable> > m_petStable
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<PetStable>,PetStable *,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FAB94 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_temporaryUnsummonedPetNumber = 0xCCB0A33FAB9C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_oldpetspell = 0xCCB0A33FABA0 <Unable to read memory>
AchievementMgr* m_achievementMgr = <Unable to read memory>
ReputationMgr* m_reputationMgr = <Unable to read memory>
std::map<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > > m_spellCooldowns
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,SpellCooldown,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FABB4 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FABB4 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FABB4 <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,SpellCooldown> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FABB4
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FABB4 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_ChampioningFaction = 0xCCB0A33FABC4 <Unable to read memory>
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,__int64,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _instanceResetTimes
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0xCCB0A33FABCC
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> >* _Target = <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > >& _List = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Predecessor = <Unable to read memory>
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,void *>* _Next = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0xCCB0A33FABCC
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0xCCB0A33FABCC
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,__int64,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0xCCB0A33FABCC <Unable to read memory>
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > _List = 0xCCB0A33FABD4
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,__int64> > > > > > _Vec = 0xCCB0A33FABE4
unsigned int _Mask = 0xCCB0A33FABFC <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0xCCB0A33FAC04 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindId = 0xCCB0A33FAC0C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _pendingBindTimer = 0xCCB0A33FAC10 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _activeCheats = 0xCCB0A33FAC14 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int healthBeforeDuel = 0xCCB0A33FAC18 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int manaBeforeDuel = 0xCCB0A33FAC1C <Unable to read memory>
bool m_isInstantFlightOn = 0xCCB0A33FAC20 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_flightSpellActivated = 0xCCB0A33FAC24 <Unable to read memory>
WorldLocation _corpseLocation
Position* Pos = <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33FAC28 <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> m_pos = 0xCCB0A33FAC28 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionX = 0xCCB0A33FAC28 <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionY = 0xCCB0A33FAC2C <Unable to read memory>
float m_positionZ = 0xCCB0A33FAC30 <Unable to read memory>
float m_orientation = 0xCCB0A33FAC34 <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int m_mapId = 0xCCB0A33FAC38 <Unable to read memory>
std::optional<float> _farSightDistance
float _Value = 0xCCB0A33FAC3C <Unable to read memory>
bool _Has_value = 0xCCB0A33FAC40 <Unable to read memory>
bool _wasOutdoor = 0xCCB0A33FAC44 <Unable to read memory>
std::map<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > > m_charSettingsMap
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> >,std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C <Unable to read memory>
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C <Unable to read memory>
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > >,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > const ,std::vector<PlayerSetting,std::allocator<PlayerSetting> > > > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C
<user defined> value_compare = 0xCCB0A33FAC4C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int type = 0x357D08BA
int time = 0x1F65F00E2D0
Local std::string command = 0xB7DC3FF6D0 <Unable to read memory>
Local std::basic_ostringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > out
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >
std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >
__std_exception_data _Data = 0xB7DC3FF5C8
std::error_code _Mycode = 0xB7DC3FF5D8
unsigned int _Stdstr = 0x9C
<user defined> std::_Crt_new_delete = 0x1
std::ios_base::_Iosarray* _Next = 0x34A0001
int _Index = 0x9C
long _Lo = 0x0
void* _Vp = 0x1F6917137A0
<user defined> std::_Crt_new_delete = 0x1
std::ios_base::_Fnarray* _Next = 0x34A0001
int _Index = 0x9C
<user defined>* _Pfn = 0x1F6917137A0
int _Mystate = 0x917137A0
int _Except = 0x1F6
int _Fmtfl = 0x5F00E20F
int _Prec = 0x43C7E6C600000084
int _Wide = 0x7FF70A4F733B
std::ios_base::_Iosarray* _Arr = 0x51C0008
std::ios_base::_Fnarray* _Calls = 0x9D
std::locale* _Ploc = 0x1F69C1C4490
std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >* _Mystrbuf = 0x1F668C10000
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >* _Tiestr = 0x1F668C102A8
