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Created September 6, 2022 13:54
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function OptimizationFriendly({ loading, loaded }) {
const [isLoading, setLoading] = React.useState(true)
React.useEffect(() => setLoading(false), [])
return isLoading ? loading : loaded
function LogInButton() { ... }
function GoToDashboardButton() { ... }
function MyComponent() {
// This isn't optimization-friendly because of "document"
const isLoggedIn = document.cookie.includes("session")
return isLoggedIn ? <GoToDashboardButton /> : <LogInButton />
export const MyOptimizationFriendlyComponent =
// Always show the LogIn button while the page is loading,
// and thus showing the pre-rendered content.
loading={<LogInButton />}
// After the page loads, we'll check the actual logged-in
// status and either switch to the GoToDashboard button, or
// keep the LogIn button.
loaded={<MyComponent />}
export const MyOptimizationFriendlyComponent =
loaded={<MyComponent />}
function withLoggedIn(Component) {
return (props) => {
// This isn't optimization-friendly because of "document"
const isLoggedIn = document.cookie.includes("session")
return <Component isLoggedIn={isLoggedIn} {...props} />
function withOptimizationFriendlyLoggedIn(Component) {
return (props) => {
const ComponentWithLoggedIn = withLoggedIn(Component)
return <OptimizationFriendly
loading={<Component isLoggedIn={false} {...props} />}
loaded={<ComponentWithLoggedIn {...props} />}
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