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Last active June 26, 2022 07:43
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Hangout Cup | Final Standings

Hangout Cup

Diabotical Time Trials Event

Final Results
Player Race Vint Comb Rank
Traumaqueen 13 14 27 1
Mazze 14 9 23 2
Chamburs 7 13 20 3
Brainfluid 8 12 20 4
Ninya06 12 0 12 5
Sphere 5 7 11 6
eLim2g 9 0 9 7
Begi 0 8 8 8
Raven 3 4 7 9
ferrocz 6 0 6 10
Neoxotb 0 6 6 11
DeliosAxis 0 5 5 12
eztmorf 4 0 4 13
wacksir 1 3 4 14
KraXXXel 2 0 2 15


Ranking System

: 1pt for participation
: 1pt for each player below you
: 2pt for finishing in top3

Tie breaking:
1: Highest points achieved in any of the rounds
2: Alphabetical order otherwise

DNF and DNQ:
: 0pt for DNF or DNQ
: Disconnects / Leaves count as DNF
: Round standings are based on times at the end of the match

Standings per Map

Mediterranee (Race) 
Player Rank Pts Time
Mazze 1 14 22.175
Traumaqueen 2 13 22.620
Ninya06 3 12 22.877
eLim2g 4 9 22.974
Brainfluid 5 8 23.270
Chamburs 6 7 23.293
ferrocz 7 6 23.951
Sphere 8 5 24.089
eztmorf 9 4 26.047
Raven 10 3 26.097
KraXXXel 11 2 32.690
wacksir 12 1 1:00.805
Fungal Fun (Vintage)
Player Rank Pts Time
Traumaqueen 1 14 29.486
Chamburs 2 13 29.576
Brainfluid 3 12 30.005
Mazze 4 9 30.380
begixd 5 8 30.391
Sphere 6 7 30.959
Neoxotb 7 6 31.343
DeliosAxis 8 5 31.603
Raven 9 4 33.394
Wacksir 10 3 35.864
Kanz DNF 0 00.000
 :: Extra Map ::
 Polare (Vintage)
Player Rank Time
night._ 1 22.303
Chamburs 2 22.582
begixd 3 23.636
Mazze 4 24.461
Neoxotb 5 26.689
Sphere 6 30.018
Raven 7 30.549

Event Announcement text

Announcing: Hangout Cup

One-day TimeTrials event
Race + Vintage combined standings
A Hangout with friends
None of the prize, all of the fun

# When / Where
- Saturday 25th June
- 20:00h CEST

# What is Hangout Cup
- One day event
- Two new maps
  - Never released before
  - Fully arted / tested

# How will it work
- Two hours (1h per map)
  - Race map, by sOkam!
  - Vintage map, by Hobo & Brain
- Final standings: Combined from both physics
- Casual competition
- None of the prize, all of the fun

# Why
- I want to say my goodbye to Diabotical in a fun way
- What's better for that, than spending an afternoon of racing
# Extra info
- Anyone can participate (even if you tested/played the maps)
- We will be hanging out in voice chat. (discord server)
  Spending the afternoon with our dbt racing friends
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