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Using Frozlunky, you can screw with enemy AIs to give them other behaviours. A lot of options aren't labeled, so here's what I found after experimenting with them:
132 - Tiny and pulsating; otherwise normal?
1fe - Animations and event timers break
3ec - Enemies charge and grunt at you on sight
3f1 - Enemies grunt on sight
3f3 - Hawk-head jumping
3fc - Vampire
416 - Some enemies vibrate for a few seconds, then die when you get near them. General broken-ness
429 - Enemies rapidly move back and forth
heyjoeway / sshrdp.ps1
Created May 1, 2019 16:49
RDP over SSH (Powershell)
$sshProcess = Start-Process "ssh" -ArgumentList "-fNTC -L${rdpDestPort}:${rdpSourcePort} $sshUri -p $sshPort" -PassThru
Start-Process "mstsc" -ArgumentList "/v:${rdpDestPort}" -Wait
Stop-Process -Id $sshProcess.Id -Force