char _Fillch = "�J
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >& _Myostr = 0x34A0001
std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >::_Sentry_base
<user defined> _Myostr = 0x34A0001
bool _Ok = 0x9C
std::basic_ios<char,std::char_traits<char> >
<user defined> _Mystrbuf = 0x1F668C10000
<user defined> _Tiestr = 0x1F668C102A8
char _Fillch = "�J
std::basic_stringbuf<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > _Stringbuffer
std::basic_streambuf<char,std::char_traits<char> >
char* _Gfirst = "�0�h�"
char* _Pfirst = ""
char** _IGfirst = <Unable to read memory>
char** _IPfirst = 0xE0249C8B48 <Unable to read memory>
char* _Gnext = 0x51C0008 <Unable to read memory>
char* _Pnext = 0x9D <Unable to read memory>
char** _IGnext = "p�h�"
char** _IPnext = NULL
int _Gcount = 0x68C102A8
int _Pcount = 0x1F6
int* _IGcount = 0x8C48148
int* _IPcount = NULL
std::locale* _Plocale = 0x1F668C1F000
char* _Ptr = 0x9C <Unable to read memory>
unsigned int _Size = 0x1F6917137A0
unsigned int _Res = 0x1F65F00E20F
char* _Seekhigh = 0xCCB0A33F7DD4 <Unable to read memory>
int _Mystate = 0x68C10000
Local bool logout = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local PlayerbotMgr* masterBotMgr = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF709A4CB82 000000B7DC3FF890 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAI+472 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\PlayerbotAI.cpp line 250
Parameter bool minimal = 0x0 <Unable to read memory>
Local Spell* currentSpell = <Unable to read memory>
Local WorldPackets::Character::LogoutCancel data
WorldPacket _worldPacket = 0xB7DC3FF828
00007FF709A12323 000000B7DC3FF8C0 PlayerbotsPlayerScript::OnAfterUpdate+33 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\modules\mod-playerbots\src\Playerbots.cpp line 114
Local PlayerbotsPlayerScript* this = 0x1F668BFDA80
std::string _name = "�տh�"
Local PlayerbotMgr* playerbotMgr = <Unable to read memory>
00007FF70A8828B1 000000B7DC3FF8F0 ExecuteScript<PlayerScript>+61 C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Scripting\ScriptMgrMacros.h line 61
Parameter std::function<void __cdecl(PlayerScript *)>* executeHook = 0xB7DC3FF930
std::_Func_class<void,PlayerScript *>
float _Dummy1 = 0.000000
char[56] _Dummy2 = "(� �..."
std::_Func_base<void,PlayerScript *>*[8] _Ptrs
[0] = 0x7FF70B11FA28
[1] = 0xB7DC3FF988
[2] = 0xB7DC3FF990
[3] = NULL
[4] = 0xCCB0A33F7074
[5] = NULL
[6] = 0xCCB0A33F7034
[7] = 0xB7DC3FF930
std::_Func_class<void,PlayerScript *>::_Storage _Mystorage
float _Dummy1 = 0.000000
<user defined> _Dummy2 = 0xB7DC3FF930
<user defined> _Ptrs = 0xB7DC3FF930
00007FF70A88578E 000000B7DC3FF970 ScriptMgr::OnAfterPlayerUpdate+5E C:\Users\benjy\Documents\GitHub\acplayerbots\azerothcore-wotlk\src\server\game\Scripting\ScriptDefines\PlayerScript.cpp line 314
Local ScriptMgr* this = 0x1F695F25508
unsigned int _scriptCount = 0x9EE647D8
std::atomic<long> _scheduledScripts
std::_Atomic_padded<long> _Storage = 0x1F6
<user defined>* _script_loader_callback = 0x1F600000000
<user defined>* _modules_loader_callback = 0x1F695F238A0
Parameter Player* player = 0x1F65E9E59A0
DataMap CustomData = 0x1F65E9E59A8
unsigned int m_objectType = 0x19
int m_objectTypeId = 0x4
unsigned int m_updateFlag = 0x60
int* m_int32Values = 0xA8
unsigned int* m_uint32Values = 0xA8
float* m_floatValues = 0.000000
UpdateMask _changesMask = 0x1F65E9E5A00
unsigned int m_valuesCount = 0x52E
unsigned int _fieldNotifyFlags = 0x100
bool m_objectUpdated = 0x0
bool m_inWorld = 0x0
PackedGuid m_PackGUID = 0x1F65E9E5A18
Position* Pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
float m_positionX = 1882.939941
float m_positionY = 1629.109985
float m_positionZ = 94.417503
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x0
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealth = 0x1F65E9E5A5C
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum StealthType,2> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F65E9E5A68
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibility = 0x1F65E9E5A74
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum InvisibilityType,12> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F65E9E5AA8
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F65E9E5ADC
FlaggedValuesArray32<int,unsigned int,enum ServerSideVisibilityType,2> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F65E9E5AE8
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
MovementInfo m_movementInfo = 0x1F65E9E5AF8
ElunaEventProcessor* elunaEvents = NULL
std::string m_name = "Thrasilaus"
bool m_isActive = 0x1
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
std::optional<float> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x0
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x1
ZoneScript* m_zoneScript = NULL
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x55
unsigned int _areaId = 0x9A
float _floorZ = 94.417076
bool _outdoors = 0x1
LiquidData _liquidData = 0x1F65E9E5BB8
bool _updatePositionData = 0x0
Transport* m_transport = NULL
Map* m_currMap = 0x1F61FD1DCD0
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x1
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x0
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x0
