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Created July 2, 2013 17:33
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Hack to monkey patch in the old Locust HTTP client into the current locust version (0.6.2)
from locust import Locust, TaskSet, task
import old_client
class MyTasks(TaskSet):
def index(self):
def test404(self):
class MyLocust(Locust):
task_set = MyTasks
min_wait = 1000
max_wait = 1000
host = ""
import urllib2
import urllib
import time
import base64
from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError
from httplib import BadStatusLine
import socket
from StringIO import StringIO
import gzip
from locust import events
from locust.exception import ResponseError
from locust.exception import LocustError
class NoneContext(object):
def __enter__(self):
return None
def __exit__(self, exc, value, traceback):
return True
def log_request(f):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
request_method = args[1]
name = kwargs.get('name', args[2]) or args[2]
if "catch_response" in kwargs:
catch_response = kwargs["catch_response"]
del kwargs["catch_response"]
catch_response = False
if "allow_http_error" in kwargs:
allow_http_error = kwargs["allow_http_error"]
del kwargs["allow_http_error"]
allow_http_error = False
start = time.time()
retval = f(*args, **kwargs)
except HTTPError, ex:
if allow_http_error:
retval = ex.locust_http_response
retval.exception = ex
raise ex
retval.catch_response = catch_response
retval.allow_http_error = allow_http_error
response_time = int((time.time() - start) * 1000)
if catch_response:
retval._trigger_success = lambda :, name, response_time, int("Content-Length") or 0))
retval._trigger_failure = lambda e :, name, response_time, e, None)
else:, name, response_time, int("Content-Length") or 0))
return retval
except Exception, e:
response_time = int((time.time() - start) * 1000)
response = None
if isinstance(e, HTTPError):
e.msg += " (" + request_method + " " + name + ")"
response = e.locust_http_response
elif isinstance(e, URLError) or isinstance(e, BadStatusLine):
e.args = tuple(list(e.args) + [request_method, name])
elif isinstance(e, socket.error):
raise, name, response_time, e, response)
if catch_response:
return NoneContext()
return None
return _wrapper
class HttpBasicAuthHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler):
def __init__(self, username, password):
self.username = username
self.password = password
def http_request(self, request):
base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password)).replace('\n', '')
request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
return request
#Do the same thing for https requests
https_request = http_request
class HttpResponse(object):
An instance of HttpResponse is returned by HttpBrowser's get and post functions.
It contains response data for the request that was made.
url = None
"""URL that was requested"""
code = None
"""HTTP response code"""
data = None
"""Response data"""
catch_response = False
allow_http_error = False
_trigger_success = None
_trigger_failure = None
def __init__(self, method, url, name, code, data, info, gzip):
self.method = method
self.url = url
self._name = name
self.code = code = data
self._info = info
self._gzip = gzip
self._decoded = False
def info(self):
urllib2 info object containing info about the response
return self._info()
def _get_data(self):
if self._gzip and not self._decoded and self._info().get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip":
self._data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO(self._data)).read()
self._decoded = True
return self._data
def _set_data(self, data):
self._data = data
def __enter__(self):
if not self.catch_response:
raise LocustError("If using response in a with() statement you must use catch_response=True")
return self
def __exit__(self, exc, value, traceback):
if exc:
if isinstance(value, ResponseError):
raise value
return True
data = property(_get_data, _set_data)
class HttpBrowser(object):
Class for performing web requests and holding session cookie between requests (in order
to be able to log in to websites).
Logs each request so that locust can display statistics.
def __init__(self, base_url, gzip=False):
self.base_url = base_url
self.gzip = gzip
handlers = [urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor()]
# Check for basic authentication
parsed_url = urlparse(self.base_url)
if parsed_url.username and parsed_url.password:
netloc = parsed_url.hostname
if parsed_url.port:
netloc += ":%d" % parsed_url.port
# remove username and password from the base_url
self.base_url = urlunparse((parsed_url.scheme, netloc, parsed_url.path, parsed_url.params, parsed_url.query, parsed_url.fragment))
auth_handler = HttpBasicAuthHandler(parsed_url.username, parsed_url.password)
self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers)
def get(self, path, headers={}, name=None, **kwargs):
Make an HTTP GET request.
* *path* is the relative path to request.
* *headers* is an optional dict with HTTP request headers
* *name* is an optional argument that can be specified to use as label in the statistics instead of the path
* *catch_response* is an optional boolean argument that, if set, can be used to make a request with a with statement.
This will allows the request to be marked as a fail based on the content of the response, even if the
response code is ok (2xx).
* *allow_http_error* os an optional boolean argument, that, if set, can be used to not mark responses with
HTTP errors as failures. If an HTTPError occurs, it will be available in the *exception* attribute of the
Returns an HttpResponse instance, or None if the request failed.
client = HttpBrowser("")
response = client.get("/")
Example using the with statement::
from locust import ResponseError
with self.client.get("/inbox", catch_response=True) as response:
if == "fail":
raise ResponseError("Request failed")
return self._request('GET', path, None, headers=headers, name=name, **kwargs)
def post(self, path, data, headers={}, name=None, **kwargs):
Make an HTTP POST request.
* *path* is the relative path to request.
* *data* dict with the data that will be sent in the body of the POST request
* *headers* is an optional dict with HTTP request headers
* *name* is an optional argument that can be specified to use as label in the statistics instead of the path
* *catch_response* is an optional boolean argument that, if set, can be used to make a request with a with statement.
This will allows the request to be marked as a fail based on the content of the response, even if the
response code is ok (2xx).
* *allow_http_error* os an optional boolean argument, that, if set, can be used to not mark responses with
HTTP errors as failures. If an HTTPError occurs, it will be available in the *exception* attribute of the
Returns an HttpResponse instance, or None if the request failed.
client = HttpBrowser("")
response ="/post", {"user":"joe_hill"})
Example using the with statement::
from locust import ResponseError
with"/inbox", {"user":"ada", content="Hello!"}, catch_response=True) as response:
if == "fail":
raise ResponseError("Posting of inbox message failed")
return self._request('POST', path, data, headers=headers, name=name, **kwargs)
def put(self, path, data, headers={}, name=None, **kwargs):
return self._request('PUT', path, data, headers=headers, name=name, **kwargs)
def delete(self, path, headers={}, name=None, **kwargs):
return self._request('DELETE', path, None, headers=headers, name=name, **kwargs)
def head(self, path, headers={}, name=None, **kwargs):
return self._request('HEAD', path, None, headers=headers, name=name, **kwargs)
def _request(self, method, path, data=None, headers={}, name=None):
if self.gzip:
headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "gzip"
if data is not None:
data = urllib.urlencode(data)
except TypeError:
pass # ignore if someone sends in an already prepared string
url = self.base_url + path
request = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
request.get_method = lambda: method
f =
data =
except HTTPError, e:
data =
e.locust_http_response = HttpResponse(method, url, name, e.code, data,, self.gzip)
raise e
return HttpResponse(method, url, name, f.code, data,, self.gzip)
def patch():
from locust import core
core.HttpSession = HttpBrowser
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