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Created September 6, 2018 18:55
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Explanation and Implementation of the Lambda Calculus using Scala
package lambdacalculus
* Abstract Syntax (AST) for lambda terms
* In the simplest form of lambda calculus, terms are built using only the following rules:
* Variable (x)
* A character or string representing a parameter.
* Abstraction (λx.M)
* Function definition (M is a lambda term). The variable x becomes bound in the expression.
* Application (M N)
* Applying a function to an argument. M and N are lambda terms.
sealed trait Term
case class Var(name: Symbol) extends Term
case class Lambda(param: Var, body: Term) extends Term
case class Apply(left: Term, right: Term) extends Term
object Interpreter {
* The set of free variables of a lambda expression, M, is denoted as FV(M) and is defined
* by recursion on the structure of the terms, as follows:
* FV(x) = {x}, where x is a variable
* FV(λx.M) = FV(M) \ {x}
* FV(M N) = FV(M) ∪ FV(N)
def fv(e: Term): Set[Var] = e match {
case v: Var => Set(v)
case Lambda(p, b) => fv(b) diff Set(p)
case Apply(l, r) => fv(l) union fv(r)
// combinator to check whether a variable `v` is free in lambda term `e`
def hasFv(e: Term, v: Var): Boolean = fv(e).contains(v)
* Substitution, written E[V := R], is the process of replacing all free
* occurrences of the variable V in the expression E with expression R.
* x[x := N] ≡ N
* y[x := N] ≡ y, if x ≠ y
* (M1 M2)[x := N] ≡ (M1[x := N]) (M2[x := N])
* (λx.M)[x := N] ≡ λx.M
* (λy.M)[x := N] ≡ λy.(M[x := N]), if x ≠ y, provided y ∉ FV(N)
def subst(E: Term, V: Var, R: Term): Term = E match {
case _: Var if E == V => R
case Lambda(p, b) if !hasFv(R, p) && p != V =>
Lambda(p, subst(b, V, R))
case Lambda(p, _) if p != V => subst(alpha(E), V, R) // uses α-conversion
case Apply(l, r) => Apply(subst(l, V, R), subst(r, V, R))
case _ => E
// variable renaming - naive implementation
private val rename: Var => Var = {
var i = 0
v: Var => {
i += 1
* α-conversion - renaming the bound (formal) variables in the expression. Used to avoid name collisions.
* (λx.M[x]) → (λy.M[y])
def alpha(e: Term): Term = {
e match {
case Lambda(p, b) =>
val p1 = rename(p)
Lambda(p1, subst(b, p, p1))
case _ => e
* β-reduction - replacing the bound variable with the argument expression in the body of the abstraction.
* ((λx.M) E) → (M[x:=E])
* η-conversion - two functions are the same if and only if they give the same result for all arguments
* (λx.Mx) → (M) when M does not contain x free
def reduce(e: Term): Term = {
* check if lambda term `e` is reducible or not
def reducible(e: Term): Boolean = e match {
case Apply(_: Var, _) => false // if left is variable, already reduced form
case _: Var => false // variable is already reduced form
case _ => true // everything else is reducible
e match {
case Lambda(x1, Apply(m, x2)) if !hasFv(m, x1) && x1 == x2 => // uses η-conversion
case Apply(Lambda(p, b), a) => // function application
reduce(subst(b, p, reduce(a)))
case Apply(l, r) if reducible(l) || reducible(r) => // if one of them is reducible, reduce both
reduce(Apply(reduce(l), reduce(r))) // and reduce whole lambda term again
case _ => e // reduced form
object Compiler {
* compile lambda term (AST) to lambda notation
* @param e lambda term
* @return string as lambda notation
def notation(e: Term): String = e match {
case Var(s) =>
case Lambda(p, b) => s"λ${}.${notation(b)}"
case Apply(l, r) => s"(${notation(l)})(${notation(r)})"
case _ => "unknown lambda terms"
* compile lambda term (AST) to scheme code
* @param e lambda term
* @return string as scheme code
def scheme(e: Term): String = e match {
case Var(s) =>
case Lambda(p, b) => s"(lambda (${}) ${scheme(b)})"
case Apply(l, r) => s"(${scheme(l)} ${scheme(r)})"
case _ => "unknown lambda terms"
* compile lambda term (AST) to javascript code
* @param e lambda term
* @return string as javascript code
def javascript(e: Term): String = e match {
case Var(s) =>
case Lambda(p, b) => s"function (${}) { return ${javascript(b)} }"
case Apply(l, r) => s"${javascript(l)}(${javascript(r)})"
case _ => "unknown lambda terms"
* compile lambda term (AST) to ruby code
* @param e lambda term
* @return string as ruby code
def ruby(e: Term): String = e match {
case Var(s) =>
case Lambda(p, b) => s"-> ${} { ${ruby(b)} }"
case Apply(l, r) => s"${ruby(l)}[${ruby(r)}]"
case _ => "unknown lambda terms"
object Expression {
val x = Var('x)
val y = Var('y)
val z = Var('z)
val m = Var('m)
val n = Var('n)
val f = Var('f)
val id = Lambda(x, x)
val free = Lambda(x, y)
val zero = Lambda(f, Lambda(x, x))
val one = Lambda(f, Lambda(x, Apply(f, x)))
val inc = Lambda(n, Lambda(f, Lambda(x, Apply(f, Apply(Apply(n, f), x)))))
val add = Lambda(m, Lambda(n, Apply(Apply(n, inc), m)))
val e1 = Apply(Apply(one, id), z)
val e2 = Lambda(x, Apply(f, x))
val un = Lambda(x, Apply(Lambda(x, Apply(f, x)), x))
object Demo extends App {
import Interpreter._
import Compiler._
import Expression._
val two = Apply(Apply(add, one), one) // adding one and one
val reducedTwo = reduce(two) // reduced form
assert(notation(two) == "((λm.λn.((n)(λn.λf.λx.(f)(((n)(f))(x))))(m))(λf.λx.(f)(x)))(λf.λx.(f)(x))")
assert(notation(reducedTwo) == "λf.λx.(f)(((λf.λx.(f)(x))(f))(x))")
assert(scheme(reducedTwo) == "(lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (((lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x))) f) x))))")
assert(javascript(reducedTwo) ==
"function (f) { return function (x) { return f(function (f) { return function (x) { return f(x) } }(f)(x)) } }")
assert(ruby(reducedTwo) == "-> f { -> x { f[-> f { -> x { f[x] } }[f][x]] } }")
val inc = Var('inc) // assume `inc` is increment function
val zero = Var('zero) // assume `zero` is decimal number
val two1 = Apply(Apply(reducedTwo, inc), zero) // applying `inc` twice to `zero`
val reducedTwo1 = reduce(two1) // reduced form
assert(notation(two1) == "((λf.λx.(f)(((λf.λx.(f)(x))(f))(x)))(inc))(zero)")
assert(notation(reducedTwo1) == "(inc)((inc)(zero))")
assert(scheme(reducedTwo1) == "(inc (inc zero))")
assert(javascript(reducedTwo1) == "inc(inc(zero))")
assert(ruby(reducedTwo1) == "inc[inc[zero]]")
assert(notation(free) == "λx.y")
// λx.y[y := x]
assert(notation(subst(free, y, x)) == "λx1.x", "it uses α-conversion to perform capture avoiding substitution")
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