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _allowedLooters = 0x1F65E9E5BF0
unsigned int m_extraAttacks = 0x0
bool m_canDualWield = 0x0
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_Controlled
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x5F0A75A0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x5F0A75A0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5C38
SafeUnitPointer m_movedByPlayer
Unit* ptr = 0x1F65E9E59A0
Unit* defaultValue = 0x1F65E9E59A0
ObjectGuid[7] m_SummonSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
ObjectGuid[4] m_ObjectSlot
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
float m_modMeleeHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modRangedHitChance = 0.000000
float m_modSpellHitChance = 0.000000
int m_baseSpellCritChance = 0x5
float[7] m_threatModifier
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 1.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[4] = 1.000000
[5] = 1.000000
[6] = 1.000000
float[3] m_modAttackSpeedPct
[0] = 0.970693
[1] = 0.970693
[2] = 0.970693
EventProcessor m_Events
unsigned int m_time = 0x268A5F
std::multimap<unsigned __int64,BasicEvent *,std::less<unsigned __int64>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned __int64 const ,BasicEvent *> > > m_events = 0x1F65E9E5CF0
bool m_aborting = 0x0
std::vector<SpellImmune,std::allocator<SpellImmune> >[8] m_spellImmune
[0] = 0x1F65E9E5D08
[1] = 0x1F65E9E5D20
[2] = 0x1F65E9E5D38
[3] = 0x1F65E9E5D50
[4] = 0x1F65E9E5D68
[5] = 0x1F65E9E5D80
[6] = 0x1F65E9E5D98
[7] = 0x1F65E9E5DB0
unsigned int m_lastSanctuaryTime = 0x0
std::set<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *> > m_petAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<PetAura const *,std::less<PetAura const *>,std::allocator<PetAura const *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E5DD0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E5DD0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<PetAura const *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<PetAura const *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<PetAura const *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5DD0
bool IsAIEnabled = 0x0
bool NeedChangeAI = 0x0
bool m_ControlledByPlayer = 0x1
bool m_CreatedByPlayer = 0x0
std::set<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *> > SafeUnitPointerSet
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<SafeUnitPointer *,std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::allocator<SafeUnitPointer *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E5DE8
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E5DE8
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<SafeUnitPointer *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<SafeUnitPointer *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<SafeUnitPointer *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5DE8
Position m_last_notify_position
Position* Pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
float m_positionX = 1882.939941
float m_positionY = 1629.109985
float m_positionZ = 94.417503
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_last_notify_mstime = 0x1823C5
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_relocation_timer = 0x0
unsigned int m_delayed_unit_ai_notify_timer = 0x0
bool bRequestForcedVisibilityUpdate = 0x0
Movement::MoveSpline* movespline = 0x1F63B8E9270
Movement::Spline<int> spline = 0x1F63B8E9270
Movement::FacingInfo facing = 0x1F63B8E92C8
unsigned int m_Id = 0x59DC3
Movement::MoveSplineFlag splineflags = 0x20100
int time_passed = 0x1
float vertical_acceleration = 0.000000
float initialOrientation = 0.000000
int effect_start_time = 0x0
int point_Idx = 0x1
int point_Idx_offset = 0x0
bool onTransport = 0x0
UnitAI* i_AI = NULL
UnitAI* i_disabledAI = NULL
unsigned int m_realRace = 0x5
unsigned int m_race = 0x5
bool m_AutoRepeatFirstCast = 0x1
int[3] m_attackTimer
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
float[5] m_createStats
[0] = 35.000000
[1] = 41.000000
[2] = 60.000000
[3] = 179.000000
[4] = 179.000000
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_attackers
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x0
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F069690
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x0
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x0
std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > _List = 0x1F65E9E5E60
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Unit *> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E5E70
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
Unit* m_attacking = NULL
int m_deathState = 0x0
int m_procDeep = 0x0
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> > m_dynObj
std::list<DynamicObject *,std::allocator<DynamicObject *> >& _List = 0x1F65F0696F0
std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F65F0696B0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<DynamicObject *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<DynamicObject *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5EA8
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_gameObj
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = 0x1F65F0696B0
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5EB8
unsigned int m_transform = 0x0
