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Last active December 9, 2019 17:40
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Web Technology for Progressive Candidates

Securing Your Campaign and Personal Life Online

The more aware of privacy and security concerns you are, and the more active you are in protecting your privacy and security online, the better prepared you'll be to look out for your constituents' privacy and data rights.

Read What I Learned Trying To Secure Congressional Campaigns, by Maciej Cegłowski.

Take security seriously, whether it's your own personal data, your campaign's data, or data belonging to your team or constituents.

Start with the


Consider using a VPN, particularly when on public wifi or cellular networks. I've used Private Internet Access, but after some recent merger/acquisition concerns I am now using Mullvad. ProtonVPN is also a good option.


Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) wherever available.

Use a password manager and generate unique passwords for each website or web app. (1Password, LastPass, KeePassXC (free, macOS))

Your Email Account

Your Inbox

Consider paying to host your email with a provider that values privacy. I've paid to host my email accounts with Fastmail for years. ProtonMail is another good option. Both offer web-based inboxes, which I use exclusively. Fastmail offers a free trial while ProtonMail offers a basic free plan. Paid plans allow you to use your own domain and offer more storage.

Your Use of Web Apps

Collaborative Apps

Google Docs are helpful collaborative tools! Consider:

  1. Logging into Google Docs with a Gmail address distinct from your correspondence address.
  2. Logging into Google Docs in a web browser that isn't your day-to-day use browser, so that the rest of your browsing habits aren't tracked. For example, I use Firefox for day-to-day browsing and development work; I use Chrome for Google Docs (and site testing). (I'd suggest using this web browser to log in to social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, as well.)

Messaging Apps

Use Signal rather than SMS or social media messaging platforms.

Apps I Like

Basecamp and Trello are both established web apps used for project management, planning, or organizing information. Trello offers free plans and Basecamp recently announced free personal accounts.

Your Website

Accessibility & performance are critical factors in your site's design & build.


Also referred to as a11y, website accessibility is the online equivalent of ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance. Can your website be used by folks who use screen readers to compensate for impaired vision? Is it usable by those who are color-blind? Many users cannot use a mouse and navigate by keyboard or voice commands—can they use your site?

And keep in mind: the better your website supports accessibility, by making sure content is accessible to software tools, the better it's optimized for search engines, too.


A performant website provides a better user experience. It's also a more accessible site. Consider constituents using older computers, dial-up modems, or mobile devices on cellular networks. Optimizing your site to be lean and fast-loading reduces friction & frustration, and ensures you're connecting with everyone interested in your message.

Read about performance & government websites.


Professional photography, consistent voice & tone, and consistent branding elements—including typography and color palette—help ensure your message resonates. Your website's interaction model should be frictionless, embracing utility over novelty and convention over cleverness. Website vistors should be able to quickly orient themselves, find crucial information, and complete a task, whether that be signing up for email, making a donation, or getting in touch with your campaign.


There's a lot to consider here, and how your site is built is a factor. It's worth pointing out that you can host a fast, updateable site for free using GitHub Pages. My site——is a GitHub Pages website. (With Forestry you can even post news updates to your GitHub Pages site for free, using a friendly interface.)

I've been a long time Arcustech customer for paid servers. Hosting with GreenGeeks or Greenhost might also be an option.

Your Email Campaigns

Email has long provided great ROI when it comes to connecting with a target audience. Not everyone is on social media, but everyone has an email address, and if they've granted you permission to contact them, they're primed to receive your messsage.

Use social media to get your message in front of voters and constituents. But always strive for permission to communicate with them on an ongoing basis, using opt-in email subscriber lists.

Check out some data on the 2020 Democratic Primary campaigns and their use of email.

Technology Issues

At the municipal and state level, community/municipal broadband networks are something that should be championed & defended. The Institute for Local Self-Reliance maintains a resource site on community broadband networks.

Fight for the Future and the EFF are good starting points to get up to speed on privacy & net neutrality issues.

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