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Created May 19, 2015 13:22
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This script will scan services ImgPath in the registry for # unquoted paths. Same script can be used to remediate by just changing # the variables below.
# NAME: RemediateRegImgPathVulnerability.ps1
# COMMENT: This script will scan services ImgPath in the registry for
# unquoted paths. Same script can be used to remediate by just changing
# the variables below.
# 1.0 18/05/2015 - Initial release
Function Get-ServicePathVulnerabilities {
Param (
$Fix = $true,
$Status = $null
) # End Param
Begin {
if ($Fix){Write-Verbose "Scan Mode: Fix"} else {Write-Verbose "Scan Mode: Audit"}
} # End Begin
Process {
# Gather Services information from WMI
$Services = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_service -Property name,pathname
# Filter out services that have been enclosed with quotations
$UnquotedPath = $Services | Where-Object {$_.PathName -notmatch '"'} | Select Name,PathName
# Loop through services without quotations
foreach ($Path in $UnquotedPath) {
$Drive = $Path.PathName | Split-Path -Qualifier
$Executable = $Path.PathName | Split-Path -Leaf
# Conditional Logic to determine vulnerability
# Note: Some service paths may be unquoted and include spaces, but not vulnerable. They could just be a path to executable (no spaces) with a command line switch parameter that may contain a space.
# To avoid false positives, the logic below will exclude spaces used in any parameters
if( ($Path.PathName -match ' ') -and ($Executable -notmatch ' ') -and ($Path.PathName -notmatch './') ) {
# Vulnerability Found
Write-Warning ("Unquoted Service Path Discovered for " + $Path.Name + " PATH: " + $Path.PathName)
$VulnerableServices += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
ServiceName = $Path.Name
ServicePath = $Path.PathName
HostName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
} # End Object
} # End conditional operators
} # End Foreach Path in UnquotedPath
# Attempt to encapsulate path in quotes if specified
if ($Fix) {
$VulnerableServices | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose ("Attempting to fix " + $_.Servicename)
$OriginalPath = $_.ServicePath
$QuotedServicePath = ('"' + $_.ServicePath + '"')
$RegistryLocation = ('HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\' + $_.ServiceName)
Try {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryLocation -Name ImagePath -Value $QuotedServicePath -Verbose
$_.ServicePath = $QuotedServicePath
} Catch {
Write-Error ("Unable to fix " + $_.Servicename)
} # End Try/Catch
} # End Foreach object in VulnerableServices
} # End if Fix was Specified
} # End Process
End {
if ($fix -Or !$VulnerableServices) {
$Status = "Compliant"
Write-Verbose "No Unquoted Service path Vulnerabilites have been found"
Write-Host $Status
} else {
$Status = "Non-Complaint"
Write-Host $Status
Return $VulnerableServices
} # End End
} # Get-ServicePathVulnerabilites
$LogPath = $env:WINDIR
if(!(Test-Path $LogPath)) {
New-Item $LogPath -ItemType Directory -Force
#Start-Transcript -Path $LogPath\ServicePathVulnerabilities.log -Append
#Start-Transcript -Path $LogPath\$env:COMPUTERNAME -Append
Write-Verbose "Scanning for Unquoted Service Path Vulnerabilities"
$GenLog = $True # Select $True or $False to ENable or Disable the creation of Log file.
$GetServicePathVulnerabilities = Get-ServicePathVulnerabilities -Verbose
# Export Findings if Log parameter is true
if ($GenLog) {
Try {
$GetServicePathVulnerabilities | Export-Clixml -Path $LogPath\Temp\SrvPathVulsRemediation.xml -Force -Verbose
} Catch {
Write-Error "Unable to export XML file to $LogPath"
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