Spell*[4] m_currentSpells
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
[3] = NULL
std::multimap<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > m_ownedAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,Aura *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E190570
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E190570
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E190570
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5EF0
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E5EF0
std::multimap<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_appliedAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E5F00
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E5F00
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E5F00
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5F00
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E5F00
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_removedAuras
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> >& _List = 0x1F65F069410
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F6927ED010
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Aura *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Aura *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E5F10
std::_Tree_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > > m_auraUpdateIterator
std::_Tree_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > > >
std::_Tree_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *> > >,std::_Iterator_base0>
std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Aura *>,void *>* _Ptr = 0x1F65E190570
unsigned int m_removedAurasCount = 0x6
std::list<AuraEffect *,std::allocator<AuraEffect *> >[317] m_modAuras
[0] = 0x1F65E9E5F30
[1] = 0x1F65E9E5F40
[2] = 0x1F65E9E5F50
[3] = 0x1F65E9E5F60
[4] = 0x1F65E9E5F70
[5] = 0x1F65E9E5F80
[6] = 0x1F65E9E5F90
[7] = 0x1F65E9E5FA0
[8] = 0x1F65E9E5FB0
[9] = 0x1F65E9E5FC0
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> > m_scAuras
std::list<Aura *,std::allocator<Aura *> >& _List = 0x1F65F062710
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Aura *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F65F0627D0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Aura *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Aura *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7300
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> > m_interruptableAuras
std::list<AuraApplication *,std::allocator<AuraApplication *> >& _List = 0x1F65F0627D0
std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *>** _Tail = 0x1F65E18D8F0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<AuraApplication *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<AuraApplication *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7310
std::multimap<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_auraStateAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<enum AuraStateType,AuraApplication *,std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::allocator<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> >,1> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E7320
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7320
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7320
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<enum AuraStateType>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<enum AuraStateType const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7320
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E7320
unsigned int m_interruptMask = 0x0
float[4] m_auraModifiersGroup
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0x1F65E9E7334
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 143.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 46.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 80.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[0] = 0.000000
[1] = 1.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 1.000000
float[2] m_weaponDamage
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
[0] = 0x400000003F800000
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
bool m_canModifyStats = 0x1
std::map<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > > m_visibleAuras
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned char,AuraApplication *,std::less<unsigned char>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E74E0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E74E0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E74E0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned char>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned char const ,AuraApplication *> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E74E0
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E74E0
float[9] m_speed_rate
[0] = 1.000000
[1] = 2.000000
[2] = 1.000000
[3] = 1.000000
[4] = 1.000000
[5] = 1.000000
[6] = 1.000000
[7] = 1.000000
[8] = 1.000000
CharmInfo* m_charmInfo = NULL
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> > m_sharedVision
std::list<Player *,std::allocator<Player *> >& _List = 0x1F65F062530
std::_List_node<Player *,void *>* _Head = NULL
std::_List_node<Player *,void *>** _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<Player *,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Player *> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7520
MotionMaster* i_motionMaster = 0x1F65E18EFF0
std::vector<MovementGenerator *,std::allocator<MovementGenerator *> >* _expList = NULL
MovementGenerator*[3] Impl
[0] = 0x7FF70B5DD140
[1] = 0x1F69217B7C0
[2] = NULL
int _top = 0x1
Unit* _owner = 0x1F65E9E59A0
bool[3] _needInit
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x1
unsigned int _cleanFlag = 0x0
unsigned int[4] m_reactiveTimer
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
int m_regenTimer = 0x0
ThreatMgr m_ThreatMgr
HostileReference* iCurrentVictim = NULL
Unit* iOwner = 0x1F65E9E59A0
unsigned int iUpdateTimer = 0x7D0
ThreatContainer iThreatContainer = 0x1F65E9E7568
ThreatContainer iThreatOfflineContainer = 0x1F65E9E7580
std::map<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > > _charmThreatInfo
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<ObjectGuid,float,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0xF0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0xF0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0xF0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,float> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7598
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E7598
Vehicle* m_vehicle = NULL
Vehicle* m_vehicleKit = NULL
unsigned int m_unitTypeMask = 0x0
LiquidTypeEntry* _lastLiquid = NULL
bool m_applyResilience = 0x1
bool _instantCast = 0x0
bool m_cannotReachTarget = 0x0
unsigned int m_rootTimes = 0x0
unsigned int m_state = 0x21
unsigned int m_CombatTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_lastManaUse = 0x10FC7D
std::list<DiminishingReturn,std::allocator<DiminishingReturn> > m_Diminishing
<user defined> _List_node_remove_op = 0x1F65E9E75E0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<DiminishingReturn,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<DiminishingReturn> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E75E0
HostileRefMgr m_HostileRefMgr
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x1F65E9E75F8
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x1F65E9E7608
unsigned int iSize = 0x0
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x5E9E7608
<user defined> iterator = 0x5E9E7608
<user defined> iterator = 0x1F65E9E75F0
Unit* iOwner = 0x1F65E9E59A0
FollowerRefMgr m_FollowingRefMgr
LinkedListElement iFirst = 0x1F65E9E7630
LinkedListElement iLast = 0x1F65E9E7640
unsigned int iSize = 0x0
<user defined> ?$Iterator@VLinkedListElement@@ = 0x5E9E7640
<user defined> iterator = 0x5E9E7640
<user defined> iterator = 0x1F65E9E7628
Unit* m_comboTarget = NULL
int m_comboPoints = 0x0
std::unordered_set<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_ComboPointHolders
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E7668
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F062730
std::_List_node<Unit *,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F65E9E7668
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F65E9E7668
std::_Uset_traits<Unit *,std::_Uhash_compare<Unit *,std::hash<Unit *>,std::equal_to<Unit *> >,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > _List = 0x1F65E9E7670
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<Unit *> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E7680
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
RedirectThreatInfo _redirectThreatInfo
ObjectGuid _targetGUID = 0x0
unsigned int _threatPct = 0x0
bool m_cleanupDone = 0x0
bool m_duringRemoveFromWorld = 0x0
unsigned int _oldFactionId = 0x0
unsigned int _lastExtraAttackSpell = 0x0
std::unordered_map<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > extraAttacksTargets
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<ObjectGuid,unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > _List = 0x1F65E9E76D0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<ObjectGuid const ,unsigned int> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E76E0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
ObjectGuid _lastDamagedTargetGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
GridReference<Player> _gridRef
LinkedListElement* iNext = NULL
LinkedListElement* iPrev = NULL
GridRefMgr<Player>* iRefTo = NULL
Player* iRefFrom = NULL
std::string autoReplyMsg = ""
PlayerTaxi m_taxi
unsigned int[14] m_taximask
[0] = 0x400
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x4
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_TaxiDestinations
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned int>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned int> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7790
unsigned int _taxiSegment = 0x0
int m_logintime = 0x628F0550
int m_Last_tick = 0x628F0F2E
unsigned int[2] m_Played_time
[0] = 0x9DE
[1] = 0x9DE
bool m_mailsUpdated = 0x0
unsigned int unReadMails = 0x0
int m_nextMailDelivereTime = 0x0
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,Item *,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > mMitems
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x3F800000
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A7480
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x3F800000
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,Item *,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > _List = 0x1F65E9E77E0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,Item *> > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E77F0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
PvPInfo pvpInfo
bool IsHostile = 0x0
bool IsInHostileArea = 0x0
bool IsInNoPvPArea = 0x0
bool IsInFFAPvPArea = 0x0
int EndTimer = 0x0
int FFAPvPEndTimer = 0x0
std::unique_ptr<DuelInfo,std::default_delete<DuelInfo> > duel
std::_Compressed_pair<std::default_delete<DuelInfo>,DuelInfo *,1> _Mypair
DuelInfo* _Myval2 = NULL
PlayerMenu* PlayerTalkClass = 0x1F65F094740
GossipMenu _gossipMenu
std::map<unsigned int,GossipMenuItem,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GossipMenuItem> > > _menuItems = 0x1F65F094740
std::map<unsigned int,GossipMenuItemData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,GossipMenuItemData> > > _menuItemData = 0x1F65F094750
unsigned int _menuId = 0x0
int _locale = 0x0
QuestMenu _questMenu
std::vector<QuestMenuItem,std::allocator<QuestMenuItem> > _questMenuItems = 0x1F65F094768
WorldSession* _session = 0x1F65E24D410
int m_muteTime = 0x0
std::atomic<__int64> m_timeOutTime = 0x0
unsigned int _lastAuctionListItemsMSTime = 0x0
unsigned int _lastAuctionListOwnerItemsMSTime = 0x0
AsyncCallbackProcessor<QueryCallback> _queryProcessor = 0x1F65E24D428
AsyncCallbackProcessor<TransactionCallback> _transactionCallbacks = 0x1F65E24D440
AsyncCallbackProcessor<SQLQueryHolderCallback> _queryHolderProcessor = 0x1F65E24D458
WorldSession* Session = NULL
int _policy = 0x0
std::unordered_map<unsigned short,PacketCounter,std::hash<unsigned short>,std::equal_to<unsigned short>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned short const ,PacketCounter> > > _PacketThrottlingMap = 0x1F65E24D420
WorldSession::DosProtection AntiDOS = 0x1F65E24D470
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _legitCharacters = 0x1F65E24D4C0
unsigned int m_GUIDLow = 0xA8
Player* _player = 0x1F65E9E59A0
std::shared_ptr<WorldSocket> m_Socket = 0x1F65E24D4E0
std::string m_Address = "bot"
int _security = 0x0
bool _skipQueue = 0x0
unsigned int _accountId = 0x11
std::string _accountName = ""
unsigned int m_expansion = 0x2
unsigned int m_total_time = 0x9DE
std::unique_ptr<Warden,std::default_delete<Warden> > _warden = 0x0
int _logoutTime = 0x0
bool m_inQueue = 0x0
bool m_playerLoading = 0x0
bool m_playerLogout = 0x0
bool m_playerSave = 0x0
int m_sessionDbcLocale = 0x0
int m_sessionDbLocaleIndex = 0x0
std::atomic<unsigned int> m_latency = 0x0
AccountData[8] m_accountData
[0] = 0x1F65E24D568
[1] = 0x1F65E24D590
[2] = 0x1F65E24D5B8
[3] = 0x1F65E24D5E0
[4] = 0x1F65E24D608
[5] = 0x1F65E24D630
[6] = 0x1F65E24D658
[7] = 0x1F65E24D680
unsigned int[8] m_Tutorials
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
bool m_TutorialsChanged = 0x0
std::list<AddonInfo,std::allocator<AddonInfo> > m_addonsList = 0x1F65E24D6D0
unsigned int recruiterId = 0x0
bool isRecruiter = 0x0
LockedQueue<WorldPacket *,std::deque<WorldPacket *,std::allocator<WorldPacket *> > > _recvQueue = 0x1F65E24D6E8
unsigned int m_currentVendorEntry = 0x0
ObjectGuid m_currentBankerGUID = 0x0
unsigned int _offlineTime = 0x0
bool _kicked = 0x0
bool _shouldSetOfflineInDB = 0x1
int _calendarEventCreationCooldown = 0x0
CircularBuffer<std::pair<__int64,unsigned int> > _timeSyncClockDeltaQueue = 0x1F65E24D790
int _timeSyncClockDelta = 0x0
std::map<unsigned int,unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,unsigned int> > > _pendingTimeSyncRequests = 0x1F65E24D810
unsigned int _timeSyncNextCounter = 0xFC
unsigned int _timeSyncTimer = 0x1D14
bool _isBot = 0x1
std::vector<ItemSetEffect *,std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *> > ItemSetEff
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<ItemSetEffect *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<ItemSetEffect *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E7840
SafeUnitPointer m_mover
Unit* ptr = 0x1F65E9E59A0
Unit* defaultValue = 0x1F65E9E59A0
WorldObject* m_seer = 0x1F65E9E59A0
<user defined> m_stealth = 0x1F65E9E5A5C
<user defined> m_stealthDetect = 0x1F65E9E5A68
<user defined> m_invisibility = 0x1F65E9E5A74
<user defined> m_invisibilityDetect = 0x1F65E9E5AA8
<user defined> m_serverSideVisibility = 0x1F65E9E5ADC
<user defined> m_serverSideVisibilityDetect = 0x1F65E9E5AE8
unsigned int LastUsedScriptID = 0x0
<user defined> m_movementInfo = 0x1F65E9E5AF8
<user defined> elunaEvents = 0x0
<user defined> m_name = 0x1F65E9E5B70
bool m_isActive = 0x1
bool m_isFarVisible = 0x0
<user defined> m_visibilityDistanceOverride = 0x0
bool m_isWorldObject = 0x1
<user defined> m_zoneScript = 0x0
unsigned int _zoneId = 0x55
unsigned int _areaId = 0x9A
float _floorZ = 94.417076
bool _outdoors = 0x1
<user defined> _liquidData = 0x1F65E9E5BB8
bool _updatePositionData = 0x0
<user defined> m_transport = 0x0
<user defined> m_currMap = 0x1F61FD1DCD0
unsigned int m_InstanceId = 0x0
unsigned int m_phaseMask = 0x1
bool m_useCombinedPhases = 0x1
unsigned int m_notifyflags = 0x0
unsigned int m_executed_notifies = 0x0
<user defined> _allowedLooters = 0x1F65E9E5BF0
std::set<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_isInSharedVisionOf
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<Unit *,std::less<Unit *>,std::allocator<Unit *>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7870
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7870
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<Unit *>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<Unit *,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<Unit *> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7870
unsigned int m_recallMap = 0x0
float m_recallX = 1676.709961
float m_recallY = 1678.310059
float m_recallZ = 121.669998
float m_recallO = 2.705260
unsigned int m_homebindMapId = 0x0
unsigned int m_homebindAreaId = 0x55
float m_homebindX = 1676.709961
float m_homebindY = 1678.310059
float m_homebindZ = 121.669998
std::unordered_set<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_clientGUIDs
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E78A8
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
<user defined> _Range_eraser = 0x1F65E9E78A8
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F65E9E78A8
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F65E9E78A8
std::_Uset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::_Uhash_compare<ObjectGuid,std::hash<ObjectGuid>,std::equal_to<ObjectGuid> >,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > _List = 0x1F65E9E78B0
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_const_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,std::_Iterator_base0> > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E78C0
unsigned int _Mask = 0x1FF
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x200
std::vector<Unit *,std::allocator<Unit *> > m_newVisible
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Unit *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Unit *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E78E8
unsigned int[9] m_forced_speed_changes
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x1
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x0
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_DFQuests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65F0A7990
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65F0A7990
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7910
unsigned int m_HomebindTimer = 0x0
bool m_InstanceValid = 0x1
Spell* m_spellModTakingSpell = NULL
bool isDebugAreaTriggers = 0x0
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorForBG = 0x0
unsigned int m_pendingSpectatorInviteInstanceId = 0x0
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > m_receivedSpectatorResetFor
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7940
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7940
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7940
ObjectGuid m_drwGUID
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
unsigned int m_charmUpdateTimer = 0x0
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > WhisperList
std::list<ObjectGuid,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> >& _List = 0x1F65F062450
std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *>* _Head = NULL
<user defined>* _Tail = NULL
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_List_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1> _Mypair
std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<ObjectGuid> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E7960
bool m_NeedToSaveGlyphs = 0x0
unsigned int m_MountBlockId = 0x0
float m_realDodge = 0.000000
float m_realParry = 0.000000
unsigned int[10] m_charmAISpells
[0] = 0x0
[1] = 0x0
[2] = 0x0
[3] = 0x0
[4] = 0x85
[5] = 0x0
[6] = 0x0
[7] = 0x0
[8] = 0x0
[9] = 0x0
unsigned int m_AreaID = 0x0
unsigned int m_regenTimerCount = 0x6FF
unsigned int m_foodEmoteTimerCount = 0x317
float[7] m_powerFraction
[0] = 0.024753
[1] = 0.000000
[2] = 0.000000
[3] = 0.000000
[4] = 0.000000
[5] = 0.000000
[6] = 0.000000
unsigned int m_contestedPvPTimer = 0x0
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x0
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x7FF7
std::array<Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec,2> _BgBattlegroundQueueID
unsigned int bgQueueTypeId = 0x7
unsigned int invitedToInstance = 0x1
Player::BgBattlegroundQueueID_Rec[2] _Elems
[0] = 0x100000007
[1] = 0x0
BGData m_bgData
unsigned int bgInstanceID = 0x1
unsigned int bgTypeID = 0x20
int bgTeamId = 0x1
unsigned int bgQueueSlot = 0x0
bool isInvited = 0x1
bool bgIsRandom = 0x1
std::set<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid> > bgAfkReporter
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<ObjectGuid,std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::allocator<ObjectGuid>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A00
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A00
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<ObjectGuid>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<ObjectGuid,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<ObjectGuid> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A00
unsigned int bgAfkReportedCount = 0x0
int bgAfkReportedTimer = 0x628F0FDC
bool m_IsBGRandomWinner = 0x0
EntryPointData m_entryPointData
unsigned int mountSpell = 0x0
std::vector<unsigned int,std::allocator<unsigned int> > taxiPath
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<unsigned int>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<unsigned int> >,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A30
WorldLocation joinPos
Position* Pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
<user defined> m_pos = 0x44CBA38544EB5E14
float m_positionX = 1882.939941
float m_positionY = 1629.109985
float m_positionZ = 94.417503
float m_orientation = 0.000000
unsigned int m_mapId = 0x0
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_timedquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x5F0A7840
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x5F0A7840
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A60
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_weeklyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A70
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A70
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A70
std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_monthlyquests
std::_Tree<std::_Tset_traits<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A80
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E7A80
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<unsigned int,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<unsigned int> >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7A80
std::unordered_map<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > m_seasonalquests
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E7A90
std::_Hash<std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> >* _Target = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > >& _List = 0x3F800000
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Predecessor = 0x1F65F0A71B0
std::_List_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,void *>* _Next = NULL
<user defined> _Equal_range_result = 0x1F65E9E7A90
<user defined> _Multi_equal_check_result = 0x1F65E9E7A90
std::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> >,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > >,0> _Traitsobj = 0x3F800000
std::list<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > >,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > _List = 0x1F65E9E7A98
std::_Hash_vec<std::allocator<std::_List_unchecked_iterator<std::_List_val<std::_List_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,std::set<unsigned int,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > > > > > > > _Vec = 0x1F65E9E7AA8
unsigned int _Mask = 0x7
unsigned int _Maxidx = 0x8
ObjectGuid m_divider
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
unsigned int m_ingametime = 0x15FAB
int m_lastHonorUpdateTime = 0x628F0D65
ObjectGuid m_lootGuid
unsigned int _guid = 0x0
int m_team = 0x1
unsigned int m_nextSave = 0x6C556
unsigned int m_additionalSaveTimer = 0x0
unsigned int m_additionalSaveMask = 0x0
unsigned int m_hostileReferenceCheckTimer = 0x3336
int m_speakTime = 0x628F0B25
unsigned int m_speakCount = 0x1
int m_dungeonDifficulty = 0x0
int m_raidDifficulty = 0x0
int m_raidMapDifficulty = 0x0
unsigned int m_atLoginFlags = 0x0
Item*[150] m_items
[0] = NULL
[1] = NULL
[2] = NULL
[3] = NULL
[4] = 0x1F63781C480
[5] = NULL
[6] = NULL
[7] = 0x1F63781C860
[8] = NULL
[9] = NULL
unsigned int m_currentBuybackSlot = 0x4A
std::vector<Item *,std::allocator<Item *> > m_itemUpdateQueue
std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<Item *>,std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> >,1> _Mypair
std::_Vector_val<std::_Simple_types<Item *> > _Myval2 = 0x1F65E9E7FD8
bool m_itemUpdateQueueBlocked = 0x0
unsigned int m_ExtraFlags = 0xC
std::map<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > > m_QuestStatus
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,QuestStatusData,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65F0941A0
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65F0941A0
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65F0941A0
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,QuestStatusData> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E7FF8
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E7FF8
std::map<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > > m_QuestStatusSave
std::_Tree<std::_Tmap_traits<unsigned int,bool,std::less<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> >,0> >
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E8008
<user defined> _Copy_tag = 0x1F65E9E8008
<user defined> _Move_tag = 0x1F65E9E8008
std::_Compressed_pair<std::less<unsigned int>,std::_Compressed_pair<std::allocator<std::_Tree_node<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool>,void *> >,std::_Tree_val<std::_Tree_simple_types<std::pair<unsigned int const ,bool> > >,1>,1> _Mypair = 0x1F65E9E8008
<user defined> value_compare = 0x1F65E9E8008
std::unordered_set<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<unsigned int> > m_RewardedQuests
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >
<user defined> _Min_buckets_construct_ptr = 0x1F65E9E8018
std::_Hash<std::_Uset_traits<unsigned int,std::_Uhash_compare<unsigned int,std::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<unsigned int>,0> >* _Target = 0x3F80000
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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